HOUSE 2950 Che Commontoealth of Massachusetts TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON INTERSTATE CO-OPERATION TO THE GENERAL COURT Under General Laws, Chapter 7, Sections 21 and 24 May 31, 1959 boston WRIGHT :ter printing company DERNE STREET 1959 Cfre Commontocaltfc of COMMISSION ON INTERSTATE CO-OPERATION Headquarters 15 Ashburton Place, Boston 8. Affiliated with THE COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. Central Offici 1313 East Sixtieth Street, Chicago 37, Illinois. Brevard Crihfield, Executive Director Mary Proctor, Secretary. Eastern Regional Office. 522 Fifth Avenue, New York 36, New York. William L. Frederick, Eastern Representative. Jane Parks, Secretary. Western Regional Office. 582 Market Street, San Francisco 4. Elton K. McQuery, Western Representative. Francis S. Smart, Secretary. Washington Office. 1737 K Street, N. W., Washington 6 T. G. Driscoll, Assistant Director. Amalia L. Barak, Secretary. CONTENTS. Letter of Transmittal Membership of Commission, 1958 Membership of Subcommittees Membership of Regional Continuing Committees Secretary’s Report The Council of State Governments Highlights of 1958 Massachusetts Legislative Action Laws Affecting Interstate Co-operation passed by 1958 Legislature Special Studies .... Chronological Record of 1958 Conferences and Meetin, Twenty-third Northeastern Regional Conference on Highway and Problems . Seventh Annual Interstate Conference on Reciprocal Support Court Decisions Concerning Reciprocal Support Daylight Saving Time Fourteenth General Assembly of the States Veterans’ Programs Registration of Motorboa Appendix An Act Providing for the Numbering of Certain Motorboats and Further Regulating the iafety, Equipment and Operation of Motorboats 77 Cf)t Commonwealth of Massachusetts LETTER OF TRANSMITTAI Commission on Interstate Co-operation, 15 Ashburton Place, Boston 8, April 1959. To the General Court of Massachusetts. In accordance with section 24 of chapter 9 of the General Laws, added by section 1 of chapter 404, Acts of 1937, the Commission on Interstate Co-operation submits its twentieth annual report, describing its activities during the calendar year 1958. JOSEPH F. GIBNEY, Chairman. JOHN J. TOOMEY, Vice Chairman. STANLEY J. ZAROD. HAROLD R. LUNDGREN. JAMES F. CONDON. GEORGE GREENE ARMAND N. TANCRATI. CHARLES F. HOLMAN. CORNELIUS J. MURRAY. EDWARD L. SCHWARTZ. LOUIS SMITH. VICTORIA SCHUCK. JOSEPH M. THORNTON. JOSEPH P. GREELEY. ANTHONY A. BONZAGNI. Cftc Commontoealtf) of epassac&usetts MEMBERSHIP OF COMMISSION, 1958. Appointed the President of the Senate. Vacancy Vacancy Vancacy By the Speaker of the House. Hollis M. Gott, Arlington, Chairman. John J. Toomey, Cambridge. James F. Condon, Boston. George Greene. William F. Sullivan Charles F. Holman. By the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. Edward L. Schwartz, Newton. By the Governor. Alan McClennen, Lincoln. Anthony Bonzagni, Winthrop. Victoria Schuck, South Hadley. Joseph P. Greeley, Arlington. Joseph M. Thornton, Somerville. Sta Philip M. Markley, Secretary, Springfield. Martha L. Gilley, Principal Clerk, Boston. Cfje Commontucaltij of s^assadnisetts COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP, DECEMBER, 1958. igriculture and Conservation: Charles F. Holman, Chairman William C. Sullivan. New England Francis W. Robinson, Manager, Agriculture Department, Council. Assi Alfred M. Williams, Jr., Secretary, Massachusetts Forest and Park ciation. Charles H. McNamara, Commissioner of Agriculture Fisheries, Depart- Frederick C. Wilbour, Jr., Director, Division of Marine ment of Natural Resources. Civil Defense: George Greene. Edward L. Schwartz Joseph P. Greeley Alan McClennen. Thomas J. Donnelly, Director of Civil Defen Social Welfare: John J. Toomby. James F. Condon. Victoria Schuck (Professor). Patrick A. Tompkins, Commissioner of Public Welfare. Society Dr. Kenneth I. WoolaN, Executive Secretary, Children’s Aid Taxation and Fiscal Policy: Hollis M. Gott, Chairman. Joseph M. Thornton. William C. Sullivan. Anthony A. Bonz.agni Corporations Joseph P. Healey, Commissioner and Taxation. Tune, 1959.] HOUSE — No. 2950. 9 Transportation: Hollis M. Gott. George Greene. Alfred W. Detine, Assistant to Registrar of Motor Vehicles Thomas F. Davy, Technical Sergeant, State Police, Department of Public Safety Water Resources. Alan McClennen, Chairman James F. Condon. George Greene. Clarence I. Sterling, Engineer and Consultant on Water Resources Con mission. Rodolphe G. Bessette, Director, Division of Waterways, Department of Public Works. iseph M. Thor 10 HOUSE —No. 2950. [June Cljc Commontoealtli of 90as0adni0etts REGIONAL CONTINUING COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 1958. Steering Committee of Annual Highway Conference. Rep. Hollis M. Gott. Wallace G. Kittredge. Administrative Members. Legislative Members. Motor Vehicle Tax and Fiscal Problems. Alfred W. Devine, Deputy Regis- Rep. Hollis M. Gott. trar of Motor Vehicles. Joseph P. Healy, Commissioner of Corporations and Taxation. Highway Safety. William A. Reardon, Supervisor of Rep. Charles F. Holman. Public Relations, Registry of Motor Vehicles. Traffic Regulation and Control. Alfred W. Devine, Deputy Regis- Vacancy, trar of Motor Vehicles. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Governor’s Appointee Administrator. Legislator. John F. Linehan. 'rancis W. Sargent, Rep. William C. Commissioner of Sullivan. Natural Resources Committee on Non-Resident Fish and Game Licenses. Administrative Member. Legislator. Robert H. Johnson, Director of Fish Rep. Charles F. Holman. and Game, Department of Natural Resourc Connecticut River Valley Flood Control Commission. Rodolphe G. Bessette, Director of Waterways, Department of Public Works. Clarence I. Sterling, Engineer and Consultant on Water Resources Commission. Department of Natural Resource 1959.] HOUSE No. 2950. 11 Juvenile Compact. Administrator. Albert Bradley Carter, Commissioner of Probation. Mental Health Compact. Administrator. Dr. Jack R. Ewalt —to December 15, 1958, Merrimack River Valley Flood Control Commission. Governor's Appointee. Administrators. Michael Flanagan (Ex-Senator). Rodolphe G. Bessette, Director, Division of Waterways, Depart- ment of Public Works. Woethen H. Taylor, Acting Chief Sanitary Engineer, Department of Public Health. New England Higher Education Compact. Administrative Board. Dr. James M. Faulkner, Medical Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mr. A. George Gilman, President, Malden Savings Bank. Dr. Daniel L. Marsh, Chancellor, Boston University. New England Interstate Wati Pollution Control Compact. Governor's Appointees. Administrator. Louis D’Allessandeo. Dr. Roy F. Febmster, Director, Thomas P. Gallagher Division of CommunicableDiseases, Senator Charles S. Marston, 3rd. Department of Public Health. Leo Marceau, Editor, Outdoor Travels Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Commission Governor’s Appointee Administrator. Legislator. L. Warner Howe. Raymond J. Kenney, Vacancy. Director of Forests and Parks, Depart- ment of Natural Re- sources. 12 HOUSE — No. 2950. June Compact, Parolees and Probationers Administrator. Martin P. Davis, Commissioner of Parolees and Probationers under the Compact. Rabies Control Commission. Administrators. Legislator. Dr. Roy F. Feemstbr, Director, Rep. James F. Condon. Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of Public Health. Dr. W. E. Merrill, Chief Veterinary Health Officer, Division of Livestock Disease Control, Department of Agriculture. Robert H. Johnson, Director of Fish and Game, Department of Natural Resources. Thames River Compact. Governor’s Appointee. Administrator. Samuel T. Sheard. Rodolphe G. Bessette, Director of Waterways, Department of Public Works, 1959.] HOUSE No. 2950. 13 C&c Commontocaltfj of egassacljusetts SECRETARY’S REPORT. Breaking Down Legislative Barriers Between States. The Book of the States, which is published by the Council of State Governments every two years has an interesting section in the current edition on Uniform State Laws. Many citizens doubt- less have concluded that the effort to establish order in the hodge- podge field of state legislation has been a losing battle, but the evidence is that progress is being made under the leadership of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, an organization founded in 1892 and ably served by some of the best lawyers in the nation ever since. The Massachusetts Commissioners on Uniform State Laws are Edward L. Schwartz of Newton, also a member of the Commission on Interstate Co-operation; Professor Robert Braucher of Belmont; Walter D. Malcolm of Hingham. The right of state legislatures to pass laws as they see fit is a fundamental principle of federalism, and guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment. Nevertheless, ever since Utah sanctioned polygamy in the long, long ago, most persons have felt that uniformity in certain respects is more important than diversity. Few would argue today that a red traffic light should not mean the same thing in California as it does in Alassachusetts. The National Conference was first convened to see if something could be done about establishing a uniform divorce law for the forty- eight States. Although that particular problem remains as unsolved as ever, the conference has gone on to smooth out many other troublesome discrepancies in the touchy field of state law. It has at present ninety-two uniform acts which it recommends to the States for adoption. Only two of them, Act on Negotiable Instru- ments, and Act on Warehouse Receipts, both prepared more than 50 years ago, have been adopted by all fifty-two jurisdictions, but at least fifteen of the most important
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