PUB TRADES DIRECTORY, 1919. PUB 561• .ttreemi\IIOns' Railway Hotel, Alfred John Gun, Arthur William Plummer, 97 New Jolly Gardeners, Arthur Richard W oolgar, 61 Lord Palmerston, Thomas Thompson Hirst,. Walker, 3S Ladywell rd. Lewishm SE 13 road, Woolwich SEIS & 6it Lacy road, Pntney SW15 70 Hartington road,South Lambeth SW8 lreneh Horn & Half Moon, Mrs Anna Marie Haberdashers' Arms, Frederick J. Searle, 47 Kent Arms, Mrs. Marie Denneby, 206 Alben - Oharles Keeling, 4 Southfieltl terrace. Keys, 47 East hill, Wandsworth SWlS Onlvert road, Battersea SWU road, North Woolwich El6 Merton road, Wandsworth SW18 Galatea, William Defries, 20S Albert road, Half Moon Hotel, Albert Edward Wiltshire, Kentish Drovers, Mrs. Oatherine Gl"' -Strange & Oo. 64S King's rd.Fulham SW6 Peckham SE 16 9S Lower Richmond road, Putney SW15. Richards, 74 High street, Pt'Ckham SE 15 - Henry D. Widdicombe & Henry Robert; (hu'deners' Arms, Benjamin Hall, 26S Merton Half Moon Tavern, Frederick William Kerfield Tavern. OharJes W. Y oung,16 Grove Moore, 33 Dartmouth park hill NW5 road, Wandsworth SW18 Whithair,10 Half Moon Ia.Herne hiS E24 lane, Oamberwell SE 5 Lord Raglan, Mrs. K. Oooper, 63 Oronin road, -B.B. Robinson,l 090hatham ril. Bttrsea S Wll Half Way House, Henry Rogers, 393 Battersea King of Bohemia, Frank Stanier, 10 High Peckham S El5 Gauden Hotel, Samuel Frederick William park road swn street, Hampstead NW3 -Mrs. Ellen Fowler,392Wandsworth rdSWS Drake, 104 Gauden road, Clapham SW4 Halfway House, Caterers Ltd. 314 & 316 King of Sardinia, Richard Simmons, 21 - Albert William Hollingbery, 34 Kintr General Gordon, Frederick Herbert Light, Lillie road, Fulham SW6 Somers road, Brixton SW2 street. Hammersmith W6 19 M1mor way, North Woolwich E16 - W. 0. Milestone, 43S Garratt lane, King William IV. Arthur Albert Henry - Geo.S. Topping,15SBorra.ge rd.PlmstdS E 18 General Havelock, William Denney, 292 Wandsworth SW18 Bailey, S54 Wandsworth road SW8 Lord Ranelagh,Richard Yorwarth, 53Verona Hornsey road N7 Hamilton Arms, Mrs. Elizabeth ·rnara Page, -GeorgeDavis, 155Trafalgar rd.GrnwchS E 10 street, Battersea SWll - George Thomas Richards, 1S & 19 George 1 Olive road, Dulwich SE 21 -Harry Soloman Lee, 419 Streatham High Lord Stanley, Arthur Valentine Oole, 11 street, Woolwich SE1S Hammelton,Richard Henry Parr,S3Akerman road SW16 Hinton road, Heme hill S E24 General Napier, Mrs.Emma Stevens, 37 Bovil road, Brixton S W9 King's Arms1 Albert Frederick Benton, 96 Lord Westbury, John Dickin, 41S Wands• road, F~.rest hill SE 23 Hammersmith Tavern, Charles Gnlliver, 82 High street. Wandsworth SW18 worth road SWR George, Edwn. Rchd.Ooles, 16Balham hlSW12 King street, Hammersmith W6 - Edward Arthur Cook, New King's road, Lord Whitworth, Richard James Bimpson, - Patrick McGoldrich, 1 Rushey green S E 6 Hampshire Hog, Mrs. Rose Dorothy Black­ Fulham SW6 37 Charles street. W oolwich S EIS - Ringwood Bros. 24 Broadway, Hmrsmth N6 man, 227 King stn-et, Hammersmith W6 - William Gosheron, 132 Peckham ryeS E 15 Lord Wol!leley, Arthur William Braddy, 76 - A.lf.J.Unwin,171 Glyn rd.Low. OlaptonE5 Hand & Flower, Mrs. Lily Moore & Benj. - Mrs. Oatherine Holt, 71 Durham road N 7 Upper Brockly road, Brookf'ley SE4 -Mrs. Sophia Henrietta Yates, S2 Rail ton Levy, 6I7 King's road, Fulham SW6 - Joseph Wm.Jex,7Dutton