Hometown facts in Schools open Wednesday Our star is born! 'Newcomers' Guide' with enrollment up by eight 'WeekendPlus' - Pull-and-save. section inside Photos and story on page A-2 See NEW Movie Timetable, page A-5 CORD If you have a positive attitude and look forward to the first day in school, your child will do the same thing - Camille Kahn Vol. II. No. 35 A Forbes Newspaper Thursday, August 29,1991 233-9696 P.O. Box 2790, Westfield 07091 15 Cents Officials say arson destroyed South Avenue home Clark, jumped from a second-story win- police department, Langan could not re- and was "inhabitable," indicating "It pertise to determine if a fire was arsoa By Cheryl Moulton dow to avoid the heavy smoke and fire; lease further details on how or why the went up very quick." The exterior of the These protocols are followed throughout Arson was the cause of a fire that left she was treated at Overlook Hospital for fire started. Anyone with information is South Avenue building remained intact the county by local paid and volunteer four people homeless and caused one to cuts and bruises and released the same asked to call the Arson Hotline at 527- with little evidence of fire damage visible fire departments. While local fire depart- jump to safety from a second-story win- day. Those displaced by the fire are stay- 1222 or the Westfield Police Department from the front ments can initially establish if a fire was dow. ing with friends or relatives. deliberately set, confirmation by the Union County Arson Unit officials have Union County Prosecutor's office arson No serious injuries were repotted. Fire departments in general follow The blaze at the two-family South Av- labeled the fire arson. investigation unit establishes a final rieei An inquiry by the Union County Pros- protocols prior to calling the county sion after a full investigation. enue home was brought under control by ecutor's Arson Investigation Unit was Firefighters who battled the blaze were arson squad to conduct an investigation. the fire department within 30 minutes. called for after local officials determined reluctant to talk about the fire after being This protocol or determination is based Fire department officials said the Tire the fire "suspicious." On Tuesday, Capt misquoted in another newspaper. Capt on three evaluations or guidelines made William Clark of Hampton Street in originated in the basement of the 2 1/2 John Langan of the arson unit said the John McCormiek, a 26-year veteran of by the local fire officials which include a Cranford is listed as the owner of the story structure, forcing residents to es- fire was "deliberately" set As a result of Westfield's paid fire department, said the fire with a fatality or serious injury, con- building. Attempts to reach him were un- cape via ladder. One resident, Maureen continuing investigation by the Westfield house sustained heavy smoke damage siderable loss in dollars, lack of local ex- successful. Rabid cat might have infected owner with a lick By Stuart Awbrey Record Editor A rabid kitten deposited in front of a veterinary hospital may have infected its human handler. The Westfield Health Department issued a public alert warning the owner or handler of potential danger. The seven- to eight-week-old kitty had to be under someone's care and the person or the family has been exposed to rabies, said veterinarian Dr. Richard Maus. One may be exposed to rabies virus indirectly, he said, not necessarily by scratches or bites. Even a licking of hands could transmit the disease, he said. (Please turn to page A-3) 'Ash for trash' approval is last hurdle, officials say By Donald Pizzl Jr. Authority, the Union County Board of Record staff writer Chosen Freeholders, the Middlesex If the proposed "ash for trash" deal County Board of Chosen Freeholders.and between Union and Middlesex counties the BPU. does become final, it could be the final Boothe was optimistic that the contract hurdle before the state Board of Public will eventually be approved by the BPU. Utilities to approve Union County's con- tract with Ogden Martin Systems Inc. to "I don't expect any problems dealing construct a trash incinerator in Rahway. with the BPU," Boothe said. "We feel it is a fair contract, and we are reasonably Councilman Garland "Bud" Boothe, a optimistic." member of the authority, said the pro- Boothe said discussions have been con- posed deal that would have Middlesex ducted with both Passaic and Middlesex photo by Diane Mottlercf shipping trash to the incinerator in re- counties about possible deals, but "for DAAAAD! — Andrew Shaffer and his dad, Jay, from Scotch Plains, had some fun one sunny day turn for Union County sending incinera- at the Westfield Pool. tor ash to the Edgeboro landfill in East reasons of geography, Middlesex makes Brunswick would be the "last