I j j j j j ", . j 1 j ., , j j j E j j j j j j j j j j J Do not contaminate ""ater 'ODd Y lee:-- )1 s:orage or tj:SDOSa ' STORAGE: PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastesfacility resulting from the use 0' !"IS prOduct may be dlSDose~ Of on 51!!? or a~ an a:-p~oyed was'e d 5':'': sa CO HAINER DISPOSAL: Metll: TrlOle rinse (or equivalent! T"e~ ol!er for rec.ycllng or recQ~clt,or-"~g Or pu.ncture a!"'ld d.s~::.se -:' Sarqtary lard'dl. or by OIP"ler procedu'es aPproved by' state and iDeal aUr"O"!:es Plastic: TrlDle rinSe (or eCoJ1va'e'":tl n"'e" cHer 'or or or ... • • .r a sanltar, la'1CHtil. or IflClne'ar,8n C' reCy~llng reCondIIIO~I"'g pur'lC~ '~ anc:f,~~e :1 smOke I a s· .... ec t)y state arod local al.dhor,t,es by 0'-'.,... .... ; U bU"f'f'j :>'a. ••• •• • • • ••••• r------------ .. -- • •• • Ace E 1-' '; -t:; D • •• ••• • Jr\h-6 _'~0 i' t •• " , annual canarygrass, mint, onions, tr:'---_~_ GENERAL INFCRo1ATIOO Buctril is a selective postemergence herbicide for control of impor~nt broad­ leaf weeds infesting small grains (wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale) field com, popcorn, grain sorghln, flax, garlic, turf and noncrop areas. Optimln weed control is obtained when Buctril is applied to actively growing weed seedlings. Buctril is primarily a c:x:mtact herbicide, therefore thorolY,lh coverage of the weed seedl ings is essential for optimun control. Buctril is formulated as an en~lsifiable concentrate of octa~ic acid ester of brmoxynil containing the eq.Jivalent of 2 po<mds of braroxynil per gallon. To broaden the spectrlJ'l of control l"l .neat and barley. Buctril may be taniaTli::eo wi th Glean., AvengeS, MCPA, 2.4-D or Hoelone • In oats and rye, Buctril may be tankmixed with HCPA or 2.4-D. In field corn and ~~rn, Buctril can be tank- mix.ed with atrazine, Banvel or 2,4-D. Buctril may also be tankr.lixed with atrazine in grain sorgh:.n. On turf, B:Jctril can be tankmixed with HCPP, Banvel, nepp ... Banvel, or 2.4-D ... MCPP. See individual crq:> reco'1"'erdations for pro;>er ch~i- cal rates to be:JSed. To ens~re maxim.JJ'\ crop safety and weed control, foll"" all caCltions and limitations on tIns label am the labels of prcx:lucts :.lsed in the tank mixture w1th BClctrll, MIXING IN!:>'TRUCTla,S BClctril Alone: Fill the s;:>nj ta'lr. 1/2 to Y4 full with clean water. Begin bJi tation and add the rec:Tne'lded 5'Ount of BJctri 1. Add water to the sr>ra)' tank to the desir~ level. "lalntain s'Jfficient agiLation to ensClre a umfor.r· ~ray mixtClre dClring ~plication. Tank Mixtures: Fill the synly tank 112 to 3/4 full with clean water and l:Je.:;H) agitation. If t.anknlixing WIth either Glean or atrazine, add the reccrnended amD:.lnt of Glean or atr~zinp flrst. After the herbicide is thoroughly mixed Wlt~ water add the rec:r.r,)€'ndej a-' '';'l~ o! RClctril and add water to the syray tan\<. t-o t.'le des i ree leve 1. If -.ank:nixil'lG .. itt! A"JerY;e, 'C';", 2,4-D. H:>elon, MCPl', C'r Banvel add the re:T>­ mene.ed i'rCOJnt 0f Buctril firs'", ;fter Buctril il> th(,t'').;:;;hly mixed with water, ",::l::l the reca-mende1 .ro:.mt :,f t',,, ",t',er he!'bi::ide(s) t::> the syray tank dr',: a~: water to the spray tank t.., ." ·1e5lred level. Maintaln s.Jfflcient agltatl-o-. -, Ie "'!lor.:; ~~,j dJrlng 'Y;>llcatiO'1 to e~,SJre a unifom syray rnixtJre, If s;.