Index “Acceptance” (House episode) “Airborne” (House episode) Hero’s Journey, 296 lying, 155–156, 169 power, 231 political psychology, 281 social support, 101–102 social support, 99 accommodation, 69 akinetopsia, 241–243 Acton, Lord, 224 alcohol, addiction and, 183–184 “Act Your Age” (House episode), Alex, 244–245 73–74 “Alone” (House episode) addiction, 169–188 conformity, 197 compulsive use and, 174–176 lying, 165 Hero’s Journey, 299–300 altruism, helping behavior and, 9–13, neuroadaptation, 171–172, 174, 16–18 180 Alvie, 302 neuroeconomics of, 176–181 Amber as self-medication, 181–187 addiction and, 176 tolerance and, 170–172 death of character, 149 withdrawal and, 172–174 happiness, 88–89 adultery, 137 COPYRIGHTEDHero’s MATERIAL Journey, 299 “Adverse Events” (House episode) narcissism, 144, 149 happiness, 87 personality, 263–264 lying, 158, 165 social support, 98, 99 affiliative humor, 129–130 amnesia, 244–245 agency, 209 amygdala, 178, 180 aggressive humor, 129–130 anterior superior temporal gyrus, agreeableness, 255–262, 267, 272–273 53–54 313 Index.indd 313 8/9/2011 4:07:50 PM 314 INDEX anterograde amnesia, 245 “Big Baby” (House episode) Anton’s syndrome, 243 brain, 251 anxious-ambivalent attachment, 60–61 conformity, 205–206 aphasia, 247–249 happiness, 82–83 Aristotle, 38, 78, 254 humor, 120 Asch, Solomon, 200 social support, 106 association, creativity and, 48–49, 52 Big Five, defined, 255–262, 272–273. atheism, 89–90 See also personality attachment, 59–62 “Birthmarks” (House episode) attraction, 62–65 authenticity, 35 Augustine, Sister humor, 131–132 creativity, 44 narcissism, 145, 148 humor, 129 social support, 109 authenticity, 20–36 “Black Hole” (House episode) Authenticity Inventory, 30 narcissism, 145 awareness and, 24–26 personality, 265–266 characteristics of, 22–23 relationships, 70–71 congruence and, 23–24 blindsight, 243 defined, 20–21 “Both Sides Now” (House episode) dispositional authenticity, 22, 24, authenticity, 25 29–33, 35–36 creativity, 53 relational orientation, 33–35 personality, 268 role authenticity, 21–22 Boyd, 89 self-view of, 28–29 brain, 236–252 unbiased processing of, 26–28 addiction and, 171–172, 177, 178– “Autopsy” (House episode) 180, 184–185 Hero’s Journey, 298 behavior determined by, humor, 130 236–237 power, 228–229 creativity and, 53–54 avoidance, 61–62, 173 executive functioning and, 249– awareness, authenticity and, 24–26 250 language and, 247–249 “Babies and Bathwater” (House memory and, 244–247 episode) sensation and perception, 238–243 addiction, 169 Brandon, 158–159 political psychology, 273 “Brave Heart” (House episode), Batson, Dan, 11–13 183–184 behavior, brain and, 236–237 Broca’s area, 248–249, 250 Bell, Kathy, 159 “Broken” (House episode) better-than-average effect, 145–146 authenticity, 25 Index.indd 314 8/9/2011 4:07:50 PM INDEX 315 Hero’s Journey, 300 conformity, 191, 197, 204–205 Buraku creativity, 38 Hero’s Journey, 293 happiness, 81–82 political psychology, 276 helping behavior, 14 Hero’s Journey, 296–297, 298 Cameron humor, 122, 123–124, 126, 129 addiction and, 175, 176, 177, 181, interpersonal circumplex, 215, 217 183 lying, 156, 167 authenticity, 23, 34–35 personality, 254 brain and, 237 political psychology, 277 conformity, 191, 204–205 power, 227, 231 happiness, 81–82, 87 relationships, 56, 57–58, 60–61, happiness and, 78–79 62–64, 73 helping behavior, 7–8, 16 social support, 98, 100, 106, 107, 109 Hero’s Journey, 296–297 closure, psychological need for, 41–44 humor, 119, 123–124, 131 “Clueless” (House episode), 71 interpersonal circumplex, 208, 213, Cole, Jeffrey, 227 215 commitment, 68–70 lying, 154, 167 communion, 209 narcissism, 140, 143–144 compulsiveness, addiction and, personality, 257 174–176 political psychology, 277–278, 281 conduction aphasia, 248–249 power, 228 confabulation, 243 relationships, 56, 57–58, 60–62, conformity, 189–207 71–72, 73 costs and benefits of social support, 99, 100, 101–102, nonconformity, 206–207 107, 109 defined, 191–194 Campbell, Joseph, 290, 291, 292, 297 as good, 204–206 cannabis, 174 groupthink, 194–197 Celebration of Life, The (Campbell), Hero’s Journey, 297 291 informational influence, 198–199 character, helping behavior and, 13–14 normative influence, 200–202 Characters, The (Theophrastus), 254 political psychology and, 274–280 Charles, Sebastian rebellion and, 193, 202–204 Hero’s Journey, 297 congruence, authenticity and, 23–24 political psychology, 280 conscientiousness, 255–262, 272–273 Chase “conservatism,” 271–272 addiction and, 177 “Control” (House episode) authenticity, 27 conformity, 201–202 brain, 243, 244–245, 247–249 narcissism, 140 Index.indd 315 8/9/2011 4:07:50 PM 316 INDEX corruption, power and, 232–233 deception, 72–73 Cottages, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109 “Deception” (House episode) creativity, 37–55 addiction, 