THE TOREADOR Volume XXIV Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Saturday, February 11, 1950 Number 34 Russel Brown Named Speaker For Spring Commencement Possible Record Spring Enrollment First All-Campus Graduating Class Shows Decrease Sing Set For April To Hear Lawyer Final figures on spring registra- An All-Campus Sing, to be es- tion show 5,398 students enrolled in By JACK SHELTON tablished as an annual event, will Tech. This number includes 1,323 Toreador Staff Writer be held at 6:30.8:30 p.m. Friday, women and 4,075 men, and shows a April 28, in the gymnasium, accord- decrease of about 450 students from ing to James G. Allen, dean of men. Russel • B. Brown, Wash- The sing will be open to all or- the last semester total of 5,844, ac ington, D. C. lawyer and ganizations except musical ones. cording to Miss Evelyn Clewell, as- general council for the In- Size of the singing group is option- sistant registrar. dependent Petroleum Asso- al. Groups representing campus or- All divisions except graduate ciation of America, is to be ganizations will compete for tro- showed a slight downward trend in the principal speaker at com- phies, said Dean Allen. enrollees. A breakdown of the total There are to be no mixed groups. mencement exercises May 22, enrollment into divisions shows arts Each must be composed either en- and sciences leading with 1,920 stu- Dr. D. M. Wiggins, president, tirely of men or entirely of women. dents, a decrease of 47 from the fall has announced. Each will be allowed six minutes in semester. Engineer ing division Brown has appeared on BORDER CONFERENCE TROPHY—Marshall Gettys, Red which to perform. comes next with a total of 1,304; Raider tackle and president of the student body, is shown Numbers may be given a cappella business administration has 749 en- many technical programs of or with piano accompaniment. Tro- above as he accepts the championship trophy in football rollees; division of agriculture en- the petroleum industry. His phies will be presented to the best for the Border conference from Dr. J. William Davis during rolled 722; and home economics has philosophy is fundamentally women's group and the best men's 314. student convocation in the Tech gym Thursday. (Photo by group. Judges will be three quali- that which Tech sponsors, Doug Fairchild.) fied off-campus musicians, accord- Graduate division rose in enroll- free enterprise and individual ing to Dean Allen. ment from 337 students in the fall initiative, President Wiggins * * * * * * * * * * * * * * semester to 389 for the spring ses- Each entering group must desig- added. nate a student director to be its sion. Building Program Explained By Wiggins official representative in all af- Registration ended Tuesday and "I am most delighted to have fairs pertaining to the sing, he said. the organization of night classes Brown accept the invitation to and extension courses ends this Organizations are to file entries deliver the commencement address week. About 5,600 students were ex- After Letters Awarded At Convocation in the contest in the office of the which expresses my own desire to dean of men. At that time, each pected to register for the spring By PAULA FIN out that Tech hopes to add another continue to bring about a close re- will be given a blank with neces- semester, as there is a trend toward lationship between industry and Toreador Staff Writer $4 000 000 to its building program in sary facts concerning the sing, smaller student bodies in the spring higher education," Doctor Wiggins Dr. D. M. Wiggins, Tech presi- approximately six years. The pres- Dean Allen Bald. semester, according to Miss Clewell, Said. dent, explained the $4,000.000 build- ent plan calls for contracts for five ing program underway at Tech at new buildings to be let at the Mar. Continues Program the student convocation Thursday 18 board meeting. Thi sincludes the morning in the gym. His address following buildings: Home Econom- Tech Students Bririging Brown to Tech as speaker continues a program Doc- followed the awarding of varsity ics, Science, Engineering, Music, Eight Techsans tor Wiggins has net forth since his letters to 36 football players and and Agricultural Engineering. arrival two years ago, that being their manager. When the wings to the Administra- Wanted In Tryouts tion building which are under con- Get Scholarships the obtaining of persons connected .Marshall Gettys, president of Stu- struction are complete. they will with large industry. The com- dent Council, welcomed new stu- For Varsity Show Eight students have been granted mencement speaker for the June dents and invited them to join In hold 1,200 students per hour. The assistance under the Texas Tech Science building will be the most Tryouts for acting parts and var- graduates for 1949 was Bates both the academic and extra-cur- scholarship fund for qualified citi- elaborate of