Will Settle Derby This Ad Is An Introduction To All The Want A PROMISING SLATE CHARLEY 0; HEAD Are You Listed Here This Evening? OF RING BOUTS THE BROADWAY PLAY CHALLENGERS LISTED THIS WEEK BUOLE TO LADYSMAN A Word To The Wi«e When Prices Are Going Up, Buy! Choc o I a t n T Canzoneri, c, Record Field for DAN PARKER Expected Rosenbloom, Perform By Kentucky Event Satur- —Fields Still at It mmS55S55SSS555S5mSmSmXSS5m5wmSm^wmmm«*^»S%55m^mvm4 day*—Mr Khayyam In Its History PHIL WHO mtMMd Ernie Schaaf until a dis- Think of it! Superior New York, May 8CHI/OSSBEUO, Mentioned 1.—(UP)—Kid agreement led him to sell the late fighter a contraot to Johnny Buckley, Newly Chocolate and Maxte Rosenbloom, GENERALS at the same recently turned over to Ernie’s bereaved parents an Insurance policy FOR SALE champions; Jackie Fields, former would for for which he had taken out on the fighter’s life, 'according to By KENNETH D. FRY prices you pay champion, and (10,000 USED Barney Ross, prom- the sydney Referee.Reggie McNamara's real name is James Reg- United Press, jstaff Correspondent other first line tire. lnent contender, swing into action any at inald McNamara, And James Reginald was almost killed during the Chicago, May 1—(UP)—Derby This Splendid Business Property In the feature bouts of this week's- week In old with However, this recent race In Boston when a splinter from the track penerated Kentucky opens opportunity boxing program. six-day east his It didn’t conduct a boxing show at the St the pinning Its hopes on the is only temporary. We’re Chocolate, recognised in New abdomen.Though TIRES Nick last Friday night, the Royal Family turned down Sidney Roth'e winter book favorite, W. R. Coe's York state as the world feather* off the Gold Standard now offer to rent the club for the evening for $1,000. Those $5,000 gate* Ladysman, and the west riding weight and the ... ST. king National with the Hourless soon BANK by Sidney draws there with hts shows don’t make the R. F. look too good. along Craley O, prices will advance All Sizes, 587 Boxing association as the junior The rental fee of the St Nick la $700 per month and $5 per cent of the colt; Head Play. Mrs Willie Be sure lightweight will risk Crump’s chestnut colt, and Broker’s sharply. buy title-holder, profits, if any. • * ... the latter crown against Johnny Tip, owned by Col E. R. a set of GENERALS to- E&I-m , 3 FRANK MURPHY OF the Bronx, fust hack from dear old Qradley, Farr of Cleveland at Philadelphia who Is seeking his fourth Derby London saw Don knock out Larry Gains day. Ride in comfort and In a 10-rounder to-night. town, McOorklngdale purse. up and touts him as a world's heavyweight champion.... save The bout will serve as a tune- coming The $50,000 added classic of the safety and still 50c the Columbia stars who are now on up for his. featherweight title de- Among grid performing bluegrass country, ancient and col- the baseball nine are McDowell, Matal and Linehan, lnftelders; money! fense against Seaman Watson at orful spectacle which will be re- and catcher.Hypus Igoe LIHKK.Ilj "TIIAUE-IS" AlilMWAnUK I'AJll, 1 Ul ll UliU IIHKSI Madison Square Garden, May IS. Rivero, outfielder, Brcminskl, enacted at the historic Downs oval breaks in Damon Runyon's new shoes for him.... The Bronx Rosenbloom, undisputed light Saturday,-Is to a rec- has four of of the current of young likely bring heavyweight champion continue his produced the best crop ord field. PPMCMRITDi Every dollar you spend entitles you nilttmen In AI Roth and Mike Bellolae, feather- RLmemOLR. busy campaign Friday In a non- Johnny Bonlto, Despite the standopt of to “SWEEPSTAKE” ballots and each of whom Is undefeated to date, and Jimmy quality title 12-rounder against that crack weights, Coe's Ladysman and the fine mile brings you nearer to winning; that beautiful 1033 PONTIAC Fantlnl, a v. .Montreal has a Polish battery In Canadian boxer, Charley Berlan- lightweight.. and a quarter workout he turned ECONOMY STRAIGHT 8 SEDAN! Get In the contest today Pomorakl and has given up Ask for Get friends to win. gcr, at Jeffersonville, Ind. Jackie Grabowskl.Harry Sylvester in theer a streak particulars. your help you baseball to Into seclusion In Conn, and Saturday, lingers Fields of Los Angeles, who lost the writing go Cheshire, of doubt In the minds of horsemen pound out several boys’ books which his publisher has ordered. welterweight crown to Young Cor- whether or not a Pompey colt can \. A. A. Road Service WILLARD & EXIDE BATTERIES Is the bett in February, starts his come- TOMMY CURTIN, CAPTAIN of the Yale freshman nine, stand the wear and tear of the back drive In a 10-rounder against son of Dr Curtin of Pittsfield, Mass, a former International League route of ground in competition Young Peter Jackson of San Fran- player.After an absence from baseball for several years, Aaron with the best three-year olds of the cisco, at Los Angeles, to-morrow Ward is playing good ball for Trls Speaker's Kansas City Blues nation. Motor night. A sports writer In.the middle west who is attracting attention by the Track Oddity Waterbury Service,foe Barney Ross, promising Chi- If Ladysman goes on parade Sat- 398 West Main 3-4197 cago lightweight, will tune up for urday he will be the first winter „otAe?J"v^nt‘r‘b»ryDial his title bout with .