' .. ;{, .- .~ .... ~:, :.• , List of Miscellaneous Papers in the Collectio1t ofDavid Laing', LL.D. ­ \/,lD, Large and interesting Account-book, with entries from 1634­ ' i 1673, chiefly of groceries and small wares, sold by Mr. Law-' 1 rence Scott. 11. Paper entitled "Informatione for the Earle of Aberdeen . against The Earle of Lauclerdaill and Sir Robert Millne ,: DIVISION II. in reference to their conduct' of the Mint. 1682-1683. Incomplete. 12.. Paper entitled "Paralipomena, or abridgment of some axioms !J[iscellaneous, Ecclesiastical, Literary, Scientific, Legal, 1Jfilita?'!J, f ,of law omitted out of Durie's Practiques which were in and otM?' Papers, chiefly 1Jfodern. Haddingtonnes aud Balmonoes Practiques," etc. [Last date 1631.] , .- 1. Four leaves, fi'agments of the "Auchinleck Manuscrip~," J: '~. ' / bound together for preservation; being portions of the I' , 13. Greek MS. entitled" SEO«PIAOT BA$IATKOT 7TpWTorr­ .. 14 t ~ ~wv\' 7TaBapLOV Kat, aPXL7JTpOV 7Tept, rrepvryfLwv," from the Royal V poem called the" Life of Adam." t Library at Paris. r J 2. Curious old Drapery Account against the" Lady Justice-Clerk" (Lady Lewis Bellenden of Broughton), with receipt. 1587. v; 4. Extract Commission by King James VI. to Mr. James Ander- . Minist~r .j3. " Nomina Commensalium in Collegio Leonardino Commoran­ son, of Stirling, to visit the churches in the diocese tium," being the Roll of the mensal students in St. Leonard's of Dunblane, etc.; and visitations following thereon. 1586.. College; St. Andrews,. 1587-1590 ; with accounts, 1592. [Somewhat·torn; 48 pages remaining.] V 4. Original Register of Oblations and Privy Ti~hes of the vicar­ 15. Three papers bearing on proceedings in Church Oourts, May age of Bosbury, from 1635-1641. 1599, July 1618, and 1643. 5. Eleven papers: three " ccounts of Rents from certain lands in 16.' Six papers: Original proceedings against Mr. Alexander Pit­ ',. Ireland belonging to the deceased Sir Claud Hamilton of I cairn, 1649, and Extract Proceedings in Synod of Fife v. , I ::3hawfield, Inventory of his goods, etc.; and seven very .Mr. Alexander Scrymgeonr, appointed Professor of Divinity curious Accounts of the Persunal Expenses of Sir Ueorge at St. Andrews, he not being in orders. 29th September 1713, etc. Hamilton and others of the family. 1613-1629. ... v 6. Three papers: two Rentals of the Teinds of Whittingham, 17. Four papers: Reasons for not taking Test, 1681 ;' copy letter., , about 1624, apparently rendered to Sit 'William Hamilton by a Non~ur.or in 'reference to Headship of Church, 1693; , . ',' \1" of Elieston; an Account of Taxation due·' to the lordship Overture ~ regard to "Marrow" Controversy; and copy of ,::, ..~:~: \. of LindQres, about same date. correspondence on the same subject, 1742. \1" -I '7. Two _pap'e~}~ Account of Rents, etc., paid to Lord Melville, (18. Large packet of papers of Ecclesiastical interest: Calls to· r' ,\( 1635-16~5, by Mr. Thomas Christie; another account re- Ministers, ~inutes of Presbyteries, proceedings about ne~"" '\ ;··t,.-·.': ~:' '. ",;~' t. "_~ ferring to the same la~ds, 1717. churches, stIpends, etc. 1705-1832. ' ~;., .-:~ I . -!:.­ , j .. v 8. 'fI'wo Accounts of Money received for the Bishops of Edin- I19. MS. narrative of the rise and progress of the FundiPr'Relie~: "(. ",;~. 166~, r \ burgh, and of 1656. I of the Indigent Episcopal Clergy in Scotland; ~d:'. .;, <: :,:0 ntromi~sions \ \ 9.' Two Accounts, one'imperfect, of I with the Bishops' i 20. Curious account. by the Heralds for Proc'lamatiO~~ainst;::~~~ :,e' .... ~ Rents of Brechin, Dunkeld, Dunblane, etc. 1735 and 1756. \ Call1eron, Cargill, and other Covenanters. 1680-1683. "'~~:1£':. \ L£st of M£scellalleOUS'Papers £1t the Collectl'Oli of David Laing', LL .D. 8S 0/21. Original letter by Lieutenant George Hill, who was one or Latin Le,cture on the mode of electing German Emperors, .those present at Mr. Jflmes Renwick's ordination. Amster­ about 1727 ; and several other lectures and historical notes, dam, 18th June 1683. chiefly by Charles Mackie, sometime Professor of History I . / 22. Latin MS., small quarto, "Colloquii de Peccato Originali;" n.d. in the University of Edinburgh. 1719-1753. i 38. Portions of original MS. of "The Antiquities of Athens, by i 23. Pamphlet, on "Some things to be reformed in the Church of Messrs. Stuart and Revett." \., Scotland;" n.d., but probably early part of 17th century. , J \ 39' Notes of a Tour in Italy. 1718. 24. MS. of Discourse on State of. Believers. About same period. 40. Tract on the Danger of a Toleration to Episcopal Dissenters in Imperfect. Scotland. About 1712. .25. Pamphlet in reference to the Solemn League and Covenant.' { 41. Tractate in form of a letter, proposing a scheme to remedy Imperfect. 1650, etc. '. r. ,some grievances of Schoolmasters; n.d. ./ \.:6. "Sion's Vindication," a discourse by Mr. William Menzies 'I 42. "Chronological Catalogue of all the Editions of the Acts of'::". /J _ \-:1 [probably of Aberdeen]. 