these, Doctor Wiggins iety acts for the 1950 Texas Tech Thornton, former Tech student ricular life at the college. Gettys zens of Latin-American countries Varsity show will be held from 3 who has gained national renown Introduced Dr. Clifford B. Jones, stated. It will cost approximately and possessions of the United 81,000,000. It will be built behind p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday by his service in private industry president emeritus, and Dr. J. Wil- States, and four have received for- the Double T sign between the Li- and Thursday in the Rec Hall and in government work. Thorn- liam Davis, who presented the eign student scholarships, announc- brary and Chemistry buildings, Doc- Green Room, Jack Witte, general ton is vice-president of Hughes Double T awards. ed James G. Allen, dean of men. director of this year's show, has an- Aircraft in California. Doctor Davis also presented Get- tor Wiggins said. He explained that it would be elevated to make it nounced. Latin-American and United States tys the Border conference trophy, The summer graduates of 1949 more imposing. "All students who think they have possessions' honors went to Jose which Tech has won for the third had as their principal speaker a specialty number or would like Ruben Borunda of Mexico, Jose consecutive year. Those receiving The president also stated that the Robert J. Smith, president of Pio- to try for an acting part will be in- Carlos Braga of Brazil, Benjamin neer Air Lines and commanding awards were: John Andrews, Her- contract for the first unit of the terviewed at that time," Witte said. Cano of Mexico, Victor 0. Lolas of general of the 443rd Troop Carrier man Bailey, Bobby Broyles, Dick Student Union building will be let Margaret Clark, chairman of the Peru, Guillermo Perea of Peru, Wing, Reserve. Cavazos, Bobby Close, Bud Conley, shortly. The first unit will cost ap- Varsity show committee, said Richard Shimaura of Oahnu, T.H., Jack Davis, Bobby Garner, Gettys, proximately $500.000, and this Ceremonies were held in Jones Thursday that Ted Crager had and Wadi Atuan Farach of Hon- Walter Edrington, Tim Hatch, Er- amount will be matched at a later stadium last year. They are sched- been awarded the musical contract duras. nest Hawkins, Milborn Haydon, Ro- date, Doctor Wiggins said. Needs uled for 8 p.m. May 21 and 22, for this year's show. Crager also Foreign student awards were bert Hix, Dick Jackson, Earl Jack- of the student body will be studied baccalaureate and commencement did the music last year. He will, granted to D. M. Jalnawala of In- son, Hugh Jackson, Elbert Johnson, by both local and consulting ar- respectively. Speaker for the bac- with the aid of student writers, ar- dia, I. M. Kayal of Syria, Jalil Parse Bill Lyman. Walter Maloney, J. B. chitects in New York city. calaureate sermon has not yet range and orchestrate this year's of Iran, and Anne Selman of Leba- Mahler, Douglas McSwane, Aubrey been announced. Utility Survey musical score. non. Phillips, Dick Pirtle, JerreII Price, The estimated number of gradu- Doctor Wiggins also remarked Miss Clark also announced that In order to be eligible for the Dan Pursel, Dural Ramsey, Milton ates this spring, is 1,250 as com- that a survey of utility problems is Billie Hutchins, senior speech stu- foreign student scholarship, an ap- Rathbone, Bill Sharpley, Bill Stall- pared with 1,204 of last spring. being made on the campus. He dent from Lubbock, would act as plicant must have previously at- ings, Calvin Steveson, Ike Stuver, The previous long-term graduat- praised the cooperation of students dance director for the show. Miss tended Texas Tech a minimum of J. W. Thompson, Luke Thompson, ing class was the largest in the in taking care of buildings and Hutchins was also dance director one semester and must have es- Bobby Williams, Donald Williams, history of Tech. grounds and asked for future co- last year. She said dance tryouts tablished a grade point average of and E. J. Hutchins, manager. operation in connection with the in- would be held at the same time as 1.5. Renewal of the application is Added Program creased traffic problem brought regular tryouts. made each year. In his talk, Dr. Wiggins pointed about by the building program. Other features of the convocation Forum Presents included introduction of Dr. George Plans For Campus Spring "Face Lifting" Wiggins To Attend Heather, new dean of business ad- ministration, and selections played Meeting In Austin by the Matador band. Announced By College Landscape Dept. Fashion Review Dr. D. lit Wiggins, president, Is Further landscaping is planned mind in their landscaping so that in The annual fashion show pre- to leave tomorrow for Austin for for the campus during the spring sented by Fireside Forum will be the future these plants will not have held at 2 pm.
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