Vol. 86, No. 3. BULLETIN, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, January, 1921 Entered December 3, 190~, at the Post-office, Boston, Mass., as second class matter, • under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894, .H419fi Massachusetts Institute of Technology President's Report January, 1921 .t Cambridge, Massachusetts 1!)~1 J Published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambr~d~ in December. January, March and June ~,~E,~,-."/- "" ' ~:% IUN 1933 MASSACHUSETTS ~~'~ INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY REPORTS OF THE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER :FOR THE YEAR 1920-1921 !i ! ~~/! TtIE TECHNOLOGr PRESS CAMBRIDGE, ~ASSACtIUSETTS 19£g TABLE OF CONTENTS THE CORPORATION PAGE Members of the Corporation .................. 5 Committees of the Corporation ................. 6 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT .................... 9 REPORTS OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Report of the Director, Division of Industrial Cobperadon and Research ........................ 18 Report of the Librarian .................... 20 Report of the Dean of Students ................ 26 Report of the Registrar: Statistics ............... 27 Report of l~iedical Director ................... 43 Report of the Secretary of the Faculty ............. 47 l%eport of the Committee on Advanced De~'ees and Fellowships 48 Report on Summer Session .................. 49 SOCIETY OF ARTS ........................ 51 I~EPORTS OP THE DEPARTMENTS Civil and Sanitary Engineering ................. 52 Mechanical Engineering ..................... 54 Mining, Metallurgy and Geologq~ ................ 57 Architecture ......................... 59 Division of Drawing ................... 62 Chemistry ........................... 64 Research Laboratory of Physical Chemistry ......... 65 Electrical Engineering ..................... 67 Biology and Public Health ................... 69 School of Public ~Iealth .................. 72 Physics ........................... 73 Chemical Engineering ..................... 74 School of Chemical Engineering Practice .......... 76 Research Laboratory of Applied Chemistry ......... 79 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering ........... 81 Economics and Statistics ................... 82 English and History ..................... 83 Mathematics ......................... 84 Military Science and Tactics ................. 87 Publications .......................... 90 REPORT OF THE TREASURER 3 175 ZSS H F] St D G: Jc W A1 J~ W E] C~ F] P~ Ai El MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION President Acting President ERNEST Fox NICHOLS ELIITU THOMSON Secretory ~ JAMES PHINNEY MUNROE Tre2surer Assistant Treasurer EVERETT MORSS HENRY A. MORSS Executive Committee PRESIDENT ~ Ex OJ~ciis TREASURER J FRANCIS i:~. HART CHARLES T. MAIN ELmU THOMSON EDWIN S. ~TEBSTER FREDERICK P. FISH Life Members HOWARD ADAMS CARSON COLEMAN DU PONT FRANCIS HENRY %~rILLIAMS EVERETT MoRss SAMUEL MORSE FELTON WILLIAM ENDICOTT DESMOND FITZGERALD WILLIAM CAMERON FORBES GEORGE WIGGLESWORTH ALBERT FARWELL BEMIS JOHN I{IPLEY FREEMAN HOWARD ELLIOTT WILLIAM HENRY LINCOLN EDWIN SIBLEY ~*rEBSTER ABBOTT LAWRENCE LOWELL PIERRE SAMUEL DU PONT JAMES PHINNEY MUNROE FRANK ARTHUR VANDERLIP WILLIAM LOWELL PUTNAM OTTO HERMANN I~AHN ELIHU THOMSON EDMUND HAYES FREDERICK PERRY FISH CHARLES I~AYDEN CHARLES AUGUSTUS STONE CHARLES THOMAS MAIN FRANCIS I~USSELL I{ART GEORGE EASTMAN HARRY JOHN CARLSON Term Members Term expires March, 1922 Term expires June, I92~ ELISHA LEE MERTON LESLIE EMERSON EDWARD WARREN I~OLLINS JAMES FRANKLIN MCELWAIN WILLIS I~ODNEY WHITNEY HENRY ADAMS MORSS Term expires June, 1923 Term expires June, 1925 PAUL WEEKS LITCHFIELD MATTHEW CHAUNCEY BRUSH ARTHUR DEHON LITTLE FRANCIS WRIGHT FABYAN EBEN SUTTON STEVENS FRANKLIN THOMAS MILLER Term expires June, 1926 VAN I{ENSSELAE~ LANSINGH FRANK LOVERING LOCKE LEONARD METCALF Representatives of the CommoT~we~Ith HIs EXCELLENCY, CHANNING HARRIS COX, Governor NON. ARTHUR PRENTICE I{UGG, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court DR. PAYSON SMrrH, Commissioner of Educatiol~ Address correspondence to ~t:assachusetts Institute of Technology. COMMITTEES OF THE CORPORATION Execulive Committee PRESIDENT ~ EX OFFICIIS TREASURER J FRANCIS R. IIART CHARLES T, MAIN ELIHU THOMSON EDWIN S. %VEBSTER FREDERICK P. FISH Co~zTnillee on FinaT~ce FRANCIS 17t. HART WILLIAM ENDICOT9 GEORGE ~VIGOLESWORTH W, CAMERON FORBES A. FARWELL ]]EMIS Auditing Committee MERTON L. E.~mRsoN ~TILLIAM n. PUTNAM EDWARD W. I~OLMNS Committee on Membership GEORGE WIGGLESWORTII JAMES P. MUNROE JOIIN I~. FREEMAN CHARLES A. STONE EBEN S. STEVENS VISITING COMMITTEES Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineeri,~g DES.