July 20, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20131 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNITION OF DR. HECTOR others to see the unselfish role he has Member American Medical Association; P. GARCIA played in his lifetime. Texas Medical Association; Nueces County His Leadership has evoked aspiration and Medical Society; Member LULAC; Roman hope to the Hispanic of this Nation specifi­ Catholic; Knights of Columbus; Parish, St. HON. BILL RICHARDSON cally the Mexican American once described Patrick's Catholic Church, Corpus Christi, OF NEW MEXICO as the invisible minority. Texas. 1960, Outstanding citizenship award IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Through militant years of the 60's, the or­ by United Married Couples. Wednesday, July 20, 1983 ganization stayed on course and did not fall 1961, Representative of President John F. prey to the Inilitant tactics because of the Kennedy and member delegation signing e Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, , Doctor's belief that our objectives can be treaty concerning Mutual Defense Area the members of the Hispanic Caucus best accomplished through intelligent, fac­ Agreement between the United States and strongly feel that Dr. Hector P. Garcia tual and systematic manner within our form of democracy. the Federation of West Indies. should receive the Presidential Medal As Civil Rights Cominissioner he handled March 9, 1964. Appointed by. President of Freedom. Dr. Garcia's list of accom­ the most serious and delicate issues facing Lyndon B. Johnson as presidential repre­ plishments and contributions to our the Hispanic population averting confronta­ sentative with the rank of Special Ambassa­ country and to the Hispanic communi­ tions of a serious nature. dor to the inauguration of Dr. Raul Leoni, ty are unending. His exemplary leadership and efforts in President of Venezuela. Dr. Garcia was the founder and first the pursuit of equal rights for all people is a October 18, 1965. Presented by the Presi­ national chairman of the American GI continuous task in his daily life to this day. dent of the Republic of Panama with "Con­ Forum. This outstanding veterans As Ambassador to the United Nations he decoracion. Orden Vasco Nunez de Balboa" spent extended periods of time working full with the rank of "Commander." group is composed of Americans of time although it was not a requisite. For the March 4, 1967. Appointed by President Mexican origin from 24 States across first time in the United Nations a United Lyndon B. Johnson as member of the Na­ the Nation. In addition, Dr. Garcia States representative addressed the Latin tional Advisory Council on Econoinic Op­ was appointed as Commissioner of the American Countries in Spanish against the portunity of the United States. U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in proliferation of nuclear arms in the West­ September 1967. Appointed by President 1968 where he handled some of the ern Hemisphere. He was also able to com­ Lyndon B. Johnson as delegate to the most serious and delicate issues facing municate to the French and Italian delega­ United Nations from the United States with the Hispanic community. His strong tions in their own language. Wherever he the rank of Ambassador. represented the United States, he was March 30, 1968. Accompanied Vice Presi­ leadership encouraged cooperation in­ highly received. stead of confrontation. Dr. Garcia has dent Hubert H. Humphrey and the U.S. Del­ The experience of meeting and recogniz­ egation for the signing of Treaty of Tlalte­ been recognized as a leading figure in ing this "living legend" of the Southwest is lolco in Mexico City. the fight for equal rights for all Amer­ a pleasure that should be shared and be­ November 1968. Sworn in as a "Cominis­ icans. stowed by the United States and the whole sioner" of the United States Commission on He served our country in wartime as world. Civil Rights. an officer in the Infantry, Engineer, Dr. Garcia's list of accomplishments and November 1968. Humanitarian Award pre­ and Medical Corps in Europe during generousity is unending. His life commit­ sented by Corpus Christi Chapter on Civil ment has been for preservation of freedom Rights. World War II. And he served there as and the c!ignity of basic human rights. he has at home, head and shoulders Dr. Hector P. Garcia is a living monument May 1969. Humanitarian Award presented above the rest. He was awarded a to receive and is well deserving of the Presi­ by Corpus Christi Chapter of the NAACP. Bronze Star medal and six battle stars. dential Medal of Freedom Award. We pray January 24, 1977, Appreciation award by Dr. Garcia has committed his life to for a favorable response. Corpus Christi Ch~ber of Commerce for Respectfully yours, exceptional investment of time and energy the preservation and protection of in behalf of citizens of Corpus Christi in in­ freedom and basic human rights for LoUIS P. TELLEz, National Executive Secretary/Treasurer. terest