Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 172 / Thursday, September 5, 2002 / Notices 56865 (A) By order approve such proposed customs procedures required by the applicable visa requirements. See Visa rule change, or African Growth and Opportunity Act Requirements Under the African Growth (B) Institute proceedings to determine (AGOA). Therefore, imports of eligible and Opportunity Act, 66 FR 7837 whether the proposed rule change products from Cape Verde qualify for (2001). should be disapproved. the textile and apparel benefits provided Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., under the AGOA. IV. Solicitation of Comments Acting United States Trade Representative. DATES: Effective August 28, 2002. Interested persons are invited to [FR Doc. 02–22616 Filed 9–4–02; 8:45 am] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: submit written data, views and BILLING CODE 3190–01–M Chris Moore, Director for African arguments concerning the foregoing, Affairs, Office of the United States including whether the proposed rule Trade Representative, (202) 395–9514. change is consistent with the Act. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Persons making written submissions SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The should file six copies thereof with the AGOA (Title I of the Trade and Federal Aviation Administration Development Act of 2000, Pub. L. No. Secretary, Securities and Exchange [Summary Notice No. PE–2002–53] Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW., 106–200) provides preferential tariff treatment for imports of certain textile Washington, DC 20549–0609. Copies of Petitions for Exemption; Dispositions and apparel products of beneficiary sub- the submission, all subsequent of Petitions Issued amendments, all written statements Saharan African countries. The textile with respect to the proposed rule and apparel trade benefits under the AGENCY: Federal Aviation change that are filed with the AGOA are available to imports of Administration (FAA), DOT. Commission, and all written eligible products from countries that the ACTION: Notice of dispositions of prior communications relating to the President designates as ‘‘beneficiary petitions for exemption. proposed rule change between the sub-Saharan African countries,’’ SUMMARY: Commission and any person, other than provided that these countries (1) have Pursuant to FAA’s rulemaking those that may be withheld from the adopted an effective visa system and provisions governing the application, public in accordance with the related procedures to prevent unlawful processing, and disposition of petitions provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be transshipment and the use of counterfeit for exemption part 11 of Title 14, Code available for inspection and copying in documents, and (2) have implemented of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), this the Commission’s Public Reference and follow, or are making substantial notice contains a summary of Room. Copies of such filing will also be progress toward implementing and dispositions of certain petitions available for inspection and copying at following, certain customs procedures previously received. The purpose of this the principal office of the NYSE. All that assist the Customs Service in notice is to improve the public’s submissions should refer to file number verifying the origin of the products. awareness of, and participation in, this SR–NYSE–2002–24 and should be In Proclamation 7350 (Oct. 2, 2002), aspect of FAA’s regulatory activities. submitted by 21 days from September the President designated Cape Verde as Neither publication of this notice nor 26, 2002. a ‘‘beneficiary sub-Saharan African the inclusion or omission of information country.’’ Proclamation 7350 delegated in the summary is intended to affect the For the Commission, by the Division of to the United States Trade legal status of any petition. Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated Representative the authority to authority.8 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: determine whether designated countries Margaret H. McFarland, Forest Rawls (202) 267–8033, Sandy have met the two requirements Buchanan-Sumter (202) 267–7271, Deputy Secretary. described above. The President directed Vanessa Wilkins (202) 267–8029,or [FR Doc. 02–22605 Filed 9–4–02; 8:45 am] the USTR to announce any such Denise Emrick (202) 267–5174, Office of BILLING CODE 8010–01–P determinations in the Federal Register Rulemaking (ARM–1), Federal Aviation and to implement them through Administration, 800 Independence modifications of the Harmonized Tariff Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591. OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES Schedule of the United States (HTS). This notice is published pursuant to TRADE REPRESENTATIVE Based on actions that Cape Verde has 14 CFR 11.85 and 11.91. taken, I have determined that Cape Issued in Washington, DC, on August 30, Determinations Under the African Verde has satisfied these two Growth and Opportunity Act 2002. requirements. Donald P. Byrne, Accordingly, pursuant to the AGENCY: Office of the United States Assistant Chief Counsel for Regulations. Trade Representative. authority vested in the USTR by Proclamation 7350, U.S. note 7(a) to ACTION: Notice. Dispositions of Petitions