THE KENYA GAZETTE PobUshed by Authority of the Repnbhc of Kenya (Regntered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 ) Vol. LXIX-No. 33 NAIROBI, 30th June 1967 Price Sh 1/50 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTENo~~c~s-(Contd ) PAGB 1 PAGE The Interpletatlon and Genelal P~ovlslons Act- TI anspol t Llcenslng Tempolaly Tlan5fel of Powers 684 ?veb-te and Asdm n t at e The Commlsslons of Inquliy Act-Amendlng Comrnlsslon 684 Revocation of Power of Attoiney The Const~tution of the Repubhc of Kenya-Appolnt ment 684 Bmkl uptcy Jurlsdlctlon The T~adeUnlons Tllhunal (Procedu~e) Rules 1964- The Companies Act-Notice of Intention to Dlssolve Appointment 684 Companies 700 The Forests Act-Appointment 684 The Socletles Act-Reglstlatlons, etc The Ltnd Acqulsltlon Act, 1894, of Indr-Appointment, Tendel s et~ 684 Local Govetnment Notlces The Crlm~nalPlocedule Code-Appointments 684 Notlce of Closule of Roads The Regulatlon of Wages and Condltlons of Employ ment Act-Appointments, etc 685 Busmess Tlansfers The Oaths and Statutory Declarations AL~-A Ch-tnge of Name Comm~ss~on 685 The National Assembly and Local Government Electlons Order 1967 685 I SUPPLEMENT No 51 The Court of Appeal foi Eastern Afnca-Vacatlon Dates 685 Legrslatzve Supplement The Agriculture Act-Dlrectlons 685 LEGALNOTICE NO PAOE The Cotton Act-Buylng Centres and Dates 686 174-The Local Government Electlons (Amendment) Rules 1967 199 The Mlnlng Regulations-Explry of Locatlon 686 135-The Teachers Servlce Commlsslon Act 1966- The Reglstrat~on of Tltles Act-Grant of Letters of Notlce of Commencement 199 Admlnlstratlon, etc 686 136-The Teachers Servlce Commlsslon (Appeals E A Rallways and Harbouls-Tallff Amendment5 686 Tribunal) (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1967 200 Vacancies 687 137-The Teachels Servlce Commission (Removal Lost Pollcles 688 flom the Register) Rules 1967 201 Industrial Court Awards 689 138-The Regulatlon of Wages (Rural General) Order 1967 204 EA Customs -tnd Exclse Depaltment-Auction Notlce 691 139-The Regulatlon of Wages (General) Order 1967 205 Trade Marks 694 140-The Regulation of Wages (Motor Engineering Trades) Order 1967 207 The Watel Act-Appllcatlons 695 141-The Regulation of Wages (Bull&ng and Con- The Tlade Unlons Act-Reglstratlon 696 struction Industry) Order 1967 213 The Afrlcan Chrlstlan Marrlage and Dlvorce Act- 142-The Regulatlon of Wages (Petrol and Servlce Llcensed Mlnlsters 696 Stations) Order 1967 220 [683 684 TH E K EN YA G A ZET FE 30th June 1967 CORR IGEN DU M GAZB'ITB N on cE N o 2360 IN Gazette N otlce N o 2301 of 23rd June 1967- TH E FORESTS ACT The headlng to colum n thlee of the Balance Sheet should (Cap 385) ?etzff 1966 At the foot of the Balance Sheet the nam e D S APPOINTMENT OF OFFICER T0 COMPOUND OFFENCES M CW ILLLAN should /cJ# D S M CW ILLIA M IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 10 of the Forests A ct upon the M mlster for N atural Resources and jn pursuance of a dlrectlon* glven under sectzon 37 of the CIAZETTE '4oTlcE ';o 2356 Interpretatlon and G eneral Provlslons Act, the M mlster for (CONST 1 /2 /21) Defence hereby em powers- PBTBR CIERA TH E INTERPRETATION AN D GEN ER AL PROVISION S ACT a forest oë ctr, to com pound olences ln accordance wlth the provlslons of that sectlon (Cap 2) TEM PORARY TRANSFER OF SQINISTERIAL POW ERS Dated thls 