Psychics: Do Police Departments Really Use Them? JANE AYERS SWEAT and MARK W. DURM ABSTRACT: The popular media give the impression that police departments in the United States use "psychics" for assistance in solving difficult cases. But do they? The present study was undertaken to answer that very question. A survey was adminis- tered to the police departments of the 50 largest cities A in America. The results revealed that 65 percent of The police these cities do not use and have never used psychics. departments of the In addition, it could be argued from the results that 50 largest U.S. cities psychics actually hinder effective investigations. were surveyed about their use of 'psychics.' Nearly two-thirds » * Clairvoyant Crime Busters" "Cops have never used I Amazed by Crime-busting Psy- psychics. None said V^chic," "Can Psychics See What psychics provided Detectives Can't?" These are titles of just a few of the articles published in recent years information more proclaiming the ability of self-described "psy- useful than that from chics" to help police. But do so-called psychics other sources. Some really help? To what extent are they even used? comments were To answer these questions the authors of this study undertook an investigation of the police quite negative. departments in the 50 largest cities in the United States. People in America are frequently exposed to the belief that "psychics" aid police investiga- tions. The mass media promote this view. An example of a magazine doing so would be the McCall's article "Clairvoyant Crime Busters." (Wolkomir and Wolkomir 1987). The article gives details about individual psychics and their supposed crime-solving abilities. Psychics Dorothy Allison and John Catchings are men- 148 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Vol. 17 tioned often. Even the pos- True Story sibility of an "ESP gene" is discussed because John Catchings and his mother are allegedly both psychic! The article also states that, although the psychic gives information to the police, it is the policeman's job to f••*«#» «W* *HB as*»#>V*A, -* •»•ilvus* f* t IM\&fti*¥*M MmmM y ME«X* vj»*-/f ti ™*!*t#. r** *ne»&» •» ascertain what the informa- **?!*;* -tun wfl-Win* *(» avi «*t» itawtS it evf&K*.' -mm mfUet upturn^ i*tm4f>sM tion means. 'tm-a m, <.••** WWV-JI ml tu*-** »*<*. w*«t> ; op*** m *»**, **« An earlier McCall's exclusive, "Can Psychics See : SM >'•<•*. '• MEaai* V- What Detectives Can't?" Ves, soy ^ « s e two woman tutu (Ralston 1983), says that •«»; ia * ( t n i M e t xnt (*<• i $•;<*;<••., on tvred ic do R every soy wsfn WW (r: Ha * o « i dWK*»fc*ftKU >- !Ji*,i "many" psychics help in- uncanny success «<.«••«»«*» c&n* s» *6 t MNtoa fed I *««(-'« vestigate various crimes and « : »< * U»*>--»*t»s *•<*** is* ••;- that some police depart- • • ments see this psychic as- I sistance as a "legitimate This article from Woman's Day (April 1, 1992) is an investigative tool." This example of many that appear regularly and report article also acclaims Doro- uncritically on claims about police use of psychics. thy Allison and says that she has to day—with uncanny success." know only when and at what time the There are also many books that crime was committed in order to solve proclaim psychic power. A recent the crime, and that she can do it even example of this genre is Arthur Lyons by phone! and Marcello Truzzi's (1991) The Blue A Weekly World News article, "Cops Sense: Psychic Detectives and Crime Amazed by Crime-Busting Psychic" (reviewed in SI, Fall 1991). The (Alexander 1988), focused on diviner uniqueness of this book is that the Carol Pate. This article contends that authors give the impression of objec- she has helped solve at least 65 tivity in their investigation of psychic murders and a hundred other crimes detection. This veil of objectivity is around the country. thin, however, and the reader soon West, the San Jose Mercury News realizes that Lyons and Truzzi are Sunday magazine, ran a piece titled subtle proponents of "the blue "Sylvia Sells Sooth by the Seer" sense"—that intuitive sense that cops (Holub 1988) about San Jose psychic and psychics have that goes beyond Sylvia Brown and how she had helped what they can hear, see, or smell. find 20 missing children but never Another book proposing psychic charged a fee. The article says she power is Colin Wilson's The Psychic helped police but preferred to remain Detectives (1987). In it he discusses anonymous. people like Peter Hurkos, Nelson Such articles continue. A 1992 Palmer, Gerard Croiset, and Edgar article in Woman's Day (Duncan 1992) Cayce. First, Wilson contends that asks in its title "Can Psychics Solve phenomena must be real if they are Crimes?" It answers affirmatively, reported again and again. Second, he and uncritically: "Yes, say these two says that skeptics doubt because of women [Noreen Renier and Nancy "everyday consciousness." Wilson also Czetli) who are hired