-■. approaching book favorite to run in the Ken- OPEN DAILY 7:00 A. M. TO 12:00 MIDNITE. ■' .. Champion Tony Cansonert, In a tucky Derby In three years. Equi- 10-rounder against rugged Joe and received poise Top Flight heavy Ideal location for Uhnouly of St Louis In that city on play through the winter and spring and layout plan receiving station, Wednesday night. months but they never faced the beer, milk depot, ice cream or light manufacturing. Week’s Schedule barrier In the 3-3121 Kentucky fixture. DIAL Also or fruit — station — automobile truck receiving To-night Philadelphia Kid Sonny Workman will pilot Ladys- Chocolate, Havana, vs Johnny Farr man, and It will be his third as- COLD STORAGE and distributing terminal. of Cleveland (10)—for Chocolate’s signment to ride the winter favor- junior lightweight crown; Buffalo ite. * vaults assure you of utmost protection Two with basement, brick and steel Bummer theft and Building: story Wesley Ramey, Grand Rapids, The week before the Derby al- against warmth, fire, Floor Mich, vs Sclollno, Buffalo ways out new names. This moths for construction, sprinklered and fireproof. space Tony .11 mumt f-T i irffliiiiir riti Mu.i ( , brings lightweight (10); Terre Haute, Ind. year It Is Mr Khayyam, a fleet bay ft. elevator—three floors. fearless manner In which 26,000 sq, Freight Tiger Jack Fox. Terre Haute heavy he goes after the phoneys and fakers of the colt with steel sinews owned by the FURS, DRAPERIES, RUGS vs Babe Oklahoma ring is Jimmy Bchlemmer of the Akron Beacon Journal.Tiny Low fire insurance rate. weight Hunt, Catawba farm stable. The son of Ask to see where your furs are stored. New Orleans—Eddie Chaplin, former Ulant hurler, is now delivering a very elusive agate (10); Flynn, Omar Khayyam, winner of the 1917 We can show you the most modern Now Orleans for the Nashville Volunteers.Roy Parmeloe’e sweetheart, whose plant steel welter, vs Gus Camp- Derfby, took a sizeable slice out of in the state. Connecting constructed storage space 133x40; influence over him was credited reason for his success boll, Miami, Fla (10); New York— with being the his own high future book odds by with the Columbus team is loading platform 133x11. Johnny Ladao, Filipino feather, vs lest season, now Mrs Parmelee (and, oi a six-length victory In the Chesa- course stil his She sat in the when Damasco Seda, Porto Rico (8). sweetheart). grandstand Roy pitch- peake stakes at a mile and a six- ed his one-hit the Phils last week. THE BLAKESLEE COMPANY Railroad electric traveling crane from sid- ; Tuesday—Los Angeles—Jackie game against * teenth at Havre de Grace Saturday. siding; Fields, Los Angeles welter, vs THURSDAY WILL BE Hans Wngncr Day in Brooklyn. His impressive stretch finish gave 75 FIELD STREET DIAL 3-3121 ing through storage building serving three floors Young Poter Jackson, San Fran- The program includes a reception for Bonus on the steps of (Mr Khayyam a certain place In the of the main building. cisco (10); Seattle—Mexican Kid Borough Hall, during which John McCooey will burn a wel- 69th running of the bluegrass event Ponce, Los Angeles lightweight vs come at him, a parade through downtown Brooklyn, the ball this week. Main can be for Henry Woods, Yakima. Wash (10). at Ebbets Field and a banquet at the Half-Mioon Hotel Automobiles Business Service building conveniently arranged Portland, Ore.—Frank Van Hee, Jrnmcn Coney Island ut 7 p. in. Though the gossip-mongers any purpose due to its large storage space, display Seattlo vs Jack Patrick, would have believe Bill and Liudstrom are NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION heavy you Terry Freddy room, office and bookkeepers’ department. Fresno (10). no longer friends, Freddy sent Bill a nice telegram of sym- A a to* and Trucks For Sale 58 Moving, Trucking, Baggage when the Giants’ broke wrist STAT^ OF CONNECTICUT, New land and Wednesday—St Louis—Barney pathy manager his last Monday Haven Building recently constructed, building .Rail County, is.
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