THE INDEPENDENT -- Vol XIV HONOLULU T HM TUESDAY APRIL 1 1902 No 2170 THE SEE Olf HONOLULU BY AUTHORITY Ocean 1G Our stock in trade con-¬ taistiip Acceptanco of tho Konlgnation of sists of tho luxuries and tho Bishop of Honolulu by tho Archblohop of Cuntorbuty SHEKIFBfl SALE NOTICE aud delicacies from e yen civihzed nation TIME TABLE To all Christian people whom it of a certain Note tho variety offer- ¬ Tho Fine Passenger Steamers of This Lino Will Arrivo and Leave may concern Greeting Under and by virtue This Fort aB Hereunder Exeoution issued by Lyle A Dickey ed I hereby certify that a letter of Seoond District Magistrate of Ho FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR SAN FRANCIS0 resignation of the Bishopric of Ho- ¬ ublulu Island of Oahu Territory nolulu under the hand of the Right of Hawaii on thqlOih day of Marob A D 1902 iu re matter of Goo Ton Lewis Oo Ld ALAMEDA APRIL ALAMEDA APRIL 9 Reverend Alfred Willis DD Bish- ¬ i Chin vs Kong Sui and Tour Fat I SIERRA APRIL 10 SONOMA APRIL 15 op of the Church of England in the doing business as TotiR Fat and LEADING GROCERS ALAMEDA APKIL 23 ALAMEDA APRIL SO Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands and Gotnpauy I bavp nn thin 10th day 210 SONOMA MAY 7 VENTURA MAY G of A D 1002 levied opoo THREE TELEPHONES all other the dominions of His Maj- ¬ March ALAMEDA MAY 10 ALAMEDA MAY 21 and busH expose for sale at public 240 VENTURA MAY 28 SIERRA MAY 27 esty the King of Hawaii styled auction to the highest bidder at 1060 Fort Street ALAMEDA JDNE 0 iLAMEDA JUNE 11 Bishop of Honolulu dated the sev- ¬ the Police Station Kalakaun Halo JUNE 18 17 SIERRA SONOMA JUNE enteenth day of December onc in said Honolulu at 12 oclock noon ALAMEDA JUNE 27 ALAMEDA JULY 2 of Monday the day of April 9 7 thousand nine hundred and one lith SONOMA JULY A D 1002 all the right title and in- ¬ such resignation to take effect on to est of said Kong Sui and Tong the first day of April one thousand Fat doing business as Tong Fat nine hundred and two was this day aud Company in and to tho follow- ¬ LlMITBD desoribpd duly deposited and icgistcrcd in the ing property unlets tho judgment amounting to One Hun ¬ Principal Registry of the Province dred and Fourtoon and 25 100 Dol- ¬ Wm G Irwin President Manager of Canterbury lars interest costs and my expenses OlauB Sprockets Hirst Vice President In connection with tho sailing of the abovo stoamors the Agonto are W M Gilford Beuond Vlce Preiiidont And that the Rt Honorable and aro previously paid fcf H Whitney Jr Treasurer Bocretnry proparod to issue to intonding passengers ooupon through tickets by any Most Reverend Frederick Lord Goods wares and merchandise Geo J Itosa Auditor railroad from San Firanoiuco to all points in the United States and from consisting of canned goods gro- ¬ Archbishop of Canterbury Primate dry goods Hew York by any steamship lino to ports ceries and other all European of all England and Metropolitan OHAS F CHILLING WORTH of did on the thirty first day of Janu- ¬ Deputy Sheriff Ter Hawaii Honolulu Oahu March 10 1902 SUGAR FAORTOE ary one thousand nine hundred and 2l51 4t km For further particulars apply to two sign his acceptance of the same and that the said letter of tamissiosi Agsis I T A T j resignation and the said acceptance From IHIilo w jr are duly registered in this the office Aaisia o ina in irwin of His Graces Vicar General TO - Gcasmic Steamship Coiupy Dated the twentieth day of Feb- ¬ Of Bar rnnolaoo Gal General Agents Oceanic 3 S Company ruary in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two HONOLULU Harry W Luc THOS Principal Registrar of the Province AND LINDSAY of Canterbury JUST RECEIVED Whereas Under or by virtue of Waj Stations ManafacturiDg Jewoler the Act 5 Victoria Chapter 6 her til late Majesty Qtiep n Victoria by Call and Inspect the beautiful and useful display oi coob for presents or for por J Warrant under Royal Signet nnal nse and adornment S03STOm-A- - ilr Ex S S and Sign Manual dated the 27th I OTfl Building 630 Fort Street of November - one thousand eight hundredand seventy one au- ¬ Tolegroms eon now bb sont from Honolulu to any plooe A SUMMER PROPOSITION thorized and empowered the Arch- ¬ on tho Islands of Hawaii bishop of Canterbury to consecrate Maui Lanai and Molokai by the Reverend Alfred Willis M A Well now tho P English Bloaters to be Bishop of the Church of Eng- ¬ wireless Tee graph heres land in the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands and all other Dominions of His Majesty the King of Ha- ¬ 1 r Jfindon Haddock waii and he was duly consecrated CALL UP MAIN 181 Thats the ICE QUESTION and lias been styled Bishop of Ho- ¬ Honolulu Office Time saved money avcd Minimum charge 2 por nolulu message Fancy Cheese And Whereas The said Islands lir have now been incorporated as ter HONOLULU OFFICE fiAGOON BLOCK Wf You hnow youll