FINAL – 6/05/2014 – R21 2014 Eastern San Joaquin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 4 REGION DESCRIPTION San Joaquin County is situated within the Central Valley, a 400‐mile long, 50‐mile wide northwestward trending, asymmetrical structural trough bordered by the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the east and the Coast Range to the west. Rivers in the Central Valley flow out of the Sierra Nevada and foothill areas towards the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta and ultimately into San Francisco Bay. San Joaquin County includes portions of the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta on its western edge and the Sierra Nevada foothills on the eastern edge. The area of San Joaquin County is approximately 1,400 square miles. Figure 4‐1 illustrates the County’s location within California. San Joaquin County encompasses seven incorporated cities: Stockton, Lodi, Manteca, Escalon, Lathrop, Ripon, and Tracy. Urban water agencies in those areas provide water to residential, commercial, and industrial users within their boundaries. Thirteen agricultural water agencies provide water for irrigation in approximately 70 percent of agricultural areas of the County. Additional information on urban areas and agricultural agencies is presented in Section 2. 4.1 Geographic Features The following section describes the geographic information pertinent to IRWM Planning for the Eastern San Joaquin Region. 4.1.1 Surface Water Features San Joaquin County lies at the northwestern corner of the San Joaquin Hydrologic Region as defined by DWR and shown on Figure 4‐1. The major rivers in this hydrologic region are the San Joaquin, Cosumnes, Mokelumne, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced, Chowchilla, and Fresno. The Calaveras, Mokelumne, and Stanislaus Rivers flow through or border San Joaquin County and discharge directly into the Delta or into the San Joaquin River which in turn flows to the Delta. The west and southwestern portion of the County is part of the Delta, and the areas of Primary and Secondary Zones are shown in Figure 4‐2. The Delta and other major waterways are also shown on Figure 4‐2. Table 4‐1 provides a summary of the major reservoirs located in the region. More detailed descriptions35 of the rivers and the associated facilities are provided in the following sections. 35 DWR, 2003 Chapter 4 4-1 Region Description FINAL – 6/05/2014 – R21 2014 Eastern San Joaquin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Figure 4‐1 Hydrologic Regions of California Source: http://www.water.ca.gov/irwm/grants/fundingarea.cfm Chapter 4 4-2 Region Description FINAL – 6/05/2014 – R21 2014 Eastern San Joaquin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Figure 4‐2 Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta Source: California Spatial Information Library at http://www.gis.ca.gov/ Chapter 4 4-3 Region Description FINAL – 6/05/2014 – R21 2014 Eastern San Joaquin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Table 4‐1 Major Area Reservoirs Size (acre‐ River Major Reservoirs Owning/Operating Agencies feet) Pardee Reservoir 197,950 Mokelumne East Bay Municipal Utility District Camanche Reservoir 417,120 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Calaveras New Hogan Lake 317,000 Stockton East Water District Calaveras County Water District U.S. Bureau of Reclamation New Melones Reservoir 2,400,000 Central Valley Project Stanislaus Beardsley Reservoir 77,600 Oakdale Irrigation District Donnells Reservoir 56,893 South San Joaquin Irrigation District Tulloch Reservoir 68,400 Source: State of California, California Statistical Abstract, 2002 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta The Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta covers more than 738,000 acres in five counties and is comprised of numerous islands within a network of canals and natural sloughs. The Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers come together in the Delta before they flow to the San Francisco Bay and out to the ocean. The Delta is the largest estuary on the west coast of North America and is home to over 750 plant and animal species, many of which are threatened or endangered. The Delta provides drinking water for two‐thirds of all Californians and irrigation water for over seven million acres of highly productive farmland. Rivers in San Joaquin County all flow into the Delta. Calaveras River The Calaveras River has a watershed of 363 square miles and stretches from the Sierra Nevada foothills to its confluence with the San Joaquin River in west Stockton. Flow in the Calaveras is primarily derived by rainfall with little contribution from snowmelt. The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) constructed the multi‐purpose New Hogan Dam in 1963 for flood control, municipal, industrial, irrigation, and recreation purposes. New Hogan Reservoir is an earth‐fill dam with a capacity of 317,000 acre‐feet. The reservoir provides flood protection, drinking water, electricity , water for irrigation and recreational opportunities. The USACE controls flood control releases from New Hogan. SEWD and