TEL AVIV-YAFO Govt. Office's 84 POST OFFICE RAMAT GAN (Contd) MINISTRY OF POLICE (Contd) MINISTRY OF HOUSING MINISTRY OF LABOUR (Contd) Information 72 22 13 Offices Rehov Dalet 15Hakirya24 13 11 Vocational Assessment Centre Special Investigation Dept Sorting 72 88 24 32 Ben Yehuda 5 99 42 5 99 43 14 Lilienbium 5 94 11 Rehov Weizman Holon.. .84 15 30 17Marniorek 23 45 53 Vocational Education Dept Juvenile Squad Telegraph Office. .72 88 24 72 31 17 44 Derech P-T 3 72 67 Derech Shalma 82 01 61 Branches MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Youth Voc Educ Division 59 Elat .5 88 97 Detention Ward Abu Kabir 82 21 13 82 49 82 2 Arnon 72 53 67 Minister's Office Instructors Training Inst Juvenile Offenders Detention Ward 75 Arlosoroff. 72 40 96 13 Ahad Ha'am 5 13 21 99 Hahashmonaim 3 90 01 Yafo (former Ajami Police Stn),82 53 40 82Haroeh 72 68 92 Inspector Gen of Elections 14 Maale Hatzofim R"G. 72 39 56 32 Rashi 72 29 66 13 Ahad Ha'am 5 13 21 Hamossad L* lib hut U'Lgehut Northern Div Hdqrs 221 Dizengoff 24 22 44 102Jabotinsky 72 30 13. Local Authorities' Audit Dept 59 Elat 5 54 46 5 54 51 Public Works Dept Head Office Southern Div Hdqrs 116 Harav Uziel 72 14 77 13 Ahad Ha'am 5 13 21 Rehov Lincoln 62 32 71 20 Raziel 82 22 84 82 24 44 8 Elisha (Ramat Hen) 3 26 06 Municipal Research Bureau POLICE POSTS Ramat Yitzhak 72 12 39 13 Ahad Ha'am 5 13 21 25Carlebach 3 78 11 Central Bus Stn Bldg 3 44 44 Bar-Ilan University 72 50 23 Chief Inspectorate of Fire Services after office hours (in emergency only) 13 Yona Hannavi Kefar Azar 73 13 67 42Borochov Givatayim 72 58 72 82 12 44 82 32 49 (Apak-North) 5 50 41 Salame G' 3 66 11 District Commissioner Central Stores Bat Yam 84 47 91 Holon Garages-Central Heavy Eqpt Seen Kefar Shalem 3 82 19 Tel Hashomer Hospital 72 68 48 140 Allenby 62 25 71 3 Krause 84 51 91 Ramat Gan Div Hdqrs Planning Office 140 Allenby 62 25 71 BENE BERAK Tel Aviv & Central Dist Police Bldg 72 11 11 72 76 78 Immigration & Registration Post Office 180 Herzl 82 12 44 82 32 49 Police Stn Or Yehuda 3 11 55 TA Offices Survey Dept Head Office 75 Rabbi Akiva.72 25 13 72 97 73 140 Allenby 62 25 71 Rehov Yehuda-Halevi 62 29 41 MINISTRY OF POSTS Branches 9 Habashan 44 43 16 Tel Aviv Dist 8 Rabbi Akiva 72 54 52 36 Hahagana 3 26 53 POSTAL SERVICES 8 Heharash 3 Derech Yafo 5 83 71 4 Bialik (Pardess Katz).. 73 31 69 35 Yehuda Hayamit 82 36 69 Dist Office 3 22 21 High School of Surveying Givat Shemuel 72 25 31 Ramat Gan Office 10Haroeh.72 13 47 Director 3 22 22 Tel Giborim Holon 84 45 94 Shikun Hassidei Viznitz... 72 65 29 Bene Berak Office TEL AVIV-YAFO POST OFFICE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Shikun Heh 72 35 66 8 Rabbi Akiva 72 25 19 Offices 8 Heharash 3 12 61 Labour Exchanges TA-Y'afo Shikun Neve Ahiezer 72 56 71 Holon Office 84 Hahistadrut. 