May 23, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 8 10969 Mr. Buckles’ presence at the Liberty Memo- teer activities, Karlynda is one of the top stu- has continued for over 130 years as millions rial on Memorial Day is a reminder to all dents in her class of 385. of Americans have laid flowers on the graves Americans that our country has been repatri- I congratulate Karlynda Johnson for her of soldiers from World War II, Vietnam and as ated by the sacrifices of our veterans. Memo- achievements in school and in her community recently as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. rial Day is our national holiday of mourning in- and am proud to represent such talented and Madam Speaker, I would like to pay special tended to honor those who valiantly served dedicated people in the 31st District of Texas. remembrance today to the soldiers, marines our great Nation. As we gather in honor of f and guardsmen from the Sixth Congressional generations of Americans who lost their lives District of Indiana who made the ultimate sac- in battle, we turn to our veterans to extend our PLUMBERS LOCAL UNION 210 rifice while serving our country in Operation gratitude, and bow our heads in memory of BANQUET Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Free- comrades lost. dom. Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS KILLED IN IRAQ please join me in saluting Mr. Frank Woodruff OF INDIANA Matthew R. Smith: Smith died May 10, Buckles, a true American patriot, and all of our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2003, in a vehicle accident in Kuwait. Age: 20. Hometown: Anderson, Ind. Died: 05/10/2003. veterans who died In service, and those who Thursday, May 22, 2008 survived to make America a better place to Service: Marine Corps. Rank: Lance Corporal live. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is with (E–3). Unit: reservist, assigned to Detachment f great sincerity and respect that I offer con- 1, Communications Company, Headquarters gratulations to several of Northwest Indiana’s and Service Battalion, 4th Force Service Sup- EARMARK DECLARATION most talented, dedicated, and hardworking in- port Group, Peru, Ind. dividuals. On Friday, June 6, 2008, the Plumb- Shawn D. Pahnke: Pahnke was killed June HON. KENNY C. HULSHOF ers Local Union 210 will honor the graduating 16, 2003, by a sniper while on patrol. Age: 25. OF MISSOURI class of 2008 at the Annual Apprentice Grad- Hometown: Shelbyville, Ind. Died: 06/16/2003. Service: Army. Rank: Private (E–2). Unit: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES uation Banquet, which will be held at the Patio Banquet Hall in Merrillville, Indiana. Company C, 1st Battalion, 37th Armored Regi- Thursday, May 22, 2008 At this year’s banquet, the Plumbers Local ment, 1st Armored Division, Friedberg, Ger- Mr. HULSHOF. Madam Speaker, I submit Union 210 will recognize and honor the 2008 many. the following: apprentice graduates. The individuals who Chad L. Keith: Keith was killed July 7, 2003, Requesting Member: Congressman KENNY have completed the apprentice training in when a roadside bomb exploded as his unit HULSHOF. 2008 are: Sonny Armato, Ben Buchholz, Nick patrolled the streets of Baghdad. Age: 21. Bill Number: H.R. 5658, Duncan Hunter Na- Goodman, Chad Hofferth, Timothy LaMere, Hometown: Batesville, Ind. Died: 07/07/2003. tional Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Mario Lopez, Robert Matthews, Kamilah Wea- Service: Army. Rank: Specialist (E–4). Unit: 2– Year 2009. ver, Jacob Wesley, and David Young. 325th Infantry, Company D, Fort Bragg, NC. Account: Aircraft Procurement, Air Force, Northwest Indiana has a rich history of ex- Frederick L. Miller Jr.: Miller was killed Sept. Budget Activity 02, Airlift Aircraft, C–17. cellence in its craftsmanship and loyalty by its 20, 2003, when an improvised explosive de- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: The Boe- tradesmen. These graduates are outstanding vice hit his vehicle. Age: 27. Hometown: Ha- gerstown, Ind. Died: 09/20/2003. Service: ing Company. examples of each. They have mastered their Army. Rank: Staff Sergeant (E–6). Unit: Troop Address of Requesting Entity: The Boeing trade and have demonstrated their loyalty to K, 3rd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regi- Company, P.O. Box 516, St. Louis, MO, both the union and the community through ment, Fort Carson, Colo. 63166. their hard work and selfless dedication. Robert E. Colvill, Jr.: Colvill was among five Description of Request: The C–17 is the Madam Speaker, I ask that you and my soldiers killed July 8, 2004, in Baghdad. All world’s most effective and flexible strategic/ other distinguished colleagues join me in con- were in the Iraqi National Guard Headquarters tactical airlifter. The C–17 has revolutionized gratulating these dedicated and hardworking when it came under a mortar attack. Age: 31. the movement of troops and equipment into individuals. Along with the other men and Hometown: Anderson, Ind. Died: 07/08/2004. battle by allowing their delivery to parts