The War Jn South Africa

The War Jn South Africa

146 THE WAR JN SOUTH AFRICA PEACE ctmtiniuH. PHILLIPS, Capt. H. O. C. : at Spion Kop, HI Pretoria negotiations, 564, 565, 567-77; Trans- 272, 287, 291-3 Lionel : i vaal Government suggests overtures, 417 ; PHILLIPS, Mr. portrait, 174 ; tn- celebrations at Pretoria and Johannesburg, terviews Mr. Rhodes regarding i evolution, - vi 41 ; Vereeniging Conference, 582-606 ; re 160 ; signatory of letter inviting Jameson, 164 -it ception of news, 41 ; results, 89-41 163, ; member of Uitlander de-put. ion to PKACK-AT-ANY-PRICE PARTY : views, i 20 Boer Commission, 168; sentenced to \ PEACE PRESERVATION PROCLAMATION, 1902 : April '96, 179 ; efforts after the war, on Indian question, vi 133 PHIPP8, Mr. H.: contributes to Boer widows PKAKMAN, Col. : in command of Kimberley and orphans fund, vi 76 : Mounted Corps, iv 221 ; at Kimberley, 554-6, PHIPPS-HORNBY, Major E. J. portrait, iv 42 ; 559 ; at Israel's Farm, 221 at Sannah's Post, 38, 39, 41, 42 PEARCE-SKROCOLD, Capt. : at battle of Lady. PlCARD, Pte. : at Moedwil, v 380 smith, ii 233 PICKETS : neglected at Talana, Ii 151, 162 ; : iii near iii PEARSK, Major at Wynne Hills, 519, 520 ; surprised Colesberg, 134 ; insufficient at Platrand, v 52 at Faber'sPut, iv 232, 236; failure to util'/.n : in PBARSTON Scheepers moves there, v 245 ; them properly Brandwater Basil drive, 316 arrangement at Wilmansrust criticize : killed of PKCHELL, Capt. C. A. K. at Mafeking, ignorance duties at Quaggafontein, 387 ; iv f.84 dispositions at Tweefontein criticized ii : ii PECHELL, Capt. M. H. K. : killed at Talana, PiCKWOAD, Col. at Talana, 166, 168, 169 ; in 162, 174 retreat to Ladysmith, 208 ; at battle of PEEBLES, Capt. : killed at Bothaville, v 17-19, Ladysmith, 217 20 PIENAAR, Field-Cornet (Fordshurg) : at Elands- : ii PEEKS number who went out to South Africa, laagte, 175, 176, 180 ; wounded, 194 iii 17 PIKNAAR, Comdt. C. : commands Johannes- : iii iv 513 PKLLKTIER, Major at Paardeberg, 483 ; burgers, 383, ; at Springs, 383 ; at wounded, 484 Witpoort, 396 ; at Komati Poort, 476; sur- PEN HOEK. : Brabant's Horse sent there, ii renders, 482 296 PIENAAR'S RIVER.: narrow escape of Presi- PENN-SYMONS, Maj.-Gen. Sir W. : portrait, dent Steyn, iv 430 ii : 170 ; ability for command, 107 ; sketch of PIENAAR'S RIVER STATION Boers there July iv v service, 107 ; in Zulu War 1879, 25 ; opinion '00, 383 ; Plnmer there, 201 : of fighting qualities of Boers, 103 ; force he PIERCE, Mr. interviews Dr. Leyds regarding considered necessary for defence of Natal, renewal of dynamite monopoly, i 236, 237 : 103 ; force moved from Ladysmith to Dundee, PIETERMARITZBURO Boers established there, i ii i 351 ; decides not to hold Laing's Nek, 109 ; 1842, 38; public meeting urges prompt advocates holding Glencoe, 129 ; reply to action by British Government, 341; troops ii Sir G. White's order to retire from Dundee, there Nov. '99, 302 ; Fort Napier fortifted, 302 146, 147 ; decides to remain at Dundee, 147 ; ; Gen. Hildyard creates independent com- v vi 7:i at Talana, 160-2, 154, 157, 158 ; mortally mand, 53 ; Mr. Chamberlain arrives, 174 : sick wounded, 161, ; death at Dundee, 209, PIETERMARITZBURO AID SOCIETY aids 210 and wounded, vi 530 PKNTON, Col. : organizes New Zealand con- PIETERSBURO (Transvaal) : Kaffirs destroyed tingent, iii 33, 36 by Boers, 1852, ii 61; predominance of t