to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Aug. 29. 19B5 KIT N’ CARLYLE by Larry Wright (HOMES r r i APARTMENTS FOR SALE I ^ F O R RENT CHFA Approved 11 Per­ Bti^NESS & SEItVICE DIRiCTORY B<7/. you CAN cent Mortopoe — Hurry I P6ftUyL0o|2Kup ' and see this Immaculate 2 AHApperiTe WITH bedroom ranch In town. One Bedroom — Applian­ f- l,enbVER. MBATeAU^-. Priced In the 60's. Alumi­ ces, cellar storage, park­ num sided, full basementi ing, heat 8, hot water "We Guarantee Our Hou- supplied. Manchester. sesl'....Blanchard & Ros- $425 monthly. 649-2871. endlReHUing, tntettor and D.a.KTtWMN setto Real Estate, 646- W, tw* It.* ^ ektedor peintlno « oom- ■UK.DWa APAINTMa 2482. Four Room Apartment — Complers eirpsntry toryioe, ItHfffS* lltfilFfPBN Ml Quality OtlWcarar« pMbi deoarating Mrvkse kllohsn and bathroomi p Downstairs, West side, i*iiil*wa*as»s<M*Aiiw«o^ affOftf(N>t« r«t«i to r < cuetom wall paper bang- South Windsor — New lamodellno. rac raomi anOi one car parking. $325 rtA from 6 wetkt ITM • Irwurenee damage adrBtiono. insuranoo damage listing, Immaculate 8 manthly, 2 months secur­ y» K in io » tl,l^ m ore inform apeotallstt. apMiaNat OH ' room Contemporary Co­ ity. 643-5873. 18 ««nlor dlt' - motiott on ojir concept of . w»84<Kr t lonial. First floor family count." 0)«lt»rtjMdrvtce. wtMt«ftordab<echildcorP All types remodeling pr room, large dining room, Manchester — 7 Rooms, P ree8l^m at8i.i|M i^v, ctmtiMantayiktrCaliwsalil re p a irs — • Complete Idt- eat-ln kitchen, 4 bed­ second floor. Immediate txramMower. 44746M. Qrtmttmother** Houser rooms, V h baths, sun Chens, berths, garages, ort" fflanrkatrr occupancy, stove 8, re­ ditlons, dormers, ...... ^ 4 - ____ * MmlhPriHflv Alin Friday, Aug. 30, 1985 — Single copy; 25<t deck, above ground pool, frigerator Included. Con­ H trar^ Tree’eiiTrtce -- porches, decks. No lob Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm large lot. Excellent value. venient location, busline, Owekil TrucK Ik Chipper. , Porrtmd l^odetlna — too targe or small. Cali $165,000. U 8. R Realty, school, stores. Call 643- Ohmutltemaval. FMTw Et', f ’Coblnets, roofing, gvt- Larry, 649-3989. > 643-2692. 2791. " ii«ilp;3pe(lal«bntl4ler'': ' fert, room oddlttont, «n.|orEldenvonciHan. decks, oil tvpeS)of refho- . Manchester — $129,900. ^(Mingond wwlrs PRBe~»Robert „ jidlng-Remod E. Jof Something Special. <4 eshmotes. specialist. Addltlo ,, CDC to report That's what this house Isl CMrttverhtdrtehKxmi- Ndifte Vour mm price -4: I? rooting, sldln*!! I arrests Beautifully decorated, 3/4 Two Bedroom Flat — $445 yiMrthk.iiSihustox. $c : and ' spn> 6pm, 647-8509. , (hens, ibOthroom»|:" bedrooms, first floor plus utilities. Security re­ ftdtoiie,««kW i| deptndoble tervlcei'i CELEBRITY CIPHER mahogany panelled fam­ f p I a c e m e n Celebrity Cipbet cryptogramt are created Irom guolations by quired. No pets. 649-9455. ! Pointing. Paoerttonglngi -uon Ck 'wlndows/do«r», 8434712, lamout people, past and present Each teller in the cipher stands to directors on ily room, rec room, fully ome# AAodthiie Rtpoir* ; t , Removoi. o a t — New lor another Today a ciu« I equals C 2 landscaped. Call today. Manchester — Ayallable 1 ........... ...................temodeling, Joyce G. Epstein Real October 1st. 2 plus bed­ Vh OiMl’detlvery. 38ve<irs ; $>elnHng and Ptsaerhano;' odfoges, kliti by CONNIE WIENER 3 Estate, 647-8895. rooms, children OK. exherpOB. 847-1«ta , ing — OrteHar ondlntwi.. <teted. cellii Bennet project 16 in Wells Large yard. $500 plus forhhpotntfnem. , rtor. ceilings repoiredt'.(termers, “ X S M A UJBBXHR J TMA XY Bolton — $104,900. Great utilities. Bob, 649-0917. i Rtferencea, M lv lniwred||i,’;denttai or Fogarty Bnoi Value. That’s what this Quality work, Martin, throom jRimodeti UD XUJSXYJAXMY JV J IWXTR. By Alex Girelll Ranch offers you. Three Manchester — Available : AAotteson, eveninos, 649- stailollon> water Herald Reporter bedrooms, first floor ★ September 15th. 3 bed­ .4431. Carpentry « horbhhe. PFA X SMA MOHB AWH FBSH.” laundry, beautiful rooms, children OK. $525 1 foryqvr child In*,- Ing services r«. Steven Erie, managing director of Community Fargo heist wooded lot. Great loca­ plus utilities. Bob, 649- my iSrtiiMfd Nune. there i interior P o in ty & Wot^ home repoirs. osterCordoi — JYNHTXIJ WFVAMY. Development Corp . plun.s to appear before the town's tion! See It today. Joyce 0917. win i i oi^tnhe In. the )p«perlM — Com evonx r deling. Quol Board of Directors at its Sept. 10 meeting to give the G. Epstein Real Estate, begiffitihg of September. : inge, Oory M cH ugh.. orences, II PREVIOUS SOLUTION: “The theater is supposed to directors a full report on the situation at the Bennet 9 647-8895. show Hie oft so people see on a grand scale W e have Now accepting appli­ CaH«7"T89i.