magicvaHev.com R a CO m I JASON SMITH H I 3c>er' U 2:1:70 £ c i l UESTUE UALLEV .Jl : T w i n F■alls. a i Idaho/94th year.r. No. 194 l e s -i-N e ua»w>uu,m.j,m,y WS I f I t o O D I W I 3 MORNING 1 5 0 ccnt.sc f • I W e a t hIER e J Today; Partly Railro;) a d k i ]H e r S l d o u d y a n d L is p e ci t s u r r I becom ing breezy. endeir s ^hij S h 88. Sam e ____________ I C)nfi^ voluni ------------ toniehtrlowSZ □Earily tu rn s h inimselfin, ends six-weeks iiianli'i P a g e A 2 Rafset iluint ^ ^ -----------------“Carter tolc told me that he extended l ^ , his hand, thcj cvtTjbody involved," Ciirie;irier .siiid, Ramirez led EL PASO. T oi .1 - hey shook hands, and lie •• a g i c V j “nr handcuffed1 him.hi; H e wa.-i very plea.s- aOil- I;iw cnforceiiiL-nt «)fficcriccrs Ihat j” M Valley J ra couftroom ^»&ixjcan ant. not aggi are w irkiny the ca.se, th e vii ggressive." said Brucc f: li victims’ ; Tai* scare: WoiW orries o v er a I EJ3 PPaso, Tei., t««ehc^ Casteel, com, f:imilie.s. as well, ami I ,siis„e, ^ u n d d w Rangers.Jmmander of the Texas fuwiivefi himself and liis family.’ p ro p a n e ta n k«in in Hagerman I ««tar, where »"gTO: fcngju 7 caused an evaa ininififi inniMieflf im TTiusKiiy^ i The tattoedaed ex-convict - who is n- nio .Mirrendor agreement1 inciuiledinc acuation he was ly «it» deal charged w ith n«}iniiices of family visli.s a j.. l\iesd « y . atTMlgittlgnetf before »th th re e miirder.<i and lo 11 psydio- ttrcndiaing linked to five I*)gic.il evaluation anil promise'nises Ihat tine flown to ve other .slayings, all of R, P a g e B l Jco a n d d je diem in Texas.a ^ M C u c k y and Illinois I<esemlcz-R.imirezjji would hele .safe.s-' in I ^ - was on th e F Jiiil, Casteel said. Tlie anreeireem eiit E oflinc a 3tis-*wsfi: anmlii .10 Most Wanted dc List and hadJ beenb. in Mexico for an doesfr< not shield Resendez RamirezRar a « « d «i . ^a n n r e z undetermined a from the deatli penalty. C asteel} h t l W i n l ^ , V.*^ w a tt a e rn c a e r a a ^ amount of dme, inves- eel said. Sculptor sought ^ 8»the tigatorssaid.W Asked why Resendez.Ran; received a $5 fa n u to c M O PaBo^ !^amirez i $50,000 grant I SkJ**" endyhadnomJ. would surrender to face thele dead)d tobringascuiptoptortotown. I firnVB-OnrCBOeraBncsttdetfftint -r think thot-nSre^'r"- hat It's a big relief to Please see RAlLflOAO.'.PageA Pa{ 2 I Sn d i Charges» I M o n e y THE(CON(GESTTON fVrtitioiB amonggu u s r iT ie I downtown IWin1 Rill<R b usiness I I stem fronm 1 district works onn changingc I I assessments. Paee04 Valujet S p o r t s accident -V 7 . M aintenance firm feces accusations of I murder,IT m anslaughtciccr I ~ - me Asioclatod Prose " *#«aractloo:Hiraom etovm I H p B K l B | MIAMI - An airlin e m ainte H faroriteTedWilliimiam sth rew I ■ ■ H i a nailance company was chargedd byb< ■ OT the fiist pitch of tbe final I he st.ite with murder aanc nd ■ AltStar Game of thethecentuiy j nanslnughter Tuesday foifor con- H tijet , cnu I n ^ H ^ ^ ^ e d n o people in1 dicdie ■ ^ H I I s l E H j ^ H j H Eve ■^e company. SabreTecIi Inc■p'-j ____ - -ondfid thrw of its cmployee.s were I OME" luteter indicted by a federal grand iry on charges of conspiracy, makaking false staiement.s, and. in tite ^ ■ e COM of die company, failinc to M M B y n m l W H trairun tlic personnel who handled thehe hazardous material, t m s M o v e d 10 bo the first dmie e in \J3. aviation fiiscory diatliat crimminal charges were filed ogaii Above, tfterffv ainst maintenance workers I « ^ an acddental airplane cra.sli. I Below, Prtty 0, intenactim erCDa U k n BrnflM W*G*«UVT1.TWW« r Onolito, I u | „ n jn u n titlv i a t« i Milio Boyd, president of thehc Pa(bTi>e]<flanibeteB« Isftmiliei»aimpl*ted within a couplecou Of weeks. Everg OoigwiBganleiiKHo; tet iton» rn Ih. ami, rIt tl, the mamabm or Btue Cake* BouJeva ^^grcen. Colo..ba.sed Mike Boyd ^ B H ospice itrip rartihitaaitt! JormiJyatfiBa m M N oiU im dPol. Grouilup. wlijch researdies aviadon ^^sions is sponsoringg aa g a r d e n I r