need ice you ritory of the United btatcs 01 UPSATRS know its a necessity in hot weather America whereby the branch of the We beliovo you aro anxious to Ret 4 established in that ice whioh will Rive you satis ¬ Anglican Communion ROCK FOR BALLAST faction and wed like to supply the United States of America ex- ¬ you Order from tends to all members of that branch residing in the Hawaiian Islands White and Black Sand UlllBp la 1 II And Whereas The said Right In Quantities to Suit Ta Oabu Ice Electric Go J Reverend Alfred Willis has signifi EXCAYATIHG CONTRACTED ed to Us in writing dated seven- ¬ STIELEIEET teenth December one thousand nine FOR HOFFMAN AND MARKBAM FORT hundred and one that in pursuance P O BOX 386 TELEPHONES MAIN 22 21 92 of an arrangement entered into at CORAL AKD SOIL FOR SALE Telephone 8151 Blue PoBtoflloe the recent General Convention oi Box COS 77 Heat Go the Protestant Episcopal Church in g Dump Carts furnished b Metropolitan mm Bumm baths the United States of America held tho day ou Hours Notice at San Francisco he had under ¬ Wilders Steamship Go V7AIKIKI BISAOH Honolulu taken to resign his See of Honolulu H H HITCHCOCK after the Diocesan Synod of the Anglican Churclf in Hawaii had Office with J M Monsarrat Cart wright Building Merohant St - 0 J SHBBWOOD Proprietor Ao 3SIH given effect a Resolution adopted lbQO -- u r3r by the Synod in 1899 and on a piomiseby the Bishops to conse- ¬ Freight and There larth ami air and tea and iky crate as soon as practicable a Bish- ¬ Brace Co With brtaltrU tons otvt lullaby faring AHD op for the said Hawaiian Islands which are to become on the first Passengers for all Oara pass tho dro Res Estate Doalara Sing Street Tram April one thousand nine hundred and two a Missionary District of COSForlBt noar King AiT Per ALAMEDA for Camarlno the Protestant Episcopal Church of Island Ports Refrigerator An extra freBh supply America and thereby tendered Us 81 KIHQ BTBMI his resignation of the See of Ho- ¬ of Grapes Apples Lemons Oranges Building lots nolulu to which he was so as afore- ¬ Houses aiid and Oolery Fresh lots F H REDWARD Limos Nuts Raisins res- ¬ Lands Fob Sal GJ WinaB ilixtaa said consecrated in 1872 such Salmon Cauliflower Rhubarb As ignation to take effect on the first end Wholoiele paragus Cabbage Eastern and Cali ¬ JW Parties winning to dlspono cftflo Bntall day of April one thousand nine oroprlotUiaTonwl COXTJUOTOB AND BUILDEH fornia Oysters in tin and Bholl hundred and two Crabs Turkeys Flounders etc All Now We Frederick by Divine BALE FOB BALE SOB game in season Also froah Hook Providence Archbishop of Canter- ¬ Swiss and California Cream ¬ Jobblinp promptly attended to qKltn HOUSE AND LOT ON roft bury do hereby accept the resig- 6l AM LEASEHOLD ON BERE Choose Place your orders early nation of the See of Honolulu trn jyijUUU tania ftoot 09 years to Liliha Street noar King Only small income 90 por prompt dolivory dered to Us as aforesaid by said urn Present net cash paymont reooivod Apply to month Apply to LLIAMSAVIDGE CO CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET WILLIAM BAYlDtfiS 1 UO Punohbowl Stroet Nod2 Tolo 200 Morchant Streot Corner King and Alakoo St Continued on 4th page 200 MorohontStra JG39 phone 1701 Blue It hi f j j mtWtm mU MJMMtffMICWWOfcfc S money Nothing In this world orfl Including tho whole Advertiser pervision ot this Boo which suits our rest that 13 cessation of action up to make and In the fires THE INDEPENDENT crew and outfit mean contemporary well wo hopo to that time happens by chance tho planta¬ seo or Its prizc flghling scrlbo head Tho distribution of tho work over that last year threatened it destroyed a subscription handsomo six days followed by the roposo on tions of Hamakua and miles Sympathy wn3 clearly doplcloJ and list with a was Infix this grand of forest ono must bo blind who does ¬ and substantial donation townrdB tho on tho scvonth to qulto notlccablo upon the countenan- warning1 wealth ob ¬ Cathedral building fund Como on pilnclplo III tho mind of ccry human not read a that ISBUBD ces In St Andrews Cathedral among displeasing tho now stait tho ball rolling and dont being that after six days labour ono tained by means tc those who had loyally stood by their scatter ¬ talk but dig day of rest should follow God work Ruler of tho univcrso may bo Bishop Ho has unsolflshly relin ¬ ed in a order that man might ed in a moment quished his authority rtud jurisdiction ceitaln work In tho samo and God rested at On tho ground of tho duty overy In tho church hero wo hope nil Wo boliovo that tho Hon August ¬ JfiVHKr AFTERNOON and man might man owes toaGod nnd no less of re Drelor tho candldato of tho Home a certain timo that rest for tho best spect 67 tho rights of mnn resting on Rule and Democratic parties Is tho likewise says Bishop Wil DIvlrie
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