THE WASHINGTON HERALD, SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 191. Many Upsets Have Been Made in Baseball Since Close of Season in 1914 . I Managers and Star Players of Major League Teams Hae Caused Startling Peals; Trades and Purchases Made Interesting' History in 1914"Stove Circuit" Is Busy Many Upsets Have Been NINETEEN EVENTS Crowded Into Short Space of Time. IN G. W. II. MEET i MACK STARTS THE BALL Four Championships Award- Blue Release of Two Causes Big ed Buff and for Indoor Games February 13. Sensation Johnson's Flip-flo- p Biggest Event. ARE OPEN FOR RELAYS nr dill nvn.Ei. Charge The old Stove league has neti vM&rwmti Committee in Is Working such a bus season as the present Hard' to Make a Success Never In the historj nf the national y pastime has so much been crowded into of the Affair. ihe short of time since the 111 hamplonship race closed, as during the three months just elapsed. Nineteen 'events, are Included in the To be sure last winter the Feds pave rt r 2r- - n? tentative schedule for the big George the baseball writers a chance to earn WaahlngtonI University track meet, to be their salaries durinc the off season, but f&&gJsr &L held at Convention lla'l on the Just pause a moment and consider what tiJl?slzi -- r tPh efl of February 13. These events were an- has happem?d since the world s series iLP' nounced last night bj Prof Leslie Cleve- curtain dropped in Boston one bright land McNemar, of tlie department of sunny afternoon last October political science, faculty director of ath-etlc- s. Connie Mack and his erstwhile world s 3Has- aflf ajJJ Consideration now is champions started the ball rolling. One lHaB fr? JS vins gicn to the SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) ' ""v aJSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT assssssssssssssssV T arrangement of a number of startling announcement after another HAY CALUIVBLIi, r additional was published in the newspapers. chief nExnen, NAP I.AJOIE. events, and 'these, more than likely, will Tirst came the report that waivers had Unconditionally released by Mack. Jumped back from Buffalo Feds to the Sold by the Naps to the Philadelphia be embraced In the final schedule It ii been asked on Plank. Bender, arxl Yankees. Athletics. quite probable that several additional Coombs, veteran pitchers This was not relay events will be decided upon. Con- denied by the tall leader from the sequently It is almost certain the offlrlul 'Sleepy City." who promptH came across program will have at least. If not more with a pood swift kick aimed at his Li i I II SL" s than, twenty-fiv- e events. ancient rival, lughe Jennings, charg-1n- s r' NEW MONTANA Events Follow. the pilot of the Detroit Tigers with MUST SELECT MEETS JUAREZ, PLACE; breaking faith and violating one of the The events already derided upon are 'Tr as follows. Fifty-yar- d dash, TUles of the American Ieague bv tip- CM M novice. ping off the newspaper men to "'. dash, open handicap. dash, iaiers KUUIK COM.IXS, semi-fina- ls Jennings was prompt with an apology NAME FOR NAPS TONY scholastic, and finals: V , 1 ffJr jtAfd&' ..v f BERNARD PUBLIC, GOAT Sold to the Chicago White Sox for run for the South Atlantic Inter- and rvervthlng calmed down until one v - - M LSm money. tine day the story came over the wire I "real" collegiate championship. run, that both Plank and Bender had been v. open, handicap; run, scholastic, , mcondltionally released These eterans issavassBBBa. rd run, novice; ran, open, handicap; one open, . ii' kl signed with the Federal League Somers Proposes Conference Local Italian Grappler Clashes Johnson-Willar- d Bout Will Bel mile run. handicap: two-mi- le run for South In- Johtmoii Jampi to Feds. OM. M.MJ sovio. WILLARD IS HIDING Jhe Atlantic of Baseball Writers for with New York "Bull" in Mexico tercollegiate championship, high Jump. Next came the news which shook Wash-- 1 EDDIE PLVMt, at Staged on open handicap; shot put. tipen handicap, gton from its ery foundations. "Wal- -' Released by Connie Mack uncon- - pole vault for the South Atlantic inter- r Johnson has signed a two-ye- ar con-tra- it ditionalb. the Purpose. Majestic Wednesday. March 6. FROM THE GUNBOAT collegiate championship, pole vault, open with the Federal League" Column handicap, two-mi- le relay for the South after column was published in the local Atlantic Intercollegiate championship The wreatling; Is booming le newsappers Johnson was patted on the LAJOIE TO BAT FOURTH same again CURLEY THE PROMOTER one-mi- rely, collegiate private school hack b a few and stabbed in the same LINCOLN CLUBMEN TO In this city, as close to 3,000 fans wlt Jim Buckley Claims "Cowboy" Is relay, two-'llr- ds of a. mile, high school plate by many others for deserting the nessed the match last Wednesday