S9926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 29, 2009 mission will transfer from Air Force Father Balducelli’s 96 years on this the magnificent Great Lakes, are home Space Command to Air Force Global Earth, while a true gift to all he has to over 8 million acres of public hunt- Strike Command. The pride shared served, reads like a novel. As a 9-year- ing land, tens of thousands of rivers today in the heritage and rich history old boy in the small town of and streams, and some of the best of the ICBM mission will always be a Castelluccio, Italy, he decided that he hunting and fishing in the United part of Air Force Space Command’s wanted to pursue an ecclesiastical edu- States. Whether meandering along contribution to our national security. cation in Rome. In 1929, at the age of Hemingway’s Fox or Two Hearted Riv- Mr. President, the American people 16, he joined the Oblates of St. Francis ers for brook trout and ruffed grouse, are fortunate to have the dedicated de Sales. After studying in France and or making the annual trip to deer camp Airmen of 20th Air Force operate, Switzerland, he returned to Italy from with friends and family, Michigan’s maintain, and secure America’s only September 1939 to March 1946. proud heritage comes with a sense of land-based strategic deterrent 24 hours During World War II, Father profound responsibility to protect that a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Balducelli helped save Italian Jews legacy for future generations. I know my colleagues will join me in from persecution. The young priest re- We have made some important congratulating the Air Force on 50 covered the bodies of civilians killed in progress. I have been pleased to spear- years of the highest commitment in bombing raids, was injured in one of head a number of efforts including Fed- carrying out the ICBM mission.∑ these attacks, and sheltered refugees eral funding to stop the invasive cor- morant from destroying our fisheries. f from Nazi persecution. After receiving a passport to come to This project has already shown conclu- ABERDEEN MONUMENT TO the United States, Father Balducelli sive results in bringing back once-deci- FIREFIGHTERS crossed the Atlantic Ocean over the mated fishing areas. Through my work ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I rise course of 29 days and arrived in New on the Senate Agriculture Committee, today to honor a special unveiling of York on April 10, 1946. The young ob- we have invested over $4 billion in new the Aberdeen Monument to Fire- late arrived at St. Anthony’s of Padua conservation efforts that will protect fighters on October 15, 2009. The hand- Church in Wilmington soon after and wildlife habitats and increase access some bronze, carefully crafted by Aber- became the church’s first Italian for hunters and anglers across the deen sculptor Benjamin Victor, is a priest. In 1959, he became pastor of St. country. Most recently, the Senate tribute to the firefighters who put Anthony’s. passed $400 million in funding for the their lives on the line and heroically As a first-rate mason and a licensed Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to serve with courage, pride and honor. contractor in the State of Delaware, clean up the Great Lakes. While we have made progress, there Fully aware that firefighting is inher- Father Balducelli oversaw and helped is more work to be done. I will con- ently dangerous work, these men and undertake the renovation of an old tinue to work for passage of the Na- women work day and night to save public school to meet young Catholic tional Fish Habitat Conservation Act lives, save property and protect the en- students’ educational needs, and he and the Clean Water Restoration Act, vironment. helped establish a new school, called which will help preserve Michigan’s Benjamin Victor has crafted a spec- Padua Academy, for girls, as well. 36,000 miles of rivers and streams, in- tacular sculpture to commemorate His love of welding helped to build cluding over 1,000 miles of blue-ribbon these heroes. It portrays his passion for St. Anthony in the Hills in the 1960s, a trout streams. I will also continue to expression and detail and his natural popular summer retreat and sanctuary work to ensure access to public lands ability to create unique and inspiring for children and their families near and waterways. works of art. Ben, at 26 years old, is the Hockessin, DE. On his watch, the par- Working together, we can preserve youngest artist ever to have a sculp- ish opened a senior and day care center our natural resources so others can ture in the National Statuary Hall in and expanded the regionally prominent enjoy our rich hunting and fishing her- the U.S. Capitol. Art critics and orga- Italian Festival in Delaware. He retired itage for generations to come.