EDITORIAL: 'Hold It Skipper' Now 'Thi. Is A Holdup'-P. 2 SPORTS: QTbre Duke jflk QTtotticte Blue Devils Grid Team Wore Mustaches hi '88-P. 3 Founded 1905 - No. 2 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday, September 23, 1949 Johnny Long Com ing SPIDERS COME TO DEVIL PARLOR For October Dance • * * Will Mark Second Campus Appearance For Long, Former Ambassadors Leader Rapidly spreading rumors that Johnny Long's contract to play for the Fall Shoe 'n' Slipper dances had been cancelled were spiked early this week by Roger Kirch oiler, president of the club, who announced that the band would appear October 28 and 29 as sche- INAUGURAL DRAWS NOTABLES Sir Oliver Franks Blue and White Seeks Opening Victory The appearance of Long, ( time leader of the Duke Ami sartors and the only left-ban Tops Visitor List Against Richmond's Underdog Eleven violin player to make the For Inauguration Two Platoon System WaWe's Answer To Last Year's Manpower Shortage Three-Day Event Br BOB GIBSON Timed to Coincide Chronicle Sports Editor the 1946 Pan Hellenic dance. Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in Duke Stadium, the 1949 issue Costs Less With Homecoming of Blue and White opens another Duke football season by playing The S 'n' S fall series, slated Topflight leaders of interna ) Richmond's Spiders before an expected crowd of 15,000 fans. for the last week end in October, tional rank will converge or st week, Richmond kept half an eye cocked on tomorrow's should be less expensive than while trouncing hapless Randolph-Macon 27-0. They played last year's dances, according to under wraps most of the way, but still struck for four touchdowns. Kiichoil'er. Memberships were . defense, the Snider- had a great afternoon in holding their weak placed on sale this week to mem­ dent A. Hollis Edens one of flu jonents to a -10 yards rushing. bers of the freshman class, and nost distinguished gatherings h initial sales were said to be sat­ Esleeck Has Outstanding Record isfactory. Genial Dick Esleeck, head coach of the Richmond team, took evealed today. ;r as the Spiders' Daddy Long-Leys last yeflr and came up with Freshmen who did n ninor surprise as his first season's fruits was a five-three-two memberships Monday and Tues- notables on the program are Thi A veteran of 22 years of coaching service, Esleeck is noted for Chanticleer Pictures Honorabli "" success with the single-wing formation. With this system, he 1VIU- : nbassador to the United sized t 111 men should wear da n state champ ions liips with high school teams at Hampton, Kich- States; Norman Cou i with white shirts a •nd's John Marshall, and Woodrow Wilson in Portsmouth. of the S aturday Rev •w of Lit- Improved Team Dr. Raym It has been openly bruited about in Eiclimond Town this season adviser to the Secretary it the Spiders have uncovered a few performers whose talents •.rd lintarr . : ••• the Rockefeller Four re anything but lomore girls are asked r pastel pullover .weal­ preside: Of the Un versity ol BOS and Sandals th one sfrand of pearls; i, white close - necked Chicago 5 with pointed collars; al leaders in every flelc Plan Semi-Formal mini's, while V-necked and delegates from M±: Kiel, lien-lev and I. Lid learni'i In Women's Gym linemen 1 will be pre' s er. Buddy Rosser, and Di kets go on sale Monday asley, the "Flying Parsi New York Studio art Saturday's BOS Sandals Martinsville, is a fast, r Chapel Convocation ; in the Women's Gym. ged wingbaek who was recer lay, Tuesday, and Wednes­ Making Portraits the Chapel will be the sil lis'breakaway speed. At tailb . opening General Conv day from 4:30 to 7 in the X s Cotton Rillingsley who app< For 1950 Yearbook ii on Friday, Oct. 2 t 2:30 Lobby, co-eds will sell $1.75 •eady for his fourtli year as in n for tl itag and $2.25 date bids. •er one passer for the Hichm. Colonna Studios, recording the Age" is the subject of this meet­ 9 faces of Duke University for ing. Sir Oliver and Dr. Fosdick East Campus Formal Rushing Fraternity Marks Featuring a "Carousel" tl the 1950 Chanticleer, finished ofl he ball will be one of the the freshmen Wednesday anc Cousins will speak at the for­ daborately-decorated d a r will continue with upperelass- Scheduled to Begin Thursday Improve Generally men on West through October 7 mal opening of the new wing of :ver held at Duke. Dancers Last day on East Campus will be Duke Library Friday evening or A limited number of guest September 30. a program that will include pre During Last Term ticlteis lor the tl.N.C, Wake Alpha Epsilon Phi