it- PEPWORTH HILL: Boers place "Long Tom" landers, i!09 ; movements of Gen. Carrington, ii there, 215, 216 ; silenced by naval guns, 236 iv 376-9, 381 ; Lord Roberts overlooks its : ii 479 v 46 PERCEVAL, Major at Stormberg, 378 ; importance, ; Boers rally there, ; wounded 376, 380 columns operate along railway, 47 ; Transvaal PERREAU, Lieut. A. M. : wounded at Riet- and Free State Governments there, 46 ; Boer ii foutein, 205 councils, 196 ; an important source of supplies, : 196 PERRKAU, Lieut. C. N. wounded at Talana, ; British inhabitants dismissed, 198 ; H174 Plumer occupies it, 203 ; under Col. Harrison, PERRY (Engine-driver) : at Mafeking, ii 268 658 PERRY, Sergt. : at Boschbult, v 522 PIETERSBURO (Cape Colony) : Scobell moves PERSONAL AND PROPERTY INQUIRY DEPART- against Lotter, v 320 MENT : vi 23 PlETERSBURG LIGHT HORSE : Me REGIMENTAL " organization, PERUVIANS": sign the pretended counter- UNITS i petition against Uitlanders, 234 ; number PIETEKSEN, Comdt. : attacks Worcester Hills, of signatories requested by Lord Milner, 271 Colesberg, iii 464, 466 PKTRUSBURG : Tucker marches through, iii PlETER's HILL : operations, iii 513, 634, 535, 572 ; great de Wet hunt operations, v 153 ; 537-43 South Africa Constabulary posts extended, PIET POTGIETERSRUST : Plumer occupies it, v 286 202 PETRUSVILLE : great de Wet hunt operations, PIBT RETIEF : commando nee under REGI- v 148, 146 MENTAL UNITS, BOER COMMANDOS, Trans- : v PHILIP, Dr. mischievous influence over Lord vaal ; Boers recuperate there, 116 ; Gen. Glenelg, i 31 ; policy of native states round French's operations, 173, 178-SO; Trans- Cape Colony, 40 vaal Government there, 294 ; Botha escapes PHILIPPINES: insurrection strength of Ameri- to the north, Oct. 11, '01, 356 ; blockhouses can force, v 78 built, 400 PHIUPPOLIS : commando gee under REGI- PIGEONS (Carrier) : maps sent from Ladysmith MENTAL UNITS, BOKR COMMANDOS, Orange to Maritzburg, iii 166 v : ii Free State ; attacked, 25 ; garrison with- PlKJJ, Capt. M. J. W. Talana gallantry, drawn, 86 ; great de Wet hunt operations, 163 ; wounded, 174 136, 153 ; district reorganized by de Wet, 236 PILANDSBERG : Baden-Powell chastises Kaffirs, : iii PIIILIPSTOWN British occupy it, 127 ; great iv348 de Wet hunt operations, v 128, 140, 149 PILOHER, Col. T. D. : portrait, iv 42 ; at Bel- PIIIU.IPI-S. Mr. L. March : extract from "With inont., iii li'i; defeats rebels at Sunnyside, Rimington," ii 33C 115, 116, vi 550; at Douglas, iii 116; at Biob- : v 366 in "PHILLIPS, Capt A. L. at Yzer Spruit, 499 mond, 364, ; action at Macfarlaue's, INDEX 147 PlLCHBR, Col. T. D. continued. PLUMER, Brig. -Gen. H. C. Q.contimttd,. tions 412 ; in command of 3rd Corps M.I., iv 504 ; at discussed, 208, 209 ; joins hands with Col. Leeuw River Mills, 9 ; at Ladybrand, 10 ; at Mahon, May 15, '00, 220 ; in action t Sannah'a Post, 34, 36, 43 ; at Zand Eiver, 119 ; Israel's Farm, 221 ; credit due for relief of at Bothaville, 129 ; crosses Vaal, 135 ; Mafeking, 222 ; at Rustenburg, 225 ; attacks Johannesburg operations, 141, 149 ; Pretoria Grobler at Pienaar's River, 430 ; operates on v operations, 385, 387-91, 395 ; takes over Pietersburg railway, 47 ; succeeds Baden- 59 command of Le Gallais's column, v 26 ; 2nd Powell, ; in action at Rhenoster Kop, 62 ; de Wet hunt operations, 33-5, 37, 38, 42 ; great de Wet hunt operations at Naauwpoort, composition and strength