Vol52,6,2009New 2-12-2009 12:39 Pagina 549 ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 52, N. 6, December 2009 The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and its historical archives Giuseppina Calcara Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma, Italy Abstract Herewith are presented the contents of the ING (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica) historical archives, recently re- organized to preserve and make available to scholars documents concerning the scientific activity and manage- ment of the Institute. The documents date from 1945, when the Institute became an independent board after sep- arating it from the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) to 1965. It is a decisive period for the ING, which had been founded in 1936 by Guglielmo Marconi, president of the CNR at the time and by the physicist Antoni- no Lo Surdo, who became its first director until his death in 1949. These valuable papers document how the ING rose from the war destruction, expanded its seismic monitoring network and developed experimental and theo- retical research in all the main fields of the Earth physics. Key words historical archives – Istituto Nazionale These archives include all the documents di Geofisica – geophysical research – Guglielmo produced by the Institute during its operating Marconi – Antonino Lo Surdo years from 1945 to 1965. 1. Introduction 2. The Foundation The reordering of the historical archives of The ING was actually founded in 1936 as an the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (ING, Na- institute of the Consiglio Nazionale delle tional Institute of Geophysics), promoted by the Ricerche (CNR, National Research Council) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and the documents produced from this date un- (INGV, National Institute of Geophysics and til 1944 are therefore considered to belong to Volcanology) and recently completed in accor- the CNR and are stored in the Archivio Cen- dance with legislation enacted regarding the trale dello Stato (ACS, Central Archives of the archives of public bodies – Legislative Decree State). The idea to create a geophysics institute October 29, 1999 n. 490 – was carried out to came about during the 1930’s and can be attrib- safeguard the acquired heritage of historical uted to the CNR’s top management. Until this documents and, at the same time, render these time, the Ufficio Centrale di Meteorologia e documents more easily accessible. Geofisica (Central Office of Meteorology and Geophysics, so called since 1923) was respon- sible for geophysics activity. Several observato- ries and stations, public as well as private, were Mailing address: Dr. Giuseppina Calcara, Istituto Na- distributed throughout the territory (Kingdom zionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Via di Vigna of Italy). However, they worked and carried out Murata 605, 00143 Roma, Italy; Temporarily attached to Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Piazzale degli Archivi 27, their geophysical prospecting research and ob- 00144 Roma, Italy; e-mail: [email protected]; servation campaigns independently of one an- [email protected] other. 549 Vol52,6,2009New 2-12-2009 12:39 Pagina 550 G. Calcara The discoveries made in fundamental the National Institute of Geophysics were offi- physics in the early decades of the 1930’s led to cially signed into an act and Antonino Lo Surdo an increase in more in-depth research in sever- was appointed director (fig. 1). The funds neces- al branches of geophysics-physics of the atmos- sary for setting up an initial installation were au- phere, cosmic ray, and terrestrial magnetism. thorized and headquarters were established with- These areas had, until then, each been re- in the offices of the Higher Institute of Physics at searched separately and still laboured under the the «La Sapienza» University of Rome. yoke of their original naturalistic imprint (Do- minici, 1986). The study of geophysics, according to An- 3. The National Geophysical Network tonino Lo Surdo, professor in charge of earth physics studies at the University of Rome at the Among the various research activities per- time, could not be separated from a «coordinat- formed by the Institute, seismology studies rep- ed functioning of a homogeneous group of lab- resented the principal line of inquiry to which oratories and observatories» (ING, 1945) or all the geophysicists of the staff (Pietro Caloi, from the systematic gathering of data carried Guido Pannocchia, Francesco Peronaci, Ezio out by qualified personnel in dedicated insti- Rosini) dedicated their efforts, carrying out tutes. In fact, Lo Surdo firmly believed in the studies on the composition of the Earth, the practical applications of research results in characteristics of superficial and inner stratifi- fields such as