YACHT RACING&. CRUISING SUMMER 1987 $4.50 NZ $6.50 (inc. GST) L REPORT • JUPITER'S GOLD COAST DRAMA • SOUTHERN CROSS TEAMS • IN COOK'S WAKE • ALL ABOUT WINCHES • ELECTRONICS AFLOAT • IOR or CHS? THE MAGAZINE OF THE CRUISING YACHT CLUB OF AUSTRALIA 100°/o WATERPROOF Simply the best in wet weather gear. The LINE 7 Range * LINE 7 Challenge Series (Shown left) The ultimate in offshore racing gear. New for the 87 /88 season * LINE 7 Ocean Racing Heavy Duty PVC Gear An old favo urite, stil l preferr ed by leading yac htsmen throughout th e world . * LINE 7's NEW NYLON/PVC RACING GEAR Li ghtweight, strong , easy to wear, 100% waterproof .· * LINE 7 PVC/FLEECY VESTS Beware of imitations. Th e LINE 7 vest is simply th e Bes t. * LINE 7 FLEECY WARMWEAR Use under raci ng gear to kee p yo ur body warm or as a casua l, apres-yachting jacket. * LINE 7100% WATERPROOF GEAR BAGS * LINE 7 SEABOOTS &DECK SHOES LINE 7 range available from leading marine outlets throuhgout Australia. TRADE ENQUIRIES: NSW: (02) 699 6027 LINE 7 distributors. VIC: (03) 689 4500 Summer 1987 Volume 1 Number 2 Southern Cross Cup- Strong overseas teams ........... ............ .... .......... ....................... .. .. 4 Biggies - with John Brooks .......... .................................. .... .. .................................. .. 9 Letters - Readers views on sponsorship , handicapping .... .... ... .. .......... ................................ 11 News- New Zealand's Super-Maxi .................................................. .. ........ ............... 14 Electronic Ocean Racer - Push-button navigations ......... ... .... .. ......... ... .. ...... ................ 16 Book Reviews - PentaComsta t's Guide To Radio ....... ............ ........................ ............... 20 Across The Wind- With Bob Fisher ................................. ... ................... .................. 22 Admirals Cup '87 - Full report by Peter Campbell .......... ...................................... ..... .... 24 What's New- Gadgets & Gojastsfor the offshore racer ..... ................................................ 34 Young Endeavour- Captain Cook would be proud .......... .................. .... .... .............. ..... 40 Gold Coast Drama -Ashore and afloat in Jupiter's race ....................................... .... ........ 44 News From All Ports - Peter Blake's Plans, PNC Class ic.................... .. .................... ..... 51 Offshore Handicapping- CHS and IOR (Aust) reviewed ............................. .. .............. 55 Yachtsman Of The Year- L ine-up of sailing ta lent ... .................................................... 59 New Customs Rules-Alan Lucas on the attack ........ .... .......................... ................. ..... 60 Canberra's Ocean Racers - Land-locked sailors at sea ................................................... 62 Range Rover Regatta- New concept for CYCA ............................ .. .. ... ... .................... 64 Ocean Racer Award-John Parker top yachtie ................................................ .......... .. 67 All About Winches- Guide to good grinding ............. ............ .. .............. .... ................... 68 Akarana-Historic ketch from New Zea land ... ..... ..... .. .. .......................... ....................... 70 Designs-Admira ls Cuppers, Quarter Tanners .................... ·........... ............ .................. .. 72 Inshore- Top Soling, E22 sailors for Australia ........ ... ... ......................... .. .......... ... ........ 76 Offshore Calendar - National and International Events ..... ............ ...................... .. ...... .... 78 Bound For Bali- New concept in Indian Ocean ...... ................................. .................. .. .. 82 Advertising: Sydney: Tony Hutton. Mi chael Zeman. Carrington Media Services Pty Ltd. 30 Glen St. Milsons Point. 206 I Ph one: (02) 959 3 122, Fax: (02) 922 7523. Melbourne: Bob Gaff. Field Force Media. 2nd Fl oor. 159 Do rcas St. Sth Melb .. 3205 Phone: (03) 690 8233. Fax: (03) 690 6615 Rob Williams. 9 Susa n St. Sa ndringha m . 3 19 1 Phone: (03) 598 1219. YACHT RACING & CRUISING Hobart: Chris Barry. The Media Centre. Publisher Art Director 9 Liverpool St. Hobart. 7<XXJ Phone: ((X)2) 34 8588. Fax: (002) 34 6874. Brisbane: Geoff Horne Agencies. PO l3 ox 247. Kenmore. 4069 MAX PRESS GREG MEEK Ph one: (07) 202 6813. Fax : (07) 202-7133 Adelaide: Chris Cockram . The Admedia Group of SA. Editor Production 24 Kensington Rd. Rose Park. 5067 Phone: (08) 332 8 144 . Fax : (08) 3 1-0 185 PETER CAMPBELL JERRY HALABY Perth: Frank Hall Media. 4th Fl oor. 102 Jamcs St. Perth. 6000 Phone: (09) 328 2539 New Zealand: Anthony Reeves. Pacific Duilding. Published by 127-129 Hobson St. Auckland. NZ Pho ne: 77 5120. Fax 34740. National Publications Pty Ltd, 19 1 Arthur St. H o mebush West. 2140. (PO Box 297, Ho mebush. 