of column, Jan. '01, 134, 135 ; at Hamelfontein, 137 ; in action at 132 138 ; June '01, 286 ; great de Wet hunt Wolvekuil, ; captures de Wet's convoy at operations, 132, 133, 140 ; in Free State, 236 ; Bartmann's Siding, 139 ; Crabbe and Hen- operates around Clocolan, 238 ; takes part in niker placed under him, 140 ; surprises de drive in South-West, 286 ; North-Western Wet near Gous Pan, 141 ; at Elsjesvlakte, 143 Free State drive, 304 ; moves against Smuts ; captures gun near Slypsteen, 144 ; at and Kritzinger at Zastron, 318 ; Cape Colony Hopetown, 145 ; ordered to Colesberg, 148, 151 with French, 320; moves against Smuts, ; to Springfontein and continues pursuit in 394 in 153 388 ; South-Eastern Free State, ; north, 152, ; Eastern Transvaal opera- North-Western Free State, 556 ; captures tions, 160 ; withdrawn to Cape Colony, rebels at Sunnyside, vi 550 161 ; North-Eastern Transvaal marches to PILGRIM'S HILL : taken by Buller, iv 480 Pietersburg, 200-3 ; blocks drifts on Olifant's PILGRIM'S REST : Buller fails to stop Botha, River, 204 ; later movements, 215, 216 ; iv 480 ; headquarters of Viljoen, v 463 ; peace- Eastern Transvaal operations, May-June '01, ful life of Boers, 463, 464 290, 292, 293, June-July '01, 306 ; in North- iv PILKINGTON, Major: command, 87; Western Free State drive, 306, 307 ; roughly 102 advance ~n Pretoria orders, ; at Vet handles Lategan at Orange River, 315 ; sent Kfc Eiver, ; at Vaal River, 136; Johannes- to Smithfield against Smuts, 318 ; covers of burg operations, 143 ; enlarges protected construction Wakkerstroom-Piet Retief area east of Pretoria, v 361 ; in action at blockhouse line, 356 ; operates against Krit- Belfast, iv 447 ; at Waterval Onder, 463 ; zinger in Free State, 385 ; Eastern Transvaal advances to Komati Poort, 481 near Wakkerstroom, 448 ; in action at Kal- PINE-COFFIN, Major : on lines of communica- koenskraal, 454 ; scours the Elandsberg, 455 ; iv in tion in Free State, 267 ; the Doomberg, engages Chris Botha at Glenfillan, 456 ; in v 234 ; in North-Western Free State drive, action at Rotterdam, 456 ; at Bankkop, 457, 306, 307 ; at Win burg, 323, 324 458 ; at Wakkerstroom, 458 ; mountain drive, PINK, Lieut. -Col. : at Paardekop, v 52 ; in 468, 459 ; command broken up, March '01, 512 North-Eastern Free State drive, 287 POBTEDONOSTZKFF, M. : persecution of Luther- PINK HILL (Colesberg) : iii 463, 466 ans in Russia referred to, iii 51 PINNACLE HILL (Colesberg) : iii 464, 465 POGWENI : see POUGWANA PI?TORIUS, Mr. : interview with Dr. Leyds, POHLMAN, Lieut. : Bergendal killed, iv 455 etc., regarding renewal of dynamite mono- POINTED HILL : Frederikstad operations, v 11 pi 'ly, i236, 237 POLAND : sympathy for Great Britain, iii 56 PITMAN, Major : in action at Roodewal, v 533 POLE-CARE w, Lieut. -Gen. Sir R. : portrait, iv : iv 20(3 PITSANI Boers attack Col. Bodle, ; 132 ; appointed to Gen. Buller's staff, ii 115 ; movements of Plumer's troops, 206 commands 9th Brigade at Modder River, 347 ; ii i PITSO .-its meaning, 277 ; at Pretoria, 392 movements there, 353-8 ; opposes retirement, : iii ii PIVAAN RIVER operations, v 175, 177, 337, 107 ; at Magersfontein, 396, 409, 419 ; 356 appointed to command Guards' Brigade, iii : v 229 370 375 PLATE ERG (Western Transvaal) action ; its composition, ; discovers Cronje's Caesar's Pi.ATRAND (Le.

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