subchapter II of chapter 98 of the HTS Docket No.: FAA–2002–11574. SUMMARY: The United States Trade and U.S. note 1 to subchapter XIX of Petitioner: AirNet Systems, Inc. Representative (USTR) has determined chapter 98 of the HTS are each modified Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR that Cape Verde has adopted an by inserting ‘‘Cape Verde’’ in 135.143(c)(2). effective visa system and related alphabetical sequence in the list of Description of Relief Sought/ procedures to prevent unlawful countries. The foregoing modifications Disposition: To permit AirNet Systems transshipment and the use of counterfeit to the HTS are effective with respect to to operate certain aircraft under part 135 documents in connection with articles entered, or withdrawn from without a TSO–C112 (Mode S) shipments of textile and apparel articles warehouse for consumption, on or after transponder installed on those aircraft. and has implemented and follows, or is the effective date of this notice. making substantial progress toward Importers claiming preferential tariff Grant/May 13, 2002, Exemption No. implementing and following, the treatment under the AGOA for entries of 6772B textile and apparel articles should Docket No.: FAA–2002–11567. 8 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12). ensure that those entries meet the Petitioner: King Airelines, Inc. VerDate Aug<30>2002 13:37 Sep 04, 2002 Jkt 197001 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\05SEN1.SGM 05SEN1 56866 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 172 / Thursday, September 5, 2002 / Notices Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR Description of Relief Sought/ Petitioner: Aero Sports Connection, 135.143(c)(2). Disposition: To permit B2W to operate Inc. Description of Relief Sought/ certain aircraft under part 135 without Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR Disposition: To permit King to operate a TSO–C112 (Mode S) transponder 131.1(a) and (e). certain aircraft under part 135 without installed on those aircraft. Description of Relief Sought/ a TSO–C112 (Mode S) transponder Disposition: To permit individuals installed on those aircraft. Grant/April 30, 2002, Exemption authorized by the ASC to give No.6083C instruction in powered ultralight Grant/May 13, 2002, Exemption Docket No.: FAA–2002–11941. vehicles that have a maximum empty No.6093C Petitioner: Grand Canyon Airlines, weight of not more than 496 pounds, Docket No.: FAA–2001–9492. Inc. have a maximum fuel capacity of not Petitioner: Arctic Circle Air Service, Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR more than 10 U.S. gallons, are not Inc. 135.143(c)(2). capable of more than 75 knots calibrated Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR Description of Relief Sought/ airspeed at full power in level flight, 135.143(c)(2). Disposition: To permit Grand Canyon and have a power-off stall speed that Description of Relief Sought/ Airlines to operate certain aircraft under does not exceed 35 knots calibrated Disposition: To permit Arctic Circle to part 135 without a TSO–C112 (Mode S) airspeed. operate certain aircraft under part 135 transponder installed on those aircraft. without a TSO–C112 (Mode S) Grant/April 4, 2002, Exemption No. Grant/April 30, 2002, Exemption No. transponder installed on those aircraft. 6080E 6101C Docket No.: FAA–2001–9976. Grant/May 13, 2002, Exemption No. Docket No.: FAA–2002–11598. 7523A. Petitioner: United States Ultralight Petitioner: Gulf and Ohio Airways. Association, Inc. Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR Docket No.: 29119. Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR 135.143(c)(2). Petitioner: ERA Aviation, Inc. 103.1(a) and (e). Description of Relief Sought/ Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR Description of Relief Sought/ Disposition: To permit Gulf and Ohio 121.643(a)(2) and (3). Disposition: To permit individuals Description of Relief Sought/ Airways to operate certain aircraft under authorized by the USUA to give Disposition: To permit ERA to operate part 135 without a TSO–C112 (Mode S) instruction in powered ultralight its DHC–6 aircraft under the fuel supply transponder installed on those aircraft. vehicles that have a maximum empty requirements of 14 CFR part 135 in lieu Grant/April 30, 2002, Exemption No. weight of not more than 496 pounds, of the fuel supply requirements of part 7208A have a maximum fuel capacity of not 121 supplemental operations. Docket No.: FAA–2001–11710. more than 10 U.S. gallons, are not Denial/May 7, 2002, Exemption No. Petitioner: Rotorcraft Leasing capable of more than 75 knots calibrated 7765. Company, L.L.C. airspeed at full power in level flight, Docket No.: FAA–2002–6459D. Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR and have a power-off stall speed that Petitioner: Atlantic Aero, Inc. 135.152(a). does not exceed 35 knots calibrated Section of 14 CFR Affected: 14 CFR Description of Relief Sought/ airspeed. 135.143(c)(2). Disposition: To permit Rotorcraft Grant/April 4, 2002, Exemption No. Description of Relief Sought/ Leasing Company to operate a mixed 4274J Disposition: To permit Atlantic to fleet of Bell 212 and 412 helicopters operate certain aircraft under part 135 without those helicopters being Docket No.: FAA–2002–11946.
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