The New* and Obierver, Tuesday, Sept 3, *95. 7 Raleigh A Gaston B's, 19* 105 RALEIGH TOBACCO MARKET. Raleigh A Gaston Railroad, 'MARKET DEMORALIZED Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, - -~Z BIPORTED BY J. S. MEADOWS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Sj 1907, iA^, City of Raleigh 6’s, }O4 City of Raleigh 6’s, 1897, 100 102 Raleigh, N. C., Aug. 31. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Raleigh Street Railway 6's, 5 - 40 Smokeis, Common 30 Seabnard COTTON YIELDSTO A BREAK OF N T . C. Agricultural Society 6's, “ Good 8 Air-Line. Citizens’ National Bank, 12*} 60 . 1 ? FIFTEF.N POINTS IN Commercial A Farmers’ Bank, 120 Fine ...... 8012 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 1-0 122 Cutters, s@]o Schedule in Effect May 5, 1895. National Bank of Raleigh, “ Common LIVERPOOL. Raleigh Savings Bank, 130 13.) Good 12020 Raleigh Cotton Mills, 102% 102% " Fine 2' @35 IN SFFfCCT, A,till 21, 1800. Works, 9o 100 The Pa’eigh Crystal lee Factory Is now TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH: C vraleigh Phosphate Fillers, Common Green 2® 4 making thirteen tons per Ca. Car Company stock, to 95 “ 8 day cf the Purest, 1:26 a M.. DAILY. Manufacturing Good 50 Best Ice * Tne Mills Co., “ Hardest anil ever mad here. We RALEIGH, “Atlanta SpechU” Pullman Vestibule fov ACCOUNTS « << “ Fine 100 I<> THAIN 9 LEAVE N. 0. CAUSED BY GOOD CROP preferred, can ship Fifty tom at once from itorage Henderson, Weldon, Petersburg, Rich- Institute, 60 Wrappers, Common 120 15 kept,down 'Daily, connects— Peace “ room, to freezing temperature. mond, Philadel- 60 30 Washington, Baltimore, Raleigh Gas Light Company, 58 Good 20@ JONES 6c POWELL, At Greensboro, for all po’aey New York, and all points north. Bat* Bains are Reported to Line 400 .55 for North and South, and phia, Widespread “ set drawing-room sleepers and Pulhuss MARKETS. Fancy 750100 Winston-Salem aud point;- u._ coaches Have Fallen inTexas—lint the Slock GRAIN AND PRODUCE Market active for the Atlanta to Washington, partos all grades. -... r North western North (jai- cars Washington to New York, Puilmaa Market Was Exceptionally Active, CHICAGO. Refrigerated Kolb pure water melons, A*\i Una Railroad. At Salisbury, Im sleeping car Monroe to Portsmouth. Ar- August 31. at 1-2 cant per pound, at lgh all points in Western North C.» rives Stocks Being Partic- Ral. Crystal 1 at Washington 10:45 am, Balti- the Low-Priced Closing Ice Factory. JONES & JFOWELL. * olina, Knoxville, Tenn., Cinc.if. more 12 noon, Philadelphia 2:20 p m. Opening. uati and western at New ularly Active—The Week dosed the WHEAT— points; Chai York 4:53 nm. Also for Portsmouth. Nor- for Spartanburg, Gram ~‘ August. ...61 60% lotte, folk, Old Point and local stations Seabsa i : Bulls Having a Firm Grasp on the 61%@61% I.fOO bushels white com for sale very ville, Athens, Atlanta and al & Roanoke September 60% points South. railroad. Speculative Situation. December 63% f2%@63 low by JONES & POWELL. l 11:31 A. M., DAILY. CORN— f ConnectsatDurnam for Oxfort For Henderson, Weldon, Suffolk, Poros Yestfidfy being a legal holiday the August 38%@30% 3>% Something Clarksville and Keysville excep month, Norfolk and intermedi te stations, At Greensboro, connects at s pllover ti e com.try were closed. September 36 @36% 81 Sundays. wltt Portsmouth with Bay Line for market 3f>%@-t5% COAL. the Washington and Soutfc Old Point and Baltimore; with Norfolk & following quotations: October 35% The are Saturday's D-’cember 30% 30% v/estera Vestlbuled (Limited) Washington Steamboat company for Wash- Wrong Somewho:,, Anthracite and Bituminous, all sizes and aud the New York and Florid ington; with NYP&X railroad for Phil- COTTON MARKETS. all 'of the best varieties by the ton, tar Short (limited) delnhta and points north; also at —a so, vessel los.d Line trait Weldor 18%@18% 18%<a'i$% fej | dozen symptoms tell you load or at very low prices. for all points North, an.! with Atlantic Coast Line for Richmond. NEW YORK. September unstrung May 21% @2 2 21%«22 P I Discrdered stomach, with main line train No 12 tot Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia anA New York, Aug. SI —Cotton—Spot f.l nerves and loss of appetite; n | Danville, Richmond and interme- New York, and with Scotland Neck Braacki middling 8 3-16; PORK- closed quiet, uplands 9 i d I feeling of indifference for the Hay, Bran and Chops for hors s and cows, diate local stations; also has con for Greenville, Washington and Plymouth 369 bale s September *9.55 sf middling gulf 8 7-16; sales . October * 9.10 9.05 H | everybody in it, for sale low. 4:03 nectionfor Winston-Salem, anl Pullman sleeping car Atlanta to