2 140). Offshore Yach t Racing & Cruising Magazine is published quarterly in August. Phone: (02) 764 1111 Fax: (02) 763 1699. Subscriptions: (02) 764 1111 . November. February and May. an d is pr111ted sheetfed offset by E ditorial: Peter Cam pbell. 3 1 Albany St. Crows Nest. 2065. Rotary Offset Press Pt)' Ltd. 191 Arthur St. Ho mebush West. 2 140. Phone: (02) 439 4514 Fax: (02) 439 85 17 Telex: AA 7461 2 BOATCO Distribution: Network Distribution Co., 54 Park Street. Sydney 2000. Me lbourne: Rob Williams. (03) 598 12 19 All ri ghts rescrv(..·d. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part Peter Read. (<XJ2) 278 155. Bob Gear. (<XJ2) 67 2327 Hobart: without the wrirtc:n permission of the publi sher. Adelaide: Jeff Kingston. (08) 21 8 9218 Perth: Hugh Sch mitt. (09) 321 0 161 Brisbane: Ian Grant. (07) 349 91 47 New Zealand: Janet O'Shea. 797 626 The cover price of S4 .50 (S NZ6.50) 1s the recommended maximum charge fo r this England: Bob Fisher. 590 68 2267. publication. ISSN 08 19-7458 OFFSHORE - SUMMER 1987 - 3 ITH three weeks to go to the yachts to be included in teams. The compete in the series as a final tune-up closing date for late entries, the rating band will now be 30.0-70.0 IOR for the AW A Southern Cross Cup W Cruising Yacht Club of Au­ as against 30.0-40.0 feet IOR. starting on December 16. There will stralia officials were expecting a fleet of In addition to the overseas teams, also be a Southern Cross invitation race more than 170 yachts to contest the there will be an Australian National on December 12. AW A 43rd annual Sydney-Hobart race. team and teams from each Australian Most top IOR racers in Australia are In fact, if overseas entrants for the State. expected to contest the selection trials Southern Cross Cur international tea ms South Australia and Western Australia for the Australian team, including Ron series fulfil early expectations, the fleet will be sending their strongest teams in Elliott's new Dubois One Tonner from record of 179 starters could be bettered. If the countries which have indicated they will be sending teams to the South­ Large fleet expected for ern Cross Cup all come, the fleet for the series, Australia's equivalent to the Admiral's Cup, will be the biggest since 1975 with 12 or 13 teams competing. AWA Sydney-Hobart Britain, winners of the 1985 AW A years, as will Tasmania, while the Au­ Melbourne and Warren Johns' new Southern Cross Cup, New Zealand, stralian, New South Wales and Victo­ Davidson One Tonner, to be launched winners of the 1987 Admiral's Cup, rian teams will be chosen from a five­ late October in Sydney. Sailing master along with Germany, Hong Kong, race selection series from November aboard Johns' boat, to be named Beyond Papua New Guinea, the United States 27-December 6. The series, to be known Thunderdome (Mad Max fans will know all have said they will be entering teams. as the Grand Prix Ocean Cham­ the significance) will be sailmaker Bob The Germans, two-times winners of the pionships and Southern Cross Selec­ Fraser, fresh from a similar role aboard Admiral's Cup, have never taken part tions, will see the top three yachts Gary Appleby's Swan Premium II, the and this will be first time in a decade that becoming the Australian national team, top Australian boat in the Admiral's the United States has fielded a team. the others going into their State teams Cup. This year the rating band for the according to eligibility. Another new boat from Melbourne is Southern Cross Cup has been extended States which will have already com­ a new Davidson One-Tonne~ built by up to 70.0 feet IOR, to allow maxi rated pleted their team selections will also Ken Jago for Chas Jacobson and named Once A jolly Swagman. The three AC team boats, Gary Ap­ pleby's Sagaciou s V (ex Swan Premium OFFSHORE II), Peter Kurts Madeline's Daughter (ex Swan Premium III) and Lou Abrahams' THE MAGAZINE OF THE CYCA Ultimate Challenge (ex Swan Premium I) are back in Australia and will certainly Flag Officers and Directors be campaigning again for Australian Commodore: Arthur Cooley selection. Vice-Commodore: David Kellett The top-performing Another Con­ Rear Commodores: David Hundt cubine, skippered by John Parker, 1987 Leslie McClean AW A Ocean Racing Yachtsman of the Treasurer: Leigh Minehan Year, is likely to seek a national team Directors:John Brooks berth as will Bernard Lewis' maxi, Maurice Cameron Sovereign, now eligible for Southern Richard Cawse Cross selection, and sailing in great David Fuller form. Gordon Marshall The Ocean Racing Club of Australia, James Morris which will conduct the selection trials, General Manager:John Terry expects at least 22 yachts to take
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