st.Grnwch S EIO Lothian Arms, George Henry Henwood, 11 road, Herne hill S E 24 Hand in Hand, Herbert Edwin Loomes, 61 - Mrs. Maria Williams, 16 King William Lothian road, Brixton SW9 · George Canning, Harry Brown, 123 Grove New Park road, Brixton SW2 street, Greenwich SE10 Loughborough Hotel, Thomas 0. Oolmer, BC. lane, Oa.mberwell SE 5 Hanley Arms, Herbert Rebm & Arthur - Fred Wisdom, 60 High street, Eltham S E 9 Loughborough road, Brixton SW9 - Bdwin H. Gilbert,95 Effra rd.BrixtonSW2 Pitch, 440 HornSPy road Nl9 King's Arms Hotel, Gilbert McKenzie, 1 LoughboroughPa.rkTavern Geo.F.T Edwards, George& Dragon, Waiter William Ooulstock, Hanover Arms, William James Hogan, 38 Frances street, Woolwich S EIS BOG & 307 Ooldharbour la. Brixton SW9 2 Blackheath hill, Greenwich SE IO .Rye lane, Peckham S E 15 King's Head, George Burrell, 84 Upper Lugard,John Bealy,Lugard rd.Peckhm SE 15 -Wm. Sime,.41 High st. Woolwich SEtS Hare & Billet, Frederick Guy Silk, Grote's Tooting road SW17 Magdala Hotel, William Talbot. South Hill - Frederick George Smith, 14 St. George's place, Blackheath SE3 - Oriswick & Feaviour, I2 High street. park, Hampatend NWS road, Peckham S E16 Hare & Hounds, Henry Fiber, 97 Stoke Fulbam SW6 Magdala Tavent, Mrs. Mary Ann Oasm:r, 211 George IV. John Henry Ohenery, 141 Kings­ Newington road N16 -John Eley, S2High st.WestNorwoodSE27 Lordship lane, East Dulwieh SE 2ll man street, Wool wich S E 1S -H. Prewer, North End rd.HampsteadNW3 - Arthur Oharles Everitt, 141 Meeting MallOoach, Wm Rnssell&Oo.2SU xbrdge.rdWlt George IV .Hotel,Jn.Osment,l44Brxtn.hlSW2 Hart's Stores, Abraham Bowman, 192 High house lane, Peckham S E15 Maismore Arms, George Frederick Page, lOi Gipsy Hill Hotel, Ed ward Alfred Williams, street. Stoke Newington N16 - Charles Henry Harris Howe, 100 Clapham Peckham park road SE 16 79 Gtpsy hill, Norwood SE 19 Havelock Arms, Waiter Henry D. Durrant, park road SW4 Maltman & Shovel, Isaac JamE'B RU8118ll Gipsy Queen, William Albert Ankerson, 20 SS Meeting house lane, Peckham S E 15 -Samuel Janee, 476 Fnlham road SW6 6 King street, H~mmersmith W6 High street, West N orwood S E 27 Heaton Arms, Miss Oatherine G. Richards, - Alfred John Livermore, 44 Middlesex Manor Arms, William JohB Thornton, 1S Gladstone, Wijliam Gardner, 64 Plough 249 Rye lane, Peckham S E 15 wharf, Upper Olapton E5 Mitcham lane, Stree.tham SW16 road, Battersea SWll Heber Arms, Chas. Wm. Branstone, 3 Heber - Mrs. Alice Ann Sharp, High street, Roe­ Manor House, Mrs. Amelia 0. Bwinyard, 316 Glengall Tavern, John Lambourn, 1 Bird in· road, East Dui wich S E 22 hampton SW15 Green lanes, Finsbury park N4 Bush road, Peckham SE I5 Henley Arm~, E. Hornsey, 268 Albert road, -Waiter Edwin Smith, 104 High street, Manor Tavern. Mrs. Gertrude Villion, 11 Reo. Globe, James Bller,6 Royal hill, GrnwchS ElO North. Woolwich El6 Wand&worth SW18 tory road, Stoke Newinl!'ton r..16 - Bdwd. Oross, SOhurch st. Woolwch S EIS Herne Arms, Frederick R. Harriugton, 1S Lads of the Village, William Henry James, Marlborough Arms, Fred Balding, 67 Sedg­ - Frdk. Freilericks,5S Hill st.PeckhamS EI5 Herne hill road S E 24 32 Harden's manor way, Oharlton SE 7 moor place, Oamberwell S E 5 -Mrs. Mary There sa Thomas, 204 Black- Herne Tavern, Jos!'ph Lane, Forest hill road, Ladywell Tavern, E. J. H. Beynon, 