1652.. ./ i : the Parliament of Scotland," with notes by J ames. Chalmers, ... -" l. 27. A large packet of contemporary MSS. of Dying Speeches by···. .! nephew to the author of " Caledonia." I· James Guthrie, Donald Cargill, David Halkston, and other 43.• Three papers: Letter, the Town Council of Peith to the Town Covenanters; ecclesiastical and political essays and papers; of North Berwick, about Commissioner to Convention of religious meditations, papers on medicine, letters, and Burghs; two Minutes of Meeting of Freeholders, etc., at·· others, by members of the family of GOl'don of Earlston in v' Dumfries, to elect a member to the' Parliament of Great Galloway, some of which papers were in the possession of, Britain, 24th June 1708 and 9th N9vember 1710. if not autograph of, the Alexander GOl'don who suffered for 44. Memori~l for Opinion of Counsel as tofu,hether the eldest sons his adherence to Presbyterianism. ~~ A.JI:.- .. of Peers of Scotland have a right to ~lect or be elected to 28. Sermon by Mr. James Kirkton, author of a Ifistory of the Parliament for either Shires or Burghs in Scotland; 185 . Church of Scotland. October 13, 1698. '! .-'1 " . pages. About 1790. .-<," 29. A Personal Covenant, by Mr. Gabriel Semple, Minister of 45. Paper entitled" A short Discourse off the EarlE}..tf~~ut«e:dand ~edburgh. 1695. ~~ his precedencie in Parliament befor the Earleoff Caithnes. s, . 30. Treatise on the Abjuration Oath, after the Union. Imperfect. ,I A.D. 1617." . .'~;)Y ? ' 31. Sermon, appare~tlby.Rev. William Carlyle, Minister of Pres­ 46. Packet of letters and miscellaneous papers written by William tonpans, fat Dr. Alexander Carlyle. 7th June 1752. Guthrie, a political and historical writer of last century. 32. Three Sermons; , l"by Rev. J. Brown, at Abercorn, and 47. "An Essay suggesting an important application of the High­ I another on the de .p. of William II!. 1702. land Music to the leading objects of the Highland Society of Scotland;" n.d. '. I.. 33. Two Sennons, one imperfect, by Mr. Maclarin. July 1725. , 48. Collection of Notes, chiefly antiquarian, on a great variety of 34. Sermon on 1 Cor. ilL 10; n.d. I subjects-Alchemy, English Manners, Leathern Boats, and 35. French treatise, entitled "Plan Abregc du Gouvernement 'l~; other antiquities, said to be from the papers of Dr. Lort. 49. Economique de l'Etat Ecclesiastique;" n.d. ,\ .x An Essay on Barrows and other Tumuli of a sepulchral 36. Latin MS. entitled "Epistola Archimedis ad Regem Gelonem nature, by the Rev. John HorsIey, author of the" Britannia Allrre Groocre Reperta anno lErre Christianre." 1688. Romana." Said to be autograph. I : .. ~ .. - ",. .' '...,..," .. ..~-... ~' .... .... (" ,. !'-".. 86 List of Miscellaneous Papers in i. the Collection 0/ Davzd La?'ng', LL.D. 87 Oricrinal Deed of Appointment of the Rev. John Walker as Professor of Natural History in the University of Edin­ 60. Volume, half-bound, containing a number of letters, chiefly..l..LL-. • bUl'<Yh with other papers relative thereto: also- a packet of from a Mr. John Gray to Mr. Thomas Gray, merchan.t in V/I -. '~~[ Edinburgh, between 1680 and 1742. MS~ ~otes and papers on the Natural History, Agriculture, 61. Bundle of papers containing scraps of Poetical MS. Prologues, • . .-­ etc., of Scotland. I Squibs, etc., said to have belonged to W. H. Ireland, author Jf;1~:·J.,j .~ 51. Original Songs and Poems by Alexander Campbell, author of " of the Shakespeare Fabrications. \ the" Grampians Desolate i" born 1764, died 1824. .r, 62. Bundle of letters and papers, chiefly relating to the Chill'ch of 52. Oricinal paper, drawn up by "John Keymer," for the infor-.:' Scotland, and containing the autographs of Dr. Chalmers, ~ation of Killg James I., "touchinge trade and traffique Dr. John Illglis, Principal Lee, Dr. AJexrwl:le;r Webster, the ~ beyond the seas and in England," proving that "English late Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster, Thomas Erskine, Lord seas and lande commodities doe serve to enriche and Chancellor, and others. strengthen other countryes against our owne, and how to 63. Portfolio containing a number of letters addressed to Mr. I.J",... _ , redress the same." Dated about. 1620, w.ith a modern copy: William Scot, Professor of Greek in the University of ITIfW 53. Curious paper, with diagrams, treating of various kinds of Edinburgh, chiefly as to his family affairs, with a number of Sun-Dials; n.d. letters and other papers containing various autographs. 64. Two copies of a'" l)oem on the Day of Judgment." 54. "The Statuts and Ordinances of George Heriot his Hospitall, ~opies, made and done according to his Letter Will and Testament 65. FOUl; one imperfect, of "Appius, the Decemvir: ~.~ J~ MG\o'\'~ by WaIter Balcanquel, Dean of Rotchester, D.D. In the Tragedy." . year of our Lord God 1627." [Contemporary copy.] 66. Portfolio containi:q.g a large number of ~~tters addressed to David, fourth Viscount Stormont, with aut.ographs of the last .
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