North Dakota Geological Survey WILSON M. LAIRD, State Geologis t BULLETIN 41 North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission MILO W . HOISVEEN, State Engineer COUNTY GROUND WATER STUDIES 2 GEOLOGY AND GROUND WATER RESOURCE S of Stutsman County, North Dakota Part I - GEOLOG Y By HAROLD A. WINTERS GRAND FORKS, NORTH DAKOTA 1963 This is one of a series of county reports which wil l be published cooperatively by the North Dakota Geological Survey and the North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission in three parts . Part I is concerned with geology, Part II, basic data which includes information on existing well s and test drilling, and Part III which will be a study of hydrology in the county . Parts II and III will be published later and will be distributed a s soon as possible . CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 3 Acknowledgments 3 Previous work 5 GEOGRAPHY 5 Topography and drainage 5 Climate 7 Soils and vegetation 9 SUMMARY OF THE PRE-PLEISTOCENE STRATIGRAPHY 9 Precambrian 1 1 Paleozoic 1 1 Mesozoic 1 1 PREGLACIAL SURFICIAL GEOLOGY 12 Niobrara Shale 1 2 Pierre Shale 1 2 Fox Hills Sandstone 1 4 Fox Hills problem 1 4 BEDROCK TOPOGRAPHY 1 4 Bedrock highs 1 5 Intermediate bedrock surface 1 5 Bedrock valleys 1 5 GLACIATION OF' NORTH DAKOTA — A GENERAL STATEMENT 1 7 PLEISTOCENE SEDIMENTS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED LANDFORMS 1 8 Till 1 8 Landforms associated with till 1 8 Glaciofluvial :materials 22 Ice-contact glaciofluvial sediments 2 2 Landforms associated with ice-contact glaciofluvial sediments 2 2 Proglacial fluvial sediments 2 3 Landforms associated with proglacial fluvial sediments 2 3 Lacustrine sediments 2 3 Landforms associated with lacustrine sediments 2 3 Other postglacial sediments 2 4 ANALYSIS OF THE SURFICIAL TILL IN STUTSMAN COUNTY 2 4 Leaching and caliche 24 Oxidation 2 4 Stone counts 2 5 Lignite within till 2 7 Grain-size analyses of till _ 2 8 Till samples from hummocky stagnation moraine 2 8 Till samples from the Millarton, Eldridge, Buchanan and Grace Cit y moraines and their associated landforms _ . 30 Till samples from the Kensal moraine and its associated landforms 3 1 Summary of grain-size analyses 31 CONTENTS, Continued PAGE SUBSURFACE GLACIAL DRIFT 3 5 Variation in the thickness of the glacial drift between the east and west parts of the county 3355 Glacial drift associated with bedrock valleys 35 Age of the subsurface glacial drift 35 GLACIAL LANDFORMS AND THEIR HISTORY 3 8 Landforms of the Coteau du Missouri 3 8 Streeter moraine 3 8 Interpretation 3 8 Post-Streeter landforms west of the Missouri Escarpment 39 Hummocky stagnation moraine 39 Perched lacustrine plains 40 Landforms associated with stagnation outwash materials 43 Pitted outwash plain 43 Ice-restricted outwash plains 43 Ice-walled gravel train 44 Kame complexes 45 Kettle chains 45 Character of the drift 45 Thickness of the drift 46 Interpretation 4 6 Ground moraine associated with the Missouri Escarpment 4 6 Landforms associated with the ground moraine 4 7 Character and thickness of the drift 4 7 Interpretation 47 Landforms of the Drift Prairie 47 Millarton moraine 48 Landforms associated with the Millarton moraine 48 Minneapolis Flats melt-water channel 48 Melt-water channel near Sydney 49 Ground moraine on the proximal margin of the Millarton moraine 49 Character of the drift 49 Thickness of the drift 49 Interpretation 5 0 Eldridge moraine 50 Landforms associated with the Eldridge moraine 51 Minneapolis Flats and Beaver Creek melt-water channels 5 1 Perched lacustrine plain west of Buchanan 5 1 Ground moraine on the proximal margin of the Eldridge moraine 5 2 Washboard moraines associated with the ground moraine on the prox- imal margin of the Eldridge moraine 52 Eskers and kames associated with the ground moraine on the proxima l margin of the Eldridge moraine 53 James-Pipestem melt-water channels 53 Sevenmile Coulee melt-water channel 54 Lacustrine plain and melt-water channel near Kloze 54 Streaman Coulee melt-water channel 54 Outwash plain in southern Hidden Township 54 Character of the drift 55 Thickness of the drift 55 Interpretation 55 Buchanan moraine 55 ii CONTENTS, Continued PAGE Landforms associated with the Buchanan moraine 5 6 Ground moraine on the proximal side of the Buchanan moraine 5 7 Outwash plain north of Buchanan 57 Pipestem and James melt-water channels 57 Character of the drift 58 Thickness of the drift 58 Interpretation 58 Grace City moraine 58 Landforms associated with the Grace City moraine 59 Outwash forms in Pipestem Valley Township 5 9 Ground moraine in the vicinity of Edmunds 5 9 Pipestem Creek melt-water channel 60 James River valley melt-water channel 60 Character of the drift 6 1 Thickness of the drift 6 1 Interpretation 6 1 Kensal moraine 6 1 Landforms associated with the Kensal moraine 6 2 