Liberal Humanity Sound Body Profound Knowledge KAWASAKI GAKUEN Educational Foundation Organization Brochure 2017 Kawasaki Medical School Kawasaki Medical School Hospital Kawasaki Medical School General Medical Center Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare Kawasaki College of Allied Health Professions Kawasaki Senior High School Attached to Kawasaki Medical School 577 Matsushima, Kurashiki City, Okayama, 701-0192 Phone : +81-86-462-1111 Kawasaki Junior College of Rehabilitation E-mail:[email protected] URL : http://www.kawasaki-m.ac.jp/ 10th Edition: May 2017 Philosophy of Establishment Contents Stars in the sky, Developing Compassionate Humanity Philosophy of Establishment ・・・ 1 In order to be a competent physician, one must have common sense, be conscientious, warmhearted and trustworthy. For this reason, it is imperative to emphasize moral education. flowers on earth, Greetings ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1 Liberal Humanity and love for humanity. Founder ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 Creating a Sound Body Panoramic view of ・・・・・・・・・ 3 Kawasaki Gakuen Physicians must be patient-friendly, faithful, and dedicated. They must have physical strength as well as mental strength. In delivering sufficient medical care to patients, one must have physical fortitude generated from breadth of mind. History ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 5 Sound Body Organization of ・・・・・・・・・・・ 6 Kawasaki Gakuen Advancing Medical Science Founder In order to restore health and enable people to enjoy good health and minimize suffering, physicians must acquire and Kawasaki Medical School ・・・ 7 continually adapt to rapidly-advancing medical knowledge Sukenobu and skills to gain the gratitude of patients and society. At our group of medical institutions, the importance of intellectual training and practical education in medicine are key to Kawasaki MD, PhD Kawasaki Medical ・・・・・・・・・・ 9 achieving a successful outcome. Profound Knowledge School Hospital The avove were were laid down by Sukenobu Kawasaki, the founder of Kawasaki Gakuen in a commemorative publication “Completion of KAWASAKI GAKUEN” on the occasion of the Kawasaki Medical School ・・・13 completion of the Kawasaki Medical School building in 1973. General Medical Center Kawasaki University of ・・・・・・17 Greetings Medical Welfare KAWASAKI GAKUEN, currently consists of five educational institutions and two university hospitals: Kawasaki Medical School, Kawasaki Kawasaki College of ・・・・・・・21 Medical School Hospital, Kawasaki Medical School General Medical SSukenoe obbuu KawKawwasaas ki,kki, whwhowo wass borboo nni in Allied Health Professions Kagagoshososhimimaa Prefeeffeectut ree inin 19011990904,4 gragrgr duauauatedteteded Hospital, Kawasaki Senior High School Attached to Kawasaki Medical frofrom No.7.77 HiHighg Schooololo ZoZoshisshh kanka annd School, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, Kawasaki College of prorooceeeeededd too OkOkayayaayyaamam MedMeddicaicicaalCl Coollollll egeegeggee. AftAffteerr graaduad atiotit on,n hhe estesttablaabblb iisishsheded a Kawasaki Senior High School・・・ 23 Allied Health Professions and Kawasaki Junior College of Rehabilitation. sursurgigicgicala clicliinicn c inn OkOkayaayaamama CitCiCity.y InIn 19550,0 Attached to We made its initial steps in Kurashiki under the philosophy that were heh eestabablabbllishsheded KawKaawasas kiki HosHHooso pitpipitalal Kawasaki Medical School FouFoouundandndadatiotition (cu(c rrentlnttlly, KawKKaawasassaakik MedMeMedicacac l laid down by the founder Sukenobu Kawasaki in 1970: SchSScchoolooll GeGennererraall MedMeMedicaicac lCl Centenentnter)r)r) ususinginngg hih s Liberal Humanity; Sound Body; Profound Knowledge. perperrsonnalal ffini ancances.eess HeH alsal ooc chanannnneleded hishhi enenereerggiesi s inintoo Kawasaki Junior College of ・・25 Inheriting the founder’s achievements, as all of our institutions closely socsos cialalal wweelfafafarere serseservicv es,s, annddf founoundedded Rehabilitation coordinate with the aim of nurturing excellent medical personnel who AsaAAssas higgawaawwaw -sossoo FoFouundunnddatitionon inin 11959556.6 WiWitW thah a viisios onno of“f “sensese dining outut manmam y demonstrate a rich sense of humanity, we contribute to society through trutruustessttetedda andn exexcexcx ellelllententt php yysiyssiiciciacianss intntn o thehe the realization of and research in excellent medical education as well as worworlldld,dd,,””S Sukeuuk nobnobuuK Kawaawasasaks ki,, whohoo Lifelong Education ・・・・・・・・・27 devd oteo ed himimsmsm elfele f solelellyyt to mediedd calcaa KAWASAKI CLUB medical welfare and medical technology education, and through the scisc encce,e foufououndendeddK KAWAAWAWWAASAKSAKIGI GAKUUENEN inin provision of medical services at our Hospital. 