Index [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Agency basin, 189, 194, 195 amplitudes, 385 Appalachian seismic line, 633 Abo Pass, 271 azimuth, 698 Appalachian suture zone, 416 Acadian orogeny, 323, 324, 341, 460 Blake Spur magnetic, 365,367 Appalachian trend, 536 accretion, 752 Bouguer, 37, 38, 40, 178, 186, Appalachians, 317, 389, 391, 400, Appalachian, 764 241, 255, 256, 261, 266, 421, 449, 459, 536, 563, 646, 666, continental, 125 510, 518, 701, 724 764, 768 Cordilleran, 763 Brunswick magnetic, 365, 391, central, 464 Jurassic, 764 395, 647 geophysics, 317 late Paleozoic, 763 causes, 384, 385 northern, 319, 321, 326, 327, tectonic, 762, 768 Central Plains, 442 334, 341, 342, 460, 464, 627, Triassic, 763 East Coast magnetic, 351, 365, 749, 769 Adirondack highlands, 636 376, 647 orogenic episodes, 323 Adirondack line, COCORP, 635 free-air, 40, 106, 118, 367, 671, Paleozoic evolution, 323 Adirondack lowlands, 636 674 reflection profiling, 333, 337, Adirondack Mountains, 319, 325, gravity, 5, 38, 40, 50, 104, 106, 338, 627 326, 336, 339, 341, 431, 750, 107, 115, 118, 187, 255, 256, southern, 319, 326, 330, 338, 751 257, 268, 298, 299, 302, 325, 342, 464, 506, 563, 637, 647, central, 330 342, 367, 384, 406, 413,417, 724, 768 African basement, 337 420, 421, 439, 510, 518, 589, Appalachicola basin, 354, 397, aftershocks, 550, 556, 557, 564, 566 392, 671, 674, 758, 759 agate, 264 426 Greenleaf, 5 Ahner model, 327 Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP), intermediate-wavelength (IWL), Airy-Heiskanen model, 408,410 62 alaskites, 461 413, 416, 421 Arabian Shield, 773 isostatic gravity, 37, 40, 367, 410 Archean craton, 165, 279 Albion Mountains, 164, 595 isostatic residual, 416, 418, 421 Archean crust, 585, 588, 755 Albuquerque basin, 271, 272 linear magnetic, 367 Archie's law, 74 Alet Bay volcanic belt, 111 low-gravity, 417 arcs Aleutian arc, 713 magnetic, 3, 50, 53, 56, 57, 107, accreted island, 752 Aleutian lava xenoliths, 713 111, 323, 325, 351, 353, 365, island, 375 Aleutian trench, 3 384,417, 484, 533, 671, 758 magmatic, 744, 745 Alleghanian orogeny, 324, 344, 460 marine magnetic, 115 oceanic island, 763 Alleghanian suture, eastern terrane, midcontinent gravity (MGA), 299, volcanism, continental, 746 646 386, 389, 394, 397 Arctic Canada, 689 alluvium, 213, 396 Minnesota, 588 argillite, 165 Altamah magnetic anomaly, 365 North American Central Plains, Arkansas, 310 alumina saturation, 745 442 arkose, 166 Alvarado Ridge, 252, 276 north-trending, 386 Armorica Massif, 462 Amargosa fault, 774 northwest-trending, 394 Armorica plate, 462 Amarillo-Wichita uplift, 561 Plattsburg, 325 Artists' Drive fault, 774 American Falls Reservoir, 258 properties, 384 ash flows, 757, 762 American plate, 103, 114, 170, 250, regional magnetic, 671 asthenosphere, 2, 114, 187, 368, 253, 533 short-wavelength, 241, 416, 421 515, 683, 698, 700, 772, 773, Ammonoosuc Volcanics, 321 thermal, 506, 515 775, 808, 809 amphibole, 98, 326, 757, 793 Transverse Ranges, 699 Atlantic Coastal Plain, 536 amphibolite, 319, 321, 509, 714, trends, 386 Atlantic Coastal Plain stress 725, 750, 754, 765, 795 anorthosites, 98, 326, 584, 585, province, 534, 536 Anadarko basin, 304, 391, 395, 561, 605, 