20th day of June 1967 IN EX ER CISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 37 of N JORO GB M UN G AI, of the Interpretatlon and G eneral Provlslons Act, and of all M mlster jor Dejence other powers thereto enabllng m e, 1 hereby dlrect that, durmg the absence beglnnlng on 4th July 1967, of the M m lster for *ç) :4 1685/1967 Educatlon (M r Nyagah) all the powers conferred, and al1 the dutles lm posed, upon that M lm ster by or under any Act shall bc had and m ay be exerclsed, and shall be perform ed, QJAZETTE '4OTICE 'Io 2361 respectwely by the M lnlster for Co operatlves and Soclal (ZJ/;à 3/1/127/10) Servlccs (M r Ngala) THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894, OP INDIA D ated thls 21st day of June 1967 APPOINTMENT oF COLLECTOR JOM O KENYATTW .IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlons 3 and 7 lvesàent of the Land Acqm sltlon Act, 1894, of Indm , and all other powers thereunto enabhng hlm , the M lnlster for Lands and Settlem ent has appolnted- G AZSTTE N OTICE N O 2357 JOlm RICHARD M oM ls LLOvo, A A I THE COM M ISSION S OF INQUIRY ACT to pelform the functlons of Collector under the aforesald Act ln relatlon to the area of land set out m the Schedule to W ap 102) Gazette N otlce N o 2362 of 1967, and has dlrected the sald AMENDING CoMMlsslox John Rlchard M orns Lloyd to take order for the acquisltzon of the sald land IN EX ERCISB of the powers conferred by sectlon 4 of the Com mlsslons of lnqulry A ct and a:!l other powers thereunto Dated thls 19th day of June 1967 enabllng m e, 1, Jom o K enyatta, Presldent and Com m ander-m Chlef of the Arm ed Porces of the Repubhc of Kenya, hereby J H AN GAIN E, am end the Com m lsslon lssued by m e under the Act and pub- M mtster ytlr Lands and Settlement llshed as G azette N otyce N o 1095 of 1967 and dated 17th M arch 1967, by appom tm g- A A KNELLER, EsQ GAZETTE N OTICE NO 2362 to be a Com m lssloner m the place of G W addell, Esq (ZND 3/ 1 / 127 / 11) Issued thls 23rd day of June 1967 THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894, OF' INDIA IT IS hereby noté ed and declared under sectlon 6 of the JOM O KEN YA TTA Land Acqm sltlon Act, 1894, of Indla, that the land m nesàent Km nyaga Dlstrlct specé ed m the Schedule bereto ls reqm red for a publlc purpose, nam ely the reahgnm ent of tea roads G &D TTE N OYICE N O 2358 The sald Schedule descnbes the area com pnslng approx- lm ately 0 36 acre, as m ore partlcularly shown on Plan 7 of TH E CON STITU TION OF TH E REPU BLIC OF K EW A the K aguyu Sub locahon of M utlra Locatton deposlted m the oë ce of the Comm lssloner of Lands APPOINTMENT OF PERMANENT SECRETARY AND SECRETARY TO THE CABINET SCHEDIJLE Plot N o - 796 IN PU RSU AN CE of sectlon 191 of the Constltutlon of the Locatton - M utlra Republlc of K enya, I hereby, wlth efect from 21st June 1967, Sub-locatlon - K aguyu 2PPOl11t- Alea - 0 36 acre (approxlmately) JOnx NJOROGE M ICHUKI to act as Perm anent Semctary, OK ce of the Premdent and Dated thls 19th day of June 1967 Secretary to the Cablnet J H AN GM N E, Dated thls 24th day of June 1967 M lmstel //r Land% cz7ff Settlement JOM O K EN YA TI'A, Plestdent GAZER'TE N OTICE N o 2363 TH E CRIM IN A L PROCEDU RE CO DE G AZE'ITE N OTICE N o 2359 (Cap 75) THE TRADE UNIONS TRIBIJNAL (PROCEDURE) A PPOINTM ENT OF PUBLIC PROSECUTORS RU LES 1964 