sentation of the keys by Willi: pective pledges. Forest, V.P.I., and N. C. State Specializing in yearbook pho Smith, chairman of the Duki tographs, Colonna handles the shmen and transfers were sent copies games will he on sale at 9 a.m. Board of Trustees, to Librariai which explains the rush rules and e .ring semester of 1949, release, in the New Gym on the Tues- Leads Sororities University of Alabama, William Dr. Benjamin Powell, and Mary, Michigan, and Vir­ isterday by Dean Robert Cox ginia, in addition to Duke. Dur­ Official installation of Dr owed an upward climb fo: In Grade Averages ing the past year they bought Edens will take place Saturda; T Frolic On East ost fraternities over the pro rhis coming Monday is the Sarony Studio to enlarge theii t. Dr. f. veil « t day that tickets for the New York layout. at a s nnessee game will be avail- uiiday, Oct. : For Class of '53 Chi Phi, at the bottom of th. Because of the crowded Sche­ Ion Concert 11 list, climbed to sixth placi ie nts for the spring semester for thi after a drop during the previous will be possible I •es, carilloneur Saturday Night rtiich has beef but not much ex- semester to third. Sigma Kappa, tic leer Business Ihc Univ y and Bok Towi marked increase. Lambdi •erience. The ends are loaded averaging 1.75. rose from seven­ Cookcrly announced. Me urged Florida, ' Chi Alpha, Alpha Tau Omegt rith Buddy Rosser and Doug th to second. Third was Kappa L-L-rl Satii and Delta Sigma Phi were thi dacLachlan as prime prospects, Alpha Theta, with 1.72. make and keep their appoint­ Briggs, g total number of actives and only ones to show a drop ir loth double on offense and de- Work on the dance, foil The orlty :ragei ments as soon as possible. pledges does not exceed 60. ; follows Special Sittings y the YMCA and Rush Schedule plans laid last spring, has This year, Duke will offer the Through a special arrange­ Upon :eipt of the list, Bob wo-team system as the answer Delta, 1.68; Alpha Chi Omeg Stipe, cnairman or tne sent 1.68; Delta Gamma. 1.65; Kai ment, Cookerly announced, Mary Seaburg, president of freshmen who did not have pic­ the Pan-Hellenic Association, has pa Kappa Gamma, 1.63; Ze ernity Council during the Tau Alpha, 1.62; Kappa Delta, tures taken at the regulaj released the folio whig rushing year, stated that credit for I!2: Alpha Phi, 1.61; Pi Beta Ph schedule: a at ends will be basketballer general increase should go m Joyce McAfee imy (Fabulous) Hughes and 1.57; Phi Mu, 1.54; and Alpha Thursday, Friday, September Delta Pi, 1.52. ly lo the scholarship ehairmc e Souchak. Hughes has been officials said. This will add to the 20, 30; Saturday, Monday, Wed­ Non-sorority coeds showi the individual fraternities. Weedon and I schedule the usual features ol higher average, 1.72, than nesday, Friday, Saturd; Combined Averages homecoming, with the Duke- He pointed out that the s will furnish r all-sorority, 1.63. The won but those tickets left then were overall average was 1.66. Duke Stadium Saturday after- placed on general sale for upper- includes averages for both ai classmen, announcedJack Blackburn, co-chairman of the past the two have been kept separately, but the IFC-decreed Noted Church Lecturer dance with Pat McAllister. October 4, 6, 9: Volunta Commentator St. John Prices for the tickets have been reduction of associate ranks ha* •s in the chapter room. eliminated the need for separat< and to 10:00 p.m. Rushee n YM n lists, he said. To Give Chapel Sermon Continued improvements ovci Speaks Here Tuesday the three-semester period havi been made by the perennia: Robert St. John, who reported leader, Zeta Beta Tau, Thets and analyzed the war and the New DukEngineer Chi, Pi Kappa Phi, Beta Theti peace that followed from all and leave callini Pi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Kappa Al­ parts of the globe, comes to Writing Contest pha, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Duke campus Tuesday, Sept. 27, Stipe stated. to open the 1949-50 Student The over-all average for fra­ In Progress Now ternity men, 'who comprise 46.5 Forum Committee lecture series. i. Thcs Open to all students of the Discussing the position of was 1.309 for the semester, while College of Engineering, the mded preferentially. Four world government in the Atomic Barnes to Lead the all-men's average was 1.265 1049-50 Dull Engineer writini es have been scheduled for Age, St. John will take "Man's and the non-fraternity average contest Ls now in progress.
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