636, 72 7, 751, 759 Atlantic continental margin, 3, 349, 589, 769 Antelope Island 213 350, 356, 359,365,367,370, andalusite, 747 Antler orogeny, 168, 763 373,376, 534, 666, 673, 773, Andean magmatic belt, 253 Apache basin, 165 801, 807 andesites, 752, 754, 758, 784 Apache Group, 165 Atlantic Seaboard, 534 anhydrite, 795 Appalachian belt, 447,460,464 Atlantic spreading center, 354 Animikie basin, 586 Appalachian décollement, southern, attenuation, 91, 98, 166, 171, 418 Animikie slate, 586 327, 334, 336 measurements, 92 anisotropy, 91, 198. 329, 331, 340, Appalachian displaced terranes, 461 pore pressure, 97 583, 658, 717 Appalachian gravity gradient, 647 seismic, 15, 19, 91, 92 mineralogie, 809 Appalachian Highlands, 505, 565 Attica, New York, earthquakes, 563 seismic, 98, 716, 724, 809 Appalachian mountain belt, 319, 343 Augusta fault zone, 646 shear-wave, 722 Appalachian orogen, 417, 627, 637, aureoles, 755 velocity, 583, 682, 686 647, 648 Avalon basement, 460, 461 Anna, Ohio, earthquakes, 563 Appalachian Piedmont, 752 anomalies Avalon belt, 323 Appalachian province, 340,401 Avalon terrane, 319, 324, 342, 460, aeromagne tic, 171 northern, 332 462,464 , 648 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/955114/mem172-bm.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 814 Index backstripping, 372 sedimentary,727, 349, 351, 354, anticlinorium, 702 bacteria, magnetite-producing, 64 368 Bronson Hill-Merrimack belt, 632, Bahamas basin, 351 bassanite, semihydrate, 795 634, 637 Bahamas fracture zone, 354, 377 Battle Mountain, 237, 241 Brooks Peninsula, 111 Baja California, 475, 480, 486 Battle Mountain High, 511, 512 Brunswick magnetic anomaly (BMA), Balmuccia peridotite, 754 heat-flow, 434, 700 326, 337, 363, 365, 391, 395, Baltic shield, 795 Bay of Fundy-Nova Scotia, 648 647 Baltimore Canyon trough, 351, 360, Bear Lake, 258 Buffalo Siltstone poles, 456 367, 373, 376 Bear River Range, 258 Burdick-Helmberger model, 2 model, 365, 367 Bear Valley, 604 Baltimore gneiss domes, 319 Beartooth Mountains, 256 Cache Valley, 258 Barachois Formation, 461 Beaver Valley, 222 Calabria, 714 basalts, 116, 119, 145, 299, 393, Beck Spring Formation, 165 Calaveras fault, 545, 550 397, 589, 599, 712, 744, 754, Belt basin, 397 calderas, 171 756, 757, 759, 761, 771, 796 Belt Supergroup, 165, 252 California Basin and Range, 142 high-alumina, 752 Benioff zone, 153, 171, 323, 807 California borderland, 103, 104,130 low-porosity, 784 earthquakes, 155 California Coast Ranges, 500, 514, magnesian, 756 Benton uplift, 647 525, 527, 749 oceanic, 121, 784 Benz model, 244 California, 3, 108,129, 480 olivine, 756, 757 Berkshires, 321, 323 central, 108, 137,138, 439, 605, pillow, 393, 756 Bight basin, 629 698 tholeiitic, 752 Billings anticline, 506 models, 698, 699 basement bimodality, 744 northern, 20, 108, 137,138, 698 cratonic, 285 Bingham, Utah, 258 southern, 130,133,433, 662 crystalline, 256, 260, 292, 356, Bingham Canyon copper mine, 209, Campeche Escarpment, 354, 365 385, 394, 396, 417, 426, 506, 210, 238 Campeche Shelf, 356 581, 768 Bingham line, 258 Canada, 655, 681 oceanic, 344, 353 biotite, 199, 757 eastern, 319 structure, 350 Bishop tuff, 138 southeastern, 442 Basin and Range-Rio Grande