r ^ • a n w ttt paw ntw a* paved. issueses. tour on Sunday. Mu:lurdcr or man.slaughter P a g e d 1 W U cliargirges against corporations are i : ' ' f in Falls inteteisection olsoextremely o rare. Thefie state m u rd e r and O P D sn o N m ans]islaufiliter counts .against workk nears con SobrcleT ^i do not require proof of BooitaaTOyrUndeSai mplerion prcmeilediiaQonorintent. wwe eveiyone down an . th e cr. lus cnidi was completely prc- S S g o t I crowded iaterseciiiosi as Jibje. said Katherine to range inthI th e I J ™ * *- !g __________ _ approM■oadiing compleiion, jm d taje Femanandcz Rundle. state attorney Owyhee desert, todgy^, •iers should disappear iry for lalsays. yiseditor- I TWINFALLLLS - Get reody to eariy liami Dade County. "It was ■ I My goodbye to y next month, said S ^o ct anin accident like many other ! to the orange con- Manag* craslies P j i a g « D ew ey BaoJey ,of cs are. It was a crime.” PageA6 I stnicdonbanjeTiers that have lined W alton; If co I Blue Lakes Bou on Inc. in H ejin aa. Wahnn convicted on the federal. ^ ^ B boulevard North and In c iss th the c o m ra a a rfa rx ^ ip ro - diarges Pole Line Rooda d for the past five je c t ■es. SabrcTech faces a pos.si: ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ B $6> millionn m fines and restitu; I months. ITie o] The Idoho • p e uorkers could be sen- 0 Transportation the $800800,000 p ro je a a re ju n in s I tenced S e c t i o n BY S E Cm T O N I J^Parunent projectpn to revamp piease! ° >'•-’‘>'■5 »n priso n »se see INTEreEcnoil, Page « I ‘’‘nd (inened S2.7 million on tJie con- ^K P' J spiracycychflfs c s . ____________ ^ S e C t k m A Momlrcbre --------Sabr< -------Weather . i a — OearAJjbr ignoredd findings by the Notional* Natioo ...3 6 Comks . portation Safety BonrJ OpWon ...6 -7 Movies . 6 I 3u vacciin e prove igation, which spread the! ^es efFeci among SabreTech, Valujet tttorld...........J ' J TMAeeoctatodPr :tiv e S ___________ «nd researchers e s t ta y i i c o u ld a n d theth Federal Aviation . ., reach thth e m a rk e t -H-itiiin rw o 3WH,'" sm a D t JL EeqjftnnDniRdid; B FluMist, would ofl o n D CHICAGO -- An/ ouchless flu ycare. ™*™naiB aB A n m m Cac offer an oltema. istration for lax oversight. • SectkmB vacdne that is s Mmntnrfim Tnew . »i |?'«^»thestandardard flu shot mil. b y ^ d b^ not going to stand idly.' IS sprayed up the "rhoe be made o criminal scape> ‘beic'Mern S " ’ y»j5 I proved « are sjgnificant iu rd les, . wmd* lions of Americans>ns get in die arm rfei ffccd v ein p ro . but <nir>r goalbi is to have it « sm l. j^ 2 ^ oa* * and each year. The vi or this tragedy,” said: 0l*ia*s...2 MovBs...•••'*<> tccting people »samstag the vinis, nble for i a»^efl?ii5-ffirtftKHESBiixai. s vaccine n e e d s K e S >r tb e flu season of 2 0 0 0 - u oe BIBml] q _rr ^ ^ood and Drug A« * P**‘!!P* attorney fo r called approval. ; Admmistrotion SobreTecech. This was a horrific - Secttonin E a K i m ocddentt,.1 not a crime.” ; Sectlonc ConMty .. i f«Aures...l-6 Ctassifled.2 ^ ■ P lro testsrox^kT ehriran for sisXth dayi RiotIt policc file tear tocttoTO Of demonatrat tration* f ^ r c e resisiistonce from powerful rlmmSSSlS!^ I g a satdcmonsnaiDc a jtyiyUjAg Idamic hardrd-liners who have dum t S 9 M i | ^ to power siniinre their-revolution top- pled lh e U.S..S.*backedshah.- - ----- - > m MBH i ITI--J ^ ...... ‘UndV, two people have CtASSIFIED nn^B he^U'SES'd and scores-bf others -mexurn ertyouradontlHHAtort. d •lOierraniABM aiSB injured in prodemocra^-protestspi M fd I o n that hove spprttdbpwidlSmmto Wldo WU> for only 50 a « i p ™ e o » Sm tB , BMB at least eigight other cities and ' ; mt ■ jmm towns: Yaz< cantmbyinlnKThs wd, Khorrom Abad, ^S9 Zanjan, Mashhad,M Isfahan, '•> tlnw»Ngws Mafkatptoo ^ Urumiy^Sh I vitplBini Shohnnid and Tabriz. I soonim ^ The protesiBSM were triggered by ' - SB stORc am m are l = | 2 « an fronion poiJolice raid on a sm dent i I AotrmbnttiidntMp dorm lost we< «lpi.
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