January 30, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E115 from every walk of life and background. That 46. Had I been present, I would have voted as Tedeschi, Jack DeJohnette, Herbie Hancock, has certainly been my experience here in this follows: Roll Call 45—Yes, and Roll Call 46— Jimmy Heath, Zakir Hussain of India, House, and during my Army service in Viet- Yes. Angelique Kidjo of Benin, Lang Lang of China, nam. I thank my friends and colleagues with f Romero Lubambo of Brazil, Shankar whom I have served. My years in public serv- Mahadevan of India, Wynton Marsalis, Chris- ice have allowed me to represent my home PERSONAL EXPLANATION tian McBride, Dianne Reeves, Wayne Shorter, county of Morris for over 40 years, and also Esperanza Spalding, Hiromi Uehara of Japan. Essex, Passaic, Sussex Counties, and earlier HON. RUBEN GALLEGO Masekela returned to South Africa in 1990 on, Somerset. That would not have been pos- OF ARIZONA when Mandela was freed and has been a sible without the love and support of my wife, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vocal voice for freedom. I join fans and activ- Virginia, our two girls and my late father and Tuesday, January 30, 2018 ists around the world in paying tribute to a mentor, Peter. The unsung heroes of my time giant of African culture and the arts. in Congress are my staff, both in Morristown Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- f and Washington, who tend every day to the ably detained in my congressional district and needs of 730,000 constituents. was not present for two roll call votes on Mon- PERSONAL EXPLANATION During my time serving here there have day, January 29, 2018. Had I been present, I been times of great tragedy including the ter- would have voted in the following manner: Roll HON. EARL BLUMENAUER rorist attacks of 9/11 and the ravages of Hurri- Call Vote No. 45—S. 534, Protecting Young OF OREGON cane Sandy on my home state. In my role on Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the House Appropriations Committee, I made Authorization Act of 2017, as amended—YES; sure that New Jersey’s needs were met in and Roll Call Vote No. 46—H.R. 1457, To es- Tuesday, January 30, 2018 both the immediate aftermath as well as over tablish requirements for use of a driver’s li- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, had I time in the wake of these events. I have cense or personal identification card by certain been present for the vote today on S. 534, proudly been able to secure key federal in- financial institutions for opening an account or Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse vestments for New Jersey to strengthen our obtaining a financial product or service, and and Safe Sport Authorization Act (Roll Call economy, our institutions of higher education, for other purposes, as amended—YES. No. 45), I would have voted aye. This bill our hospitals and public transportation sys- would require authorization to interact with tems, to preserve open space and protect the f minor amateur athletes to report any sus- environment and to better serve our veterans TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF JAZZ pected incidents of child abuse, including sex- and our fellow citizens with mental illness and TRUMPETER HUGH MASEKELA ual abuse, to the sport’s governing body. disabilities. As Chairman of the House Appropriations Additionally, had I been present for the vote Committee, this past year I have had a sin- HON. STEVE COHEN on H.R. 1457 (Roll Call No. 682), I would have gular focus on ‘‘getting our work done’’. We OF TENNESSEE voted aye. This bill would allow banks and completed 12 appropriations bills left over IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other financial institutions nationwide to use an from 2017, we passed all 2018 bills in record Tuesday, January 30, 2018 individual’s state-issued driver’s license or per- time through regular order, and three Disaster sonal identification card to verify the individ- Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Supplementals historic in scope and the expe- ual’s identity when using a mobile device to note the passing of South African jazz trum- diency with which we acted to help our fellow initiate mobile banking or other online service. citizens. In my remaining year as chairman, I peter, composer and anti-apartheid activist f am determined to finish the FY18 bills and Hugh Masekela, who died January 23 after a PERSONAL EXPLANATION pass our FY19 bills through regular order. long fight with prostate cancer. Mr. Masekela, Every member, Republican and Democrat, will 78, was honored in October at the 26th annual continue to have ample opportunity to directly National Civil Rights Museum Freedom HON. DAVID G. REICHERT impact the Congressional power of the purse Awards in Memphis although he was too sick OF WASHINGTON to make the trip from Johannesburg and the and decide the best and highest use of limited IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES taxpayer money. This will require—and I will award was accepted by his son, Salema Tuesday, January 30, 2018 happily devote—all my energies to this task. Masekela, in his place. Throughout my service in this House, my Masekela was an integral part of the African Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, due to a per- deepest devotion has been to supporting our jazz scene in the 1950s and ’60s with his sonal commitment, I was unable to vote on Armed Forces, all volunteers, and their fami- band the Jazz Epistles. In response to South the following: Roll Call No. 35 and Roll Call lies, here and abroad, and those warfighters Africa’s oppressive apartheid, which prevented No. 36. Had I been present, I would have who have returned home with injuries and who large gatherings of black people from legally voted ‘‘yes.’’ depend on a functioning veterans’ health care attending his bands’ concerts, he went into f system. To those of you I have met while you exile in 1964, at the age of 21, first in Britain served us overseas and to those of you that and then in the United States. In 1968, he had RECOGNIZING RONN OWENS ON I have sat by your bedside, I hope and trust an international No. 1 hit—‘‘Grazing in the HIS DISTINGUISHED CAREER I have served you well. Grass.’’ He was also known for ‘‘Bring Him I have worked in a bipartisan manner, not Back Home,’’ an anthem calling for the re- HON. ERIC SWALWELL just in times of crisis but always, because I lease of the future South African President OF CALIFORNIA believe it best serves my constituents, my Nelson Mandela, imprisoned for 27 years for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES state and our country. My father reminded me his anti-apartheid activities, and ‘‘Soweto often that we are temporary stewards of the Blues.’’ Tuesday, January 30, 2018 public trust. I have sincerely endeavored to Masekela collaborated with a variety of ac- Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. Speaker, earn that trust every day and I thank my con- tivists and entertainers including Harry Democratic Leader NANCY PELOSI as well as stituents and my home state of New Jersey for Belafonte, Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding, Janis Representatives MARK DESAULNIER, ANNA the honor to serve and I will continue to do so Joplin and Paul Simon, with whom he toured ESHOO, JOHN GARAMENDI, JARED HUFFMAN, RO to the best of my abilities through the end of on the ‘‘Graceland’’ album concerts with KHANNA, BARBARA LEE, ZOE LOFGREN, JERRY my term. Ladysmith Black Mambazo. He released more MCNERNEY, JACKIE SPEIER, MIKE THOMPSON, f than 40 albums in his career and toured inter- and I rise to recognize Ronn Owens for his PERSONAL EXPLANATION nationally until last year. lifetime of service to the San Francisco Bay ‘‘My biggest obsession is to show Africans Area as a radio journalist of the highest cal- and the world who the people of Africa really iber. HON. MICHAEL R. TURNER are,’’ he said on his official website. Ronn, a resident of San Francisco, OF OHIO In 2012, he participated in UNESCO’s Inter- launched his daily radio talk show on KGO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES national Jazz Day at the United Nations Gen- 810 in 1975. He has covered everything from Tuesday, January 30, 2018 eral Assembly Hall in New York City with politics to pop culture, and his show has been Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, on January 29, Richard Bona of Cameroon, Dee Dee Bridge- called the ‘‘ultimate town hall meeting.’’ He be- I was unable to vote on Roll Call votes 45 and water, Danilo Perez, Derek Trucks and Susan came known as a voice of reason, balancing VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:48 Jan 31, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30JA8.007 E30JAPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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