THE PILOT, Southern Pin— and A btrtw n, Nwrtli CaroBmi Friday, March 12, W37. ANNUAL SUPPER MEETING pj^n Improvements Speaks Here Tuesday Addison Hussey of OrrmEHlIBSTCONOIlEOATION Charmella Spies Passes at 69 The annual supper meeting of the Ntew Owner Arrives in Vass to Prominent Re^dent of Upper tongregation of the Pinehurst Com­ Redecorate and Modernize Moore Leaves Widow and Angora Knit munity Church and invited guests Vass Inn Eight Children •will be held Tuesday night, March Theodorus Bailey of Dania Beach, Addison Hussey, prominent resi­ 16, at 7:00 in the Brotherhood room The last word in Knitted Suits j Florida, operator of a chain of hotels, dent of Spies, In upper Moore coun­ of the Community Church. arrived this week to take charge of ty, died last Friday at the age of 69 n The principal speaker for the even­ years. Funeral sen Ices were held on his most recently acquired hostelry, ing will be Russell Clegg of Carth­ Saturday at the family home, with Two and Three-Kece Suits ............. $25.00 to $35.00 age. j Hotel Charmella in Vass. Mr. Bailey burial in Old Smyrna Cemetery. has purchased this 40- room brick Mr. Hussey was the son of the One Piece Dresses .....................................................$25.00 , building, which was erected around late Bartis Hussey and a grandson Coats ...................... .....................................$23.50—$25.00 1920 at a cost of approximately $50,- of Captain John Ritter, who became 14 Days To Shop 000, and 7.3 acres of land adjoining famous for his bravery during the Capes ............................ i.........................................$23.50 it. Civil War. He was married in 1889 to COLORS ARE GORGEOUS Before Easter I The new owner plans to complete­ Miss Julia Ann Garner, and of nine ly redecorate and modernize the children born to them eight survive FIT PERFECTLY All the new outfits are on display building, and work will be begun im­ to mourn with their mother. The sur-1 WILL NOT SAG OR LOSE SHAPE in our stores. Get yours while the mediately. The rooms will bq re­ vlving children are Mrs. Martha Gar- ( PERFECT WEIGHT FOR SPRING selection is good. 300 ladies’ silk painted and newly papered; every ner of Spies, Mrs. Ella Onsby o f' room will have running water and in JOHN MOODY Rockingham, Hobart Hussey of Ashe- j IK>BBS HATS TO MATCH VOUR SUIT dresses to choose from— addition to light fixtures over every boro, Boyd Hussey of Southern Pines,, $1.98 to $4.93 basin, base outlets will be installed On Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock Franklin, Bertie and Ellis Hussey of Dozens of tailored suits ranging in each room. Most Rev. William J. Hafey, D. D., Spies, and Harrison Hussey of in price $3.95 to $9.95 The construction of a road from the Bishop of Raleigh, will introduce I Greensboro. hotel to Federal Highway 1 about John Moody at the Civic Club in j Mr. Hussey was a faithful'mem- C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE I Ladies Coats at $5.95—$9.95 250 feet south of Maple street, the Southern Pines to the people of the ' her of the Methodist church and the Children’s Silk Dresses $198 avenue now connecting the hotel with Sandhills. i highest type of Christian gentleman. Southern Pines, N. C. the highway, is contemplated, and a John Moody is the founder and di­ Shoes in black, brown, blue, grey small stream flowing through this rector of the Moody Investment Ser­ BIDS ASKED FOR PAINTING brown and white and all-white. property will be utilized in forming a vice with headquarters in New York POSTOFFICE AT PINEHURST Over 5,000 pairs to select from in pond between the two approaches to City. Within the past few years Mr. Moody entered the Catholic Church all sizes. From O in baby sizes to the hotel from the highway. Green­ Sealed bids in duplicate, svibject to Pinehurst Paragraphs houses and shrubbery are also in the and has devoted much time in giving conditions of Bulletin 51 (revised) of 11 in Men’s. Miss Mildred Petway is having as held at the school Tuesday evening, plans. talks explaining his conversion. Re­ the Federal Emergency Administra- her guests over the weekend Miss with W. P. Morton, superintendent, Just received 300 new shirts for ! Mrs. Faith White of Orlando, Flor­ cently he gave several very interest­ ' tion of Public Works will be public- Mary Pierce, and Mrs. R. L. Kendrick, presiding, to which each teacher had men and they are real valuea. ida is here to manage the hotel. She ing talks in the South and was most I ly opened in the office of the Pro­ of Elizabeth City. iinvited a guest. W. L. Cunningham, for $1.00 has had wide experience in the work, enthusiastically received. In Augu.s- curement Division, Public Buildings Donald