‘"V.r . U S' I .■ '' i Tiie Berrien County Record, The Berrien County Record. ■*,. • - ■ — •<!«» ■■ ■ —■ ■ A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. .TERMS OF ADVERTISINGS . '(Tenlirtefl or less, make a .Square.) . RURZJSREI) RVJERirTJFiURSRA T *i SFAOB. 31 V.J2 v.ii3 w.p w.$3 2a.p m.51 yr AT 1 Square.........||1 00i$l £OSl OOffl 00;$8 0C@10 00 BITOHASAS, BERRIES COUNTY, illGH., 2 Squares;......1 76| 2 60J S 00J 3 SOI 0 OOiilO OOJ 10 00 3 Squares....... .5 2 26J 3. 26g 3 765 4.25j .7 00112 00j 20 0Q St ■ 4; Square?...,....5 3 Vfijf S "76| 4 26| 4 60| S 00S1S 00J 23 00 d . j\.„ w ^G israan. 5 SquareaVL 3:603*4:5003 A~60j 6 0051U 00[17 Oojj 26 00 Column.,.... S 4 005 6 60J 7 005 8 OO514 0P]26 00f 36"" 6C ft. A. WAGXER.I r TEIOIS: ^Column. .„..i 6 OOJ 8 00510 00J12 00|;20 00jj30 00{ 50 00 T S R M.S ;: f minor. / " Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty!” L 82.00 P er year, iu Axlviwc©* % CoiumD. ....(I 6 OOflO 00|;12 00|16 00|t25 OO5S5 OO5 66 00 ^^.OftParAimam^m.Advance.if Not Paiiin Adrance,$2,50 I 1 Column......410 OOtll P0|17 00||20 00|j35 00560 001,115 00 ««S.T8SSS TSSJ14STMOUriBHKStD.TO.*®J j yWUUJlA. TV ^UlIBUR * ‘J BuslnesfiCardSjOfflve lines orl ess. $5.00perannum« BTJGHAHAN, MICE., ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY . 24, 1870. * Legal advertisements, at statu te rates. Translentadvertlsing, papabtain advance* pftpuc I* dtepontlnued,,. except at the option,ot Yearly advertising, payable ob demand. ihapniliabaB^ttiwUftUarroawigaaai^^aWsrSC®. XOVU AXB BAIX- Matter in locnlcoluxntj, ten cents per liseforeacblzt- { MORTGAGE SALE. Meaniyhile, how had- Rosaltha spent each other more. Let us be as sisters. sertiou, but no locals taken for less timn $1.00. * T\EFAULT having been made In:the payment of a,cer- GUSTOS Poetry, A Obituary Notices—more than the announcexnente—wlU QFfflOB—In “ Rawed ea*t aide ot Main I *JJ tnhi sma of money, secured to be paid by a, certain the time ?- But as for that man—— ” There’s a sob of pain in the dripping rain, be charged for as advertisements. 3 &raet« thrae doora notili ot FtPOt, l indenture of MortgAge^nmde and executed by Johnl’co, - ' THE SMOKER. Listen! • • “ Hush !” said Rosaltha, raising her As it droppeth adown the eaves; *j Notices of J/eotings, Religious, Jkorai or Political, £5 | of New Buttalo* BerrUu County, and Srnto of Michigan,, Boot and Shoo Shop. And it ripples: along ■with a mournful song, cents each. , Laws of Newspapers* to John T. Phillip*, of the same place, boaring, date' I Elleray had been gone about five hand, “ not a word against him, though ; AdvartlsementenotaccompanJed with directions as to December the fourth. A, D. ISO", and duly record*d In Sometimes the big world vezes ne, And lulls on the drooping leaves, ‘ ' time. "Will be Inserted until forbidden, and cbergedao X, 3ab»*rlbewcvrho do not gtae. expm * notice to the the office of th* Register of Deeds for said County of j mUE SUBSCRI BER la prepared to do all kinds of cua- Bometijnes dull care perplexes me; minutes, when, without tap or knock, he has treated us both so shamefully. dordingly. * * ooatrarj oca considered aa wiahlng- ta continue tho sail* Berrien, on:the fifth-day ot December, 1S<JT, In Liber “T** | A torn work (n the Boot and Shoe, lino at reasonable » Doublacolumnadvertlsemente25 percent.abov«regu •orlptiao. A . ... of Mortgages* ou page £9, and which. Mortgage was as- [ prices. Ife solicits a shore of the patronage of thecltl- Sometimes on the sea of life or any. other intimation, the door of •He is your husband. You have the It grieves for the smart of a loving heart-, !&r column rates. ' % tf subscriber* wl*t* their papers discontinued, pub-> jdgtlcd to Dexter Kastman* on the fourtU day of October, I eens of Buchanan and vicinity. Such storms around me cluster, the private .parlor opened, and a lady best right to him. Do you think I And an eye that has lost its-light; Specialnotices,60percent.abovetheforegolnp priori llah^ri may coiulaut*^aaen<l them until, all oharges are ISOd, and which Raslgmnent was duly recorded in the KKPAIRISQ DOXR ON SUOPT KOTICK. And roar and rave and bluster, For the thoughtless word thatmy lover heard Yearly advertlserealiowed four changes wltbou t extis palX p qlfice of the/Reglsterof Deeds.i*it said; County of Berrieu, I seem to sink in. the strife.. entering, stood hesitating just inside could live with him after this? Never. As we stood by the gate last night. charge/ 3. I f eubeerlbera movo to other places without Inform* on the 7th. day of October, 1SS9, in Liber of Alort* _ff^-3hop on Main Street,opposite the Record office.