-f'i 'r11)(t.Jre is allQloled to r!!!",aln wlth'l.Jt aglta'17 for short pencx:ls of tlne, be s"roe v, agltate Jntil 'Jnltormly mlxed before a~l iCllt ion. APPLlCATIClll PRXEOORES Buctril alone and in a tank mixture with Glean, Avenge, MCPA, 2,4-D, Hoelon and atrazine can bt applied by both ground and aerial eq~ipment. In addition, Buctril alone can be 2Ip?lied by autcrnated sprinkler irrigation systans. The following provides recommended methods of application for each crop. n1'E Of APPLlCATIClll D'JUIPME'lT AIJIU1ATED SPRINKLER crop GIUJND AERIAL I RR1 GAT! ClIl 9'W.L GRAINS X X X FIELD ~L~ roPCQR>< X X X GRAIN 9)"'::'H'-'1 X X X fLAX X X GARLIC X X A."~TAL X CA.,\AFYGRASS MIKT X 1URf X i~CR)P APEf.S X X indi~ates reuu~nded ~~lication use Gl'Q)SD APPLICATICti Use a standard herbicIde boom sprayer that provides uniform and accurate application. Sprayer should be equipped with screens no finer than SO mes'l I', the nozzle tips and in-line strainers. Specific aypllcation instr~ctions ar~ descri~j under each crop headln;. AERIAL IIPPLICATI()ll Use a mir~ of 5 gallons of spray vol~ per acre ~sing diaphragm-type nozzles that prod;.Jce cone or fan spray patterns with a maxirrum spray press.,Jre of 40 psi at the nozzle tips. Nozzles sho;.Jld be located no farther than 3/4 the distance from the center of the ~lrcraft to t~ end of the wing or rotor. Nozzles sh~ld be oriented at an ~~le between straight down and straight back. The aircraft soo.)ld discharge the s,>ray a maxilrun of 10 feet above the crop. To rnintinize drift, do not apply d;.Jring periods of g;.Jsty winds or when wind exceeds 5 nph. A!.TI'CMATED fPRINKLER IRRIGATI()ll !:)YSTEl-IS B~ctril may be applied through a.)tcrnated sprinkler irrigation systems to small grains, field corn, popcorn and grain sorghum. Use a prop"rly en~ineer"d chemical injection system which incl~es antisiphon and check valves to prevent water source contamination and overflow of the mix tank. The system sho;.Jld also incl;.Jde interlocking controls between the metering device and the water p~ to ensJre sun~ltaneo;.Js sh.)toff. The sprinkler system sho.)ld provide aoifom cover­ a:]? and sho~ld have no leaks. The cheMical injection tank !\ho;.Jld be cleaned before application to renove all fertilizer, pesticide and other foreign matter. Add BJctril or a B~ctril-water mixture to the injector tank. A sol~tion of B.)ctril dil.)ted with water can be used only where agitation is present in the mix tank to acnleve higher vol~s needed in same irrigation systems. Caref.)lly calibrate the system befor~ and d;.Jring application. Allow s;.Jfficient time for B.)ctril to be flJshed thro.Jgh the system before t;.Jrning off the irrigation water. GD'JERAL WEED LIST Pust~rgence