303 DEPARTMENT' OF NATURAI. RESOURCES NR 2T.g3 Chapter NR 27 ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECfES NR 27.01 Deftnitions. NR 27.05 Pennirs for endangered and threatened species. NR 27.02 Scope and applicability. NR 27.06 Exceptions to permit requirements. NR 27.03 DeparGnent Iist. NR 27.07 Incidental take applications. NR 27.04 Revision of Wisconsin endangered and threatened species lists, Note: ChapterNR27asitexistedonSeptember30,1979wasrepealedandanew tected and have sufficient habitat that they can increase in abun- chapter NR 27 was created effective October 1, 1979. dance and contribute to the survival of the species' gene pool over tone' NR 27.01 Definitions. As used in this chapter; (^) "Scientific purposes", as used in s. 29.415, Stets., means (1} "Department" means the Wisconsin department of natural the use of endangered or threatened.plants or animals for scientif is resources. research or inventories leading to increased scientifte knowledge (2) "Department list" means the U.S. list of endangered and contributing to the well-being of those wild plant or wild animal threatened foreign and native species, and the Wisconsin list of species and their habitats. endangered and threatened species. (B} "Take" means shooting, shooting at, pursuing, hunting, (3) "Educational purposes", as used in s. 29.4 .15, Stets., means catching or killing any wild animal; or the cutting, rooting up, the use of endangered or threatened species for public displays, severing, injuring, destroying, removing, or carrying away any public presentations or classes for the purpose of educating view- wild plant. era ar an audience about endangered species, and in the case of (g} "Wild plant", as used in s. 29.415, Stets., and in this chap- endangered and threatened plants, for demonstration plantings. ter, means any plant or plant part of any undomesticated faze of (4) "ENS" means the OfFca of Endangered and Nongame the plant kingdom which is native to a natural ecosystem in Wis- Species, Department of Natural Resources, Box 7921, Madison, cousin, including individuals of these species when located out- WI 53707. side of their natural environment. (5) "Process", as used in s. 29,415, Stets., as it pertains to wild History: Cr. Register, September,1979,No.285, eff.10-1 79; renum. (3) and(G) plants, means the coilection or removal of wild plants or plant tabe(4}and(8),cr.(3},(5)to{'nand{9),Register,Apri1,1993,No.448,eff.5-1-43. parts from their native habitat for the purpose of propagation or NR 27.02 Scope anti applicability. introductian to adifferent property, or for the purpose of introduc- This chapter con- talus rules necessary to implement s. 29.415, Stets., and operate ing wild plants from a different site to enhance existing popula- in conjunction with that statute to govern the taking, transporta- tions of anendangered or threatened species, or for any other use. tion, possession, processing or sate of any wild animal or wild (6} "Propagation for preservation purposes", as used in s. plant specifed by the department's lists of endangered and threat- 29.415, Stets., means the care, nurturing and breeding of endan- erred wild animals and wild plants. gered or threatened taxa of wild plants or wild animals for the }}istory: Cr. Register, Sepicmber, 1979, No. 285, eff. 10-1-79. enhancement of existing