Jaycees Award Bowling Citations

Jaycees Award Bowling Citations

WEEK'S PLETE TELE ISION PROGRAMS UNDAY N RTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL-. MAGAZINE News Highlights of ..!•'..i.... Clifton P''?:::...:?:?: ::-:-:.'::-.-: :.-........ :-:-....:.:-:-:::::'i:?.'5"::•'• •!:5'.-.:::..-.................-...-.-..:'..-..-:-:::.:-.', •., :.. iii!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-:•!:i:i:i:i:i:.:i:i:l:i:i:!.'.-':i:i•:i.i:i:!:P'::'"' .........'-"':::::!:?:i:•::i:iii?ih-'::•:::•-Y::!:':i:::i:?:!-•:. -:i:::.::i.'.-:::::?.•:•.. • •..-:..-',, •......-'.:•'..................................... .......... '.'::................................. :..... ':::':::i:i•.•-•::'..:::::i.-"!.:i:!.'.................•::i•:•:•.__•L.,• .,,•.'........................... .........:::'.........:L::::• -:,.• .•:::.- ) East Paterson •:!i: :::::::::::::::::::::.:.......:.-.•i::.:::i .:?•i?:.•:'::....... :i:. 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'" •.,,,- ..,•:•'•,•.•!..... .-::.-.::::::.-.'•..•:•,..... .: ,•.:.. •.:•;,..'" "'"•-:",•-'.:"-' .... e•.a.x .... '• ' • •sf Paterson MARCH 6, 1960 VOL. XXXII, No. 10 WHITE a.d $-HAUGER, I-.(:. A Good Name to Remember for ......... FUR-NITURE ' Living Room - Bed Room • :. Dining Room ....... ). RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY Quality and Low Price 39 Years Serving the Public 435 STEAIGI•T STREET (Coruer 20th Ave.) PATEl]SON, N.J. 'ø]•.hePlace with the Clock" -- MUlberry 4-7880 Headquarters for Engaged Couples THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE " SEAFOOD •:•.• THE SHAPE OF THINGS -- Hugh Downs gives daughter ASPECIALTY ß•. Deirdrea previewof "The Shapeof Things,"a "World Wide 60" BROILED LOBSTER • -- DAILY program. to be colorcast by the NBC-TV Network Saturday, FROGS' I,EGS - •)i.'T SiiEI.L March 12. With Downs as host and narrator, the show will TROUT - HALIBUT - SAbMON - SHRIMI'S - SCAi.!,OI'R - provide a light-hearted, layman's view of architecture and what OYSTERS - CI.AM - COD FIR!! - S[VOItD FISH - DAILY DINNEH• it means in everyday life. It was filmed in various parts of the 168 BELMONTAVE. [Cot. Burbank}.HALEDON - - - •mberf 5-98•5 U.S., Europe and the Middle East. ß., ,. ._.. ..... :.:. o ( ..... ..' •, %,; I. PARRILLO TheMan from Equitableasks- Youwa•t your child to have.a .better placein the sun, don't you? oF COURSEYOU DO. But like someparents you fig- ure,"there's still plenty of time."Then, beJ•ore you knowit, they'reall grown up and need your help to givethem that 'nnportant start toward a pro•ession, careeror business,or in settingup a home.Make surenow that your "helpinghand" will be there whenit isneeded. Equitable offers you a variety policiesfor youryoungster at low rates.For more inl•ormation call... ß I. PARRILLO 200 EAST ]•IDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, •N. J. GI 5-$342 GI 4..•891 LEADING LADY -- Julie Harris stars as a circus ballerina in d'Turn.theKey Deftly,"Alfred Bester'soriginal mystery to be Letthe manfrom Equitable brincj you peace of mind producedand directed"by GeorgeSchaefer for NBC-TV Net- ..= work'8"Sunday ShowcaSe 'colorcast of March6. The dramais set behind the scenes of a traveling circus. i PageTwo Citizen of fhe Monfh THE Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMI'Ad•IY 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRII. J.•, Publisher VINCENT N. PARRII_J_•, Managing Editor Entered as SecondClass matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at PatWrson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879.

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