night Sidestepping Match with Smith relay, one mile, and interfraternlty re!a. Nationals two-thir- of a mile. Swatting King Will Be Big Help to at the Majestic Theater, when Tony Championship Heavy-weig- ht Battle After everybody in the Capital had de- - at Madison Square Garden. The schedule is interesting because of ided to struggle along without Walter MEET FOR BASEBALL the Crippled Philadelphia Bernard disposed of Soldier McCarney Arranged After lJuch Dickering 'gWAI.TJ2K JOII.VSO.N', the fact that It contains four eents that inter- Johnson next summer and watch Griff in an easy fashion. Although Frank Does the flip-flo- p between Feds and wfll determine the South Atlantic le Engel, Team. by Rival Managers. York, 9. quicker collegiate (tampIonship introduc- clop Jim Shaw. Joe Jack Zeraga. the local heavy-weigh- t, gave New Jan. The Jess Nationals. The Bentley. Harry Harper and others, the tion of thels events was made possible Independent Champions Expect to the Italian demon a great tussle In a Wlllard hides himself In his training old Fox quietl slid out of town, met 9. Juarez, Mexico, Is by George "Washington I'mverslty recent- A new name must be selected for the fifteen-minut- New York, Jan. camp at El Paso the safer he will be. If Johnson in Kansas City, and the great affair, which was put on - ly being aifnltted to the South Atlantic Have Good Team This Season. the place; March- 6 Is the date, and the to Buckley, manager FILE AFFIDAVITS pitcher fllpflopped back into the fold of Cleveland American League baseball to give the public a r,'in for their goat. one listens Jim of j IntercolIeglLe Association This step b organized public Is the one baseball. Are After Games. club now, as with the going of Nap money, he will be oppon. This is about the best summary Gunboat Smith. Buckley Is around today the university is regarded as of the prior to not the next that BEFORE JANUARY 16 j fight being waged Just the Johnson flareback came Lajoie, the name of Naps is a misnomer. can be made In words of one s liable of telling everybody that Big Jess is being most important In the Hie story that Connie Slack had sold ent to meet Bernard in a finish match. ! by the Institution to regain the position Ma-lest- tonight by Johnson-Willar- The This fact was one of the first things Manager Billy Ballbaugh, of the le a statement issued Jack Cu- "saved" for the d exhibi- en- - Kddie Collins to the Chicago White Sox members of the Lincoln Athletic Johnson- of athletic prestige which it once - rio , promoter of the coming. Jack for K0.000. Club baseball team will hold a special that Charley Somers thought of after Theater- who Is nromotlnir the tion at Juarez because if he ever climbs Organized Baseball Defendants Must i joyed. ' bouts, closed IOuls "Bull" -Jesse Wlllard exhibition, who will The Federal League was not sleeping disposing out with Into a ting with Gunboat the latter will I meeting the near for the of his star player to Philadel middle-- also the promoter of Jlave Various Requests. for a minute. Lee Magee and Ivy Wmgo, nithin future Montana, the New York Italian be remembered as not leave enough of him ror Johnson tot Eaual Reauirements in Federal phia, In- weight wrestling of Cardinals, were grabbed big purpose of electing a captain and man- and he has announced that he wrestler, to meet Bernard the last ! Requests are coming to Prof. McNemar the at tends calling base- In Chicago. aDnenr araliist. League Suit. alaries but Wingo has been brought ager for the coming season. a conference of the here next Wednesday night In a finish match I articles to from varlo'uj organizations which hope to ball writers of Cleveland to select a In the statement Curley says that Billy I. -- Chicago. 9.- -A de-- meet, ad- uack into the fold and will this season The Northeast bojs expect to have a affair. In which no holds will be barred. ""; S Jan. motion that enter the asking that certain new name for the team, name 'JTS" i near the liver of the Cincinnati Reds a that will It Is hardly possible that Montana VS. t- he fVe'u llke'V" saM 'BuckJVy , ndants In the suU of the Federal ditional events be included In the sched- banner year in baseball as most of last be short, expressive and appropriate. S!.1" riiliL Z ea oaseoau oe requests being given Magee intends to manage needs any Introduction to the local day , against oreamz ule. These are the Brookln Probably he will do this during pres- his '?sporting' e.""by being the '- "But Jess Is on hi way to the "5ue if the courts will let him season's crack team will be available and the followers of the grappling game, as real caliber because his managers are too " ' 'affidavits in the United careful consideration by the officials ot ent week.
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