E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1995 No. 16 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was will be a limit on the number of 1-min- THE CONTRACT WITH AMERICA called to order by the Speaker pro tem- utes today. That is the only purpose. (Mr. BONO asked and was given per- pore [Mr. ARMEY]. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- mission to address the House for 1 f tleman from Missouri [Mr. VOLKMER] minute and to revise and extend his re- should be advised that the Chair will marks.) DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO entertain 20 1-minutes from each side Mr. BONO. Mr. Speaker, our Contract TEMPORE of the aisle. With America states, on the first day The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Mr. VOLKMER. I thank the Chair, of Congress, a Republican House will: fore the House the following commu- and I withdraw my reservation of ob- Force Congress to live under the nication from the Speaker: jection. same laws as everyone else; cut one- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- WASHINGTON, DC, third of committee staff; and cut the ant to clause 1, rule I, the Journal January 26, 1995. congressional budget. We have done stands approved. I hereby designate the Honorable RICHARD that. K. ARMEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on f In the next 78 days, we will vote on this day. the following 10 items: NEWT GINGRICH, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Speaker of the House of Representatives. No. 1, a balanced budget amendment The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the and line-item veto; f gentleman from Rhode Island [Mr. No. 2, a new crime bill to stop violent PRAYER KENNEDY] come forward and lead the criminals; House in the Pledge of Allegiance. No. 3, welfare reform to encourage The Chaplain, Rev. James David Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island led work, not dependence; Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: No. 4, family reinforcement to crack er: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the down on deadbeat dads and protect our We pray, O God, that our words of United States of America, and to the Repub- children; hope and our vision for justice will con- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, No. 5, tax cuts for families to lift nect with our deeds, that our faith will indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Government's burden from middle-in- be active in love, that all that we say f come Americans; with our lips, we will believe in our No. 6, national security restoration hearts, and all that we believe in our ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER to protect our freedoms; hearts we will practice in our daily PRO TEMPORE No. 7, Senior Citizens' Equity Act to lives. Teach each person, O God, to re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The allow our seniors to work without Gov- late words and deeds so may we have fi- ernment penalty; delity of character and sincerity of Chair will entertain 20 1-minutes per side. No. 8, Government regulation and un- purpose in what we say and in what we funded mandate reforms; do. This is our earnest prayer. Amen. f No. 9, commonsense legal reform to f SENATE MESSAGE end frivolous lawsuits; and No. 10, Congressional term limits to THE JOURNAL A message from the Senate by Mr. make Congress a citizen legislature. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Hallen, one of its clerks, announced This is our Contract With America. Chair has examined the Journal of the that the Senate had passed a bill of the last day's proceedings and announces following title, in which the concur- f to the House his approval thereof. rence of the House is requested: Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, without S. 273. An act to amend section 61h±6 of URGING PASSAGE OF THE BAL- objection, the Journal stands approved. title 2, United States Code. ANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Speaker, reserv- The message also announced that WITH THE SUPERMAJORITY PRO- ing the right to object, and I did not pursuant to sections 42 and 43 of title VISION plan to ask for a vote or object, but I 20, United States Code, the Chair, on (Mr. SOUDER asked and was given would like to use this occasion to re- behalf of the Vice President, reappoints permission to address the House for 1 serve the right to object to inquire of Mr. MOYNIHAN to the Board of Regents minute and to revise and extend his re- the Chair as to whether or not there of the Smithsonian Institution. marks.) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 693 H 694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 26, 1995 Mr. SOUDER. Mr. Speaker, we truly URGING MEMBERS TO JOIN IN ation to Americans who are not able to have a historic opportunity today. SUPPORTING THE BALANCED give consideration for themselves. That is to pass a balanced budget BUDGET AMENDMENT f amendment. The time is finally here. (Mr. EHLERS asked and was given We can pass a balanced budget amend- permission to address the House for 1 b 0910 ment with a 60-percent supermajority minute and to revise and extend his re- to pass a tax increase. marks.) DAYS OF DEFICIT SPENDING NEAR END Mr. Speaker, I doubt if there is any Mr. EHLERS. Mr. Speaker, 12 years Member of this body who campaigned ago this month I was elected to the (Mr. BALLENGER asked and was on the right to increase taxes. In fact, State legislature in Michigan and en- given permission to address the House many of those who did raise taxes are tered politics full time for the first for 1 minute.) no longer with us in this body. The time in my life. At that time I opposed Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, my Barton amendment gives Republicans the Federal balanced budget amend- colleagues on the other side of the aisle and Democrats the opportunity to ment. Today I will be voting for the are constantly asking us how are we match their rhetoric with the reality balanced budget amendment. going to balance the budget by 2002. Why did I have that change of heart? But a more pertinent question is of their votes here in Washington. It is because of my experience at the when do my liberal, big-spending col- Back home in Indiana, a 60-percent State level, working with a balanced leagues on the other side of the aisle supermajority to pass a tax increase budget amendment and a line-item plan to balance the budget? If you do does not seem enough. In fact, in Indi- veto, and seeing that it works. Fur- not think it should be done by the year ana they would like 100 percent of this thermore, it came from observing that 2002, 7 years from now, when do you House to have to approve a tax in- over the past half century Congress has think it should be done? Isn't a $5 tril- crease, maybe twice, and maybe if they not demonstrated that it has the col- lion debt enough? pass it, even an extra clause for a lective self-discipline to balance the The Democrats do not want a bal- caning for those who pass the tax in- budget. It needs some outside impetus anced budget amendment for one rea- crease. At the grass roots they do not to require it. son. They want Americans addicted to understand why we cannot decrease the I have seen it work at the State big Government because they are the size of Government rather than con- level. The fact that it exists forces the party of big Government. stantly increase taxes. State legislatures to balance their You know, I think it is important to Mr. Speaker, today we have the op- budgets. If we have a Federal balanced address the moral dimension of deficit portunity to pass that. The people of budget amendment, that will force our spending. Thrift, frugality, and de- Indiana, the people of this Nation, are Congress to balance the budget that ferred gratification are virtues. But watching. I hope we can get the they submit to the President each deficit spending is a vice that has been year. supermajority necessary to pass this used by big-spending politicians as just Mr. Speaker, let us not forget our protection for our children and our- another incumbent-protection device. children and grandchildren and our ob- selves out into the future. In the words of Harry Hopkins, they ligation to them. Let us join in sup- would ``borrow and borrow, spend and f porting the balanced budget amend- spend, elect and elect.'' ment. But those days are about to end, Mr. OPPOSITION TO THE MEXICAN f Speaker. BAILOUT CONGRESS MUST EXCLUDE PRO- f (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was GRAMS FOR THE YOUNG AND given permission to address the House THE ELDERLY FROM BALANCED HASTE MAKES WASTE for 1 minute and to revise and extend BUDGET AMENDMENT CUTS (Mr. WYNN asked and was given per- his remarks.) (Mr. HILLIARD asked and was given mission to address the House for 1 Mr. TRAFICANT.
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