Subdued end moraine 6 2 Ice-marginal kames 6 3 Melt-water channels 6 3 Ground moraine in the northeast part of the county 65 Character of the drift 65 Thickness of the drift 65 Interpretation 66 AGE OF THE SURFICIAL DRIFT AND ASSOCIATED LANDFORMS 6 7 Age of the surficial drift within the Coteau du Missouri 67 Age of the surficial drift within the Drift Prairie 69 DRAINAGE HISTORY AND RESULTANT TERRACES 69 Late drainage history of the Coteau du Missouri 72 Late drainage history in the Drift Prairie prior to the formation of th e Kensal moraine 7 2 Drainage history during and after the formation of the Kensal moraine 73 Terraces associated with glacial melt-water channels 74 Terraces associated with the lower James River valley and Pipeste m Creek valley 75 Terraces associated with the upper part of the James River valley 7 7 Terraces associated with Beaver Creek valley and Streaman Coulee 77 Terraces associated with Sevenmile Coulee 77 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 9 ILLUSTRATIONS (Plates are in pocket) Plate 1 . Map of surficial geology of Stutsman County, North Dakota . 2. ,Generalized contour map of the bedrock surface, Stutsman County , North Dakota. 3. Topographic map of Stutsman County, North Dakota . 4. Twelve geologic cross sections, A through L, Stutsman County, North Dakota . iii ILLUSTRATIONS, Continued PAGE Figure 1 . Map of Stutsman County showing areas mapped by various par - ticipants 4 2. Major physiographic divisions of North Dakota 6 3. Generalized diagrammatic cross section of bedrock geology 1 0 4. Outcrop of weathered Pierre Shale 13 5. Aerial photograph showing washboard moraines in the vicinity of Eldridge 19 6. Aerial photograph showing the Streeter moraine and hummocky stagnation moraine 20 7. Aerial photograph of hummocky stagnation moraine 2 1 8. Size distribution of particles smaller than 4 mm . in till sample s from stagnation moraine of low elevation and high relief 28 9. Size distribution of particles smaller than 4 mm . in till samples fro m stagnation moraine of high elevation and high relief 29 10. Size and dispersion of till samples from stagnation moraine 3 0 11. Size and dispersion of till samples from ground moraine and end moraine 3 1 12. Size distribution of particles smaller than 4 mm . in till samples from the Millarton moraine and associated ground moraine 3 2 13. Size distribution of particles smaller than 4 mm . in till samples from the Eldridge moraine and associated ground moraine 3 2 14. Size distribution of particles smaller than 4 mm . in till samples from the Buchanan moraine and associated ground moraine 33 15. Size distribution of particles smaller than 4 mm . in till samples from the Grace City moraine and associated ground moraine 33 16. Size and dispersion of till samples from morphostratigraphic units i n in the east part of the county 3 4 17. Size distribution of particles smaller than 4 mm . in till samples from the Kensal moraine and associated landforms 3 7 18. Idealized cross sections of various types of perched lacustrine plains 42 19. Distal slope of the Buchanan moraine 56 20. Large kame at the margin of the drift deposited by the glacial ad - vance that formed the Kensal moraine 63 21. Aerial photograph of an obstructed channel 64 22. Contorted lacustrine and fluvial material overlying till 6 6 23. Contorted lacustrine sediments 6 7 24. Late drainage developments in the eastern half of Stutsman County , North Dakota 70-7 1 TABLES PAGE Table 1 . Temperature and precipitation recorded in Stutsman County 8 2. Pebble types in surficial till 25-2 6 3. Boulder analysis 2 7 4. Grain sizes in samples of glaciofluvial material 7 5 5. Pebble types in samples of glaciofluvial material 76 GEOLOGY AND GROUND WATER RESOURCES OF STUTSMAN COUNTY, NORTH DAKOT A Part 1 Geology By HAROLD A . WINTERS ABSTRACT Stutsman County, in south-central North Dakota, comprises about 2,30 0 square miles . The west part of the county is within the Coteau du Missouri, a part of the Missouri Plateau section of the Great Plains physiographic province . The east part of the county is within the Drift Prairie section of the Interio r Lowlands province. The Missouri Escarpment trends south through the cente r of the county and forms the boundary between these two areas . The highes t altitude is in the west part of the county and exceeds 2,000 feet above sea level . The lowest point is in the James River valley in the southeast part of the count y at an altitude of about 1,340 feet above sea level . Glacial drift overlies the bedrock in most of the county. Rocks of the Late Cretaceous age directly underlie the glacial drift . Older Cretaceous, Jurassic , Mississippian, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician and possibly Cambrian rocks also ar e present in the subsurface .
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