LBL-12760 LBL-12760 DE82 013872 UC-34 PHYSICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS MT.CE —DIVISION avatohit5!" r"u°K' fro^lS -Til "J fit possible avaiiaEifiify. Robert W. Birge Division Head ANNUAL REPORT 1 January - 31 December 1980 Joseph V. Lepore Editor Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California Berkeley, California 94720 Major portions of this work were supported by the Office of Energy Research, Divisions of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Basic Energy Sciences, and Health and Environmental Research, and the Energy Information Adminis­ tration, Statistical Support Division, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SFO0O98. Addi­ tional support was provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of Defense, the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Adminis­ tration, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the University of California. ^ W8TMUTI0N OF THIS DOCUSKNT IS UNLIMITED CONTENTS Introduction vii EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS Research on fV Annihilation ! The Mark II Magnetic Detector 1 The Free Quark Search 2 The Stanford Linear Collider 3 The Time Projection Chamber (PEP-4) 3 The Time Projection Chamber Operations Group 6 PEP Experimental Facilities Coordination 6 Research at FNAL on Muon and Neutrino Reactions 8 Muon Reactions 8 Proposal for Extension of the Fcrmilab Muon Programs to Tcvatron Energies 9 Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino Reactions 10 Search for Effects of a Right-Handed Gauge Boson 10 Limits on Neutrino Oscillations from Muon-Decay Neutrinos 11 Strong Interaction Experiments at FNAL II Experiments Using Polarized Proton and Anti-proton Beams II Inclusive Production of IT Mesons in pp Interactions (E-350) 11 pp Interactions at the Fcrmilab Collider 12 Strong Interaction Experiments at BNL 13 Backward Scattering and 2 Production in k" p Interactions 13 Studies on Charm, pp Interactions 13 Particle Data Center 14 Publication of Review of Particle Properties 14 Compilation of Bibliographic Information 14 Data Base for Experimental Physics Reaction Data 14 Berkeley Data Base Management System 15 Participation in Research Projects 15 Barrclet Moment Analysis of IT N Scattering Data 17 New ^ Parameters from a Simpler, Cheaper, and More Reliable Partial Wave Analysis 17 Narrow Baryon Search 17 Astrophysics and Astronomy 17 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation/Primordial Blackbody Radiation 17 Supernovae Detection and Observation 18 Compact Stellar Objects (Neutron Stars, White Dwarfs, Black Holes) 18 UC Ten-Meter Telescope Project 19 Search for Stable Superheavy Particles 19 iii Earth Science 20 Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction 20 Radioisotope Detection with Accelerators 20 Determination of Atmospheric C02-0,/N2 21 Instrument Development and Engineering for High Energy Physics 22 Development Research 22 Engineering, Evaluation, and Support Operations 22 Hybrid CCD Solid State Detector 24 THEORETICAL PHYSICS RESEARCH Particle Physics 26 Foundations of Quantum Theory 26 Foundations of S-Matrix Theory 26 Topological Particle Theory 26 Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) 27 Confrontation with Experiment 28 Field Theory 30 Other Theoretical Work 32 Accelerator Theory 34 Stability of a Beam in Presence of a Cavity Resonance 34 Inertial Fusion 34 Fermilab/v? Collider Project 34 Stochastic Cooling 36 Venus 36 Beam-Beam Effects in Single Pass eV" Colliders 37 Transverse Longitudinal Coupling 37 Beam Break-up Mode 38 COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS Analytical and Numerical Methods 39 Applied Analysis 39 Computational Mathematics 40 Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations 40 Information Analysis Techniques 41 Data Management Research 41 Computer Graphics 47 SEED1S 50 Information Systems Projects 53 iv Advanced Computer Concepts , 59 Software Engineering 59 Distributed Systems 61 Performance Evaluation 63 Research Computing Facility 64 Distributed Computer Network 64 Environmental and Epidemiological Studies 66 Populations at Risk to Environmental Pollution 66 Cancer Incidence Study 66 Air Pollution and Human Health 67 v INTRODUCTION Research in the Physics. Computer Science, and is recognized nationally for its outstanding work and Mathematics Division is described in this annual report holds a yearly workshop on Distributed Data Manage­ for calendar year 1980. The Division's major effort ment and Computer Networks attended by researchers remains in high energy particle physics but there is a from all over the country. The relationship among our continually growing program in computer science and programs and the close association of our many activi­ applied mathematics. ties stimulate new ideas and efforts. Significant progress occurred this year in many The vital and beneficial relationship which areas. The Mark II Magnetic Detector and Free Quark Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has with the University Search experiments were installed at PEP and started of California al Berkeley continues to be a source of taking