Ports- at the decline; world and in-:,* Futures opened steady >•( PM j with main line train No 35 (fast mouth. * January I 9.87% 9.92% eluding that ; sales 15,909 bales. j yourself; eruptions mail for Charlotte, 5:35 A M , Daily Spartanburg 15C,- LARD— try to force the “badness” out I exingten. North Carolina, Corn Meal, DAILY. Futures closed barely stea y; sales September f 5.85 5X5 j Greenville, Atlanta and all points “Atlanta Special” Pullman Vestibule f» » •-. | through the skin ail tell their tale. the best that comes fr.m eny mill iuoi out 500 ba es. , 90 6 00 South; also Columbia, Southern Mon- CLOS’G October 1 5 ¦ of the State for s<leonly by Augusta Pines,Hamlet, Wilmington, tFEN’G. January $ 5.95 5.97% Charleston, Savannah, .Jacf roe. Charlotte. Cheater, Clinton,Greenwood, September £74 RIBS— son ville, and all points inFlorida Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Macon, Mont- - ‘BO October September .* 5.60 5.80 !: Jones & Powell, Sleeping Car for Atlanta. Jack egomrv, Mobile, New Orleans, Chatanooga, Novemoer - <8? 7.so 5.90 It’s Your sonville and Charlotte Nashville, Memphis and all October f 5.70 I Blood• at witi points south <.92 $ r' an; through December £92 January I 5.12% 5.17)i that’s RALEIGH, N, C. sleeping car for Augusta and southwest: Pullman Buffet L j raising all this disturbance. | Jacksonville. sleepers and day coaches Washington to 8.08 803 Cash quotations were as follows. You’d turn away in disgust from , Atlanta, February ’* at de- B.CB Flour-Steady. Whtat-No. 2 spring, I { Connects at Selma for Fayette- connecting directly Union ....... ............. 8.09 stream but, March », ;a polluted of water, » pot, Atlanta, with diverging lines; 60%@60%: No. 3, spriDg 59%: No, 2 red, VfOU DO ! ville and Intermediate stations t alau let your food ..... & Pullman sleeping car Portsmouth U) 90%@6* %. Com—No. 2, Oats—No. 2, L jyou’ll blood—the the Wilson Fayetteville 8hp:l Moo LIVERPOOL. 36% of NOTBEALIZE^ 4 ) roe 19; 3 your vital organs—remain in p w" Cut, daily; Goldsboro for Ne'v- Liverpool, 2 —1:30 P. M.— 1 %; No. 2 white No white 18%020%. j 3:40 P Sept. 2, 40. Parley—No 2, 43; No. 3. just this condition. Don’t do it; That you are in Faleigh nn’ess you are -1 bern andMorehead City, daily «*• M, DAILY. fair demand, rices fMr; Rve—No .tany For Wilmington, Charlotte, Chest*? Cotton—Spot i 37*; No. 4, 3 J @36. Flax seed—No. 1, *10%; r!take AT TIIE ggpt Snndays: For Wtlmingtct American middling 4 7-3 d. Perk- mess, perbbl. STOPPING and intermediate stations on tr : Greenwood, Athens, Atlanta and all Inter- th*day 8,000 bales, cf which Timothy s?ed *4 60. mediate stations. Connects Union Sales of were *9 00®@9 10 Lard—per 100 lbs, 15.97. Short IW&WRR, dally. at sta- 500 were for speculation and export, and rib sides tion Atlanta, with diverging lines. Pull- 300 bales American: receipts YARBORO Connects at Selma for Wilso: man sleeping car included 7 (boxed) 5%@5%: short c’ear sides Brown’s HOUSE, Rocky Mount. 100 Portsmouth to Atlante. including bales shoulders 9:05 Tarboro and 2 200 bales, 1,000 American. (boxed) Whiskey, fin- p ( & TRAINS REACH RALEIGH: 6%@6%. distillers’ i” the cRy A M stations on Norfolk Carol!'.. Futures closed very firmat the advance. The only Hotel conven'et t to 5:30 A M DAILY, ished goods, per gallon, *1.22. BUSINESS. ex Sun Rallroatl, arrives at ,12:05 p m “Atlanta Special” Pullman Vestibule FUTURES VKW YORK. || Allrooms on the 3rd flo r *2.00 per day. from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore Iron Bitters AT middling: 111 Ist and 2nd 11 or *2.0.» and *2.50 per day. TRAINS ARRIVE RALEIGH, N. 0. Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Nor- American —Southern , New York, Aug. 3L—Flour ft I M 7:30 and September 4 1404 15 jatents *i.C5j54.35; It your system of the ,‘ | From Greensboro ail poia folk and all points north. fiua; city miil j will cleanse , < 4 15 Quiet, : AM north and south. Sleeping c 3:35 September and October 1404 Minnesota patents *4.fo@4 65; city mill /: ! cause of these petty suffering'-, / Special Weekly Rates. P M DAILY and 4 15 ' Daily ( to Raleigh. From Portsmouth and points vie October November clear 10; winter straights *3.25® '¦ and fill veins with and ¦ Greensboro north and December 4 16 *3.9004 1 your new M From Bay Line, and N Y P and N Railroad; November 3.45; Minnesota bakers *2 [email protected] winter lively blood, rich in nourishmenu •' P ( Goldsboro, Wiimlngt Pe- December and January 4 17 7 FREE BUS AT ALL TRAINS. 4:03 - Fayetteville and all points fete. tersburg, Richmond and Washington, and extra 00; winter low grades *2.10® v- i ! ¦' ¦January.
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