University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 2-7-1966 Kabul Times (February 7, 1966, vol. 4, no. 261) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (February 7, 1966, vol. 4, no. 261)" (1966). Kabul Times. 935. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/935 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , .' ~TBEB FORECAST PAGE 4 KABUL TIMES FEBRUARY 6, 1966 lI/EWS STALLS Tomorrow~ Tempenau. ltabul Ttmes is available at: His Khyber Resburant; IUbuJ .>, Majesty Sends Afghan Poets To Attend Amir Khisro Anniversary AT THE CINEMA • Max.. +12°C. Minimum -O°C. Ceylon Congratulations Sun sets tomorrow at 5:26 p.m. a,tel; Share..eNa* near Park. On National Day ARIANA CINEMA Sun rises tomorrow at 6:41 :un. Cinema; Kabul l1lternJltlol1:l1 At 2, 4:30, 7 and. 9 p.m. Aernri· Tomorrow's Outlook: Cloudy AIrport. ' KABUL. Feb. 6.--00 the occa­ can film.starring Charlie- Chaplin. , meS~ sion of Ceylon's "national day a 30 YEARS OF FUN sage: of congratulation' has been sent 'PRICE AJ.. " PARK CINEMA KABUL. M0NDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1906, (DALV IB, 1:H4, S.H.) \ to Colomho on behalf of His Ma­ A.t. 2:30, 5, 7:30 and' 9:30 p.rn. VOL. lV, NO. 261. jesty. the King to the Governor Ge- I American: fiIm,:starring Charlie oeral of Ceylon. Chaplin. ~:r~~: ~S::~~d~~re Cabinet Approves New Name --- 30 YEARS OF FUN Johnson Meets S. Vietnamese .IH II KABUL, Feb. 7.-Mahmood Fe- UU roughte bas been appointed. the For Information Ministry' Khushal Khan Pres., PremIer n ono ambassador of Iran to AfghaOistao. K.."UlUL, Feb. 7.':'" Air War... HONOLULU, FebrnJlry 7..,- His MajeslJl the King bas agr=! . ON the proposal of the lIIln1stry of Press and WormatioD'the (Conld. from page 3) I OUTH Vietnamese leaders Major-General Nguyen Van to the appolnunenl of feroughle as Not only were there troubles ~ cabinet has decided that the 1Ilinistry beDceIorth be known ICnnld. Iwm pap 1) S Tuien, head of the state and Nguyen Cao Ky the Pri.nie ambassador to Afgb:lOistan. the Pro- but there were also betrayals. As I tion with South Vietnamese lea­ as the'i\linistry of InformatioD and Culture, . ~ a result of poe of these. he was Minlster met President Lyndon Johnson here Sunday. tocol Department of the Ministry of In the proppsal of the MiniStry The MI.DlStrv aof Informat~on and. ders covering economic, ·agricUl­ ~ Co~t ~nnounced. ~ccord3~ce unjUstly Jrnprisone<:l in 1664 i:n tural as well as military prob­ In a \1;elcoming statement Pre- forts of our tW? nations the I it was staled lbat since. printing and Culture. 10' wtth. the India for some years. Embitter­ lems. sideDt Johnson referred to what service ot the Ideals of liberty, Ma.wandwal publicity for the preservation. and Press law•.w:~ contlOue. ~o look a~­ ~ews ed by the treachery of his family, .The President's calling of the he caUed "special pleader.> who and peace in the world Will lead I development of national culture. in- ter the act!Vltles of ·radlo. th.e the GovernOl"S of Kabul ahd the ne?"sp~pers Honolulu conference follows- an counsel get out of Vietnam:' and Ta~ksfi al ;:;'twee~'ctOry" , R h D h b -tr.oduction of the country inside' and agency, and periodicals Mf.lgu) dynasty, Khushal Khan intensive 'review in Washington added "they belong to a group to the U.S. and the ecic es OS an a oUlside Afghanistan, encouragement publis~ed on.·~haU of the state," ~o­ on his return home. joined the three weeks ago of plans forrural that has always been blind to Vietnamese leaders are expected arid patronising of art, cultural and vemment. pnntmg ho,~ ar.t and Afridis and the _Mohmands in reconstruction in South Vietnam experience and deaf to hopc". to cover economic. cultural and KABUL. Feb. 7.-Prime Minis- press institutes, preservation and theatre. cmemas, public Iibranes~ and their struggle against the oppres­ , and eventual. electionS. He said: "We cannot accept military problems in South Viet- ter- Mobammad- Ha!him Maiwand­ development of Afghanistan's cul- so {orth.. .' their logic that tyranny 10,000 wat arrived on Sunday in Doshan~ S""f.S. However, here too, he en­ Premier Ky, of South Vietnam lural ties with foreign countries. and .