4 ....... 0' • W .... .............------ ...... -.......-~- .... - - - ....... ~ - - .... -~--- ~~---- i -~-li N"W~I.-\ I A":~~::'~:)Gross~ l~. ~I l- I j Thursday Morning Poin llome of the News Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes ~" P., Copy 38 P"ges- Three Sections-Plus l"sert PwbllJh.d 0' SlColld CI.. ,. /Mltll at tll. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1979 $10.00 PI, V•• , VOL. 40-NO. 23 Polt Offl,o at Ollrolt, Mlchlgon ____--------------1 ICandidates Eleven Hopefuls Vie for Two Board Seats HEADLINES I School Crossing IlA'11"V.lelfs I At POl.urn WEEK I Improventents f.L ....... .-. ---- Eleven Citizens Seeking As Compiled by The I Grosse Pointe News . Two Seats, Whiie Some 10 Percent of Voters Set in Farms \ Will Cast Ballots Thursday, May 31 " I 0 h d T ff at Different THE COUNCIL ON WAGE Council Approves A dd Itlona ver ea ra Ie I L r n and Price Stability charged Signal Heads, Pole, Signage Declines oed 10 s Amerada Hess of New York, But a major oil company, with Request for Adult Crossing Guards By Susan McDonald violating President Jimmy at Ridge-McKinley Intersection A League of Women Carter's p r ice guidelines. I ------- Vot"r~ candidates forum Chairman Alfred Kahn indio I By David Kramer "[_:-1:'" Tllnp 4 added a cated that 10 other oil com. ~ The Farms Council. accused by numerous par- \ bit'~'f"~pi~c;'.to .:vhat has panies are being accused ~f ents of "ducking" adult school crossing guards, re- been called an "issue- exceeding wage.price guide. I lines, and that gasoline prices sponded to requests for a guard at Ric.har~ Scr-~COllless" race for two scats have risen mote than 12 cents by opting instead to improve the trafflc sIgnals at on the Board of Educa- a gallon this year. The coun. the intersection in question. tion., cil specifically stated that I The decision came upon - Nine of the 11 candidates "these price increases are the recommendations of Po. GPW S k met with well over 100 peo- far larger UJilH can 'be ex- lice Chief Robert Ferber. ee S pIe for the league's ann~al plained by the increases in Wh05~ findings were con. _ _ _ questionilnd.answe.r session I . b d d t d '"n .. \l"mllrlal It was domestic and imported crude firmed yastu ycon uce Up.ntOn- .. O.R... itL."'".1.- ..... ;.••... -_. '. petroleum prices alone .... Ac- by the Automobile Club of" • :"":, . the last .maJor gathe~~~':t~ cording to the council, gaso. Michigan. done at the re. S L ''''~i': .. candidates and th_ < _. I ~ line prices went from 69.5 quest of the school's safety tate aw '.,"'''''',(-tefore voters go to the poll~ cents a gallon in January to . ~ Monday, June 11. 73.3 cents in March to 78 committee. A similar meeting wa3 cents in April with drivers Impr?vements. to be ~ade Councilman Raises Ques~ held Wednesday, ~Iay 30, by now paying up to 82 cents a Iat the mtersechon of Ridge the PTO Council at Brownell gallon at the pump this and McKinley roads. where tion on Open Meet- Middle School. The 1979 raee to fill two open seats on the LER, GEORGE FITZGERALD, DOROTHY KEN- two school children were in. ings legi!ilation Re- I Precinct Change month. Frid:Y,. J':e 1 I Board of Education has to be one of the m;:;gi NEL, VIRGINIA RADER, SHARON VASHE~ Iju.red i~ a six.m.onth period, garding Dinner, About .'10 percent. of local and CHARLES TOMPKINS Ill, and, in the back \ Will brmg the SIgnals up to , • .,.. voters Will ca~l their ballots crowded ever. Eleven candidates are competing I A U. S. DISTInCT judge r:;w, (£, om left to right), JEFFREY KIRKMAN. 1982 state traffic signal re- JOint ~eSSIOnS at different iocations ill this for election on Mondav. June 11, and none of I has ruled that President ALB'<f CARL quiremeuts. --- election due to a recent reo Jimmy Carter overstepped them are incumbents. The candidates are, in the BRIAN KILLIAN. J.ONALD D J., \ Up for Bids By RQger A. Waha I aligl~ment of school .~ystem his constitutional power when front r?w, (from left to right). ERNEST BUECH- ANDERSON and LEONARD WITliLSKI. Improvements will include A request for a legal precinctS. Tho~e affected ..b~ trying to enforce ~lis wage the addition of two more opinion/guidelines from the change Will be potlUea and price guidelines by .re. overhead signal heads, (there the Attorney General's b~ the sch~ol system. Voters .