Public School Building Capital Fund - Monthly Projects Report 8/30/2021 (Sorted by Approval Date) 00 Alamance

Public School Building Capital Fund - Monthly Projects Report 8/30/2021 (Sorted by Approval Date) 00 Alamance

Public School Building Capital Fund - Monthly Projects Report 8/30/2021 (Sorted by Approval Date) 00 Alamance Fund Approval Total Total Beg. Comp. Rpt. Project Title DSP# LEA Type Date Approved Allocated Date Date Rcvd. Addition/Renovation - Elon College Elem. Alamance ADM Fund 12/20/1988 1,059,358.50 1,059,358.50 01-15-89 08-15-90 Y HVAC/Ceiling Tile/Lights - Turrentine Middle Burlington ADM Fund 6/22/1989 659,388.00 659,388.00 06-09-89 01-02-90 Y Addition/Renovation/HVAC - Graham Middle Alamance ADM Fund 12/5/1989 1,633,524.75 1,633,524.75 12-15-89 09-30-90 Y Classroom Addition - Alatamahaw-Ossipee Elem Alamance ADM Fund 12/19/1991 444,906.00 444,906.00 12-23-91 03-30-94 Y Classroom Addition - Haw River Elementary Alamance ADM Fund 11/19/1993 84,900.00 84,900.00 10-05-93 06-15-98 Y Classroom Addition - Sylvan Elementary Alamance ADM Fund 11/19/1993 148,891.00 148,891.00 10-01-93 06-15-98 Y Classroom Addition - Woodlawn Middle Alamance ADM Fund 11/19/1993 359,800.00 359,800.00 11-01-93 05-14-97 Y HVAC/Re-roof - Pleasant Grove Elementary Alamance ADM Fund 2/15/1994 228,225.00 228,225.00 01-01-91 02-11-98 Y roof repair-altamahaw ossippee elementary school AlamanceADM Fund 7/7/1999 245,535.00 245,535.00 07-99 12-14-99 Y Renovation/Addition - Woodlawn Middle School AlamanceADM Fund 8/22/2000 2,025,000.00 2,025,000.00 07-00 05-07-02 Y Painting/Security - South Mebane Elementary School AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 37,489.10 37,489.10 08-00 09-01 Y Painting/Fire Alarm Upgrades - Elon Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 9,924.00 9,924.00 10-00 07-01 Y Various Repairs - E.M. Holt Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 52,500.00 52,500.00 10-01 01-02 Y Replace Bleachers - Southern High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 83,224.25 83,224.25 03-01 06-01 Y Ramps - Turrentine Middle AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 0.00 0.00 04-01 06-02 Y Replace Gym Floor - Southern Middle AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 63,237.00 63,237.00 09-01 08-02 Y Track Repair/Security - Graham High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 73,765.23 73,765.23 03-01 06-02 Y Painting/Walkways/Security - Graham Middle School AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 14,993.82 14,993.82 09-00 10-02 Y Painting - Western Middle AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 27,375.00 27,375.00 02-01 06-03 Y Walkways/Security - Sylvan Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 3,673.00 3,673.00 07-00 08-03-01 Y Walkways/Security - E.M. Holt Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 15,339.00 15,339.00 04-01 07-17-01 Y Walkways - Turrentine Middle AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 7,853.36 7,853.36 10-01 06-02 Y Walkways - Eastlawn Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 6,352.00 6,352.00 07-00 08-22-01 Y Walkways - Andrews Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 6,236.00 6,236.00 07-00 08-22-01 Y School Planning, NCDPI Page 1 of 373 Public School Building Capital Fund - Monthly Projects Report 8/30/2021 (Sorted by Approval Date) 00 Alamance Fund Approval Total Total Beg. Comp. Rpt. Project Title DSP# LEA Type Date Approved Allocated Date Date Rcvd. Various Repairs - Southern High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 171,000.00 171,000.00 09-01 11-02 Y Various Repairs - Williams High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 345,000.00 345,000.00 10-01 06-04 Y Replace Gym Floor - Western Middle AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 65,188.00 65,188.00 09-01 04-04 Y Firm Alarm Upgrades 2 - Cummings High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 41,062.89 41,062.89 07-01 12-01 Y Security/Fire Alarm Upgrades - Western High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 48,362.00 48,362.00 04-01 08-01 Y Security/Fire Alarm Upgrades - Eastern High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 71,804.55 71,804.55 03-01 06-02 Y Security Upgrades 2 - Altamahaw-Ossipee AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 7,480.00 7,480.00 07-01 08-02 Y Elementary Security Upgrades - Southern Middle AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 4,500.00 4,500.00 02-01 08-03-01 Y Security Upgrades - South Graham Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 4,500.00 4,500.00 02-01 07-17-01 Y Painting/Security - Haw River Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 8,585.51 8,585.51 08-00 06-02 Y Security Upgrades - Altamahaw-Ossipee Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 3,000.00 3,000.00 04-01 08-14-01 Y Drainage System Repairs - Eastern High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 52,500.00 52,500.00 08-01 07-10-02 Y Firm Alarm Upgrades - Cummings High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 7,500.00 7,500.00 03-01 12-11-01 Y Fire Alarm Upgrades - South Mebane Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 3,570.00 3,570.00 08-01 06-02 Y Fire Alarm Upgrades - Pleasant Grove Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 22,356.32 22,356.32 08-01 05-02 Y Security Upgrades - Alexander Wilson Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 4,500.00 4,500.00 02-01 07-17-01 Y Roof Replacement - Williams High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 300,000.00 300,000.00 03-01 08-06-01 Y Fire Alarm Upgrades - Grove Park Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 22,362.81 22,362.81 04-01 05-02 Y Fire Alarm Upgrades - Graham High AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 7,425.80 7,425.80 10-01 04-02 Y Security Upgrades - E.M. Yoder Elementary AlamanceADM Fund 4/25/2001 4,500.00 4,500.00 02-01 08-03-01 Y Painting - Pleasant Grove Elementary Alamance-BurlingtonADM Fund 5/30/2001 13,875.00 13,875.00 08-00 08-21-01 Y 2002 Facility Improvements - Williams High School Alamance BurlinADM Fund 4/15/2002 29,562.12 29,562.12 05-02 08-03 Y 2002 Facility Improvements - E.M. Holt Elementary Alamance BurlinADM Fund 4/15/2002 20,685.00 20,685.00 04-02 08-02 Y 2002 Facility Improvements - Altamahaw-Ossipee Ele Alamance CountyADM Fund 4/15/2002 67,338.77 67,338.77 04-02 08-03 Y School Planning, NCDPI Page 2 of 373 Public School Building Capital Fund - Monthly Projects Report 8/30/2021 (Sorted by Approval Date) 00 Alamance Fund Approval Total Total Beg. Comp. Rpt. Project Title DSP# LEA Type Date Approved Allocated Date Date Rcvd. Abestos/Air Quality Correction - Southern Middle Alamance Burlin ADM Fund 5/17/2002 22,500.00 22,500.00 04-02 06-12-02 Y Abestos/Air Quality Correction - Western Middle Sc Alamance BurlinADM Fund 5/17/2002 46,515.75 46,515.75 05-02 04-03 Y Abestos/ADA Correction - Grove Park Elementary Alamance BurlinADM Fund 5/17/2002 212,625.00 212,625.00 05-02 08-03 Y Sch Abestos/Air Quality Correction - South Mebane Elem Alamance BurlinADM Fund 5/17/2002 17,958.00 17,958.00 04-02 04-03 Y Abestos/ADA Correction - Eastlawn Elementary Sch Alamance Burlin ADM Fund 5/17/2002 186,375.00 186,375.00 05-02 02-03 Y Abestos/Air Quality Correction - Graham Middle Sch Alamance BurlinADM Fund 5/17/2002 87,846.70 87,846.70 04-02 04-03 Y Abestos/Air Quality Correction - Newlin Elementary Alamance BurlinADM Fund 5/17/2002 14,642.07 14,642.07 04-02 04-03 Y Roof Replacement - Grove Park Elementary School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 306,000.00 306,000.00 12-02 06-04 Y ADA Renovations - Broadview Middle School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 45,000.00 45,000.00 11-02 03-04 Y ADA Renovations - Graham High School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 60,000.00 60,000.00 11-02 02-04 Y ADA Renovations - Turrentine Middle School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 39,368.73 39,368.73 11-02 02-04 Y Safety Renovations - Southern Middle School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 18,750.00 18,750.00 11-02 03-04 Y HVAC Corrections - Western High School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 90,000.00 90,000.00 11-02 06-04 Y Interior/Exterior Painting - Williams High School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 168,750.00 168,750.00 11-02 05-04 Y Safety Renovations - Cummings High School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 17,371.08 17,371.08 11-02 03-04 Y ADA Renovations - B. Everret Jordan Elem. School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 39,375.00 39,375.00 11-02 03-04 Y Walkway Covers - Haw River Elementary School AlamanceADM Fund 9/23/2002 13,163.00 13,163.00 11-02 01-04 Y Addition/Renovation - Alexander Wilson Elem. Sch. AlamanceADM Fund 6/13/2003 366,172.00 366,172.00 04-03 12-03 Y 2003 Facility Improvements - Hillcrest ES Alamance-BurlingtonADM Fund 7/10/2003 4,125.00 4,125.00 0803 1003 Y 2003 Facility Improvements - Newlin ES Alamance-BurlingtonADM Fund 7/10/2003 8,249.69 8,249.69 0803 1003 Y 2003 Facility Improvements - Sellars Gunn HS Alamance-Burlington ADM Fund 7/10/2003 16,500.00 16,500.00 0903 0104 Y 2003 Facility Improvements - Smith ES Alamance-BurlingtonADM Fund 7/10/2003 4,400.00 4,400.00 0803 1003 Y 2003 Facility Improvements - Sylvan ES Alamance-BurlingtonADM Fund 7/10/2003 474.65 474.65 0803 1003 Y 2003 Facility Improvements - Graham HS Alamance-BurlingtonADM Fund 7/10/2003 38,500.00 38,500.00 0903 0304 Y School Planning, NCDPI Page 3 of 373 Public School Building Capital Fund - Monthly Projects Report 8/30/2021 (Sorted by Approval Date) 00 Alamance Fund Approval Total Total Beg.

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