-~-------_.------ ---_---$Z"""_J' " _ ~ I ~ ... I All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning urosse ews Complete Ne'tvs Co'verage of All the Poiutes Home of the News' ---.-~-.)I~~ir'~----------==-:-:;--::----"-:-::---:---:-:---:-----~------- VOL. 25-NO. 42 ~~~er~~8ta80~i~:n~\~~~ON,a~i~~t GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, -;ONC~Tr,O~B~E~R~I-;;5-,-;1~9~b47----lE$5i1i.oo~PP.e;;rvy:;ear::------~~--'------------- lOc Per COpy 38 Pages-Two Sections-Section I @ IIEA~~IXES :F"",~~~er 7ChO?I.~T ~.~oar~ Plan~y ~?r./~~r~~r.?,~'p"r";"?rl park Firefighters Believe Same Thief Pulled As the !j'~..••'.' ,.~"<j" ..,.;~;:':i:..',;(;:;L.. ,,! . ' ... '.,......~'1W.t':~4~1~,W~ile Petitions for i~~~ F Six Robberies Grosse Pointe News 1'''''- '. Farms and Woods Homes I'.:";:' ..:":::::" Ch Ch arter anges Broken Into: TV Set, Thursday, O~tober 8 ,.. ': Radio Abandoned AX UIPASSE has developed ',: M M tth P tt C . b in the worsening relations be- ". :..:. ::' ayor a ew a erson ntlClzes Activity y Em- In One Yard tween the Congo and the United .;':.~\:.:::':;:i ployes; All Signatures Affixed Being Checked Arab Republic. Premier Moise i.::ZL'::): for Validity Tshombe of the Congo, unsuc- Six more Pointe homes, cessful in his attempts to attend Eighty-two petitions bearing more than 1400 signa- two in the Woods and four the conference of nonaligned tures of Park voters asking that the Park firemen's work in the Farms, were brobm nations in Cairo, is being held week be reduced from 63 hours to 56 hours has been into between Friday, Octo- hostage in that city in retalia. filed with City Clerk Charles Heise, it was d~closed on ber 9, and Sunday, Octobe? tion for the sealing of of the I Monda~, October 12, by William Hunt, president of the 11, it was disclosed by t:AR embassy in Leopoldville. It Park FIrefighters Association. Woods and Farms police. is reported that he will not be released until the Congolese The petitions ask that an<->- Detectives of both dties be- WIthdraw the police cordons amendment to the Park Charter, Contr:but:on lieve the burglaries we r e around the Egyptian and AI- to reduce the work week to M "" committed by the same per- gerian missions but a Congolese hours, be placed on the Febru. son. official in Cairo said "We will ary 1965 primary ballot. A For Cll-n:c Reported to have been broken end the restrictions when th,ey clause in the City Charter sets It release Premier Tshor.lbe her~." the firemen's present work into were the Woods homes of .. * • week at 63th hours. Mr. and Mrs. William Howe, Hunt also disclosed that the 1536 South Renaud road, Fri • THE WIVES of the Presiden- .:::.~I State Labor Mediation Board to day, October 9; and the R. C. tial eandldates hit the campaign :....... '.... ' ',;<,. '< I !!~mi~~~:~*:idBoyds, 1616 Roslyn road, Sun- has S€t Tuesday, October 27, as Paying BillsUp to $1,000 tfa II vl.'sterdav wit 11 0 \< t their I . /i':.:::P;':'i';':.::':"::\ '.: ::.: ..... day, October 11. the date for a hearing, in the for Park Children Only hush~nds by' their sides. Mrs. I f.::~.:.'. firefighters fight for recognition The homes in the Farms Lyndon B. Johnson. wife of the ,----,- / by Park city officials. Also to were, the Robert Curtis resi. Democratic nom i nee, on an ,I ~::i.:.',.', :.;' be discussed at the hearing will. The Shores and Far m s dence, 384 Merriweather; Elmer eight-state whistle stop tour cf :" . be working hours, wages ana councils recently contribu. Stutter, 325 Stephens road, both the South. was booed by groups I ' , work conditions, it was said. ted $1,000 each to initiate reported on Saturday, October of young Goldwater supporters I;;~_u.... '.., . Although a union, and af- the opening of the North- 10; and G. Sam Zilly, 380 Mer- in Columbia. South Carolina. Members of the PTA Executive Board of George RING, Teacher Representative; MRS. GARFIELD filiated with the AFL.CIO, the eastern Wayne Co un t y riweather, and the Neil Van l\Ieantim~. in )luncie. Ind.. her Defer Elementary School met recently to plan the TOURNEY, fourth vice-president (Chairman, Home- Fire Fighters Associations of Child G u i d an c e Clinic, Oostenburgs, both reported on home~O\~n. :\Irs. Barn: Goldwa- year's program. Sea t e d at the table are PETER room Mothers); MRS. RICHARD SWANQUIST, third Michigan are forbidden to strike which will serve the five Sunday, October 11. mee.~('r \\'1£(,shookof theh andRepublicans and madenom- WICZBRETT, president,d' and MRS.t RAYMOND. KOKO- vICe-preSl. 