∑ nizations throughout the country rec- as the church’s pastor in 1988. ognize the aesthetic and conceptual in- I am privileged to have known Fa- f tegrity of Ben’s work. Early on, Aber- ther Balducelli for many years. I look TRIBUTE TO DR. CAROLYN PORCO deen saw his talent and its citizens are forward to breaking bread with him at ∑ Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Presi- very grateful that he continues to the Columbus Communion Breakfast in dent, today I praise Dr. Carolyn Porco, share his talents with their commu- Wilmington’s Little Italy on the day of a professor at the University of Colo- nity. his special recognition. rado, senior researcher at the Space I also want to commend the Aberdeen I hope my colleagues will join me in Science Institute in Boulder, CO, and community for their efforts to make celebrating Father Balducelli’s signifi- leader of the imaging team for the this unveiling possible. Using no tax cant accomplishments, which he Cassini mission. In this last role, she dollars, the entire funding for this achieved over the course of a lifetime has a front row seat on some of the project came from businesses, service dedicated to our community. Wil- most exciting scientific discoveries of clubs, schools, fraternal organizations mington and our Italian-American today coming from the Cassini space- and individuals in the community who community could not have woven such craft, which for 5 years has been orbit- saw the significance of this monument. a fabric of family and strength if it ing and studying Saturn and its Moons. This contribution by the Aberdeen were not for the commitment and fore- I have submitted for the RECORD an ar- community and Benjamin Victor will sight of Father Roberto Balducelli.∑ ticle about Dr. Porco from the Sep- commemorate the important role of f tember 21, 2009, edition of the New our firefighters for generations to York Times. come.∑ NATIONAL HUNTING AND FISHING In Colorado, we are extremely proud DAY f of our science and technology enter- ∑ Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I am prise. We have 16 Federal laboratories, TRIBUTE TO FATHER ROBERTO here today in recognition of National top-flight research universities and a BALDUCELLI Hunting and Fishing Day, which was vibrant private sector pushing the lim- ∑ Mr. KAUFMAN. Mr. President, today recognized on September 26. Hunters its on everything from biomedical re- I recognize the extraordinary contribu- and anglers contribute significantly to search to space exploration. But even tions of a patriarch of the Italian- our Nation’s economy. More than 1 in this crowded field, Dr. Porco stands American community in my home million hunters and anglers add over $3 out as an exemplary Colorado scientist. State of Delaware, Father Roberto billion each year into Michigan’s econ- She has repeatedly been recognized as Balducelli. On Columbus Day, Father omy alone. one of the top scientific leaders to Balducelli will be honored by the Co- From the very beginning, hunting watch this century both for her sci- lumbus Communion Breakfast Com- and fishing have been at the center of entific accomplishments and her lead- mittee with its Outstanding Achieve- Michigan’s history and culture. Our ership within the scientific commu- ment Award. two great peninsulas, surrounded by nity. As the Times article shows, she VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:51 Nov 11, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\S29SE9.REC S29SE9 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 29, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9927 has come a long way from her humble of the exuberance of that era when President defended her once when her Voyager col- Bronx upbringing. John F. Kennedy ‘‘said that the sky isn’t leagues teased her about not being married. Thinking about Dr. Porco, I am re- even the limit,’’ as she puts it, and ‘‘things Dr. Porco was subsequently hired as a con- sultant for the movie ‘‘Contact,’’ based on minded that great scientists are not were unleashed.’’ Her entries on the Cassini imaging Web Sagan’s novel about a feisty astronomer, born. They are made. They are made site echo the spirit of the character Capt. Ellie Arroway, who discovers a signal from through the hard work and determina- James T. Kirk on ‘‘Star Trek’’: extraterrestrials. Although plans fell through for Dr. Porco tion of the young boy who rejects the CAPTAIN’S LOG—MARCH 23, 2009 stigma that somehow being smart is to meet Jodie Foster, the actress who played We are almost there. Saturn and we, its Arroway, she did attend a workshop on the not cool and the young girl who refuses companions, have journeyed together now to take a back seat to any boy.
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