~e mln~ster and offiCIals of the countered unhappiness... miles away is not tyranny to con- n~'cording to an AP despatch ba, capital of Tajl~estan. from the ~lnJstl)', ~e. U1 a speecb on Jan. 15, said that encouragement and development of will addressed as. o,ffi-. the emphasis of his government cern US--Qr that subjugation by froin Tokyo the Viet Cong claims Crimea. tourism in Afghanistan are Ihe ,main clals of·t~e- Mmlstry of In!ormatlon- an anned minority in Asia is dif- the U,S.-South Vietnam confer-· Members .of the Prime Minister's Whether it be sages or' fools, th~s ye3! would be' on pacification aims of the Ministry it is fitting lhat and Culture. , Or honest men or thieves, ferent from 'subjugation by an ence in Honolulu is aimed at in- party and Soviei. officials accompa· and reconstruction in hostile parts the name of the Mi.istry be cbanged Education Minister· I do '01 see a single oDe of the ccuntryside. armed minority in Europe." tensificatieR and expansion of the nYlOg him on his SQviet tour also to the MtnlStl~' of information and Willing to share my r:oad. The President said that in 1940's I Vietnam war. arrived with him. President J ohnsoil said last mad~ night that the United States and 1950's the United States took I Radio Hanoi quoted a spokes- A guard of. bonour. up- of Culture. Visits' Puli.Kkumri Their sovereignty they have its stand in Europe to protect the I man of the Viet Cong as saying soldiers from the garnson of the Three Afghan poets and scholars who are In Delhi to alte.d the annJversary celebra· would emphasise in every way it renounced (the Pashtuns) freedom of those threatened by "the South' Vietnamese people capital of the Republic. was drawo . Four Envoys Pay tions 01 Amlr Khlsro. They are: (right to left) ·could economic and social plans Aibak, Balkh , Preferring Mogul gold. p~ aggression. will never flinch in face of any up at Doshanba airport where the They seem to have but one ~e­ Mohammad 'IbrahIm KhallJ.., Mahmoud Fanni. Mayet Berawi. "in !We with .the very fine fla~ t- nouncements that the Prime Mi­ "Now the centre of attention act of intimidation of the U.S. national of Afghanistan. the, C II 0 SOd' sire, During their two-week stay In India they will also visit Deohund, ChandJgarh, Nan· bas been shifted to another part imperi.alists and their henchmen. USSR and Tajikistan were flying. BAGHLAN. Feb. 7.-The M,inis- ga~ nister has made concerning his a s n I qI To seek for' Mogul ~ titles. Amhala, Sarblnd, Agn, Aligarh and Lncknow. of the world where aggression is They are resolved to Carry T~e Prime Min.ister and h,ls com- ter of Education Mohammad 05- desires in the field of education on the march and enslavement of through their struggle for national paOlons were met ~Y Abdulakhad KABUL, feb. 7.-The Bulgarian man Anwari., arrived. in Puli-~hum- and health and agrIculture. His son ,Bahram gave him DO free men is its goal Our stand I t" 1"11 final victory" Kakharov, the ChaIrman of the Ambassador Volko Gochev.. tbe In· \ ri Saturday afternoon to mspect the peace, setting tz:ap after trap "We want to be SUle that we must be as firm as ever:' be sa;:..~o~hi~a News Agency c1alm- I C~uncil of Ministers of Tajikista.n. dian Ambassador General P. ~. ~h?Ols and the progress Qf edu· have our best planning 'and our Tursi.J.iI.-Z~deh. ~half- catlon~1 for him. However, time and again Soft Landin'g I added. ed President Johnson has decided . Mlrzo the. ThapJ.r, and A. Shahbaz the ChIef programmes there. Khushal Khan evaded them sue-, Tremor In Central Greece maximum effort put into it. That General Thieu, replying to Pre- to go to Honolulu .personally to ~an . or the ~\llel Afro·A~tan So- of the United Na.t1ons D~velop'ment WhIle vlsltmg the boys and girls occupy a substantial part of cessfully. Bahram was to Khusha1 will sident Johnson's' welcome said: preside over a bigber-Ievel meeting Ildanty S:0mmluee, other bl~ rank: programmelOffice hMe~ebPaid seapar::..e schools,in Puli-kbumri city. Anw,ari (Cnnld. tram page I) the conference." ' I Khan what Aurangzeb was to res. Kills One, Destroys V,iliages "We firmly believe that the ef- to discuss the "co~plete prog. ing offie,tals and rep,r.esenta~l\'es 01 r eourt~y ~a Is on, I, 0 amma ~. took notes about the need for lext- Shahiahan... .. f th US war of ag- the public pi tbe Tajlk capital. I ~.Sl(;lql. the MIDIster of Informa- books, new maps' and other educa- It was resolved to land the station ramme 0 e .. .. .. ' d d CIS ·d .
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