Yield of Cucurbita moschata Lines and Hybrids Grown in Sonora, Mexico. Sergio Garza-Ortega and Alfredo Serrano-Esquer. Departamento de Agricultura y Ganadería. Universidad de Sonora. Rosales y Blvd. Encinas sn. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico 83000. Introduction: Cucurbita moschata Duchesne is plant population reaching 30.3 ton.ha-1 for the widely cultivated in Mexico, mainly under rain- summer-fall season of 1988 using 0.33 plants fed conditions. In Northwest Mexico, landraces per square meter (8). of this species are known as Cehualca (or Halloween types of winter squash were Segualca) and are grown for mature fruit evaluated and it was found that the yield consumption mostly during the summer-fall increased significantly by setting pollinators. season. In the coastal valley of Hermosillo, The cultivar Libby´s Select (C. moschata) had Sonora, improved varieties of winter squash are the highest yield (74.8 ton.ha-1) while the C. grown for the export markets mainly to the USA pepo cultivars Appalachian and Mammoth Gold and Japan. Kabocha squash (C. maxima), Acorn had yields of 54.3 and 30.6 ton.ha-1 respectively and Spaghetti (C. pepo), and Butternut (C. (13). Similar results were reported with other moschata) are typically sown in August and cultivars of C. pepo of the same type with a high picked in November and December. Landraces yield of 51.9 ton.ha-1 (1). The commercial of C. moschata and C. argyrosperma are grown yields of Kabocha grown in Sonora usually in the state of Sonora in elevated areas with fluctuate from 12 to 18 ton.ha-1 (personal higher rainfall than the valleys, and are sown in communication, Ing. Ricardo Navarro) while in July and picked in October and November. Australia high experimental yields, around 43 The yields of winter squash are highly variable; ton.ha-1, may be reached with an average of ‘El Dorado’, a tropical hybrid of C. moschata 21.1 ton.ha-1. The interspecific hybrid reached 90 ton.ha-1 grown under drip irrigation ‘Tetsukabuto’ (C. maxima x C. moschata) had a and plastic mulch (6). In another work with C. yield of 66 ton.ha-1 (7). C. argyrosperma moschata, a high yield of 85 ton.ha-1 was germplasm evaluated at DAG had yields obtained for the tropical hybrid C-42 x La between 3.2 and 38.8 ton.ha-1 for the spring Segunda by transplanting and using mulching season and from 4 to 28 ton.ha-1 for the fall and row cover in a favorable year, but the yield season (9). Some germplasm had very low fruit decreased to 43 ton.ha-1 by direct seeding set during the spring season and for the fall without mulching and row cover in the same season the yield limiting factor was infection year. The previous year (1998) was humid and with squash leaf curl virus (SLCV), a whitefly- the yield under