The Together Trust Archive The Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the Manchester and Salford Boys' and Girls' Refuges and Children's Aid Society (1896) Reference number: DA/2020/1/3 (1895) Original copies can be viewed at Manchester Central Library Rare Books Collection: 362.7M1 1891-96 © 2021 The Together Trust 1°4 THE TWENTY-SIXTH A NUAL REPORT OF TilE Manchester and Salford BOYS AND GIRLS' REFUGES AND FORM OF MONEY LEGACY. SOCIETY, 'IANCHESTER. Trustees. I bequeath to the" :\IANCHESTER .\ND SALFORD Boys AND GIRLS' HERBERT PHILIPS. Esq., J.P. HENRY HARLTON. Esq. REFUGES AND CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY," established in Manchester, ISAAC HOYLE, Esq.. J P. W. J. CROSSLEY, Esq. HENRY LEE, Esq.. J.P. RICHARD B. TAYLOR, Esq. the sum of £ free of legacy duty, to be applicable for the F. 'vV. CROSSLEY, Esq., J.P. LouIs M. HAYES, Esq. general purposes of such odety, and I declare that the receipt of LEONARD Ii:. SHAW, Esq. the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Committee. Society shall be a sufficient discharge for the same. '''1. J. CRO SLEY, Chairman. JAMES BOYD. JOHN THOMSON. THOS. R. ACKROYD. RICHARD B. TAYLOR. ALFRED HAWORTH. LEONARD I<. SHAW Honorary Secretary. LEONARD I<. SHAW, Broom Holm, Cheetham Hill, Form of Gift of Freehold or Leasehold Property. And at Ihc RCfllf{C, Sirangcwa)'s. Honorary Treasurer. HENRY CHARLTON, Esq., Blackfriars Street. Honorary Medical Officers. [May now be given by Will to a Charity under Statute 54 and ANDREW BOUTFLOWER, E q., Grlat Ducie Street. 55 Vic. cap. 73·] ROBERT RODGER, Esq., heethalll Hill. I give to the persons who at the time of my decease shall be the Honorary Dentist. property Trustees of the MANCHESTER "ND SALFORD Boys AND WILLIAM SIMMS. Esq. GIRLS' REFUGES AND CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY established in Man­ Honorary Solicitors. Messrs. FARRAR 8:. CO., Fountain Street. chester, my freehold [or leasehold] property consisting of [shortl)1 Honorary Counsel. describc i/] situate at in the County of A. C. MABERLEY, Es I. free of succession or legacy duty [which duty Secretal'Y· I hereby direct shall be paid out of my general estate] and I direct 'vVm. EDMONDSON. that such property and all moneys arising therefrom shall be Superintendents of Central Refuge. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. WOOD. applicable for the general purposes of the Society. Bankers. 'vVILLIAMS DEACON 8:. MANCHESTER 8:. SALFORD BANK, Limited. St. Ann Street Branch. MANCIlESTFR: BOYS' REFUGE, PRlNTING DI' PARTi\fENT, STRANGE\VAYS. Boys' Refuge Printing Department, Strangeways, Manchester. r896 __ _ . - - ~.~ ._ ......_.. ~_ ,_:.;;""r-......... ,...!-"... "'!'. ~;.. ':' • ~ .~. SUMMARY OF ANNUAL MEETING. The twellty-sixth Allllual Meeting of the MANCHESTER AND SALFORD Boys AND GIRLS' REFUGES AND HOMES AND CHILDRE:'/'S AID SOCIETY was held in the TowlI Hall, Ma.llchester, 011 MOllday, Mal'ch 23,'d, 1896. The Lord 'layor took the chair at 3 o'clock. Amongst those present were the Rev. John Watson, D.D., Samuel Smith, Esq., 'l.P., C. E. chwann, Esq., M.P., Hy. Lee, Esq., J.P., Alex. Forrest, Esq., J.P., Robt. Barclay, Esq., J.P., W. H. Holland, Esq., J.p., vV. J. Crossley, Esq., Rev. Preb. Macdonald, Rev .Rob!. Catterall, Rev. Samuel Pearson, Rev. \¥m. Young, Rev. Canon Hicks, and Mr. Councillor Fildes. Letters of apology for non-attendance were announced trom "These Homes are based upon Christian principles, The Bishop of Manchester, The Marquis of Lome, The Earl of Ducie, The Earl of Derby, Sir W. H. Houldsworth, and others. they are managed by practical methods, and are doing .a great work for all the Churche. They are doing the The Rev. vVilliam Young offered prayer. work of ten Societies, and are in danger of only receiving The Annual Report and Balance Sheet were presented. The Hon. Sec., Mr. Leonard K. haw, gave a summary of the Report, the support ofone."-THE LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER and an abstract of the Financial Statement was read by the .at the An1lual Meetmg, 1892. Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Henry Charlton. It was then moved by Samuel Smith, Esy., iVI.I ., seconded by C. E. Schwann, Esq., iII.P., and supported by the Rev. Rob!. Catterall, and resolved ;- .. That the Rt"port together with the Financial Statement be adopted, printed, and circulated under the direction of the Committee." It was also moved by Rev. Dr. \Vatson, seconded by the Rev. Samuel Pearson, and resolved ;- "That the ommittee for the ensuing year be 1'1es rs. vVilliam J. rossl,'y, John Thomson, Richard 13. Taylor, JalT'es Boyd, Thos R .