naturally occurring populations of endangered or threatened plants or animals, or for the develop- NR 27.Q3 Department list. (1) U,S, foreign and native ment of new populations in areas where they are likely to be pro- endangered and threatened species list. Vertebrate Species population where endangered or Common name Sctentilicoame Hlstoricrange threatened Sta[us {a} M 411 1. Anoa liabahrs anaa depressicbrnis ]ndonesia Entire E 2. Anna .8ubalus anaa g:rarlesi do do B 3. Anteater, scaly Afmiis terrunincki Africa do E 4. Antelope, bontebok Darnaliscrrs dorcas don-as South Africa do B S. Antefape,giantsable Hippolragrrsnigerrariani Angola do H 6. Antelope, Rfongolian saiga Saiga 7amrica uiorrgolrca Aiongofia do E 7. Argali Ovis arnmon hodgsoni China {136et} do E 8. Armadsllo, giant Prfodantes uraximur Venezuela and Guyanato Argentina do B (=giganterrs} 9. Armadillo, pink fairy Chlmnyphorrrs lrrrrrcalrrs Argentina do B 10. Ass, Afi-ican wild Equus afrlcanus (=aslnus) Somalia, Sudan,Ethiopia do E li. Ass, Asian wild Equrrs hernionus Southwestern and Cenual Asia do E 12, Avahis Aralri app. {all species) Aialagasy Republic (=Madagascaz) do E 13. Aye-Aye Daubenronla nradagascaTlensis Rialagasy Republic (=Madagascaz) do E 14. Babiroussa liabyrorrsa brrLynrssa ]ndonesia do E 15. Eandicoot, barred Permrreles Bougainville Australia do B lfi. Bandicoot, desert Perarxeles eren:iana do do B 17. Bandicoot, lesser rabbit bfacroiis lerrctrra do da E 18. Bandicoot, pig-footed CHaempus ecaudatrrs do do E 19. Bandicoot, rabbit h9acroris lagofis do do E 20. Banteng BosJcrcanicru (=banfeng) Southeast Asia do E 21. Eat, gray ht'yotls grisescerrs Central and Southeast C1,S.A. do H Register, April, 1998, No. 508 NR 27A3 WISCONSIN ADMINISTRATIVE CODL 304 22. Bat, Hawartan hoary fltsiurus cir:erptu semoitcs U .S.A. (Hawaii) do E 23. Bat, Indiana Rfyoris sodalis East and hfidwestcrn U.S.A. do E 24. Bat, Ozark big-eazed Pleeattu townsendii ingens U.S,A. {MO, pK, AR) do E 25. Bat, Virgiaia^ig--cared Plecolns toxnsendii riginiantts U.S.A. (KY, WV, VA} do E 25- Bcar, brown ilrstu autos prtrirrosus China ('Whet) do E 27. Bear, brown IJrstrr arrlas arctas Palcarctic Italy E 28. Bear, brown or grizzly Ursus arrtas horribilis Canada, Restem U.S.A. U. S.A.-48 contcrmsnous' T States '1' 29. Bear, A4exican grizzly Urstu autos nelsani Mexico Entire E 3t3, Beaver Casrarft:her birrtlai Mongolia do E . 31. Bison, wood Bison bison arltabascae Canada, Northwest U.S.A. Canada E 32. Bobcat Fells rt Errs esarinape Cenral \4exico Entire E 33. Camel, Bactrian Canteftrs feats (=bactrianttsJ Aongolia, China do E 34. Cat, Andean Fells jacobira Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina do E 3S. Cat, black-footed Fells nigripes Southern Africa do E 35. Cat, flat-headed Felis play:iceps htalaysia do ' E 37. Cat. Iriomote Felis (=bfayailunrs} Iapan ([riomote Island, Ryukyu ] stand} do E irionrarensis 38. Cat, ]copazd Fells bengalensfs bengalensis Eastern Asia do E 39. Cat, marbled Fefisnrannorata Nepal, S7alaysia, Burma, lndonesia do E 40. Cat, Temminck' s Fells tenu»incki China (Tibet), hfalaysia, ] ndonesia{Sumo- do E >m) 4 L Cat, Uger Fells trgrina Costa Rica to Northern South America do E 42, Chamois, Apennine Rapicnpra rtrpicapra arnata Italy do E 43. Cheetah Acinonyxjtrbattu Africa to India do E 44. Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes lies[ and Central Afria do T 45. Chimpanzee, pigmy Panpaniscus Zaire do 7' 46. Chinchilla Chinchillabrevlcarrdataboli- Bolivia do E visas 47. Civet, Malabar ]arguespotted Vverra rnegaspila civettina India do E 48. Colobus, black Colobus satanas Equatorial Guinea, People's Republicof do E Congo, Cameroon, Gabon 49. Colobus, Tana River red Colobus badius rufanitratus Kenya do E { S0. Colobus, Zanzibar red Coiobtrskirkil Tanzania do H ` 51, Cougar, eastern Fells concolar caugrrar Eastern North America do H 52. Deer, Bactrian Cervus elaphus bactrlanus ' U.S.S.R., Afghanistan do B 53. Deer, Bawean Axis porcinus k[rlrli Indonesia do E 54. Deer, Bazbary Cen^us elnphus barbants hlorxco, Tunisia, Algeria do E 5S. Deer, Cedros Island mule Odocaileus Irernionus cedror:- hieaico (Cedms Island) do E serrsis S6. Deer, Columbian white ailed Odacoileus vlrginlanus leucu- U.S.A. (WA, UR) do E rus 57. Deer, Corsican red Cervus elaphas corsicanas Corsica, Sardinia do E 58. Deer, Eld 's brow-antlered Cervtrs eldi India to Southeast Asia do H 59. beer, hog Axis (-Cernts) porcinus Thailand, Indochina do B mtmm^iticrrs 60. Deer, key Odocoiletu virginiantrs claviton U.S.A. (southern EI.) do )3 61. Deer, marsh Blasrocertu dichotontru Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil do H 62. Dee , h4eNeill's Cenzrs elaphns mac+reilii China (Sinkiang, Tibet do E 63. Deer, musk bfoschtrs rnochiferus South Central Asia do E nroschiferus 64. Deer, pampas Omtoceros beznartictu Brazil, Argentina, Untguay, Paraguay do H b5. Deer, Persian fallow Drum darns nresopvrmnica Iraq, Iran do E 6fi. Deer, Philippine Axis calarniarrensis Philippines (Calatrrian Islands) do B 67. Deer, swamp Cervtrs d^n^auceli India, Nepal dv E 68. Deer, Yarkand Cervtts elaphus yarkandertsis China {Sinkiang) do E 69. Dibbler Antechinrts apicaiis Australia do H 70. Dag, Asiatic wild (=Dhole) Crron alptnus U.S.S.R„ Korea, China, India, Southeast do E Asia 71. Drill Paplo leucophaeus Pquatoria West Africa da B 72. Dugong Drtgorrg dugon East A&iCa to soutltem Japan inc]uding do E U,S.A. (Trust Territories} 73. Duiker, Jentink's Cephalophus jentinki Sierra T.eone, Libetia,Ivory Coast do H 74. Hland, Western giant Tattmtragtts derbtanus Senegal toIvory Coast do E derbianus 75, Elephant, African Loxodorrta africana Africa do T j 76. Elephant, Asian Elephas n:arirnus Svuth^enual and Southeas tAsia do H 77. Ferret, black-footed dittstela nigripes Western U.S.A., Western Canada do B 78. Forester, Tasmanian (kangazoo} hfacmptrs giganteus-tasnra- Australia {TaSnuuua) do E nlerrsis Register, April, ]998, No. 508 305 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 27.03 79. Pox, Norlhem swift Vtrlpes relax hebes U.S,A, {northern plains),Canada Canada E ^ 80. Pox, San Joaquin idt Vulpes u^arratia nr«rica U.S.A. (California) Entire E 81. Pox, Simicn Canfs (-Sirnla) sbnertsis Ethiopia do E 82. Gazelle, Clazk's (=Dibatag} Anvnorturras clarkei Somalia, Ethiopia do E 83. Gazelle, Cueicr's Grszeila nn^ieri Mor«co, Tunisia do E 84. Gazelle, ^9ltorr Gazella drum mharr Morocco do E 85. Gazelle, Moroccan (-Dorcas) GnzRfla durcas n:assaesyla Morocco, Algeria do E 86. Gazelle, Rio de Ora Derma Gazella derma Iournoi Spanish Sahaza do E 87. Gazelle, Arabian Gazella gazella Arabian Peninsula including Israel do E 88.
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