data. The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) strength for the Laboratory. Our outstanding research group was reorganized, new funding was approved, and stalf includes many U.C. Berkeley faculty members and a project engineer was assigned to take charge. The we are able to attract outstanding graduate students TPC suffered a set-back in August when a short circuit, who. in the course of fulfilling the requirements for due to a stray iron chip, developed in the superconduct­ doctoral degrees, make important contributions to our ing coil necessitating a complete rebuilding of the coil. research. Unusual activities in the Division included design In addition, collaboration with other universities work on a ten meter telescope (TMT) to be built by the has been beneficial and fruitful. The skills of the Phy­ University of California, and the finding of experimen­ sics groups at LBL. together with Engineering and tal evidence leading to a hypothesis concerning the Technical facilities at the Laboratory, make it possible extinction of the dinosaurs. for outside groups to join us in working on the large Activities in the Computer Science and projects necessary for today's advanced research al the Mathematics department cover basic research in partial frontier of particle physics. differential equations, advanced computer concepts, and This is my last full year as Associate Director of innovative manipulation of complex data sets. Subjects Ihe Division. It has been an exciting and pleasurable such as numerical models, distributed systems, statisti­ experience to work in this capacity for the last 8 years cal information management systems, and human /com­ with such a talented and innovative group of people. puter interactions are studied. The department EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS STAFF AND PARTICIPATING GUESTS Gerald S. Abrams HiTofumi Fujii Steven D. Love Gerald L. Schnurmacher Luis W. Alvarez Raymond Z. Fuzcsy Patricia J. Low Em'ilio G. Segre Norman R. Anderson Bernard Gabjoud Phil Lubin Gilbert Shapiro Betty Armstrong George Gabor Lora A. Ludwig Steven Sherman Robert P. Ashley Angela B. Gallicri Gerald R. Lynch Tokuzo Shimada Alan V. Barnes Margarci A. Garnjost Jeremy E. Lys Garth W. Smith Josephine R. Barrcra George H. Gibson Burns MacDonald Robert G. Smits Harry H, Bingham George Gidal Ronald J. Madaras George F. Smoot. HI. Robcn W. Birgc Bruno Gobbi Paul B. Madden. Jr. David P. Soroka James A. Bislirlich Gcrson Goldhabcr Richard D. Majka Herb M. Steincr Donald L. Blackman Frederick R. Goozcn J. Mallei M Lynn Stevenson Alain P. Btondcl Christina K. Graham Jay N. Marx James B. Strait James O. Bowlby, Jr. Wcixin Gu Terry S. Mast Mark W. Strovink Donald D. Briggs Nancy C. Gusack Earl H. McCann Pcirus P. Tans Arlctlc L. Brink Ray T. Hagsirom John Middlcdiich John P. Taylor Alan D. Bross Robert P. Hamilton Jeanne M. Miller George H. Trilling Sharon O. Buckingham Pcicr C. Harding Richard A. Muller Robert D. Tripp Andrew BufFinglon Valeric K. Hcatlcy "atricia A. Murphy Thomas G. Trippc James W. Burgc Burkhard W. Heck 1 eslie F. Nakue Harold W. Van Slykc William C Cariihcrs, Jr. A. C. Helmholz •lichiyuki Nakamura Donna L. Vcrcelli John L. Caron Charles P. Home Jerry E. Nelson Henri 1. Vidcau Owen Chamberlain Colleen E. Johnson Peicr Ncmethy M. I. Vidcau Chaoqing Chew Karl J. Johnson Curtis Nunnally Vincent Vuillcmin Denyse M. Chen Roll and P. Johnson Timolhy E. Nu/um Tony Vuletich Junsel Chiba Donna G. Jones David R. Nygnn Yunvang Wang William Chinowsky John A, Kadyk Picrmaria j' Oddone John N. Waters Alan R. Clark Tuneyosht Kamae Stanley R. Olson Paul W. Weber George A. Constantian Selig N. Kaplan Chan V. Pang Thomas F. Weber Shcrri M. Coles Vivian E. Kastning Barrie Pardoe William A. Wcnzel Charles L. Covey Robert L Kelly Carl Pennypackijr Edgar T. Whipple Frank S. Crawford, Jr. Jane Kennedy- Victor Perez-Mende/ Pamela E. Wiedenbach Thcda W. Crawford Robert W. Kcnney Steven Peterson Clyde Wicgand John A. Culver Lcroy T. Kcrth Morris Pnpslein Gary A. Williams Orin I. Dahl Werner 0. Kocllncr Gerald T. Przybylski Roger Williams Tim Daly- Richard R. Kotter Ting P. Pun Joel C. Wissmar Julia A. Davenrrrt Beverly C. Koop Paul S. Rcinscli Charles G. Wohl Christoph T. Day Bridget R. Kramer Wend\ L. Reynolds George P. Yost Pierre Dcipicrre Edward J. Lampo Harriett i. Rice Guo/he Zhao Mclvin G. Dcneau Andrew J. I^ankford Robert J. Riddell William J. Dodge Edward E. Lcc Alan Rittcnberg Philippe H. Eberhard Kai L Uc Peter R. Romish Mark A. Elola Chi-Chung Lo Michael T. Ronan Robert P. Ely. Jr. Stewart C. Lokcn Ronald R. Ros., David 1., Fanchcr Michael R. Lang Allan L.Sagle Christina Frank-Dietcrle Michael J. Lostv Laura C. Scales GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Dame E. Amidei Si moil K. I-'ok '\ntlion> .1. Mannu' lleidi Vl, Schellman VI Shale Burns Sam i rtedman Tbiuiia-.' W. Markic Stephen R. Schnetrer Mark W. Coles John W Gar> Philip S. Martin Marjoric D. Shapiro Susan C. Cooper Laurence J. Golding Peter D. Mcjer% Bradlcx W. Slcaford Kevin A. Dcrb; Nicholas J. Hndlcv Ali S. Mire-hghi Wes)e> H. Smith William E.
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