£. t' \ I t t S fusing government contracts New Fare New P ar k Bea Ut1 lea Ion I n eres een ~re curr.entry four). and the Office in r~lation to the ;~~~ ~re~~:es i~~~:~}0;~3. to certain companies that do Instal1ahon of pole mounted Open Meetmgs Law was M d" '11 fill not abide by the guidelines. 6'1 •• 'n r1 a e " lk-d.t lk"'g al on ay s wmners WI Plnnnotl '_~OmmISSIOn J. a I a~. bi TV wa on wa . Sl n s. briefly viewed by the ~ats currently held by busi- Judge Barfington D. Parker ... ~ ...,..... '-" ......... M k I C said in a 24-page decision - Th~ Far~s.re~am~ t~e ~~~ Woods Council at its reg- nessmen William Huetteman r that "President Carter has PlallS to Get Ulld.er~~ay Proposal ly Pomte wltn scnOOlS lU mIL U 1 a r meeting Monday I and Rubert Warner, who do'" J exeeeded the authority con- For Punch utHi2.e adul~ ~rossin~. guards. May 21. ' cided n~t to seek re.election ferred. on him by the Co.nlltl. 'I M-O---Id-W-'I-I-O' t Th G The counCil, at ItS Mon. Councilman G eo" g e S after eight years on the tution by seeking to control Transition in Program- C °Tune, wodmAan ' ~C ona . I C rlen e ' roup Three Pointes Agree to, day •. June 4, meting, vot.ed Freeman sought inf~rmatio~ Board. incomes ond thereby prices C C mino Scheduled to owar ..!.tJze~ AdI vl~ory oncept: Ity Name Council Member unamm,ously ~o proceed with as to the legality of holding The elecbon attracted an lhrough the procurement / .an~spl're w',th N'lew 1I.;I"'o ....,"'r 'r"'w.--- f' ..l.e" ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,1 A~".... ... r.::. W" I W'II the police chiefs recommen. Comml'ttee of the Who 1 dl'n unusually large number of Tr ......... __':1_. ""'" ~ ''==.''~ ......... --~ ............_.- .. '""",'9..... I 10' \:7;OUP ... n.en .. !.~ I. ,. .y _ .... "' j-d"f e, ~ ",.""l'dOlt ci 1 1 rr:r . Wh' h I't C-. .., I loaHnn. ami }>'" " p.o ~~'I n"r andl .. t ..... ,,---, Cuuw. ~.es an , a so, a a!>t: Mananer', Clean In IC an Help I Explore VIaj Merno2 I un ,,~- bl'ds wl'th the obJ'ec. ..:- ... Qr .. JOln . l1IebeL"~!>.I number of educ:tors. Six or power~~tu;da;, ;une Z ":lI • • I .< au. .,... • with other govermng odles . _c .. I Up Immediate By Joanne N. Gouleehe . r1c!!/ Assoclaton bve of havmg the Improve. wherein no action is taken tne 11 hop" ..uls a.e current THE ur,.~'[P'LO~,1E!'!T -. " UTh t A . , PI ments completed by the next b b. h or former educators, two of I t"norlty . I n .. a.. ~oe.s a .master gardener, an archItect and an hiP 1. _ y such odles at any suc whom are associated with RATE in the U.S. remained II -- .. t 1;' h' ? I sc 00 year. re umnary es sessions steady in May holding at 5.8 -. -- a sell-maae expel.' on e m ,rees ave;In C:lmmon. -.--. I timates for the changes are I' ,_Grosse Pointe public schools. i perceut, the "same :"~te re .. By DaVId Kramer IFor starters they all have been appomted to t.h.. e. I .Three Po~nt~s have 1!1-1 about $12000. As. a result, the. coun.c!l11 Several have focused UPUll ported in April. Michigan's more' newl"-.created B~autificativii Commi::::::iol! in T' ,I' dieated the}r mterest In Chl'ef F'~rber in making unammously authonze~ CIty issues that have been close I A return .to a . " . P . t . -. ,.... " , . .. Attorney George Catlin to t 'h hid' th unemployment rate. how- com. m u nIt y ~ 0 r 1 _ Park. I-----------Ia om e-wltie cable J. v additIonal recommenaaUOI'1S t.' 0 t e sc _00 s _~n~~ e ever. dropped from. 8.6 per. - - . system with the Grosse . .. contact the A.torney Gene- last three !Soaru ~lt:".i(j,,~ ented showplace IS the Tiley along. with five Whlttler road and Gall Urso . for an Improvement of the raI's, Office for SUCh. infor- d . t t" v h ad t _ ceill to 7,2 percent, accord. aim oi new PUl'"ich and other individuals. recently of Westchester road. POl?t~ War Memonal As- school's own safety program, mation He said last week \ miniS rallVe °de~ e . ' tela ing .to t:.~ .vIichigan Employ- . d th 1 f th . _~~.~t." ... ,,,. thA ""talv!'>t Ie 1" d h' t d "1'n .... c..el' mora e an . 10 dlrec y, me!!t Security Commission. Juny Theater manager rec~lVe ~ ap~r?va 0 e "These are all people who ~V'-'R'.'V". ~~.••• -. --;. -J' 1 a?_now.e"ge IS s u. y • ::mmerot!s opi!'lons governinsz the school system's superin. Commission Director S, Mar. Mark Etter, who's lead- P~r~ CounCil to Jom the com.
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