'dent (C'halrman, Sodal Committee); MRS. by law. POintes, HaL'per Woods and Woods Det. Albert Abend and ' t Ik b t d' d ' correspon mg secre ary. Standmg, (left to ALBERT McKAY, second vice-presi<:1ent(Chairman, The Park firemen have been a section of Detroit. The Farms Det. Sgts. Jack PaisleY smal I and George Van Tiem, said the speeches a and refusedu £-lIvereto discussno rtg. ht) DR'. CHARLES BOYCE, fIrst... VIce-presIdent Membership Committee); and MRS. INA TOEPEL, seeking recognition of their money was given without union for more than 20 years, six breakins were definitely the political issues. "One speaker in (Prog!am ~halrma?); MRS. G01l1"ER EVANS; GEORG,E Teacher Representative. The first meeting of the year, reservations as to who s e work of the same person, or the family is enough," she said. L~U ~H, treasurer, DR. GLENN O. COOPER, Defer s held Monday evening, October 5, was devoted to but Park officials refused to children will benefit by thE> grant this, forcing the firemen persons. • >I< * Prmclpal; WILLIAM HANSEN, publicity KEN STAR- "Back to School Night.' ' I contributions. Connection Not Known THE AMERICAN MOTORS, ,-,---------~ to seek mediation with the Labor Board. On Monday, October 12, the Park council approved a similar It is not known, at least for Corporation yesterday raisealo H Iluman Relatl.on Counc-} At a regular council meetmg the present, if the latest burg- the possibility that the automo- pen ouse S I Woods Picks hf'ld later ~onday evening, con t rib \i t ion, but atta~hed "strings"-the money to be used laries were committed by the bile industry's first proflt-shar- T H G S k Mayor Matthew Patterson ex- same suspects being sought for lng program would disappear 1n PIa d t 0 ear nest pea ers pressed displeasure with the only for Park children treated New Head of at the clinic. 14 burglaries in the Shores, and 1964 IHbor negotiations. Edward nne a li a(:tivities of the fire department The council stipulated that the six attempts, four burglaries in L. Cushman. American Motors N I -b At M t 0 t b 27 personnel in gathering the peti- the Woods and two in Harper vice-president, said that he saw elf' Jl ee mg on coer Safety .Dept. tions. city will pay the bills of fam. rary Woods, on September 19, 21 I "no basis. now or potentially," Ed d H d d M G Id' F d W'II Add He said that there may be a ilies unable to pay for the treat- that profit-sharing would sur- - 0 I and 22. war ges an rs. era me or ress question of validity of the peti. ment of their emotionally dis. vive. The remarks were made IPublic lnvited to Visit Fine Group in Fellowship Hall of Grosse Post Given to Allen An- (Continued on Page 3) The Howes told Woods police drews, Jr., of MSU tions, and that all signatures that they were gone from their after the negotiations betwepn New Facility on High Pointe Memorial Church affixed to them will be checked home between 8 p.m. and 10:30 the company and the 'VAw had S h I C Th' • k d d N H dIll d M Campus Police: Takes by the city clerk. If the signa- p.m., and when they returned., broken down. The breakdown C 00 ampus IS Guest spea ers E war . 0 ges all rs. Motorist Fined, tures validate the petitions, the they discovered that a window did not seem serious. however, Sunday Geraldine Ford will discuss current proble:..nsof Detroit's Command Dec. I citizens will be advised of the Given Jail Term at the rear of the house had and talks are expected to be r'e- I Negro community at a public meeting of the Grosse details. been pried open and the house sumed befJre the 0 eto\: er 15 Jerry J. Gerich, principal Pointe Human Relations Council, Tuesday, October 27, A new director has been Mayor Is Opposed Ronald L. Lee of 16522 Inver. entered.. strike deadline. of Grosse Poi n t e High at 8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall 00 Grosse Pointe Mem- a p poi n t e d to head the Woods Department of Pub- Mayor Patterson went on rec- ness, Detroit, was stopped by Police found a large screw- '" :« '" School, has ann 0 u n c e d orial Church. ~ ord as opposing the petitions to Woods police for speeding on driver, a claw bar, a portable Friday, October 9 plans for an open house at Hodges, personnel employ- Telephone Co., holds a. law de- licity Safety" it was dis- amend the Park City Cha.'1:er, television set, a table model dosed by City Administra- Friday, 0 c t 0 b e r 9, and was THE DIPLOMATIC DEAD- the Wicking Library for ment manager of Michigan Bell gree from Wayne State Univer- which is the "constitution" of found to be driving a motor radio, and a wooden framed LOCK between the Congo and Sunday afternoon.
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