169 brain and, 53–54 conformity, 193, 202 disadvantages of, 44 personality, 257 giftedness and, 37–38 political psychology, 283 insight and, 49–53 defense mechanisms, 147 instinct and, 45–48 defensiveness, authenticity and, 29–33 logical reasoning and, 44–45 denial, 147 psychological need for closure and, dependence, 170 41–44 depression, 91 risk taking and, 39–41 destiny belief, 57–59 unconscious and, 48–49 “Detox” (House episode) Cuddy addiction, 171, 172, 175–176, 185 addiction and, 171, 173, 175, 177, narcissism, 145 178, 184–185 power, 229 authenticity, 22, 23, 25, 27–28 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of conformity, 190, 193, 195, 197, Mental Disorders 201–202, 203, 205–206 on addiction, 170, 174, 175, 176 creativity, 39, 45–47 on narcissism, 143 happiness, 81, 82–83 Dibala Hero’s Journey, 292, 297, 299, 301, addiction, 183 302–303 relationships, 73 humor, 118–119, 126, 127 displacement, 147 interpersonal circumplex, dispositional authenticity, 22, 24, 212–213, 214, 216, 217 29–33, 35–36 lying, 155–156, 160–161, 167 divorce, 111 narcissism, 139, 143, 144, 148, 150 “DNR” (House episode) personality, 257, 258–260, 264 addiction, 170 political psychology, 273, 275, 282 relationships, 75 power, 221–222, 226, 229, 231, 234 Dominic, 42 relationships, 58, 59–60, 61–62, 68 “Don’t Ever Change” (House social support, 97, 101–102, 107, episode) 108, 109 narcissism, 143, 144 personality, 263 “Damned If You Do” (House relationships, 58, 69–70 episode), 232 social support, 101 creativity, 45 “Down Low, The” (House episode) happiness, 89 addiction, 182 Deborah, 237 humor, 115–116 Index.indd 316 8/9/2011 4:07:50 PM INDEX 317 Duchenne, Guillaume, 121 interpersonal circumplex, 212–213, Duchenne displays, 121 217 Duncker candle problem, 43–44 “5 to 9” (House episode) “Dying Changes Everything” (House happiness, 80 episode), 102–103 personality, 257 Fletcher, 247–249 egoism, helping behavior and, 9–13, flow, happiness and, 87–88 16–18 “Fools for Love” (House episode), Elizabeth, 248 259–260, 266 Ellemer, Naomi, 203 forecasts, 47 emotional social support, 96–101, Foreman 112–113 addiction and, 169, 173, 175, 177, empathy, power and, 230–231 182 ethics, political psychology and, authenticity, 31–32 276–278 brain, 242, 249–250 eudaimonia, 78–79 conformity, 191, 193, 197, 199, 202 “Euphoria” (House episode) creativity, 38, 40, 42–43, 50, 53 brain, 242–243 happiness, 80, 85, 87 humor, 117 Hero’s Journey, 296 “Euphoria, Part 2” (House episode) humor, 117, 119, 122, 124, 126 Hero’s Journey, 294 lying, 167 humor, 126–127 narcissism, 139, 145 Eve, 185 personality, 260, 261, 265–266 evolutionary biology, 15–16 political psychology, 277, 283 exceptionalism, 284 power, 224, 230 executive functioning, 249–250 relationships, 56, 60–61 executive system, 177 social support, 100, 102, 103, 106, “exploratory treatment,” 39 107, 108, 109 extraversion, 255–262, 272–273 Fran, 99 freedom of expression, power and, factor analysis, 265 231–232 “Failure to Communicate” (House French Revolution, 271 episode) Freudian defense mechanisms, 147 brain, 247–249 friendship, happiness and, 83–84 personality, 258 power, 227 Gage, Phineas, 178–180 “Family” (House episode), 72 Galinsky, Adam, 226–227 “Fetal Position” (House episode), 275 “Games” (House episode) “Finding Judas” (House episode) addiction, 181 conformity, 204–205 interpersonal circumplex, 216 Index.indd 317 8/9/2011 4:07:50 PM 318 INDEX giftedness, creativity and, 37–38 as egoistic vs. altruistic, 9–13, Giles, John Henry, 170 16–18 Goldman, B. M., 24 evolutionary biology and, 15–16 “good guy” archetype, 17 Hero’s Journey, 295–298 “Greater Good, The” (House episode) as situational, 13–14 happiness, 85–87 “Help Me” (House episode) helping behavior, 10 Hero’s Journey, 302–303 personality, 266 interpersonal circumplex, 216 “Great” (House episode), 161 Heppner, W. L., 29 Greenwald, Nick, 178–179 “Here Kitty” (House episode), 79–81 Greta, 238–240 Hero’s Journey, 289–303 groupthink, 194–197 House and, 289, 292–303 growth belief, 58–59 myth and, 290–292 Guinness Book of World Records, high-validity environment, 47 165 hippocampus, 245 “Histories” (House episode), 296 “Half-Wit” (House episode) “Honeymoon” (House episode) personality, 262 authenticity, 26, 29 power, 234 lying, 163 social support, 100, 112 personality, 265 Hank, 66–67 House Hannah, 302 addiction of, 25, 102, 169–182, happiness, 77–94 299–300 causes of, 83–90 authenticity, 20–36 claims of, 79–83 brain and, 236–240, 241–243, defined, 78–79 245–251 as goal, 90 conformity, 190–191, 192–197, long-term, 91–92 198–199, 200–207 pursuit of, 77–78 creativity and, 37–38, 39–50, 51–54 striving for, 91 father of, 131, 185, 293 Harlow, John, 179 happiness, 78, 80–81, 83–85, 87, Harvard Medical School, 179 88–90, 91, 92–93 Heather,
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