T/1343 REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISS~ON ON TOGOLAND Ut~DER FRENCH ADMINISTRATION TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS: SEVENTH SPECIAL SESSION (12-20 September 1957) SUPPLEMENT No. 2 GENEVA, 1958 UNITED NATIONS ~-{;···· ~ ~ ~ iff ~ REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON TOGOLAND UNDER FRENCH ADMINISTRATION TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS: SEVENTH SPECIAL SESSION (12-20 September 1957) SUPPLEMENT No. 2 GENEVA, 1958 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. T/1343 December 1957 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Page LETIER OF TRANSMITTAL, DATED 25 JULY 1957, FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMISSION TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL . 1 INTRODUCTION A. Establishment and terms of reference of the Commission 1 B. Itinerary of the Commission 6 2 C. Methods of work . 45 4 J. BACKGROUND TO THE PRESENT SITUATION A. Land and people 51 5 B. Ninth session of the General Assembly (September-December 1954) . 59 6 c. Fifteenth session of the Trusteeship Council (March 1955) . 61 6 D. Resolution adopted by the Territory Assembly of Togoland on 4 July 1955 62 6 E. Trusteeship Council Visiting Mission (August-October 1955), Special Report (18 October 1955) 66 6 F. Tenth session of the General Assembly (September-December 1955) . 68 7 G. Seventeenth session of the Trusteeship Council (7 February-6 April 1956) 69 7 H. The loi-cadre . 71 7 I. Eighteenth session of the Trusteeship Council (23 July-14 August 1956) 74 8 J. The new Statute of Togoland 83 9 K. The referendum of 28 October 1956 and the sixth special session of the Trustee- ship Council (10-18 December 1956) . 89 9 L. Eleventh session of the General Assembly (November 1956-March 1957) . 96 10 M. Modifications to the Statute (Decree of 22 March 1957) 100 10 N. Nineteenth session of the Trusteeship Council (March-April 1957) 101 10 II. THE INTERPRETATION GIVEN TO THE STATUTE BY THE FRENCH AND ToGO LAND AUTHORITIES . 103 10 A. The general status of Togoland under the Statute 106 11 B. The Togoland Legislative Assembly . 133 14 c. The Togoland Government 174 20 D. Togoland citizenship. 200 24 E. Division of competence 206 25 F. The High Commissioner of the French Republic . 272 32 G. The service of general co-ordination of administrative action 283 34 H. Miscellaneous provisions 294 36 I. Evolution of the Statute 301 36 J. Transitional provisions 308 37 III. THE SITUATION RESULTING FROM THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE STATUTE A. Status of the Territory and its inhabitants 316 38 B. Political institutions of Togoland 320 39 c. Local Government: District and Municipal Councils and Chiefdoms 344 43 D. The civil service and the Africanization of the cadres 356 44 E. The main economic features of the Territory 365 46 F. The budget. 382 48 iii IV. POLITICAL CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH TilE STATUTE IS BEING APPLIED Paragraph Page A. Political parties: their programmes and aims . 395 50 B. The question of public freedoms . 423 53 C. The question of new elections to the Legislative Assembly 440 55 V. OBSERVATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS OF TilE COMMISSION 454 57 ANNEXES I. BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE MEETINGS IIELD WITH TilE AUTHORITIES OUTSIDE THE TOWN OF LOME AND THE RALLIES ATTENDED BY TilE COMMISSION AND SUMMARY OF TilE VIEWS EXPRESSED TO IT DURING THE ORAL HEARINGS GRANTED TO ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS • 61 II. TEXTS OF CERTAIN STATEMENTS, MEMORANDA AND OTHER DOCUMENTS A. Address delivered by Mr. Grunitzky, Prime Minister, at a rally organized at the stadium of Lome on 31 May 1957 ............................. 73 B. Speech by Mr. Ajavon, President of the Legislative Assembly, at the meeting of the Assembly on 6 June 1957 . .. 76 C. Address delivered by Mr. Mama Fousscni, Minister of State, at a rally organized at Sokode on 14 June 1957 . ..... 80 D. Statement by Mr. Fiawoo, Minister of Information and of the Press, at a public meeting at Tsevie on 4 June 1957 . ..... 81 E. Address delivered by Mr. Sylvanus Olympio, Vice-Chairman of the Comite de !'Unite togo- laise, at a public meeting organized by his party at Lome on 29 June 1957 ....... · 83 F. Address delivered by Mr. King, Chairman of the Commission, at the CUT meeting held on 29 June 1957 . · · · · · · · · 83 G. Address delivered by Mr. Grunitzky, Prime Minister, at a reception given at Lome on 29 June 1957 before the departure of the Commission on Togoland . · · · · 84 H. Address delivered by Mr. King, Chairman of the Commission, at the reception on 29 June 1957. • . ..... 84 I. Speech delivered by Mr. Hermann Furney, Chairman of the Committee of the Parti togolais du progres (PTP) in the course of a hearing granted by the Commission . · · · · · · · 85 J. Memorandum submitted to the Commission by the Comite de !'Unite togolaise (CUT) · · 86 K. Memorandum presented to the Commission by the Mouvement de Ia jeunesse togolaise (Juvento) . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 90 L. Memorandum presented to the Commission by the Mouvement populaire togolais (MPT) 92 M. Act of 6 June 1957 concerning the circumstances in which the Legislative Assembly may be dissolved ...................... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 93 N. The Togo land Government's position as regards a dissolution of the Legislative Assembly· 94 0. The Paris Agreements : (i) Proces-verba/ of the conclusions adopted during the conversations of 15 November 1956. .... 95 96 (ii) Proces-verba/ of the meeting of 19 October 1956 · · · · · · facing page 98 III. MAP SHOWING THE ITINERARY OF THE COMMISSION • • • iv REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON TOGOLAND UNDER FRENCH ADMINISTRATION (T/1336 and Add.l and 2) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATED 25 JULY 1957 FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMISSION TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL I have the honour to transmit to you, in accordance with resolution 1046 (XI) of 23 January 1957 of the General Assembly, the report adopted unanimously by the United Nations Commission on Togoland under French administration. (Signed) Charles T. 0. KING, Chairman, United Nations Commission on Togo/and under French administration INTRODUCTION A. ESTABLISHMENT AND TERMS OF REFERENCE "4. Recommends that, in addition to such further OF THE COMMISSION reforms as the authorities concerned may deem appro­ priate, the Legislative Assembly of the Territory should l. The Commission for Togoland under French be constituted, as soon as possible, by election on the administration was established by General Assembly basis of universal adult suffrage; resolution 1046 (XI) of 23 January 1957 in which its terms of reference were laid down. The operative part "5. Requests the Trusteeship Council to study the of this resolution reads as follows : question, taking into account the report of the Com­ mission, and to transmit the result of its study to the "The General Assembly, General Assembly at its twelfth session." " 2. The President of the General Assembly, at the " 1. Considers with satisfaction that the extent of 657th plenary meeting, in accordance with paragraph 3 powers transferred to the Territory of Togoland under of resolution 1046 (XI), nominated the following Member French administration by the Administering Autho­ States to be represented on the Commission : Canada, rity in consequence of the new political Statute of Denmark, Guatemala, Liberia, the Philippines and the Territory represents a very significant step in the Yugoslavia. achievement of the objectives of Article 76 of the 3. Thereafter, these Members appointed the following Charter and of the Trusteeship Agreement; representatives to compose the Commission : "2. Congratulates the population of Togoland under Mr. Charles T. 0. King (Liberia); French administration on the progress it has made in Mr. Jean-Louis Delisle (Canada); the political, economic, social and cultural fields; Mr. Hermod Lannung (Denmark); "3. Resolves to dispatch to Togoland under French Mr. Jose Rolz Bennett (Guatemala); administration a commission of six members, to be Mr. Victorio D. Carpio (Philippines); appointed on the basis of equitable geographical dis­ Mr. Aleksandar Bozovic (Yugoslavia). tribution by the President of the General Assembly, in order to examine, in the light of the discussions in 4. During the course of the Commission's visit to the Fourth Committee, the entire situation in the Ter­ Togoland, Mr. Lannung was obliged to leave the Terri­ ritory resulting from the practical application of the tory. Denmark then appointed Mr. Lars Tillitse to new Statute, and the conditions under which the replace him on the Commission. Statute is being applied, and to submit a report there­ 5. At the first meeting of the Commission, held at on with its observations and suggestions, to the Trus­ Headquarters, New York, on 29 April 1957, the Com­ teeship Council for its consideration; mission elected Mr. King (Liberia) as Chairman. -1- I* B. ln:-.;mARY or TilE Cm.tMISSION by the Deputies for the cercle, MM. Nicolas Agou and Frederick Brenner, the commandant de cercle, the conseil , 6. D.ur!ng the period 29 April to 3 May 1957, the de circonscription, traditional Chiefs of the area and a ~ommtsswn held preliminary meetings in New York Reception Committee composed of members of all ~n. on.kr to organize its work, to set forth its tentative political parties. It spent its day in Palime meeting with ttmerary and to decide upon its methods of work. the conseil de circonscription, granting hearings and ~. The Commission reconvened in Paris on 22 May attending a rally of the CUT. It returned to Lome in 19)7 ~~n~ held conversations from 22 to 29 May with the evening by train. the Munster for Overseas France, Mr. Gaston De!Terre· 14. On the morning of 6 June 1957, the Commission the D~n.:ctor of Political Affairs of the Ministry of Over~ held a working meeting with Mr. Pierre Schneider, se~ts han_ce, Mr.
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