Characterization and properties of .R;S/-commutative matrices William F. Trench Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 78212-7200, USA Mailing address: 659 Hopkinton Road, Hopkinton, NH 03229 USA NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing,corrections, structural formatting,and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Please cite this article in press as: W.F. Trench, Characterization and properties of .R;S /-commutative matrices, Linear Algebra Appl. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.laa.2012.02.003 Abstract 1 Cmm Let R D P diag. 0Im0 ; 1Im1 ;:::; k1Imk1 /P 2 and S D 1 Cnn Q diag. .0/In0 ; .1/In1 ;:::; .k1/Ink1 /Q 2 , where m0 C m1 C C mk1 D m, n0 C n1 CC nk1 D n, 0, 1, ..., k1 are distinct mn complex numbers, and W Zk ! Zk D f0;1;:::;k 1g. We say that A 2 C is .R;S /-commutative if RA D AS . We characterize the class of .R;S /- commutative matrrices and extend results obtained previously for the case where 2i`=k ` D e and .`/ D ˛` C .mod k/, 0 Ä ` Ä k 1, with ˛, 2 Zk. Our results are independent of 0, 1,..., k1, so long as they are distinct; i.e., if RA D AS for some choice of 0, 1,..., k1 (all distinct), then RA D AS for arbitrary of 0, 1,..., k1. MSC: 15A09; 15A15; 15A18; 15A99 Keywords: Commute; Eigenvalue problem; Least Squares problem; Moore–Penrose Inverse; .R;S /-commutative; Singular value decomposition e-mail:[email protected] 1 2 William F. Trench 1 Introduction n1 nn A matrix A Œars C is said to be centrosymmetric if D r;sD0 2 anr1;ns1 ars ; 0 r; s n 1; D Ä Ä or centro-skewsymmetric if anr1;ns1 ars; 0 r; s n 1: D Ä Ä The study of such matrices is facilitated by the observation that A is centrosymmetric (centro-skewsymmetric) if and only if JA AJ (JA AJ ), where J is the flip matrix, with ones on the secondary diagonalD and zeroesD elsew here. Several authors [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 25] used thisobservationto showthat centrosymmetric and centro- skewsymmetric matrices can be written as A P CP 1, where P diagonalizes J and C has a useful block structure. We will discussD this further in Example 3. Followingthis idea, other authors [6, 11, 12, 14, 24] considered matrices satisfying RA AR or RA AR, where R is a nontrivial involution; i.e., R R1 I . We continuedD this lineD of investigaton in [15, 16, 17, 19], and extendedD it in [18,¤˙ 20], defining A Cmn to be .R; S/-symmetric (.R; S/-skew symmetric) if RA AS (RA AS2), where R Cmm and S Cnn are nontrivialinvolutions. We showedD that aD matrix A with either2 of these properties2 can be written as A P CQ1, where P and Q diagonalize R and S respectively and C has a useful blockD form. Chen [7] and Fasino [9] studied matrices A Cnn such that RAR A, where R is a unitary matrix that satisfies Rk I 2for some k n and e2i=kD . In [21] we studied matrices A Cmn such thatDRA AS, whereÄ D 2 D k1 1 R P diag Im ; Im ;:::; Im P ; (1) D 0 1 k1 Á k1 1 S Q diag In ; In ;:::; In Q ; (2) D 0 1 k1 Á m0 m1 mk1 m; n0 n1 nk1 n; (3) C CC D C CC D and ˛; Zk 0;1;:::;k 1 : 2 Df g Finally, motivated by a problem concerning unilevel block circulants [22], in [23] we mn ˛ considered matrices A C such that RA AS , with ˛; Zk. We called such matrices .R;S;˛;/2 -symmetric, and showedD that A has this property2 if and only if k1 ˛`C. mod k/n` A P˛`C. k/F`Q` with F` C ; 0 ` k 1; (4) D mod 2 Ä Ä D X` 0 b which has useful computational and theoretical applications. (P0, ..., Pk1 and Q0, ..., Qk1 are defined in Section 2, specifically, (7)–(10).) The class of .R;S;˛;/- symmetric matrices includes, for example, centrosymmetric, skew-centrosymmetric,b b .R;S /-commutative matrices 3 R-symmetric, R-skew symmetric, .R; S/-symmetric, and .R; S/-skew symmetric ma- trices, and block circulants ŒAs˛r r;sD0. Having said this,we now proposethat all the papers in our bibliography– including our own – are based on an unnecessarily restrictive assumption; namely, that the spectra of the matrices R and S that are used to define the symmetries consist of a set (usually the complete set) of k-th roots of unity for some k 2. In this paper we point out that this assumption is irrelevant and present an alternative approach that eliminates this requirement and exposes a wider class of generalized symmetries if k>2. We extend our results in [21] and [23] to this larger class of matrices. 