4 rrpr ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 26. PORTLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1888. PRICE THREE CENTS. were in and not be The »Fkt€IAI. NOi'ICK* ni»€KLXiANEOU0. Ue has paid about oue-half of the June pay- rresent to you Senator Gorman." (Laugh- 1884, they will changed. tave cooled to be to the BRECKENRIDGE FOR FREE FISH. trenches in which we will are the same. The SHERIDAN'S CONDITION PRECARIOUS. sufficiently exposed ment and is notified by the commissioner of ter and tight air. in this CLEVELAND AND THIIRIAN. applause.) States where Is to Ire obtained, If we sue- | pen Eleven men are employed at that no more funds Senator Gorman’s the victory ( pensions Washington seconding cueed at all, are the same. You caunot recast the lepartment and they cast defic- speech twenty-four ■an be had until Congress passes the notion was interrupted by a disturbance In lines ot battle, and to to do so will lie vheels The of Wlr. Dingley on the Effect of the Ken- attempt An Attack of Heart Failures Loaves per day. process finishing iency bill. the rear of the ball caused by a crowd tilling fraught with disaster, ami mean the overthrow of ] hese wheels does not differ materially from RAIN UMBRELLAS tuckian’s Proposition. the vacant seats. Order was soon restored our splendid Democratic administration. Him Delirious. hat employed in the manufacture of the BASE BALL. ind Mr. Gorman finished. A voice—Oregon. _ Iriving wheels, only the car wheels have no Mr. Watterson demanded the previous Homebody shouts Oregon. Take warning by i teel tires. While Bandannas ami Indiana and will not be standing with the fore- The Amendments Waving Win the in luestion and the was Oregon rely upon you The Patient’s Will Power i nan the by Breckenridge New England League. Bay platform unanimously deceived. [Applause.] Unable to watching process of casting car idopted amid great cheering. vheels, the and Dingley Rejected. We present to you a man tor this ticket, physi- Longer Combat the Disease. reporter’s attention was called to St. Louis. Congressman Scott, of Pennsylvania, then cally and mentally strong, eudowed with mental he first mould into which the molten iron LYNNS, 13; PORTLANDS, 4. presented EVERYBODY ! from the committee of resolutions and physical life n ir years to come. We name a lad been poured. What might appropriately The Portlands were easy victims of the resolution endorsing and recommending an man who has ever proven himself, over and over 1 >e described as a miniature volume Senator of Averted of the the com- eruptlou Morgan’s Story Lynns McAullffe and Koons ?arly passage of the Mills bill. again a winner. He lias never been started In a Congestion Lungs vas taking place there. yesterday. race where he has not led the held. 1 reflect Light explosions Strife with Creat Britain. The previous question was ordered and up- plication Now Dreaded. .enttbehot Iron out of the This were under the weather. The Portlands re- on no other name that has been or will be bubbling aper- Hundreds to be iold the resolution was passed amid clieer- placed I ure in the great before this convention, but I candid mould, a fountain of the intensely sorted to all sorts of shifts to find a battery ng and of hats. charge every tot waving mind to answer what electoral vote, what State, liquid rose from the opening, fiery that hold and Web- Black and Enter the Lists tor F. W. Lehman, of a reso- Month Cheap. Washington, June 7.—The House went would together. Kelley Gray Iowa, presented any other name can bring to the electoral college Washington, June 7.—General Sheri- [lobules filled the air and streams ran down lution endorsing a liberal policy towards the that of Isaac P. He was ;be sides at into committee of the whole on the tariff bill, ster came nearest to it, but the former was except Gray. [Cheers.] dan’s condition Is exceedingly precarious. making the base small pools that the reriitories of Washington and New Mexico. on tile same ticket with Grover Cleveland and teethed and smoked. We start with Umbrellas at Mr. in to Mr. hit hard. The score: Nomination. Thomas prices good Dingley speaking opposition It was adopted. A. Hendricks, (blessed be his wiMgy The heart failure, which set in this after- “There"’ said the foreman, "she’s 35 to 06 cents. LYNNS. forever,) anil strong as that ticket was in Indiana, blowing Breckenrulge’s amendment to the proviso