___________ 84mi1. sured. Coll 0 Apartments at 1146 Main SI. cations for waiting Hat banalized it ” — Liv Ullmann Erie said today he w-ill answer any questions, Manchester — Solar C»0d QwWttv Sockhoe .;;=^'’:Ow(nosElectii NMlisaM Officials contend maintenance free 7 room only for 1 and i! oed- (© 1905 by NEA. tnc Z09 including questions on financing. "We have nothing lo room handicapped ond. ..................iKCdvatlrth... Work .... W ^ , Eiectrieol r, Floor ggn^rth - Ranch, 2 baths, on quiet sntcavatidn Need A tort k>Hke niw. SpwMI hide,” Erie said. corner lot convenient to apartments. Call 64fl- Meanwhile, John FitzGerald, chairman of the 8295 between 10am & •nPW'h1«wifH$- No protF'! EkiNirienced Poperhonl^ ReooirT We ' :>older highway and shopping. .,, con ^dependent I ger/PoInter ovotlabie||. ReWdentiol < , stain Want to sell vour car? For Bennet Housing Corp.. said this morning the financial Gerena’s in Cuba Many extras. By owner. 2pm. gtruction Co., 4S8-'tiood rotes.,Good work;? oumos, Pui onyrng quick results, use a low- books on the Bennet Apartments are open to anyone $99,900. 644-2137. K '—^ ^ “ lerooces.^ 7»S8. -<] Freetti" ^ .con< cost Classified ad. (Tail who wants to inspect them Erie said anyone who SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (UPI) - a woman said she heard several shots 643-2711 today to place wants to see the financial records should call the West Authorities arrested at least 16 people as dozens of FBI agents and police New Cape — Hebron. MANCHESTER your ad. Hartford office of CDC. 3.'i4 N Main St., at 236-6234. today in raids in Puerto Rico ond Boston surrounded a two-story building next Gorgeous customized 7 Second floor - Nice 2 At a news conference Thursday, the three door. room, 1 '/a bath home built bedroom apartment. There's someone out for the 1983 robbery of $7 million from FBI agents wearing bulletproof vests by Behrman. Family Immediate occupancy, NOTICE TO CREDITORS there who wants to buy Republican members of the town Board of Directors Wells Fargo armored car in Connecti­ INVITATION TO BID E S T A T E O F vour power tools. Find and carrying guns were posted on the room, fireplace, cedar ex­ no pets. The Manchester Public raised a number of questions about the Bennet cut by Puerto Rican separatists linked terior. "We Guarantee STORE AND (MISCELLANEOUS D A N IE L J. H A L L O R A N that buyer with a low-cost project. One of them concerned financing. rooftops of neighboring buildings and Cill 233D3I9 / M7-giZ8 Automotive Schools solicits bids for The Hon. Norman J. to Cuba. students from a nearby high school Our HousesI" Blanchard OFFICE SPACE (for r en t MUSIC EQUIPMENT tor the Preuss, Judge, of the Court ad In Classified. 643-2711. They asked, "Why has no money been paid to the FBI Director William Webslersaid 17 8> Rossetto Real Estate, [ 1905 1986 school year. Sealed of Probate, District ot An­ watched. bids will be received until town from Ihis project in lieu of taxes? " people were being sought in connection 646-2482. d over at 0 hearing held on Capt. Luis Cruz of the Luquillo police Garages — Manchester. September 5, 1985, 2:00 P.M., A ug ust 21, 1985 ordered that NOTICE TO CREDITORS The news conference was held by Republican with the West Hartford robbery, the RENNET ELDERLY Office Space — Excellent [CARS/TRUCKS at which time they will be said agents arrested Ojeda-Rios, known location with ample park­ Storage only. $40 per oil claims must be presented E S T A T E O F minority leader William Diana and Directors Donna second biggest in U S. history. Sixteen HOUSING month. Bob, 649-0917. (fo r s a le publicly opened. to the tiduclorv on or before JAMES SHEPARD KLAR, Mercier and Thomas H. Ferguson in the wake of of the suspects were named as as the "Cuban G-2, " and his wife, ing. 600, 400 8, 300 so. ft. The right Is reserved to re- N o ve m b e r 21, 1985 1985 or be o/k/o J A M E S S. K L A R Blanca Serrano. An FBI agent was hit lect ony and oil bids. Specifi­ newspaper stories about complaints by Bennet members of Los Macheteros, a terrorist now taking applica­ office suites are now barred os bv low provided. The Hon. Norman J. by a stone during the pre-dawn raid in available. 649-2891. 1979 Volvo 242DL — Sun­ cations ond bid forms may be Sharon B. Preuss, Preuss, Judge, of the Court tenants about Conditions there. group seeking independence for Puerto By Owner — 3 year old, tions for a walllitfl Hat roof, 5 speed overdrive. secured ot the Business Of­ Clerk ot Probate, District ot An­ Erie and FitzGerald both said today that no money Rico. the Costa Azul section of the northeast­ For Sale fice, 45 North School Street, The fiduciary Is: d over at a hearing held on 1,850 sq.ft., 7 room, 2Va only, for 1 and 2 bed­ 500 sq.
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