2 Preliminary considerations Throughout the rest of this paper, 1 mm R P diag. 0Im ; 1Im ;:::; k1Im /P C (5) D 0 1 k1 2 and 1 nn S Q diag. 0In ; 1In ;:::; k1In /Q C ; (6) D 0 1 k1 2 where 0, 1,..., k1 are distinct complex numbers, except when there is an explicit statement to the contrary. We define 1 R P diag .0/Im ; .1/Im ;:::; .k1/Im P D 0 1 k1 and 1 S Q diag. .0/In ; .1/In ;:::; .k1/In /Q ; D 0 1 k1 where Zk Zk. We canW partition! P P0 P1 Pk1 ; Q Q0 Q1 Qk1 ; (7) D D P0 Q0 P Q 1 1 1 1 P 2 b: 3 and Q 2 b: 3 ; (8) D : D : 6 b 7 6 b 7 6 7 6 7 6 Pk1; 7 6 Qk1; 7 where 4 5 4 5 b b mmr mr m Pr C ; Pr C ; Pr Ps ırsIm ; 0 r; s k 1; (9) 2 2 D r Ä Ä nnr nr n Qr C ; Qr C ; and Qr Qs ırsIn ; 0 r; s k 1: (10) 2 2b b D r Ä Ä We can now write b b k1 k1 R `P`P`; R .`/P`P`; (11) D D D D X` 0 X` 0 k1 b k1 b S `Q`Q`; and S .`/Q`Q`: (12) D D D D X` 0 X` 0 b b 4 William F. Trench Definition 1 In general, if U Cmm, V Cnn, and A Cmn, we say that A is 2 2 2 mn .U; V /-commutative if UA AV . In particular, we say that A C is .R;S /- D 2 commutative if RA AS . If is the identity (i.e., RA AS), we say that A is .R; S/-commutative.D If A, R Cnn and RA AR, weD say – as usual – that A commutes with R. 2 D 3 Necessary and sufficient conditions for .R;S/-commutativity mn Theorem 1 A C is .R;S /-commutative if and only if 2 k1 1 mr ns A P ŒCrs Q ; where Crs C (13) D r;sD0 2 Á and Crs 0 if r .s/; 0 r; s k 1: (14) D ¤ Ä Ä PROOF. Any A Cm n can be written as in (13) with C P 1AQ partitioned as indicated. If 2 D D diag 0Im ; 1Im ;:::; k1Im D 0 1 k1 and D diag .0/In ; .1/In ;:::; .k1/In ; D 0 1 k1 then 1 1 1 k1 1 RA .PDP /.P CQ / PDCQ P Œ r Crs Q D D D r;sD0 Á and 1 1 1 k1 1 AS .P CQ /.QD Q / P CD Q P Œ .s/Crs Q : D D D r;sD0 Á Therefore RA AS if and only if . r .s//Crs 0, 0 r; s k 1, which is D D Ä Ä equivalent to (14), since 0, 1,..., k1 are distinct. The following theorem is a convenient reformulation of Theorem 1. mn Theorem 2 A C is .R;S /-commutative if and only if 2 k1 m.`/ n` A P.`/F`Q` with F` C ; 0 ` k 1; (15) D 2 Ä Ä D X` 0 b in which case F` P.`/AQ`; 0 ` k 1; (16) D Ä Ä and b k1 RA AS .`/P.`/F`Q` (17) D D D X` 0 for arbitrary 0, 1,..., k1. b .R;S /-commutative matrices 5 PROOF. From (13), an arbitrary A Cm n can be written as 2 k1 k1 A Pr CrsQ`: (18) D sD0 rD0 X X b From Theorem 1, A is .R;S /-commutative if and and only if Crs 0 if r .s/, in m.`/ n` D ¤ which case (18) reduces to (15) with F` C.`/;` C . From (10) and (15), D 2 AQ` P.`/F`, 0 ` k 1, so (9) with r .`/ implies (16). Eqns. (9)–(12) and (15)D imply (17).Ä Ä D Example 1 If is the permutation 012345 .0; 1; 3/.2; 4/.5/; D 134025 D  à then (15) becomes A P1F0Q0 P3F1Q1 P4F2Q2 P0F3Q3 P2F4Q4 P5F5Q5; D C C C C C with b b b b b b m1n0 m3n1 m4n2 F0 C ; F1 C ; F2 C ; 2 2 2 m0n3 m2n4 m5n5 F3 C ; F4 C ; F5 C ; 2 2 2 and RA AS 1P1F0Q0 3P3F1Q1 4P4F2Q2 0P0F3Q3 2P2F4Q4 5P5F5Q5 D D C C C C C for arbitrary 0,..., 5.b b b b b b Example 2 If 012345 D 210120  à (which is not a permutation), then (15) becomes A P2F0Q0 P1F1Q1 P0F2Q2 P1F3Q3 P2F4Q4 P0F5Q5; D C C C C C with b b b b b b m2n0 m1n1 m0n2 F0 C ; F1 C ; F2 C ; 2 2 2 m1n3 m2m4 m0n5 F3 C ; F4 C ; F5 C ; 2 2 2 and RA AS 2P2F0Q0 1P1F1Q1 0P0F2Q2 1P1F3Q3 2P2F4Q4 0P0F5Q5 D D C C C C C for arbitrary 0,..., 5.b b b b b b 6 William F.
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