Governor Abbott, of New Jersey, from the noon, was not so serious as some iff. T m afraid that will have to a combination of power, enthusiasm in preceding casting We shall sell one of AB. R. IB. TB. PO. A. E. committee, presented a resolution which was evoking jo melted over You see the best bargains attached to the lumber schedules of the free the very heart of our this man whom ones but the attack left him delirious and again. the gas has lb. 6 4 4 8 9 O O with the people, yet :o at 75 cents. Laroque, lassed, sympathy strug- we to of Indi- escape somehow and small holes are made yet list, which proposes to admit Canadian fish Black, p.Sicf. U 2 3 3 0 7 0 expressing present you today carried the State congestion of the more to gling of Ireland. ana a more votes lungs'ls, perhaps, n the top of the mould for that We call 3b. 0 0 11111 people by majority of 8»o purpose, special attention to Umbrellas free of the allowance that 3.Doyle, C. W. of asked unauimous than Cleveland and It be feared than heart trouble. is sometimes duty upon by Belian. 2b. 5 1 0 0 3 2 0 lion the Last Session Passed With Baker, Ohio, Hendricks carried II respira- these holes get stopped, as in advertised at $1.00. ■onsent to offer a resolution of to the for the Presidency and Vice bis and country of commercial rights to our vessels, Spill. SS. 4 1 0 0 0 3 0 respact Presidency. tion is higher than at any case, then she blows off through I am not here to say we cannot win without him, tonight previous Remember our Rrand Union Silk Um- Lauman, rf 3 10 0 10 0 ate Thomas A. Hendricks. The mention of he aperture sending the iron all over the and also for reciprocity in the excliauge of but 1 am here to that If want to take the time, and the feeble action has Corcoran. If. 5 0 l 2 2 o O Cheering and Excitement. Ur. Hendricks’s name was greeted with loud say you lung prevent- brellas at only $1.69 each. boud of fate, and to reduce It to absolate certain foundry, resulting generally, in a defective products between the United States and Cook, 6 2 2 2 1 2 2 ind continued applause. The resolution was ed aeration of the blood. Recourse was that is rf.&p. ty on the fifteen electoral votes of Indiana, be- rastlng broken and melted ngain. So Extra Silk Umbrellas, $1.98, 6 2 3 4 10 2 3 a quality Canada. He maintained that Canada had Lynch, p. idopted by unanimous rising vote. fore you leave this hall, nominate Isaac P. Gray, agaiu had to oxygen, and the “dry cup” was fou see, it requires some attention to make $2.25 and up. Chairman Collins announced that Kdward with Grover and the work will be perfect withheld commercial from our fishing Totals.44 13 14 20 27 17 0 Cleveland, to the chest to the casting.” rights of New a done. applied bring watery tluid, Hooper, York, dissented from part "What is the heaviest casting required for and other vessels for the purpose of driving PORTLANDS. which causes the to the Was Said in >i the platform. Mr. Cox, of Georgia, seconded tiie nomin- oedema, surface. i locomotive?” to fish AB. R BH. TB. PO. A. K. What I he Congress admit free. He said the Presenting ation as did Mr. of This helped somewhat. The congestion of "What we call the foot board. It 5 O u o 3 1 1 Settle, Kentucky. weighs from his amend- Brady, lfSip. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. Mr. Gov. of ibout fifty-five hundred gentleman Kentucky, by Koous, c&31). 6 O 0 O O 0 O Dryden, of Missouri; Green, the lungs is due to heart trouble and but lit- pounds.” POWDER ■ The writer was BROTHERS. Candidates. New A. W. of Goo. next conducted to RINES 0 1 3 Nevada; the bolL <12t ment, was to do what the and Householder. 4 0 0 3 Jersey Dorsey, tle relief can be }ud6 seeking ways lb,p&rf rhurman, Black and Cray Presented, exacted. The General be- :r McCloskey, 2b. 3 1 2 2 0 1 2 Baines, of New York: Messrs. Strange, of shop, where men were at Pure. means committee of the last had and comes weaker with seventy busy Absolutely Congress Sutter, cf. 4 1 2 2 4 0 0 Thurman Chosen. North Carolina; Powell, of Ohio; Dawson, each attack and the ral- work on another part of the lecomotlve. Six declared could never bo 3b&c. 4 1 2 2 4 1 3 of 'rseven This never varies. A marvel of purity positively Congress Webster, St. June 7—The call for the nomin- South Carolina; Throckmorton, of Texas; lies are only partial. boilers per month is the of powder ss.
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