Vol.1 No.4 S TIMBER LINES Juno 1950 Official Publication REGION SIX THJMY!EAR CLUB TIMBER LINES NO. IV- PUBLISHED NG1T JD THEN BY R-6 THIRTY YEAR CLUB -JUIE 1950 nIt, ip Zr imperfections that Endear me to my friends It is virtties that annoy -" Old Chinese Proverb TNE GRIST IS IN.The miU wheels, start and slowly grind.The resulting meal, leavened by material submitted by the membership and others, will make a lighter batch which we hope vil1 cause no indigestion. It is gratifying to witness the growing interest' in Timber Lines and the increase in contributions which each issue brings forth.Let us keep up the good work to the end that we may never lack for material to make an interest- ing publication.If you have any suggestions for improvement in form or con- tent please submit them.Is the field adequately covered? VTould you enjoy a few good jokes, or an.appropriate poem now and then?If so, please submit your favorite story or poem and we will publish them.Hoyt about a page of favorite camp cookery recipes, hobby hints, travel advice including what to see, where to go,"etc., etc. What about a hlUomanTs Page"?The ladies of the organization might be interested in a page of their own.VJho will volun- teer to be t.'TomanTs Editor8? We shall' be happy to receive your comments, recoririendati ens and any material you may wish to submit.Please address all. coimmmications to the Secretary, P. 0. Box 4137, Portland 8, Oregon. OUR SIXTH MINUAL DINNER MEETI: On April 21, 1950, at 6:30 p.m., forty-one members of"the 30-Year Club and Dr. Hall of the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station met at LloycP s (Ireland! s) Restaurant in' Portland for the sixth annual dinner meeting, Arrangements for punch had been made by Stratford and his comnittee, and in due time Albert ?Tiesendanger put on his uniform and pke sided at the punch bowl.All excellent dinner was supp],ied by the Rotaurant and after dinner, H,.'ankland, "speaking for the Regional Forester, and Dr. Hall for the Experiment Stationbrought the members up to 4atc on personnel changes, and plans and accomplishments in forestry in this area. A short business meeting was called by President K'ihns.' First was a report by the nominating committee who had. conduotea mail ballot.They reported the cloction of Glenn Mitchell, President; K. VI0J-i'e, 1ice President; Jeres Frankland, Secretary-Treasurer; Foster Steele and VT. F. Stpy, nerabers of the Executive Conmittee. The Secretary-Treasurer, President-Elect Glenn Mitchell, was' out of the city on official business. ' A motion was made and unanimously passed bestowing on Bob Putnam, who h d recently found it necessary to take disability retirement,an honorary :Lifa membership to the 30-Year Club,andrelieving him from any pymont of dues. :ero was considerable dicussjn ofapicnic orfield trip during the. :':ser. Mr. andMrs. Munger exDressed a wish to have the Club come to t.'ir place in the country again during the strawberryseason.hr.and aha stated that they wou.ld like very much to have the Club visit them during the roastingoar season.Inasmuch as the Club had visited Lhe Mungors last year, itwas the consensus of those present that steps should be taken looking toward the planning and carrying out ofa picnic at theJahatsat suchtime as Woo could supply good ronzLing ears. The executive coimijttc.o is to setthedate for the picnic. After the usual reports by the £ecretaryTreasuror and various coniittoos therebeingno further business, the meeting adjourned and a spcial hour was soont in visiting among old friends. 0132. FIN.NCIAL CONDITION: Outgoing Secrotery-TrcasurD Glenn Mitchellsoars we are,financiLly ficod as follows: 0 ReceIved Paid.. Balanco Dues received to April 12,1950 .. since last report 73.00 . 73.00 Stamped envelopes ',19.96 53.04 Postage on Timber Lines 1.50 51.54 1949 annual dinner extras 0 2-0.65 ' Z0.89 Refund to Club Jcmber 300.........3'789' Postcards 0 2.50 . 35.39 Poscards .. 1.32.; .34.07 Last yoartsbalance brought forvrard 51.89 - 85.96 EditorsNote: Thi1c we have a balance of85.96in the treasury at this time, viedidnot carry as much forward aswedid last year(51.89last year as agcdnst34.O7 this year). It would poar that we are not col- lecting duos from all our members. If there areany who have notpaid up toand including 1950, it would be appreciated very much if you will, do so soon. Remember, vie are committed to the financing of the. Thirty-Year Emblemfor dl in Region Six as theyearnit the cost, of which comes out of our dues, as wall as the cost for postage on the R-6 AThdINISATIVE DIGEST which is sent to each mnber monthly, postage on TI1VER LIIS, annual dinner expenses and oticr incidental items'. A comfortable balance in the Treasury is a finc thing. A 'TfORD FROM