"ATtON CALENDAR Rain PROCESSED Fe ODS blue sts,,,ps AS throu.h VB valld lndoll· tIllely; MEAT red . talOp. A8 through W8 valid Ind'flnlt~)I' SUGAR 5raduale . ,tamp 30. 31 (book 4) valid Indefinitely. stamp 40 for cannIn. su,ar THE 'DAILY IOWAN IOWA: Fair, CeeIH rxplr•• "eb. 28, 1045: SHOE .tamp. airplane .t.mps I and 2 (book S) valid Indt!lnllely: GASOLINE A· II coupon expire. June 22; ~ne Crash rumL OIL per. 4 and 5 coupon. expire Sept. 30. Iowa Cit y , s . M 0 r n I n g IN e w spa per ng the rescue 0/ t1VE CENTS TBI .U~OVIATID .D.I IOW.ft CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, JUNE 24,1944 VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 230 'ew In south Pl. 1, Lleut. (j. ') 6, co mmander of Soviet Army Opens lane, was kU'-! ina crashed ia B Fred w., Ambrose to Long-Expected Drive ink Immediatel,. e Jap Garrier Possibly Sunk; rred hundreds 01 e. Some of the Red Troops Smash ere aa ved, whUe Nazi Lines at Vitebsk red and were S.'U.I. Business Manager Evidently Lieu. In White Russia' knoc.ked uncon. • • JI.. , * * * LONDON, Saturday (AP)-The Yanks Hit Ch,erbourg line ash landing Bile! his ship. Thompson Red army crashed into German I, a graduate of lines on two sides of the fortified ho had been ov. city of Vitebsk in White Russia. Pori's Fall NNinth Straig.ht Nigh'- 30, 1943, 3ervJcl in Bermuda be. Student Dean yesterday, openinl( the long-ex- R k f States. He ~n . det training Mly ~~~tedea~~yVie~o::m~ros~:ns~v:~ Appe rs Near OZI oc e IS commisslonect Board of Education I nounced th;!t "pnormotls losses" a racksonvi UI\, FJa. had been inIlicted on the enemy. LONDON (AP)-German roek- ively on the western {ront." ieath he Wli AccElpts Resignation Third Annlversu et bombs exploded in south Eng- The Germans stepped up the nl'dal. Of William H. Cobb The westward onslaught, which land last night lor the ninth robot attacks with dark.ness and Admiral Nimitz Lists i ll, who Wli the German radio said actually U. S. Troops Close In straight night, causing deaths and Britons in Increasin,c numbers :ee in 1939, Wal Appointment of Fred W . opened Thursday, third anniver- On City's Outer Rim damage and underscoring a warn- sought pubUe shelters. Damage to Nipponese !lta Sigma Rho Ambrose liS bnsiness manager sary of the Nazis' declaration of I ing to parliament by Home Sec- MolT\son said "substantial re- In Philippine Action society, and phi Ind secretary of the Un iversity war against Russia, was on a Despite Resistance retary Hcrbert S. Morrison that suIts" were achieved in combat- lorary scholastic mighty scale with artlliery and I "It may be these attacks have not ting the robots and at least three U. S. PACIFIC FLE :r HF..AO­ affiUated witb of Iowa WII~ annollnced by Presi. dent Virg-il 1\1. Hancher after aircraft jOining in hours of ter-I S PREME HEADQl AR. yet reached their peak." more were shot down by flghten QUARTERS, Pt!arI Harbor CAP) nd was a room. rilic bomb~rdmcnt before the in- TER, Allied Expeditionary Morrison yc.terday gave parlia- this evening. appro va' p~ ' t hI' 'Iowa state -Japan'. nivil defeat In the 1nick. fantry started for~ard "in the I"orce, . m ment authoritative word that up Patrolling fighters taUed the Saturday (AP)-1I rio I Philippin 3 a vaulted to crus - Burlington hiah board of eouciltion at II meet· : wake of a wall of fIre, a supple- ' an troops broke !1ll'ou!!h I he to now thc robot bombs are doing bomb on the coast nd chased st place in state 11 ing proportions y terd y When ing i IJ r&M oi neR yrstertlay. ':""~~' to thc Russian communique German Cherbourg line on Ihe "little dflmage of nRtional Import- them .inland. Some were exploded es. After c0mint AlUhro ~c wi ll ~ l1cceed William ,tated. I h k· f h . ance" and killing fewer people in mid-air. It wa disclosed olficiaUy that one , he engaged ill H. obb "ho Aoes to New York 1"" Red troops struck north- Gout e!'n outsduts, . 