-- ; Singlecoplesof theRzoORDJ’eady for mailing,dvccecls tag. th^pubUsher* and the. paper id seat to the former di­ Sign o f the Biz Boot. No matter! There’s always trace the threshold. He is to me no more from this mo­ AIJ kinds of Job Printing executed in the Ifiteststyieii rection, they are held responsible. Notlpe should always gagea,.oa page 5S2, on, whl<dr said mortgage,and the notes secured:thatebyr,there> la how chUrced to-be due ut the 2-4351 ISAIAH RYNEARSON In the heat of the wildest war; Rosaltha looked up. Her visitor ment, so far as anything more than ’Tivas a foolish jest at the very best,. • .*fthea'rt, _nnd atreasonableprices.. be gWenofthe removal. , dhte of this notice, for principal .and interest, tho stun of At least I. dream or think so, But I did uqc mean to pain.- •fc t f sub3oribera neglect ur wftteft yb take their papers; three, hundred: and twenty-five dollars and thirty-four was what is called a gay quaker. Her remembering him goes,jthan if he had from the office or place ts which they acusont/they at* Cents, and no/ault; or proceedings at law or equity having As I smoke my first cigar. '■Yet he left me there in the twilight air, h«W r63poQdibie«ntU thay: settle bllls ond give notice to been initiated, for tbo recovery ot the debt secured, by MarhofF & Warner^ toilet was expensive, but extremely never been. To love him and live And he came not back again. - As the aged minister knelt to*im­ isoontinue, said mortgage or any part -thereof t Notice' U therefore Sometimes when nothing ails me, 5* The Courts here decided that: refusing tq-takeft paper hereby given that by tittue of the potver of sate eputatn* neat, and was pervaded through all its with him longer would be a crime in plore God’s blessing upon the couple, fratn. the office* or removing: andtoaiylhg ItuhcaUedifor^lar edin sald Mortgage,, which has, becumo operati ve,, and. by Except that money fails me,* Thete is nothing of pain-In the dripping rain so s’oon expecting to enter upon that prlma fbcla ayidonca of Intentional fraud. vlrtuei of the statuto^in such case umdeaml proTlded. I (Successors to H. Marhoff & Co.) I envy the rich in their pride ; ta'steful interchange of colorj with one the sight of Heaven and nian. Do But a merry,’ laughing sound, ' - - . shall, on Saturday^ the 20th day of March,. 1870- at!2 Though their Oiily obvious inei-it quiet, neutral hue, which blent it into not go ! You must stay until he re­ And it ripples along with a musical song, iiew and successful life, Lilian and o'clock noon, a t t he iron t door of the C&urt house, fit the MativfaciruTtrs q f aml Dealer* in Is the gold that they inherit ; .For my lover lost is found. - Villa geof Berriewvln; laid Coun^,. aeliat public- nuctfoib a rich, yet simple whole. Her face turns. Then, together, we will con­ Ralph sank at Ms feet. With almost Business Birectorv. to ttie highest bidder, the premises descrlbqd. In sola And couldn’t eurn if they tried ; front him !" * breathless interest, the "guests listen­ Mortgage or somneh. thereof itts wllb bo necessary to sat-1 'BOORS,SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS But quietly after dinner was so sweet,' so modest, so candid, And the chain that was broke by the word I lsfy- the amount dnppa saldlMgrtgoge, aud interest there­ I banish such thoughts afar, Even while she was speaking, steps spoke, *- ed and- looked, for they, too, * had ob­ SANDBB3* Manufacturer and Dealer InBoots and on. and the costs and oxpenaea aHowcd by law. and an BRACKETS AND DRESSED: LUMBER, that it put you in mind o f a magnolia At Shoos. Front Street, foot of Raj's Aveaue,.Buchituaor attorney fee Of thirty UqUk» provided; ibr Iiiaobi Mort What do I care for Fortune blossom. She was apparently about were heard in the- corridor, and the "We huve .welded fast once more,. served the strange looks of the bride. gnjre, as folUws, tcvwitt Lot six in block six. In the - As I smoke roy second cigar. » ......... And the severed link is stronger I think Michigan. *2-29tf twenty years o f age, well formed, and next moment Elleray Trafford enter­ She seemed so ethereal, that they al­ vUUge ot New Buffalo, County of Berrien, and State log anything In ourDne:will find It ta their advantage Than ever it was before. ' ESEUEX COUNT? MONEY MAX AGENCY. Ap- of Michlkun, according totho recorded plat thereof. giveug ft cail, as we defy competition In work, In price Sometimes, in the heartless city, decidedly stylish.
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