to do it every claims that there is "abundant evi- Winter 1993 149 dence" to prove that psychic powers remarks that psychic detectives "oper- will "operate on demand" (p. 251). He ate on a fixed formula." The formula says that dozens of psychics have usually involves their providing such proved their powers under rigorous generalities as several different loca- laboratory settings and that those tions and unconnected details, and who refuse to accept this evidence are when a case is finally solved, the not just unconvinced by the demon- psychic can probably then find one or stration, but find "the whole idea two of his or her guesses that seem deeply disturbing and disagreeable." to fit the facts of the case. Why does Wilson believe all this? He Another book that tells of psychic says that clairvoyants get information assistance in police investigations is from "probably the right brain." This The Dungeon Master: The Disappear- information is then picked up by the ance of James Dallas Egbert HI, by left brain. Where, then, does the right William Dear (1984). Dear, a private brain get its information? Wilson says investigator, wrote about how he it comes from either the subjective solved the Egbert case. He says mind, the subliminal self, or the hundreds of psychics called him about unconscious. These, he believes, come the case during his investigation. He from "some sort of record that already writes: "I always talk to psychics, exists in nature" (p. 252). though. They generally seem sincere Not all articles and books extol to me, though none has ever helped psychics' abilities to aid police. Several me on a case" (p. 49). are very poignant in their disclaimers. In the book Careless Whispers: The Newsweek (Morganthau and Smith Lake Waco Murders, Carlton Stowers 1980) described Dorothy Allison's trip describes how psychic John Catchings to Atlanta in 1980 to help in the case took part in the case. Stowers writes: that later became known as the "All in all, however, Catchings's visit "Atlanta Child Murders Case." The was a disappointment. He provided city of Atlanta had invited Allison to nothing specific, only a few impres- participate. Newsweek reported, "Her sions which he admitted reservations much publicized snooping broke no about" (p. 195). new ground and the mother of one Martin Reiser, director of the missing boy complained that the seer Behavioral Sciences Services Section never returned her only photograph of the Los Angeles Police Department, of her son." has done two major studies on the Henry Gordon, in his book Extra- value of psychics' information to police Sensory Deception (1987), also discussed investigations. The first study, in Allison's visit to Atlanta. Gordon 1979, was titled "An Evaluation of the reported that an Atlanta police official Use of Psychics in the Investigation said she gave police 42 names of the of Major Crimes." Twelve psychics possible killer, but that they were all participated in the double-blind ex- wrong. Gordon remarked, "She rode periment. Two solved crimes and two around in a big limousine . for three unsolved crimes were selected by an days, then went home" (pp. 142-143). investigator not involved in the In the same book Gordon quotes research. The results: little, if any, Harold Graham, Ontario Provincial information was gained from the Police Commissioner (41 years with psychics that would help in the the Ontario Police) as saying, "A investigation of the crimes. psychic never to my knowledge has In 1980, Reiser conducted the solved a case" (p. 141). Gordon second study, called "A Comparison 150 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Vol. 17 of Psychics, Detectives, and Students published in the Campus Law Enforce- in the Investigation of Major Crimes." ment Journal (1985), described an Once again, a double-blind was used. experiment similar to the research The sample included 12 psychics, 11 conducted by Martin Reiser. In 1984 college students, and 12 homicide an investigative team at KUSA-TV in detectives. Four cases, two solved and Denver took well-known psychics and two unsolved, were chosen by a presented them with six solved and detective supervisor not directly unsolved cases from local police involved in the research. The psychic departments. Original evidence was group produced about ten times as also used. Each psychic was allowed much information as either one of to establish what he or she considered the other groups. Even with this to be fair conditions. Later, the same advantage, the psychics did not pro- cases were given to students and they duce any better information than the made guesses. Each group scored other two groups. The psychics did according to chance. Says Lucas: "We not produce any information relating may as well have opened fortune to the cases beyond a chance level of cookies to derive solutions to our expectancy.
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