1979770.0 Inn thetht sas meme yeyeay arr,, heh estesstabla ishheded KawK asakik MedMe icaicaalSl Schochchooolo andnndd KaKawaswaw akia In the future, we look to continuously contribute to substantial SenSe ioiorr Hiighgh ScSchchoolol AAttactaached to Kaawawwasasasakikii Kawasaki Gakuen and・・・・・・・28 development in medical science, medical care, and medical welfare, and MedMede icaiccalSl Schohool.ool In 1973977 , heee estast bblibl sheshsheed Asahigawa-so KKawawa asasaassaakik MMedicaiccallS Schohohoolo HosHHooso pitittal.all. Inn aim to create medical institutions that can live harmoniously with all as a addaadddditiittiion,onn,, wiw thh thetthh aiaim of expappansnnsissiiono ofof comprehensive education center that cultivates medical specialists who tratrtraaiiiinininngg insininsstitt tuutiut ononsnsn fof r mededidiicacalcalal spesppeciciaialilisisttss notnonot lilimitmmiteded toto phphyhyssicsicianiananss, hee Campus Facilities・・・・・・・・・・・29 will serve to improve people’s health. esteststablabablb iishisshsheded KawKKaawawasaasasakiki ColCoololleglege ofAf Allieded HeHHeaeaalththth PrProfofeessssisionsons in thhe saameme yeyeaarr andanandnd KKaKawawwasasasakki JunJu ioroor Coollell ge ofof RRehReehhabaabibibilittattit onon Seiji Kawasaki MD, PhD inin 19719774.4 Inn 199199 1,1 hehe esestesttablabablishshheded International exchanges ・・・・・31 KawKawwaasasasaakiki UniUnU verversitssiiti yoy offM Mededidiccalca WeWelfalffaarere,re,e Chairman of board of directors, tthehee worldr ’s firfii stst foffououur-yr-yyeeareaara eedducucaattionanalnal Kawasaki Gakuen insinstitt tutiutu onon basseded oonn theththhe cooncncenceptpt ofo ““memediciccalal welweelfarfara ee.”e..”” FForoor ovvere a quaruarterteerer ofo a ccenenturtuuru y after ththethee foounduun atiat on ofo KAWKAAWASAASAS KIKI GAKGAAKA UENUEN, SukSuuku enoen bbuu KawKawasaasassaakiki dededdicacaattededd hihissl lifei e ttoo Akinori Kawasaki layayyingining dodownn theththe fofounduunndn atiattit oonsns fof rra an intntegeegrgrrateateeddg grorouououp ofef educducatitit onao al MD.PhD insnstittitutiutt oononsnnss ffoocuscuseded onn memeddicicaiccaalsl scieci ncenc , Honorary Chairman, medmem icacacalcl caarearre anand medieedd calccaala wewelfafaare.re. Kawasaki Gakuen 1 Kawasaki Gakuen Organization Brochure 2017 2 川崎医療短期大学 Kawasaki College of Allied Health Professions 川崎医療福祉大学 川崎医科大学 Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare Kawasaki Medical School へリポート ふるさとの森 Heliport Furusato (hometown) Forest 川崎医科大学附属病院 Kawasaki Medical School Hospital 現代医学教育博物館 Medical Museum 総合体育館 Multipurpose Gymnasium 高度救命救急センター Advanced Emergency Medical Care Center 川﨑祐宣記念講堂 Sukenobu Kawasaki Memorial Auditorium へリポート Heliport 川崎リハビリテーション学院 Kawasaki Junior College of Rehabilitation 総合グラウンド Kawasaki Gakuen Sports Ground (松島キャンパス) (Matsushima Campus) 川崎医科大学総合医療センター(岡山市) 川崎医科大学附属高等学校(生坂キャンパス) Kawasaki Medical School General Medical Center Kawasaki Senior High School (in Okayama City) Attached to Kawasaki Medical School (Ikusaka Campus) We continue to make progress toward the future as an integrated group of educational institutions focused on medical science,medical care and medical welfare Kawasaki Gakuen, consisting of five educational institutions and services, attending to not only patients’ diseases but also their lives. Medical School Hospital and the Kawasaki College of Allied Health construction and expansion period that continued until 2010 two university hospitals, is an integrated group of educational The founder also established facilities (current Social Welfare Professions and Kawasaki Junior College of Rehabilitation as part of created the most modern educational, medical, and research institutions focused on medical science, medical care and medical Corporation Asahigawa-so) for the physically and his continuous approach to developing “team-based medical care.” environments. welfare, where more than 4,500 faculty/staff are engaged in education mentally-challenged children who could not be only treated through After Akinori Kawasaki was appointed the second Chairman, with As long desired, Kawasaki Hospital was newly built in a new and professional medical care and nearly 6,000 students learn. medical care. This is based on the idea of medical welfare: “the an eye toward a new age, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare location, and was renamed Kawasaki Medical School General Kawasaki Gakuen was founded in 1970. However, it made its integration of medical care and welfare.” was established in 1991, with the aim of advancing education and Medical Center, and opened in December 2016. Under the initial step as the Showa Surgical Clinic (the predecessor of the In 1970, with rising concerns about a shortage of physicians and research in medical welfare through the integration of medical care leadership of its third Chairman Seiji Kawasaki, Kawasaki Gakuen
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