of the women of Northwest Indiana’s unions, these Service: Army. Rank: Sergeant (E–5). Unit: 1st world that were previously not accessible by individuals have committed themselves to Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry conventional airlifters. As per Air Force Un- making a significant contribution to the growth Division, Schweinfurt, Germany. funded Priority List (UPL) #6, C–17 (+ 15 air- and development of the economy of the First Raymond L. White: White died Nov. 12, craft), $3.9B, procures 15 C–17s, keeping only Congressional District, and I am very proud to 2004, in Baghdad when his patrol was at- active strategic airlift production line open (and represent them in Washington, DC. tacked with small arms fire. Age: 22. Home- part of ‘‘required’’ force as per this UPL). f town: Elwood, Ind. Died: 11/12/2004. Service: f HONORING OUR HEROES ON Army. Rank: Specialist (E-4). Unit: 1st Bat- talion, 8th Cavalry Regiment (Armor), 1st Cav- HONORING CONGRESSIONAL CER- MEMORIAL DAY alry Division, Fort Hood, Texas. TIFICATE OF MERIT RECIPIENT Scott Zubowski: Zubowski died when a KARLYNDA JOHNSON HON. MIKE PENCE roadside bomb exploded during combat oper- OF INDIANA ations near Fallujah in Iraq’s Al Anbar prov- HON. JOHN R. CARTER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ince on Nov. 12, 2005. Age: 20. Hometown: OF TEXAS Thursday, May 22, 2008 Manchester, Ind. Boyhood Hometown: New IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Castle, Ind. Died: 11/12/2005. Service: Marine Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Thursday, May 22, 2008 Corps. Rank: Lance Corporal (E-3). Unit: 2nd pay a debt to those we could never repay . Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Di- Mr. CARTER. Madam Speaker, I would like the brave men and women of the United vision, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. to take this opportunity to recognize the suc- States Armed Forces, both past and present. Michael A. Bechert: Bechert was mortally cesses and achievements of Karlynda John- It was their duty to serve, and with Memorial wounded when his vehicle struck an impro- son, who has received the Congressional Cer- Day 2008 on the horizon, it is our duty to re- vised explosive device in Baghdad, Iraq on tificate of Merit award at Killeen High School member. May 30, 2007. He was transferred to Fort Sam in Killeen, Texas. Karlynda has shown excep- In a tradition that began just 3 years after Houston Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, tional leadership qualities through her involve- the end of the Civil War, Americans set aside where he died on June 14, 2007. Age: 24. ment in numerous activities which makes her the 30th day of May each year to remember Hometown: Schweinfurt, Germany. Boyhood a great candidate for this award. the sacrifice made by our service men and Hometown: New Castle, Ind. Died: 06/14/ Karlynda is involved in numerous volunteer women who died while defending freedom. 2007. Service: Army. Rank: Staff Sergeant (E- activities such as Camp Celebration, the City On May 30, 1868, flowers were placed on 6). Unit: 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment, of Nolanville, and she is a Book Room volun- the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers 2d Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Divi- teer at her school. On top of all of her volun- at Arlington National Cemetery. That practice sion, Schweinfurt, Germany. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:47 Dec 21, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E23MY8.001 E23MY8 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD 10970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 8 May 23, 2008 Johnathan A. Lahmann: Lahmann was mor- CONGRATULATING KTVK–TV ON winning takes care of itself.’’ This year, Adam tally wounded when a vehicle-borne lED deto- RECEIVING THE 2008 SERVICE TO Perrin and North Scott High School proved nated near his vehicle in Bayji, Iraq on De- AMERICA PARTNERSHIP AWARD just that. cember 10, 2007. He was transferred to Tikrit, f Iraq, where he died later that day. Age: 21. HON. HARRY E. MITCHELL Hometown: Richmond, Ind. Boyhood Home- TRIBUTE TO RIVERSIDE COUNTY’S OF ARIZONA RECIPIENTS OF OPERATION REC- town: Richmond, Ind. Died: 12/10/2007. Serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice: Army. Rank: Specialist (E-4). Unit: 59th OGNITION Engineer Company, 20th Engineer Battalion, Thursday, May 22, 2008 36th Engineer Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas. Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. KEN CALVERT today to congratulate KTVK–TV (3TV, Arizona OF CALIFORNIA U.S SERVICE MEMBERS KILLED IN AFGHANISTAN Family), recipient of the 10th annual National IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jeremy Wright: Wright died when an impro- Association of Broadcaster’s Education Foun- Thursday, May 22, 2008 vised explosive device struck his military vehi- dation 2008 Service to America Partnership cle.
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