84 45 87 Postmaster 3 21 22 Rehov Be'eri 72 64 63 Bat Yam Office 63 Balfour... 82 54 82 Main 12 Yavne 62 52 81 Information (Public Counter) 53 Raziel 82 30 68 132 Allenby 62 36 13 HOLON MINISTRY OF JUSTICE 2 Zerah 3 19 97 Sorting Dept 8 Heharash 3 16 32 Post Office Rehov Tel-Aviv Dist Attorney 59 Arlosoroff. 23 27 86 Postmen's Section 8 Heharash .3 16 33 Hahistadrut.... 84 25 55 84 46 60 Criminal Matters 9DerechYafo5 82 21 (for Academicians) Parcel Post 8 Heharash 3 16 36 Branches Civil Matters 9 Derech Yafo. .5 82 21 48 Montefiore 62 24 36 48 Yehuda Halevi 61 56 60 34 Sederot Kugel 84 36 32 Central Dist Attorney 22 Maze 62 46 14 Telegraph Office 9 Derech Yafo 5 82 21 (for Working Youth) 87 Sokolov 84 24 62 7 Mikve Yisrael 61 45 11 State Attorney's Office (Financial Unit) 4Harakevet 62 13 54 Rehov Hahistadrut 84 63 28 Telegraph Information 61 53 45 9 Derech Yafo 5 82 21 19 Brenner 61 18 01 Telegraph Delivery BAT YAM (for Household) Land Registry (TA & Surroundings) Rehov Harakevet 61 59 32 45 Hamelekh George 23 39 11 Post Office 82 40 56 3 Derech Yafo 5 51 26 (for Yafo Arabs) 100 Yefet. 82 30 34 Branches TA-Yafo Postal Agcy 49 Hashlosha... 82 50 93 Land Settlement Office Ramat Gan 3 Alcalay 44 42 39 Postal Agcy Ramat Yosef.... 84 79 33 76Levinsky 82 11 06 Main Office 14 Arlosoroff.72 91 44 93 Arlosoroff. 44 73 83 Land Valuer's Dept GIVATAYIM 2 Bialik 72 91 05 72 01 14 5 Bialik 61 33 46 7 Derech P-T 62 28 21 Post Office 72 18 70 (for Working Youth) 62Bograshov 23 14 32 Legal Aid Bureau 7 Derech P-T .62 28 21 Telegraph Office 72 88 18 2 Bialik 72 91 05 286Dizengofr 44 15 22 Standard Contracts Bureau Postal Agcy Shikun Ovdei lOOEtzel 3 42 56 7 Derech P-T 62 28 21 Bene Berak 60 Hevron 72 25 29 Hevrat Hahashmal 3 43 65 36 Geula 5 60 73 5 55 64 Administrator Gen & Official Receiver 3 Chelouche 109 Katzenelson 72 03 34 34 Hapalmah 3 21 20 39 Nahalat Binyamin 61 18 11 (Ma'abara Kiryat Ono)... 72 45 57 (for Working Youth) 30 Hamelech George KIRYAT ONO LAW COURTS TA-Yafo Derech Jabotinsky 72 31 39 22 45 56 22 72 53 Post Office Dist Court 14 Elat 82 91 51 72 12 80 Holon 61 Herzl .82 47 96 Magistrate's Courts 44 Bialik 84 49 35 108 Ibn Gevirol 23 25 44 AZOR Postal Agcy 84 22 18 Criminal Court Azor 84 32 35 185 Ibn Gevirol 44 43 63 14 Yehuda Halevi 5 61 11 TELEPHONE SERVICES (for Working Youth) 3 Mendele 22 30 72 23 18 12 Civil Court 6 Yehuda Halevi.5 91 91 TEL AVIV & CENTRAL DIST Rehov Yalag 84 57 94 3 Zamenhof... .22 45 90 23 57 00 Traffic Court Office 8 Heharash 3 12 34 Bat Yam Rehov Herzl 82 44 37 41 Yehuda Hayamit 82 42 09 37 Yehuda Halevi 5 61 45 Director 3 12 34 105 Derech Hashalom 341 98 Juvenile Court NATIONAL INSURANCE INSTITUTE Telephone Accounts 3 12 34 134 Derech Shalma 82 64 42 39 Nahalat Binyamin 61 17 83 TA Branch 15 Kikar Masaryk24 22 11 37 Dam Hamaccabim FINANCE & ACCOUNTS National Ins Court Yafo Branch 30 Hatekuma... 