rift, Black Rock Desert, 430 southern, 292, 304 530, 607 Blake Escarpment, 362 western, 689 Basin and Range extension, 193 Blake Plateau, 367 Canadian CO-CRUST project, 287 Basin and Range province, 5, 137, Blake Plateau basin, 351, 362 Canadian Maritime coast, 460 138,163,172, 192, 236, 237, Blake Spur magnetic anomaly Canadian Rocky Mountains, 166, 459 245, 276, 418, 419, 430, 431, (BSMA), 352, 365,367 Canadian Shield, 7, 285, 293,446, 433, 442, 443, 502, 509, 516, Blanco fracture zone, 114 457, 505, 506, 508, 685 517, 527, 530, 532, 535, 536, Block Island fault, 362 models, 293, 685, 686 552, 589, 608, 662, 666, 667, Bloody Bluff fault, 323 Canadian upper mantle, 686 671, 688, 697, 720, 744, 756, Blue Mountains, 145, 512, 752 Canyon Range, 217 770, 807 Blue Ridge, 768 Cape Ann, Massachusetts, earthquake, core complex belt, 629 Blue Ridge belt, 642 565 deformation rates, 228 Blue Ridge Province, 319, 637 Cape Breton Island, 462 earthquakes, 223, 226 Blue Ridge thrust sheet, 319, 646 Cape Hatteras, 356 eastern, 205, 210, 223, 239, 245, Blue Ridge-Inner Piedmont thrust Cape Mendocino, 103, 114,137, 545 595 sheet, 644 Cape Mendocino triple junction, 104 extension rates, 229 Bodega basin, 108 carbonates, 319, 352, 356, 454, 608, geophysics, 177,205 Bonneville Basin, 186 793 heat flow, 497,510,511 Borah Peak, 190 Carolina platform, 377 heat production, 497 earthquake, 190, 206, 223, 530, Carolina slate belt, 319, 323, 326, models, 179,210,226,237,244, 556 331, 342, 644 511,688, 700 Borderland, 133 Carolina trough, 351, 360, 365, 367, Moho, 761 Boston Basin, 460 375, 376 northern, 178, 228, 244, 276, Boston-Ottawa zone, 565 Carson Desert, 189 531, 535, 593, 761 Bouguer gravity anomaly, 37, 38,40, Carson Sink, 181, 186, 434, 593 reflection surveys, 239 178, 186, 241, 255, 256, 261, Cascade convergence zone, 533, 536 southern, 417, 530, 600 266, 421, 510, 518, 701, 724 Cascade convergent, 525 strain rates, 228 Bouguer gravity field, 118, 212, 240, Cascade graben, 118 tectonics, 163,205 268, 275, 325, 342, 389, 394, Cascade model, 720 thermal regime 510 398, 406, 407, 421, 506, 647 Cascade Range, 146, 148, 150, 533, velocity-depth models, 240 Boulder batholith, 280, 749 690, 700, 752, 772 western, 138,177,179, 239, 244, Boulder City, Nevada, 428 heat flow, 498,513 245 Brandywine fault, 564 heat production, 497 basins Brevard fault zone, 319, 343, 623, high, 145 fore-arc, 138, 155 768 models, 700 intermountain, 427 reflection profiles, 333 modern, 145 marginal, 350 Brimfield Schist, 326 thermal regime, 513 ocean, 485 Bronson Hill anticlinorium, 321, volcanoes, 807 pull apart, 130, 133, 516, 602 323, 326, 341, 344, 636 western, 145 rift, 349, 351, 354, 360, 362 Bronson Hill-Boundary Mountains Cascade volcanic arc, 118 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/955114/mem172-bm.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 Index 815 Cascade volcanic zone, 103, 442, COCORP, 180, 627, 635, 636, 646, earthquakes, 556 533 647, 804 eastern, 279, 280, 683 Cascade volcanism, 114, 807 collisions models, 226, 683 Cascadia abyssal plain, 118 arc-continent, 324 northern, 605 Cascadia plate, 533 continent-continent, 392,
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