PRESIThNTMITCHELL: Thirty Years and Then Some There is a doubt in my mind if manyof the members of theThirty-Year Club realize just what this organization meansto some individU1S.As SOCDO- tory I receive the correspondenceand those little postscriptssuch as 'I enjoyed Timborlinos vary much", or do appreciate theAdministrative Digest11, tell a real story. After oJ.lone can't work for onorganization thirty yearswithout having sorncrhot of a paternal fooling for thatorganization.Iaminclined to boliove that that feeling is stronger amongForest Service rotireosthan with people of most other groups. The other day 1 was discussing with someonethe reason for such a strong Loyalty manifest in Forest Serviceemployees.. Our conclusion wasthat such loyalty could only be possible wherepeople had worked for a c auso they truly believed in and were moreinterested in the cause theyse(o4 than the remuneration they received.Under those conditions"loyalty tO' each other follovs loyalty to the cause. If there is. any one trend in the Forestservice that I notice, itis that many of the youngdr employees appearto: ho .woking for theForest Sprvico and the salary instead of the people vtho areemploying them. No aftor 39 years and S months I am retiring.Not that I need the rest bccauc Iannot going to rest.I an taking a job with theWashington Ganc Department to &nitonstrto someof 'the things I' have beentrying .p toll the. states for 10 rears.' It will be a.cortaot jobwith farinçrs arid sportsman trying to ,sl1 goodgame management. :. This will not be too different from what Ihave been doing betweentho gric 'departncnts and, the Forest.Scrvico, and it will. be among friendsand an environment with whichI ati quite familiar. _4.. -- Knowing that thimight hcpp&i Itried to heathoff:piaOiflg myname"on the .election 'ballot: of the club.But I greatly appreciate. the honorthe club bestoied upon no by electing me presidoiit.Now that .I:cin going out of. tho Sb'wice it will be necessary to delegatemuch of the work to the vice- president.I l'iopo to keepintouch:iitith thQ club, however, and fitin as and -erhen I can. Ianso pleased with the generous responseto. Timborlines this time. Keep up the contact and writein when you'zm, because yourdoings and your well being arc of keen interest to the othermombors.. Only with your help will the club prosper and perform thefunctions for which it is intended. G. E. Mitcho)? PETLhED TO THEIR ERNAL REST: Ii1 tt1EHORIAM To the memory of those vtho have retiredto their eternal, rest sinceour last report, we pay solemn tribute. : Asher Ireland Fred Yockey Eric H. Gordon Ed. Kirby S PEEKINTHRU THE KEYHOLE AT THE NEIGHBORS: Over in Region Four theyare mald.ng a determined effort to organize a club.They have not yetdecided, according to our latest information, whether to organizea 30-Year club such as we have, or to havea strictiy retirees! organization, .Charloy DeMoisy,Box 650, Rt. 4, Ogden, Utah is heading up the effort.Mr, DeMoisy recently issueda "R-4 RETIRS! NEVTS sheet full of interestingnews of some 38 retirees from R-4.The news theet is Concise and well written.It is accompanied bya questionncirc relatirg to the kind of organizationwanted and a list of 108 former emjlóyeeof R-4 with over 15 years of service (Yeedi.tor is proud to be on that list), with names and addressescomplete.A lot of work on the part of someone. 1e wish you well,you folks of Region Four, and if dual membership isper- mitted a number of the R-6 ThirtyYear Club will "jinoup. OVER IN REGION FIVE they havea fine organization called the "F'. S. X. CLUB!I of which R. L.. Deering,1590 Sacramento Street., San Fancisco 9, California, is Secretry-froasurer,. Asthe name implies, the' organization is composed of former ForestService personnel.They meet regularly four times a year; at,the time of theannual (December) meeting of'the Northern California Section of the S.AF; the firstMonday in March; first Monday in Juno and the first Tuesday inSeptcmber, unless other dates are specified by the Executive Coimriittee.The membership is not confined toëx-Forest Service employees butmay contain members from other U.S. Bureaus closely affiliated with the Forest Service inconservation work. This club has an intore stingand worthy' project of memorializing ForOst Officers of Region 5 who havepassed on.At a recent meeting of The c]xib the following proposalwas adopted: . 1.At one of thc regular luncheon meetings,after bricf, appropriate remarks by tho Chainnan, ho wouldroad the list of names of deceased Forest Officers who hadserved in the Region (iith per- haps a fow decedonts whoserved in affiliated Bureaus).Names were to be crrrn god by grades piobab1ynot going below Rangers and Forest staffs.
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