82 22 71 (Bitzaron) 3 36 43 Mechanized Accounts Unit 35a Yehuda Halevi 5 61 45 Ramat Gan Branch 31 Sederot Ben-Zion 22 76 93 8 Heharash 3 22 44 Rent Tribunal 92 Derech Jabotinsky 72 12 51 Rehov Hayarkon(HotelDan) 22 41 49 35a Yehuda Halevi 5 61 45 Holon Branch 92 Sokolov 84 62 80 POST OFFICE BANK Rehov Tiomkin 61 33 01 Notary Public TARep 132 Allenby 61 51 96 Rehov Weizman 42397 35 Yehuda Halevi 5 61 45 MINISTRY OF POLICE Jerusalem Office 62 10 08 Rehov La Guardia Ramat Gan Offices (Yad Eliyahu) 3 19 27 PHILATELIC SERVICE Magistrate's Court 69 Herzl.72 48 03 Rehov Het 8 Hakirya 2291 41 10 Sederot Yehudit 3 46 75 Offices Yafo Post Office 82 52 21 Parking Ground MINISTRY OF LABOUR Sederot Yerushalayim 82 20 55 Director 82 52 21 Rehov Yehuda Halevi 62 58 71 Afeka9 44 15 81 Adviser to the Service 82 52 21 Minister's Office Prison Serv Rehov Het 8 Hadar Yosef (Shikun) 44 93 17 Sales Room 2 Pinsker 5 55 47 Rehov Dalet 19 Hakirya 22 17 02 Hakirya 22 91 43 22 38 63 Hakir a y 22 98 09 Tel Aviv & Central Dist Branch ENGINEERING SERVICES-RADIO Kefar Shalem 3 34 21 59 Elat 5 82 41 Israel Police Kiryat Shalom 82 15 71 Offices 37 Yehuda Hayamit. .82 41 21 Absorption & Emplmnt Div POLICE EMERGENCY CALLS 999 MaozAviv Director 82 41 21 Rehov Dalet 19 Hakirya 22 17 02 44 80 98 Police Hdqrs 14Harakevet 62 52 11 Nahalat Yitzhak 3 ]7 01 TEL AVIV& CENTRAL DIST82 41 21 Manpower Div Stores & Wkshps Ranlat Aviv 44 34 60 Eng Broadcasting Studio • Rehov Dalet 19 Hakirya 22 71 02 Bet Dagan Police Bldg 61 40 44 Ramat Hahayil 72 29 82 108 Ibn Gevirol 22 21 81 Inspector Gen Manpower Ramat Hatayassim 27 3 u 06 Eng Radio Communications.. 17 Dalet Hakirya 23 46 78 Staff College Kefar Shalem :3 83 10 Rlwy Stn (Rehov Arlosoroff).44 30 72 108 Ibn Gevirol 22 71 24 Youth & Professional Education Div Forensic Medicine Institute Bet Ma'ariv (49 Derech P-T).. 3 30 41 Radio-Photo & Programme Trnsmssns Abu Kabir 82 37 64 TA&Central Dist Branch 45Elat5 82 41 Sheraton Hotel 7 Mikve Yisrael 61 54 93 Productivity Institute Administration Branch Offices (Rehov Hayarkon) 44 37 86 Bet Hadar 62 32 51 (Stores & Wkshps Depts) ENGINEERING SERVICES-TLPHNS Tzahala 72 10 50 Vocational Training Centre Derech Shalma 82 11 93 RAMAT GAN TEL AVIV & CENTRAL DIST Tel Aviv Dist Hdqrs 37 Yehuda Hayamit 26 Sed Yerushalayim 82 37 02 Post Office Rehov Bialik 72 22 13 Rehov Frug Holon 84 45 82 221 Dizengoff 24 22 44 Postmaster ,„ Dist Engineer 82 40 04 72 67 46 Asst Dist Engineer 82 43 52 .
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