stop on the more sense." train" if it is completed. (Please turn to page A-3) Boothe said the contract is still being The town's bit of Route 28 will not be widened drafted and negotiated. It has been re- Freeholders Route 28 through Westfield will remain east through Westfield to Cranford. set of proposed regulation modifications ported the financing for the construction Robert Siley, principal DOT engineer to the New Jersey Administrative code could begin as early as September, but adopt 60 percent intact for the Bureau of Access and Develop- dealing with state highways. It is formally Boothe said "mid-September might be a The decision by the state Department ment, told the town that "we have taken called the DOT's proposed Highway Ac- bit optimistic." of Transportation represents a victory for your concerns into consideration along cess Management Code. The estimated cost for the proposed recycling plan Mayor Richard Bagger and other West- with those of other neighboring munici- field officials who contested a DOT code Westfield officials consulted on the wid- incinerator is $155 million. that would permit the state road to be palities and changed the proposed desir- By Donald Plzzi Jr. able typical section for a major portion of ening with State Sen. C. Louis Bassano The deal with Middlesex would also widened. Route 28 in Union County. The new des- and Assemblyman Neil Cohen to gain fulfill two of three requirements imposed Record staff writer Bagger applauded what he called a re- ignation will keep the existing conditions support for saving the existing roiid. by Governor Jim Fiorio — that the plant The Union County Board of Chosen versal and said he was "thrilled" to re- as the desirable typical section." Freeholder Walter Boright also chal- be regionalized and that plans be made Freeholders earlier this month approved ceive a letter from the state last week lenged the change. for the removal of ash. the Union County Utilities Authority's "60 announcing that the existing road will be The potential widening evolved from a The third requirement is that counties percent recycling plan." intact adopt a 60-percent recycling program. The plan includes the addition of five "They recognized the status quo and See related story. new materials to Westfield residents' are not calling for any change through Record office remains open local recycling pick-up over the next two Westfield," the mayor said. "This puts to Boothe said approval of the contract years. rest concerns about widening or facing Forbes Newspapers announced this needs to come from five sources: the au- week the consolidation of its offices. (Please turn to page A-3) difficulties with redevelopment" thority, the Middlesex County Utilities In Bagger's view, the highway "is the Forbes will continue to maintain offices Main Street of our town" and he was glad in Westfield at 231 Elmer St Telephone to learn that its passage along North Av- numbers are: Editorial, 276-6000; Classi- Making the most of middle school enue in the east and South Avenue in the fied, 800-334-0531; Advertising, 722-3000; west will function as a street, not as an and Circulation, 800-423-0107. expanded thoroughfare. Under the new plan, Stuart Awbrey has Professor teaches teachers how to make a difference The DOT code sought to alleviate traffic been named editor of Forbes' Union along state roads. Westfield's government County Newspapers, including the West- pointed out the changes could hurt local field JEJpcord, Cranford Chronicle and By Donald Pizzl Jr. School starts development and redevelopment by ex- Scotch Plains-Fanwood Press. Record staff writer Wednesday, Story on a-2 panding the highway right of way through "Under Stu's leadership, the Westfield To Dr. Joseph Bondi, a child's middle creation of a mandatory 102 foot right of Record has demonstrated its commit- school years are deserving of special at- mented in school districts in SL Louis, way - larger than the existing 66 feet — ment to publishing an outstanding news- tention, since it is then that attitudes and Miami and Dallas. He recently returned with two lanes of traffic each way and a paper for this community," said Chuck moral judgments are formed about them- from Japan, where he also discussed his middle turning lane, similar to Central Lyons, president and publisher of Forbes selves, others and life in general. approach. Avenue in Clark. Newspapers. Bondi, a professor at the University of Waiting until high school to focus on Bagger contended the wider right of "While we are broadening Stu's respon- Southern Florida and the author of the these students is to risk waiting too long, way was Impossible and would neces- sibilities, our expectation is to continue bestselling "The Essential Middle he said.
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