\ckroyd, Allred Haworth; the Honorary Secretary, Leonard K. Shaw; the Honorary Treasurer, Henry Charlton; and lh~, Auditors, l\lessrs. Theodore Jones, rewdson, and Youatl. A vote of thanks to the Lord Mayor closed the proceedings. .. In little faces pinched with cold and hunger. TWEN TY -SIXTH A NIVERSARY. Look, lest ye miss Him! [n the wistful eyes. ,\nd on the mouths unfed by mother kisses, Marred, hruised, and stained, His precious ill1itge lies ~ ANNUAL REPORT And when ye find Him in th midnight will, 01' TilE I:':ven in the likeness of an out ast child, MANCHESTER AND SALFORD o wise men, own your King! Before th is cradle hring J30Ys and Girls' Refuges and Homes, ¥cur gold to raise and bless, A~D Your myrrh of tenderne s! For, "as ye do it unto th se," saith He, 'HILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, "Ye do it unto Me." . ·r/felfd. Fall THE YEAH 1895. I N presenting the Twenty-Sixth R.eport of the Manch ster and Salford Boys and Girls' Refuges and Homes and Children's Aid ociety, the Committee are thankful to record, and they are sure the subscribers and friends of the Institution will be glad to know, that numerous as are the branches of the work, itnd extended its organizations, each branch is in healthy and active operation and fulfilling the end for which it was .established. 6 7 It will not be necessary on this the Twenty-Sixth and Girls; The Pll ison Gate Mission; The Emigration Anniversary to give a detailed account of the various Department with its two established agencies in Ontario branches, meeting as they do the needs of almost every and in the North v,'est Territory; these are al1 in active description of child destitution and misery which exist operation to day, and by their means (not counting the amongst us; suffice it to say that numbers aided by the Messenger Brigade, the Day The Centml Refuge, where over 100 boys dwell, and ursery, and the Prison Gate Mission, as they do not where the various industrial operation are carried dwel1 under our roof) a total number of 2,787 children have been dealt with and helped on life's way, during the year. The principles which lie at the foundation of the Institution, and which have guided the Committee in the conduct of the work, from the beginning until now, are F1;rst.-To receive only practically homeless and destitute children. Second.-To receive such at once without the delay and expense of election, and irrespective of creed. Third.-To give to each one thus admitted a sound, mental, religious, and indu trial training, and so fit them for a life of honest labour. On the Streets. In the Refuge. Coming now to the details for the past year:-The on; The evell Famil)' Homes for Orphan Children, Boys fresh applicants for admission to our permanent homes and Girls; The lVorkilig Lads' H01lle alld Illstitllte; The numbered 521, of \I·hom 396 were boys and 125 girls. Brigade Boys' Home; The Emigratioll Tl1ai'llillg Homes Of these there were under 10 years of age... 82} 521 for Boys and Girls; The Opell-a//-Nig/d Sltelter for "" ,,10 year and over 439 Both parents dead little wanderers; Tile Girls' Domestic Servia Traiuiug 18+} " One parent living ... 222 521 HOllle alld Lalilldry; The Betltesda !Jome for Cripphd " Both parents living... ... lIS alld I1Icurable Cltildrell; Tile ea-side !Jollie for weak and ~ducational1y their condition was as fol1ows : ailing children; Tlte 1/llImer Camp,-June to Sept.-for STANDARD VII. VI. V. IV. III. II. I. NIL. Poor City Boys; TIle Day NU1'Se!')' for the chillren of 8 34 102 114 86 65 46 66=52 1. poor working Mothers; TIle Police COllrt Missioll to Lads which as far as these (igures go show that the education 8 9 of our poorest classes is not improving; the number of The Central Refuge, Strangeways, entirely ignorant children among tho e with whom we continues the deal, having increased as compared with last year nearly head - quarters five per cent. of the work, These 521 cases were all carefully investigated with here are the the following results. ..'\ offices, and ,here come' Declined as unsuitable Referred to other Institutions ,I nearly all the Restored to friends Iapplicants in Received temporary hel p ... ::: the first in­ Permanently admitted, being quite desti­ tute or 111 grave moral danger stance, except those that are Adding these 284 thus permanently admitted, to the brought to the 430 in the Refuge and Homes when the year began, Open-Day­ we have a total of714 under care and training during 1895. and-Night The results concerning them at the year's close were Shelter In as follows: Chatham :\ Corner of Boys' Infirmary, Street. As Placed out in situations in the United Kingdom 68 stated in last year's report it is now a very complete Placed in homes in Canada.. , home for working boys and school boys, and it is well Placed with their friends fitted in all respects for carrying on the important work Placed in other Institutions II of which it is the centre.
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