CCWD operate New Hogan at all other times and have been allocated 56.5% and 43.5% of the New Hogan yield respectively. Currently, CCWD uses approximately 3,500 acre‐feet per year of its New Hogan allocation. SEWD uses the remainder subject to reductions based on CCWD’s future demands. Growth in Calaveras County makes SEWD’s continued use of CCWD’s New Hogan allocation uncertain. Mokelumne River The Mokelumne River watershed encompasses approximately 660 square miles stretching from the high Sierra Nevada mountain range westward to the Delta. Snowmelt comprises a large portion of the watershed’s runoff. Chapter 4 4-4 Region Description FINAL – 6/05/2014 – R21 2014 Eastern San Joaquin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Major facilities located on the Mokelumne include Pardee and Camanche Reservoirs on the river’s main stem. Pardee and Camanche are both owned by EBMUD. Pardee Reservoir, which is upstream from Camanche, has a capacity of 197,950 acre‐feet and is operated as a water supply reservoir. Water from Pardee is conveyed by the Mokelumne River Aqueducts (Figure 4‐3) to the EBMUD service area some 82 miles away. Camanche Reservoir is just downstream of Pardee, has a capacity of 417,120 acre‐feet, and is operated in an integrated manner with Pardee to provide water supply benefits and meet downstream needs including stream flow regulation, flood control, fishery habitat, and the needs of downstream riparian and appropriative diverters. Releases from EBMUD facilities also provide hydropower benefits.36 Figure 4‐3 Mokelumne Watershed and EBMUD Diversions Source: EBMUD 2010 UWMP 36 EBMUD, 2000, “2000 Urban Water Management Plan” Chapter 4 4-5 Region Description FINAL – 6/05/2014 – R21 2014 Eastern San Joaquin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Salt Springs Reservoir, a 141,900 acre‐foot capacity Figure 4‐4 Mokelumne River Water Rights and Flow PG&E facility on the North Fork of the Mokelumne, Commitments was built in 1931 and is operated for hydropower generation. The rock‐fill dam has a history of settlement problems resulting in cracks and leaks. A flexible geomembrane cover was installed in 2005 on the portions of the dam with the greatest leakage.37 Water rights on the Mokelumne form a complex hierarchy, as illustrated in Figure 4‐4. Water rights holders include Woodbridge Irrigation District, Amador County, Calaveras County, EBMUD, North San Joaquin Water Conservation District, and senior appropriators and riparian users. EBMUD has filed a petition with the State Water Resources Control Board to extend EBMUD's existing Camanche Water Right Permit 10478 to the year 2040.38 Source: EBMUD 2010 UWMP 37 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_Springs_Reservoir 38 In 1956, the State issued water rights permit 10478 to EBMUD for diversion and storage of 125 million gallons per day of water from the Mokelumne River. In 1964, EBMUD completed construction of Camanche Reservoir and related facilities to use water diverted under permit 10478. The permit identifies December 1, 2000 as the date by which EBMUD is to apply diverted water to full beneficial use. In November 2000, EBMUD filed a petition with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to extend and continue the terms of the existing permit to the year 2040. Chapter 4 4-6 Region Description FINAL – 6/05/2014 – R21 2014 Eastern San Joaquin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Stanislaus River The Stanislaus River watershed consists of approximately 1,075 square miles with an annual average runoff of approximately 1.12 million acre‐feet.39 The majority of the runoff occurs from November to July and peaks during the summer months when snow melt is greatest. More than half the runoff is snowmelt‐derived.40 The north and south forks meet several miles upstream from New Melones Lake and the middle fork joins the north fork a few miles before that. The Stanislaus River is extensively dammed and diverted. Donnells Dam on the middle fork forms the 58,693 acre‐foot Donnells Lake, high in the Sierra Nevada. Downstream is Beardsley Dam, which forms the 70,600 Beardsley Lake. McKay's Point Diversion Dam diverts water on the north fork for hydroelectricity production and domestic use. The South Fork is dammed at Lyons Dam and Strawberry Dam, both owned by Pacific Gas and Electric. The USACE constructed New Melones Dam on the Stanislaus River in 1978, replacing the original Melones Dam. Melones Dam was constructed in 1924 jointly by Oakdale and South San Joaquin irrigation districts (OID and SSJID), which hold pre‐1914 water rights on the Stanislaus River. New Melones Reservoir has a capacity of 2,400,000 acre‐feet and is operated as part of the Central Valley Project (CVP). There are nine reservoirs and two diversion canals upstream from New Melones on the Stanislaus River, including the Donnells, Beardsley, and Tulloch Reservoirs, which were constructed jointly by OID and SSJID and operated by the Tri‐Dam Authority.40 Tulloch Reservoir, located several miles downstream from New Melones, is used to re‐regulate releases from New Melones.
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