80 Lady­ Marlborough Head, James J. Shenston, 74 stock road, Highbury N 5 East Dul.wich S E22 well road, Lewisham S EIS Marmont road, Peckham SE I5 Gloucester Hotel, Fred A. Sa.unders, King Hero of Switzerland, Arthur Sansom, 142 Lamb & Flag, William Kirby, 69 High Marquis of Lansdowne, Frederick Rix, 41J Wllliam street, Greenwich SE 10 Loughborough road, Brixton S W9 street, Homerton E 9 Stoke Newington roatl N16 Golden Anchor, Mrs. Mary Groutage, 16 Hever Castle, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, 16 Landor Hotel, John HenrvEarnshaw,70 Lan­ .Marquis of Lorue, Thomas Saward, Dalyell Evelina road, Peckham SE I5 D' Eynsford road, Oam berwell S E 5 dor road, Stoekwell SW9 road, Stockwell SW9 liolden Cross, Charles Oliver Edwards, 54 Holly Bush Hotel, William Brown, Holly Larkhall Tavern, Mrs. Sarah Ann Parsons, Masons Arms, Bidney Victor Bailey, 169 Church street, Woolwich SE18 mount, Hampstead NW3 96 Larkhall lane, Clapham SW4 Battersea park rei. South Lambeth SWS .Golden Lion, Charles William Hart, I33 Holly Tree, Thomas Rester, Dermody road, Latchmere Arms, William Smith, I04 Oabul Mawbey Arms, Herbert William Prouse, 1 Sumner road, Peckham SE 15 Lewisham S EIS road, Battersea S Wll Mawbey South Lambeth SWS ~ Thomatt Hill Pearce, 116 Sydenham road, Hollydale Tavern, Richard 0. Roll, 115 Holly· Lea Tavern, Mrs. Graee Cooper, 1 Davey rd. Melbourne Arms, Hugh MacDonald, 81 & SS. Sydenham S E 26 dale road, Peckham S E 15 Hackney wick E 9 Sanely hill road, Plum~tead SE IS - Franois Joseph Pepper, 23 Dlmmark hill, Hop Poles, Harry Slater,17 & I9 King street, Leatl•r Bottle, George Taylor, 538 Garratt Mid Kent Tavern, Edward Harold Warner, 4 Oamberwell S E 5 Hammersmith W6 lane, Tooting SW17 Railway approach, Lewbham SEI3 - Mrs. Emily Maud Tennyson,57High street, Hope, Fnk.Newton,49High st.W.NorwdS E27 Little Crown, Frederick Horden Cooper, Milkwood Tavern, 8. W. Carter, 63 Milkwood Fulh>\m SW6 - Lewis Tiller, 2! St Pet;.r's rd.HmrsmthW6 Eastney street. East Greenwich SE 10 road, Herne hill S E 24 Gowlett Tavern, William Henry Smith, Hope Tavern, George Ansell,1 Bellevueroad, Lion, Frank Arthur Fellgett, 14 Mosedale Mitford Tavern, Thomas Gordon J,...bmar. Gowlett road, Peckham S E 15 Upper Tooting SW17 1Jtreet, Oamberwell S E 5 133 Amhurst road, Hackney E 8 Grafton Arms, Henry Oole, Grafton road, - Wltr.J. Ferris, 73Loampit vale,Lwshm S E I3 Londesboroligh Arms, John Harris, 20 Mitre, Willism Nathaniel Whi5eh!'ad Barber.. Holloway N7 -Mrs. Agnes & George Smith, 261 York Broughton road, Stoke Newington N16 1~9 Tunnel avenue, Blackwa.ll lane., E• Grapes, George Richard Tiller, 39 Fairfield road, BatterSPB swn London Tavern, Thomas Gaten, 92 Rendles­ Greenwich SE 10 • :..street, Wandsworth SW18 Hope & Anchor, William Frank Farmer, 123 ham road, Lower Clapton E5 -Charles Ooles, 145 High st;.Woolwich S EIS. Green Man, George Benjamin Dadd, 67 High Acre lane, West Brixton SW2 London, Ohatham & Dover Railway Tavern, - Frederick George Dyckhoff, 5 Patmoa rd. street, Plumstead S E 1S -Mrs. Jessie M. Fletcher, 20 Waterloo Joseph Williarn Barker, 4S & 45 Oabul Brixton SW9 - Robert Fox, 71 Shacklewellla.HackneyES street, Hammersmith W6 road, Battersea SWll - Joseph George Newman, Church street.
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