the last method was 28 ton.ha-1 transmitted geminivirus (2). Feeding of (11). Experimental yields of C. moschata immature stages of the biotype B of Bemisia landraces obtained in the Department of tabaci, induces the squash silverleaf (SSL) Agriculture and Animal Science of the disorder in squash (12). University of Sonora (DAG) during the The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield of summer-fall season under furrow irrigation, five C. moschata lines of the round fruit type obtained changed from 7.9 to 17.8 ton.ha-1 (3), and from at DAG and 15 hybrids obtained between these lines, 1.2 to 24.6 ton.ha-1 for the winter-spring season and to make observations (10). The yield was improved by increasing the 52 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 30: 52-55 (2007) !"#$%&%'()*&*(!+%)#,&%#&--.&!,/&-.01&/$*),2& /$(0'#( ) "*+ ) 1&(20((&-*.& 9'( & 6*$)% & D)(7/& %'(&3$44(*56!77&3(!3#,8 +'!,2(/ & 6*#4 & EQ8E & %# & K@8U & %#,8'!5E & <)%' & !,& !B(*!2(&#6&G@8F&%#,8'!5E&P9!"7(&ER8&VD"*)/3&'!/& !"#$%&"'()"*+)!$#,-+(.& 9'(&(:;(*)4(,%&<!3& !,&!B(*!2(&D)(7/&#6&GF8U&%#,8'!5E&<')7(&7),(3& +#,/$+%(/ & !% & %'( & (:;(*)4(,%!7 & 6!*4 & #6 & =>?& ;*#/$+(/ & @G8@ & %#,8'!5E8 & =(3;)%( & %'(3(& /$*),2 & %'( & 3$44(*56!77 & 3(!3#, & #6 & @AAA8 & 9'(& /)66(*(,+(3 & ), & D)(7/C & #,7D & %<# & 2*#$;3 & #6& 4!%(*)!7&%(3%(/&+#,3)3%(/&#6&6)B(&08&4#3+'!%!C& 3)2,)6)+!,+( & <(*( & #"%!),(/ & P9$I(D & A8AFR8& *#$,/5%D;(&7),(3&#"%!),(/&!%&=>?8&9'(&;*(B)#$3& V#<(B(*C&<'(,&(!+'&'D"*)/&<!3&+#4;!*(/&%#& 3(!3#,&%'(3(&7),(3&<(*(&3(76(/&!,/&3)""(/C&!,/& "#%'&;!*(,%3C&)%&<!3&#"3(*B(/&%'!%&'D"*)/3&EA@&:& /)*(+%&!,/&),B(*3(&+*#33(3&<(*(&/#,(&"(%<((,& GAEC&@H@&:&EAEC&@H@&:&EA@C&@H@&:&GAEC&GAE&:& %'(4&#"%!),),2&(,#$2'&3((/&%#&+#,/$+%&!&D)(7/& EA@C&GAE&:&@H@C&GAG&:&EAE&!,/&GAG&:&@H@&'!/& %*)!7 & 6#* & EF & 'D"*)/38 & .),(3 & GAE & !,/ & GAG & !*(& ')2'7D&3)2,)6)+!,%&D)(7/3&PNWA8AER&!,/&'D"*)/3& *(3)3%!,%&%#&--.&<')7(&7),(3&EAE&!,/&EA@&!*(& EA@&:&GAG&!,/&GAE&:&EAE&'!/&!&3)2,)6)+!,%7D& 3$3+(;%)"7(C & !,/ & 7),( & @H@ & 3'#<3 & %#7(*!,+(& ')2'(* & D)(7/ & PNWA8AFR8 & -)4)7!*7DC& 08 & 4#3+'!%!& (:')")%),2 & #,7D & 4)7/ & 3)7B(*),28 & >77 & %'( & 7),(3& 'D"*)/3 & #"%!),(/ & 6*#4 & %*#;)+!7 & B!*)(%)(3& 3'#<&6)(7/&*(3)3%!,+(&%#&-.018 ;*#/$+(/&')2'(*&D)(7/3&%'!,&%'()*&;!*(,%3&PUC&EER8& T$*&*(3$7%3&!*(&!73#&3)4)7!*&%#&%'#3(&*(;#*%(/&"D& 9'( & 3#)7 & <!3 & +#,B(,%)#,!77D & ;*(;!*(/ & "D& X$7(B)+' & (% & !78 & PEER & <'(, & %'(D & $3(/ & /)*(+%& ;7#<),2 &!,/& /)3I),2C& !,/&<!3& )**)2!%(/& %<)+(& 3((/),2&<)%'#$%&4$7+'),2&!,/&;#7D(3%(*&+#B(*&),& "(6#*(&;7!,%),2&%#&!77#<&!,,$!7&!,/&;(*(,,)!7& !&D(!*&<)%'&')2'&*!),6!77&+#,/)%)#,3&$,/(*&<')+'& <((/3 & %# & 2*#< & !,/ & %'(, & %# & "( & 3;*!D(/ & <)%'& %'(D& '!/ & ! 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