0 I' edel~Y than did the Naizi's light air ralds German propagandists took the of her biU . I nd newl'st alrl7Qlt :I discussions in h Sept. 1 fI'I srcrrlary IIlld board west and southeast of Vitebsk, las~ Illg I an II so e ose In in Febraury. lin that the robot is "our arm ot terence Big Ten carriers probably was .ent to the officer of th 'reacher's InsuI:' , near thc center of the 2000-mile sWIftly from the east after cap· An impH d threat that the 1Iy- retaHation number 0 n e" and bottom by a submarine. d at the top in I long eastcrn front, and in'the first /' ~uring ~ key bill. position ~(,Ilr ing bomb and other secrct weap- would relieve the Nul lIir force .vhic.h he partie. anee and 11 nnuity Association (Th carrier was one ot the of America . Cobb's r ignation Fred W. Ambrose day gained nearly 10 miles and .roUl'lavllle, a mIl 0 Utili d eons of which German propaganda of strategic bombing and free it Shokaku class, probably a 28,000 was accepted by the board yes- liberated more than 150 localities. France's third larg t port. has hinted, wou!'d be used elsc- lor western front tactleal tasks. lon, 815 foot long warship). German Broadcasts Cherbourg's fall appeared to where came yesterday from Mar- Morrison's declaration indle ted terday. The new business man­ ImJt. 0," Scores In a series of broadcasts the be near de pite heavy resistaD Un von Hallensleben, Naz.l radio that while the bombs were cau.- The announcement of Adm. ager and secretary of the univer­ At a Glance- ~ermans. said there were at least by thousands of German tt.oops commentator. Ing acknowledged but scattered Chester W. Nimitz, made In a sity has been superintendent of France Must Wait Cour major areas of attack along who have been ordered to die by "I think I om not mistak n In civilian casualllcs and damage, communiqu , also listed th def­ the physical plant at Iowa since a 240-mile front on both sides of as~uming," he said in broadcast, lhey wcre not disrupting any im- inite sinking of I de troy r. That May, 1941. Before tbat he was for the Vitebsk hinge position, and their guns or be shot for cowar- "that certain I'mproved weapons porlant war actlvitles nor sappln"• m de the Icor ot the Jun 18-111 15 years supcrintendent of grounds For Civil Government le ft no doubt that they regarded dice. of war wlll not b u ed cxclus- the BrlUshera' morale. acUon: and buildings. at the University Todoy's the Russian drive as the long- Official dispatches trailed de­ Definitely sunk- A HII},atnkll­ of Wyoming in Laramie. French Sources Say expected big offensive from the cisive field developments by hours class carrier, a destroyer and tbree Jolliffe Becomes Controller Nazi Report- tanken. (6). Effective at the same time, De Gaulle Will Visit east. and it was considered possible that Germans Make Stand The nightly ~oscow communl- the Yanks already had somepa­ Probably IIUnk - A Shokaku Elwin T. JolliIfe, now assistant Iowan' (1). Washington in July que, recorded 10 London by the cI sa carrier. business manager under Cobb, Soviet monitor, announced that I trois probing into the city's ouLer At Lake Trasimeno Damaged - A l1ayataka-cLa will become university controller * .. * * WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ "during June 23 northwest and rim. carrlcr "I It burnlng furiously"; in charge of accounting and sta­ Admiral Nimitz reports one of Mass dent Roosevelt declared yesterday southeast of Vitebsk our t.roops, Yanks Kip Naill Lines a Zuikaku-cla c rrier. hit with tistical service. Japa,,'s biggest, newest air­ Rains Give Nazis three l,ODO-pound bomb; a light craft carriers listed as probab!y that more of France must be lib­ supported by massed blows {!"Om A dispatch from Don Whitehead, Plesident II a n c her also an­ artillery and aviation, went over carrier, hit by two aerial bomb.'!; nounced the appointment of C. sunk .by sub. erated from the Nazis before ac­ Associated Press correspondent Breathing Spell a Kongo-claa battl &hlp, a cruis­ tion is taken to set up civil gov­ to the ofeensi ve against the Ger­ Murder Woody Thompson as dean of stu­ with the Yank assault lorces, said er, two destroyers and two tank­ ernment administration in that man Fascist troops." To Strengthen Lines dents. Dean Thompson remains at tlmerioon troops I;>reak through ' er•. (9), country. Wbite Russian Front a break-through of the Naz.i lines the head of the division ot student German'Cherbourg line on city's ROME (AP)-German lorce * * * . southern outskirts. He made the remark to a news The While Russian front, pos­ occurred between Mont du Roc LONDON (AP)-Foreign Sec- Jap Plane affairs. He has been on the Iowa sibly the most imporant of any on have hailed their flight In central In addition. the J J) ne e lost conference as word came Irom Su- and OcteviLIe after American rctary Anthony Eden, d1aclo inll more than 360 carrl r pi nes. staff since receiving his Ph.D. the east so far as defense of the from the University of illinois in Nazjs resume rocket bomb raids preme Headquarters of the Allied shock troops bad been attacking Italy and are maIdnlt a bitter to an angry bouse of commona Two United Stales carrIers and over England.
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