communications, defence, public cations, the propagation of seismic waves, and works, and mining activities. It is therefore ev- on methods for determining the absolute inten- ident that the reasons behind the need to reor- sity of macro-seismic events (Lo Surdo, 1940). ganize geophysical research and services under September 1, 1938 marked the beginning of a single, centralized, national leadership were recording activity at the «experimental seismic manifold. station«, albeit using a limited number of in- An initial draft for the soon-to-be-founded struments installed in dedicated areas of the geophysics institute was presented by Gino headquarters. This was to become the founda- Cassinis (full professor of Topography and Ge- tion of the budding national seismic network. odesy at the Milan Polytechnic, and also secre- As far as other research fields were con- tary of CNR Commettee of Geodesy and Geo- cerned – ionosphere, cosmic rays, atmospheric physics) on May 8, 1936 during a meeting of electricity – the Institute also availed itself of the the CNR Executive Board, which in those days collaboration of other University physicists was composed of Guglielmo Marconi (Presi- who, under contract, carried out research work dent), Ugo Frascherelli (General Secretary) and for the Institute in their field of specialization. Vincenzo Azzolini (Managing Director). Some For example, studies regarding the ionosphere time later, Antonino Lo Surdo announced his were entrusted to Ivo Ranzi who, in 1938, came own project draft in which he outlined an insti- up with the first instrument for atmospheric ra- tute divided into five divisions, each specialized dio sounding; one of the few of its kind in the in a different area of geophysics: seismology, world at that time. The cosmic ray research terrestrial and atmospheric electricity, atmos- group was made up of Gilberto Bernardini, pheric optics and radiation, meteorology and Bernardo N. Cacciapuoti, Marcello Conversi, terrestrial magnetism. These divisions were to Mario Ageno and Oreste Piccioni. Lo Surdo, to- include a network of stations, laboratories and gether with Guglielmo Zanotelli, conducted sci- workshops (CNR, 1936a). entific inquiries into microwave physics, while After having examined both these project Enrico Medi was involved in atmospheric elec- drafts, the Executive Board decided that the two tricity studies. Among the papers deposited in were not that dissimilar and charged its secre- the archives, there is also a testimony regarding tary general, Ugo Frascherelli, with the task of applied research carried out for the military, per- integrating them (CNR, 1936b). formed by Lo Surdo himself and commissioned So, in November 1936, the papers creating by the War, Navy and Air Ministries. 550 Vol52,6,2009New 2-12-2009 12:39 Pagina 551 The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and its historical archives Naples, including the clinometric station on Vesuvius; in Catania, including the clinometric station on Mount Etna; a station for atmospher- ic electricity in Rome at St. Alessio; and in Trie- ste (CNR, 1940).The distinction between obser- vatory and station was for all practical purposes established. The observatories were to be for the purpose of detecting as many observable natural phenomena as possible via the installation of various types of apparatus, and for carrying out experimental studies and research which would mark them as study centres; each would have a resident geophysicist as station director along with a support staff of technicians and assistants (ING, 1954). The stations were to be of a small- er size, with the installation of specialized in- struments regarding, among others, seismic, meteorological, and electricity studies. The sta- tions, for the most part, were run by a director, often a professor and in any case an expert in the field at hand, along with a technician. Several of the buildings in which the obser- vatories and stations were located were the property of the Institute others were set up under contract in schools, universities and religious in- Fig. 1. Resolution establishing the Istituto Nazionale stitutes (see the inventory, series «X - Istituti, os- di Geofisica (Nov. 15, 1936). servatori e stazioni», for more informations). Notwithstanding the difficulties created by the ongoing war, in 1942 saw the seismic obser- vatories in Catania, Genoa, and Padua, along One of the most important tasks of the insti- with the seismic stations in Rome, Bologna and tute was that assigned by Parliamentary Act Salo’ became operative. Twelve kilometres January 5, 1939 no. 18, whereby the responsi- from Rome, on the Via Ardeatina at St. Alessio, bility for geophysics services was transferred an observatory for studies on atmospheric elec- from the Ufficio Centrale di Meteorologia to
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