Currie is making satisfac- j and Miss V'irginia Simpkins |gave having been assisteint manager of ta, Ga.. a record-breaking crowd Branch. Washington, D. C., at 10:00 Men's and Boys' Pants -just the tory pi’ogress following an operation ’ reports from the meeting held at El- a number of large hotels Including heard him discuss Catholicism versus a, m. March 26th, 1937 for painting at the Moore Cunty Hspital. lerbe. Teachers taking part on the thing to wear now and at money the President Roosevelt in New Paganism and by special invitation plaster, etc. in the United States Dr. Alice Presbrey has as guests i program were, Miss Gentry, Miss saving prices. Many other items "iork and Hotel Plaza in Miami. Flor­ he will again discuss this vital ques­ Postoffice at Pinehurst. i Mrs. Jewett Orth and Mrs. Carol Van Mildred Petway, Miss Eunice Gib­ ida. tion. His talk is open to the general I Specifications, not exceeding one now on sale at reasonable prices. Kleeck of New York. j son and Miss Elmer May. Miss Mattie McDuffie, who had public. ; set, may be obtained from the cus- been operating the hotel for some H, Newton Marshall and his son, I todian of the building or at the I time, left on Wednesday for Pitts- KEV. MR. HABOUSH SPEAKS Washington office in the discretion and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. i boro where she has business inter­ TONIGHT IN .\BERDEEN I of the Assistant Director of Procure- Gordon P. Marshall have returned I NelvinBros. ests. ' ment, Public Buildings Branch. from San Antonio, Texus where they j Those who heard the Rev. Stephen attended the annual convention of Aberdeen and Southern Pines New books about Horses, Dogs, Haboush give his interpretation of ^ VASS ORGANIZES CHAMBER, the International Society of Paint­ The Siberian Singers, one of the Golf and Tennis at Hayes.’ the twenty-third Psalm Sunday night STARTS MOVE FOR B.\NK ers and Decorators. most colorful and artistic Russian at the Page Memorial Church are Mrs. David Coffey and baby dau- male choirs are to give a concert at looking forward with keen anticipa­ gi.ter, Kay Hampton, are spending (Continued from page 1) tion to his program this evening, Fri­ the week with Mrs. Rosser Jones in the Pinehurst Theatre, Sunday night mittec had already secured almost day, at 8:00 o’clock at this same Aberdeen. at 8:30. All the members of this CAI^CLINA TtiEATCES twice the number . f guarantors that church. Mrs. S. R. Jellison is much improv­ choir were connected, as soloists, with they set out to sign. PirNCHlIRST and SOI THCRN PINES Mr. Haboush has giyen his enter­ ed after being confined to her home The committee hopes to induce the the famous St. Alexander Cathedral tainment in the laj-ger cities of North for the past two weeks. present Bank of Pinehurst to open a branch in St. Petersburg, and with other Carolina as well as in many of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Morrison bank here, but the next step is to smaller towns, and all who have have returned to their home in cathedrals. Some years ago, there gather together sufficient prorf to heard him are unanimous in saying Knollwood after a trip to California. was an all-Russian contest in St. At Pinehurst convince Gurney P. Hood, State Com­ Theit »ov« that he gives an accurate and inspir­ Charlie Fields is a patieut in the Petersburg where the finest male missioner of Banks, that a bank Is time it ing picture of Palestine, that coun­ Moore County Hospital where he is voices were selected to be sent to needed. A meeting will be held on your laugh try which holds the interest of the , receiving treatment for an infected America for the purpose of presenting The Siberian Singers next Monday night to discuss the entire world. The education and spir- I leg. programs of liturgical music and folk time' banking plans. (In Person) itual values of his program make it Ellis Fields is home from the Uni­ songs. All the members of the Si­ a worthwhile contribution to the life versity, Chapel Hill, to spend the berian Singers passed this test by un­ SEDALIA PRESIDENT AND in 'T IM E O U T of any community. | spring vacation. animous assent and Mr. Vasilieff the SINGERS HERE TUESDAY Edward F. Brigham of Chicago, youthful tenor, was appointed the CONCERT CHI RCH NOTES who gave a sacred song and dramat­ director. For four consecutive years (Continued from page 1) ic recital at the Community Church j the Siberians have toured the United and The monthly meeting of the Mis­ Institute who are famous for their CLAIRE TREVOR era Sunday night, was the week-end States, and their popularity and pub­ sionary Society of the Church of interpretation of negro spirituals.
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