of preserving the Naval Air Station all. We have written to President and Corpus Christi Army Depot. Reagan urging him to award Dr. DR. HECTOR P. GARCIA, FOUNDER, AMERICAN May 1977, Appointed by President Jimmy Garcia the Presidential Medal of Free­ Gl FORUM OF THE UNITED STATES Carter member of the U.S. Circuit Judge dom. We think our colleagues will Dr. Hector P. Garcia, physician, Founder, Nominating Cominission for the Western agree that Dr. Garcia is worthy of this American GI Forum of 'the U.S. Born in Fifth Circuit Panel. recognition after reading the following Mexico, January 17, 1914. Son of Mr. Jose January 20, 1978, Member White House Garcia and Mrs. Faustina Perez Garcia. Conference on Balanced National Growth letter written by the American GI and Economic Development. (January 29- Forum which clearly outlines Dr. Gar­ Graduate, University of Texas, Bachelor of Arts Degree, 1936. Graduate of the Uni­ February 2, 1978>. Appointed by Governor cia's numerous and noteworthy contri­ versity of Texas School of Medicine, Doctor Dolph Brisco of Texas and President Jimmy butions to our Nation. of Medicine, 1940. Married Wanda Fusillo, Carter. The letter follows: June 23, 1945. Children: Daisy Wanda, February 21, 1978, Delegate. Meeting. AMERICAN Gl FORUM Adriana Cecilia and Susana Patricia. High Level Briefing on the President's Tax OF THE UNITED STATES, 1940-41; General internship St. Joseph's & Econoinic Program, the White House, Albuquerque, N.Mex., April30, 1983. Hospital, Creighton University, Omaha, Ne­ Washington, D.C. The PRESIDENT, braska. 1941-1942. Surgical internship. February 25, 1978, Plaque presented by The White House, 1942-1946, served World War II as officer the Corpus Christi U.S.O. Council for lead­ Washington, D. C. in Infantry; Engineer and Medical Corps. ership in representing the Corpus Christi DEAR MR. PREsiDENT: It is with great pride Major Medical Corps European Theater of Community in support of the Inilitary in­ that the American GI Forum of the United Operation. Awarded Bronze Star Medal stallations in the Coastal Bend Area. States subinits for your consideration the with 6 Battle Stars. May 4, 1978, Liberty Bell Award. Law Day name of Dr. Hector P. Garcia for the Presi­ First national chairman and Founder of U.S.A., by Nueces County Young Lawyers dential Medal of Freedom Award. the American GI Forum on the U.S., a vet­ Association, Corpus Christi, Texas. Dr. Garcia's contributions to our country erans group composed of Americans of June 29, 1978, Texas State Liberty Bell in War and Peace have been outstanding. Mexican origin in 24 states. 1953, Vice presi­ Award by Texas Young Lawyers Associa­ His distinguished service has been recog­ dent Catholic Council for Spanish speaking tion, Fort Worth, Texas. nized nationally and internationally. people in the Southwest. 1955. Awarded August 17, 1978, Member, U.S. Attorney The Opportunity for the United States to Bronze Plaque "Democracy Forward" by General Benjamin Civiletti's Hispanic Advi­ honor Dr. Garcia would set a precedent for Texas Council Negro Organization. sory Cominittee on Civil Rights. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 20132 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 20, 1983 January 9, 1980, At President Jimmy ing", on Iran, Afghanistan"; 1980, Named is that a party can go so far in campaigning Carter's request, attended a High Level "Mr. International" by Laredo, LULAC against nuclear weapons, and no farther. Briefing at the White House in reference to Council # 12, February 22; 1981, Meritorious When it strays beyond the limit, it goes over Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan Crisis. Award National Council of La Raza, Febru­ the edge of credibility cliff. January 20, 1980, Distinguished Service ary; and Award, National Office of Civil Rights, San Whereas, Dr. Garcia has been a tireless The Heritage Foundation, on June Jose, California. worker for freedom and a courageous leader 13, in its own analysis of the "Lessons February 21, 1980, Recipient of the in eradicating racial bigotry and discrimina­ of the Tory Triumph," made these ob­ "Senior International 1980" Award, repre­ tion against Hispanic Citizentry; and servations: senting the United States. Awarded by Whereas, Dr. Garcia has given hope and Most critical of all to the election success, LULAC Council 12, Laredo, Texas. aspiration to thousands of Hispanics in the Thatcher was able to defuse the issue of un­ November 18, 1980, Reappointed to the pursuit of Equality; and employment-now running at nearly 13 per­ U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Texas Whereas, He has under unjust, adverse cent. Pre-election polls showed that about State Advisory Committee. conditions and attitudes, this most humble 50 percent of the population rated unem­ March 31, 1981, Brotherhood Award by and honorable man has changed the course ployment as the election's most serious the C.
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