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 85 (1) (L N 3l1 5/ 1964) of tllc Cnm lnal Procedure Code, the Attorney-G eneral hereby A PPOINTM ENT OF A SECRETARY OF TXIBUNALS 'TPPOIfRS- Llvlngstone K uslm ba M utende, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by rule 5 (1) of the Bartholom cw Akwalo M ugulka, Trade Unlons Trlbunal (Procedure) Rules 1964, the Presldent Zakarlah W anyonyl, he) eby appolnts- Benlam ln K angu M balu STEPHEN KANYIJIIIA G IKONYO Labln Lucas M akham u, to be Secretary of Tnbunals to act as Secletary to any oë cers of the M alze and Produce Board, to be Pubhc Tllbunal or Trlbunals appolnted under the Trade U nlons Plosecutors for a11 cases anslng out of the M alze M arketm g Act (Cap 233) m the place of Norman John M ontgomery* Act (Cap 338), the M arketlng of Agrlcultural Produce Act (Cap 320), and all rules and regulatzons made thereunder, for D ated thls 27th day of June 1967 so long as they shall contlnue to hold om ce as aforesald JOM O K EN YAW A D ated tbls 21st day of June 1967 p'eslkent C NJON JO , *G :4 2723/1965 A ttornen G eneral 30th Jtm e 1967 TH E K EN Y A G AZET TE 685 G AZETTE N ovrlce N o 2364 G AZBTTE N OTICE N 0 2367 TH E REGULATION OF W A GES AN D CON D ITION S OF TH E COURT OF APPEAL FOR EASTERN AFRICA EM PLOYM EN T ACT SUMM ER V ACATION 1967 (Cap 229) TH E Sum m er V acatlon w1l1 com m ence on 29th July 1967. and w lll term lnate on 26th A ugust 1967, both days m clusw e A PPOINTMENT oF M BM BERS oF A GRICULTURAL W AGES A DVISORY BOARD Durlng the vacatlon the Central R eglstry of the Court w1l1 be open to the publlc from 9 a m to 12 noon on al1 week-days IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 4 of the except publlc holldays A Judge w1ll be m attendance for the R egulatlon of W ages and C ondltlons of Em ploym ent A ct, the dlsposal of any urgent buslness M lnlster for Labour hereby appom ts- Nalrobl Y R GAFFA, (c) Independent M embers 23rd June 1967 R eglstrar Dr P C N dento (Chatrmanj, Hon G G Karlukz M P LDeputy Càclrvllnl, John M K asyoka, G AZER'TE N OTICB N o 2368 Ayub All , TH E REGU LATION OF W AG ES AN D CON D ITIONS OF (b) M embers representlng Employers EM PLOYM ENT ACT S1r Colln Cam pbell, Bart , (Cap 229) J H Felngold, THB TAII-ORING, G ARM ENT M AKING AND A SSOCIATBD TRADES R Bennett , W AGES CotmclL N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Tallorlng, Garm ent M aklng (c) M embers rem esenttng Employees and Assoclated Trades W ages Councll, estabhshed under Phlllp M wangl, G o: ernm ent N otlce N o 641 dated 12th June 1952, lntends to Jarnado M wangl, subm lt W ages Regulatlon Proposals to the M lm ster for Laboury Peter Lubulellah, ln 1 espect of em ployees em ployed m the tallorlng, garm ent m aklng and assoclated trades to be m embers of the Agrlcultural W ages A dvlsory Board Coples of these W ages Regulatlon Proposals may be obtamed from the Secretary of the W ages Councll at the address gwen Dated tlus 21st day of June 1967 below, or from Labour Oë ces throughout Kenya J G K IAN O, Representatlons ln regard to the proposals m ust be m wnt- M mtster for Labour lng, settlng out clearly the reasons for m aklng sam e, and m ust reach the Secretary not later than 22nd July 1967 Dated thls 21st day of June 1967 G AZB'I'TB N oTlcs N o 2365 J LIN D SZG Secretarv.
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