a;:>;:>llca~ nro of B.)ct nl will control the followl ng weeds W",(,-, 5;)raye-j In the seedllng sta~D. ·.',aXlm.lT'1 weed 5ta~ of -,lrOo't'l is listed In(jer REC!.tt'lE'<9E9 USES hr eact\ crcp. nv;:)! l:iUSCEPTIBLE BRJADlEAF WEED SPECIES: Annual sowthistle (SOnch~s olerace~s) Black nightshade (SOlanum nigrum) BLJE' IILIstard (Chorispo!'c!I tenella) Coast Fiddleneck (Amsinckia inte~ia) Common cocklebur (Xanthium pens¥lvani~~) Ccmron lambsquarters (Chenq>ool'..I'l\ alb~) Ccrmon tar\oIeed :Hemizonia congesta) Eastern black nightsha:le (SOlan~ ptycanth\..ll\) Field pennycress (Thlasp i arvtnse) Green Smartweed (Polygcn.n scabr~) Hairy nightshade (Solan~ sarachoides) Jimsonweed (Datura stram:mi....,.,) Ladysth~ (Polygon~, persicaria) Pennsylvania S1lArtweed (PolYion~ pensylvanicum) PeppeNeed spp. (annual) (Lepldi~ spp.) Shepherdspurse (Capsell~ bursa=pastoris) :>ilverleaf nightshade (Solan~ elaeagnifoli'~) Tartary buckwheat (FagCflyn.rn tata.!'ic~) l/s~flower (Helianthus annuus) Wild buckwheat (Polygon~ convol~u~) l/For control of S-lnflower, delay application unt il first snerging sunflc;o.>er seedlings arc 4 inches in height. SUSCEPTIBlE BRJA::JL£Af IowTED SPECIES Buffalobur (solan~ rostrat~ Cammon ~roundsel (Seneclo vulgaris) Ccmron ragweed (AMbrosla anemisilfolia) C rn cha;OC"1l1e (Anthe1'll s arvens is) Corn Grcr.owell (Lithosperm.n arvensel Cow cockle (S~>onarla vaccaria) Giant ra~ced (AMbrosia trifida) Her:p Sesba.'lia (Ses:.ania exaltata) Ivyleaf morningglory (Jpcnoea hederacea) Knawel (Sclera'lthus annuus) L/Kochia (Kochia scoparia, Lonclor. Rocket (,?lSymbrl'.J1l irio) Mi':'.-eed (Anth=is cotula) Prostrate knotweed (~'Q?n-..rl aviC'ulare) 2/Redroot pigweed (Al'1aranthus retroflexJs) Russian thistle (Salsola kall) 2;Spiny pigweed (A... '''ra''thJs~f)()sJs) Tall morningglory (lpe:! oea pUrpJrea) 2/Tall waterhemp (Al'1ara~thJs tJbercul~tus) 1"..Ir'1b 1€e rrt..J 5 t ard ( SIS zrn? t'l 'Jr' a 1tl S 5 un..ln ) velvet leaf (.a.bJtilon tt,e-:::p'1!'2lst 1) Venice mallow (Hibiscus trionum) Wild TTUstard (~~ i"-:]l'I~s an..... ny;,;) WIld ra~ish (I<",'Cha'IJs IA~~.a"Hstr.JT"1) 2;fOf effective ocntrol, t,)p<;e W£>eds Mould lJ"lches In he;,.ht, Whlcr.""et ('TleS first. not exceed the 4 leaf st3ge or 2 COMPATIBILITY OF INSECTICIDES WITH BUCTRIL The following foliar insecticidc3 are compatible with B~ctril as tank mixtures. INSECI'rCIDE Tracie NaT1€ Formulation L"Clzinon varioos Emulsifiable Concentra:e Dimethoate Var ious ~ulsifiable Concentrate Trichlorfon Dylox St'luble Powder carbofuran Furadan FICJWable ctJ1orpyrifos Lorsban Emulsifiable Concentrate Ma13thion Various Emulsifiable Concentrate 0:: ydeneton-met hyl Metasystox-R Sprayable Concentrate Permethrin P\JUnce Emulsifiable Concentrate Fenval<?rate !'ydrin Emulsifiable Concentrate :arbary1 Sevin Sprai'able ',Itt table powder Demeton systox b~ulsifiable Concentrate When mixing an insecticide with Buctril, fill the spray tank 1/2 to 3/4 full with clean water a~l begin agitation.
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