~OND F[TZ(;ERALD SAMUEL IV[. FELTON HOWARD A. CARSON JOHN P~, FREEMAN MERTON L. EMERSON Department of Mecha~ical Engineering ELIS!IA LEE PAUL W, LITCHFIELD I{0%VAI%D ELLIOTT MATTHEW C. BRUSH Department of M';~ing Metallurgy and Geology CHARLES I:~AYDEN COLEMAN DU PONT ED?,rARD ~¥, ROLLINS Department of Architecture HXRRY J. CARLSON A. LAWRENCE LOWELL Ovro H. KAHN 6 VISITING COMMITTEES 7 Department of Physics WILLIS ~=~. WHITNEY ELISHA LEE HOWARD A. CAI~S0N ARTHUR D. L~TLE Department of Electrical ET~gi~zeering CHARLES A, STO~ FRANKLIN T, MILLER ELIIIU T~O.~SON VAN I~ENSSELAER LANSINGK Department of Economics and Statistics J. FRANKLIN MCELWAIN FRANK A. VANDERLIP W. CAMERON FORBES FRANKLIN T. MILLER Departments of ModerT~ Languages and English J~,~ES P. MU~ROE P,~YSON SMITII ED~UND HAYES FRANK L. LOCKE Department of Mathematics - EBEN S. STEVENS \VILL~A~[ L. PUTNA~ IIowARD ELLIO~r Departments of Chemi~try and Chemical Engineering ARW~UR D. L~T~LF~ PAu~ W. LITCIIFIELD WmLIS i%, \VKITmaY Fm~NcIs %V. FABYAN Department of Bioloqy and Public Health FRANCIS H. WILLIAMS LEONARD ~ETCALF Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering A. FAaWELL Bmus CgARLES A. STONE WILLIA~ H. LINCOLN HENRY A. MORSS REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT (Prepared by the Administrative Committee) To THE MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION: In accordance with the by-laws we beg to submit to your Corporation a report of the affairs of the Institute, appending, as usual, reports prepared in coSperation with other administrative officers with reference to the work of their special departments. The Election of the President. The outstanding event of the year was the election on March 30, 1921, of Dr. Ernest Fox Nichols, Director of Pure Science, Nela Park Research Laboratory, as seventh President of the Institute in succes- sion to Dr. Maclam'in. Friend, admirer and former colleague of Dr. Maclaurin, experienced to an unusual degree in teaching, research and educational administration, President Nichols comes to the Institute, which his fi'iend had rebuilt, and to whose re-endowment he gave his last strength, and dedicates himself to carry forward his predecessor's work. The inauguration, held oll June 8 in Walker Memorial before an audience filling the hall to over~lowing, was very impressive. Through the installation of the recently per- fected telephonic amplifiers, the many who could not gain access to the hall were able, nevertheless, to hear all the adch'esses from,~he greensward in front of the building. An account of the ceremonies may be found in the Technology Retiew. It was a great shock to all Technology men and to the many others who are interested in the In~+itute and who look to it for leadership in scientific and engineering educa- tion to learn that shortly after the inauguration President Nichols, while taking a brief rest before returning to Nela Park for his few final weeks of work there, was taken ill as a result of having already unwittingly worked beyond his strength. The many testimonials of affection and expressions 9 \ f 10 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY of concern which have steadily flowed into the President's office have borne ~itness to the unanimous longing for his prompt recovery.* Changes in the Corporation. During the interval since the last annual report the Corporation has lost one member by death Mr. Hiram F. Mills. The Term Members retiring in 1921 were Messrs. Harry J. Carlson, Henry J. Horn and Dr. Samuel J. Mixter. The new Term Members are Col. Frank L. Locke, Messrs. Leonard Metcalf and Van Rensselaer Lansingh. Mr. Harry J. Carlson was elected a Life l~iember of the Corporation on l~Iarch 9, 1921. Losses in the Faculty. The Institute has suffered in the sudden death of Prof. W. T. Sedgwick on January 25, 1921, a !oss gTeater than that alone of a gifted leader these well- nigh forty years within her halls. Ever alert alike to the inspiration of student oz' colleague and to the awakening of his State and Nation to human conservation, Sedgwick belonged to humanity at large. Braver than many realized, beneath his cheering smile he had struggled for several years to conserve his somewhat shattered physique that he might express fi'om it the last drop of service to mankind. By resignation the Faculty loses Dean A. E. Burton and Prof. Dwight Porter, each after about forty years of ,, service. It is regretted that they found it advisable to retire at so early an age. The classes of the near future would have profited by theft" guidance as have the classes of the past decades. Dean Burton needs no encomium other than the ~,t statement that he has made the office of Dean of Students 1 and student govermment what they are at Technology and J that his policies will never lightly be abandoned. As the life of President Walker was in his Faculty and his Faculty 1 lived in him so the life of Dean Burton has been in successive generations of the student body and the students and alumni have learned to live more abundantly through him. Although fewer students
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