Grilli Type GT AMERICA Rage About Designed by Details GT America is the missing bridge between 19th century American Gothics and 20th century European Noël Leu Release 2016 Neo-Grotesk typefaces. It uses the best design features from both traditions in the widths and weights with Seb McLauchlan Available in 84 Styles where they function optimally. Its eighty-four styles span across six widths and seven weights. For Desktop, Web, App Licensing GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 1 / 100 Grilli Type GT America Compressed Condensed Standard Extended Expanded Mono Ultra Light Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Thin Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Light Cc Cc Cc Cc Cc Cc Regular Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Medium Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Bold Ff Ff Ff Ff Ff Ff Black Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 2 / 100 Grilli Type GT America Compressed Condensed Standard Extended Expanded Mono Ultra Light Italic Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Thin Italic Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Light Italic Cc Cc Cc Cc Cc Cc Regular Italic Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Medium Italic Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Bold Italic Ff Ff Ff Ff Ff Ff Black Italic Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 3 / 100 Grilli Type Background Gothic typeface designs in the United States and Grotesques in continental Europe did not evolve separately from each other. Yet Neo-Grotesk designs squarely build on the structure and ideals of European typefaces such as Scheltersche and Akzidenz Grotesk. GT America builds a bridge between the American Gothic and European Neo-Grotesk traditions with a Swiss approach. It uses the best design features from both type cultures in the widths and weights where they function optimally. That way, the two traditions come together to form a very large, yet coherent and functional typeface family. GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 4 / 100 Grilli Type Design Features Aperture Stroke endings in char- acters like S become more angled the heavier the weight. This helps 05° 12° 48° to prevent closed, dark counters. 03° 10° 42° Pathing Characters like C, O, e, s were drawn to allow for both straight and curved vertical sides, depending on the subfamily. Italic GT America’s Italics are manually corrected to make sure they fit with Roman styles in both construction and text color. GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 5 / 100 Grilli Type Family Ultra Light Thin Light Regular Medium Bold Black Compressed S S S S S S S Condensed S S S S S S S Standard S S S S S S S Extended S S S S S S S Expanded SSSSSSS GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 6 / 100 Grilli Type OpenType Features OFF ON OFF ON Case sensitive forms SS01 ¿¡QUE? ¿¡QUE?! Single story ”g“ Bugger Bugger A@B+C A@B+C SS02 Alternate ”1“ 1914.12 1914.12 Language Feature și societăţii Romanian şi societăţii Moldavian ŞI SOCIETĂŢII ȘI SOCIETĂŢII SS03 Alternate arrows ←↖↑↗→↙↓↘ ← ↖↑↗ → ↙↓↘ Tabular Numbers 29.11.1789 29.11.1789 SS05 Östereich?! Östereich?! Round dots Oldstyle Numbers Language Feature şi societăţii și societăţii 29.11.1789 29.11.1789 Romanian Moldavian şi societăţii și societăţii ŞI SOCIETĂŢII ȘI SOCIETĂŢII Slashed zero 1,000,000 1,000,000 Language Feature България България Bulgarian Automatic fractions 5/32 kg 5/32 kg Любов Любов Надежда Надежда Душа Душа Superscript Subscript Note1x Note1x Superior Language Feature Србија Србија H2O H2O Serbian 13(2x+8y) 13(2x+8y) Macedonian Language Feature Pонії її Pонії її Capital spacing CAPITAL CAPITAL Ukrainian GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 7 / 100 Grilli Type Uppercase Latin A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Á Ă Â Ä P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Aacute Abreve Acircumflex Adieresis Æ Ǽ À Ā Ą Å Ã Ć Č Ç Ĉ Ċ Ď Đ É AE AEacute Agrave Amacron Aogonek Aring Atilde Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Dcaron Dcroat Eacute Ĕ Ě Ê Ë Ė È Ē Ę Ğ Ĝ Ģ Ġ Ħ Ĥ Í Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Egrave Emacron Eogonek Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaac Gdotaccent Hbar Hcircumflex Iacute Ĭ Î Ï İ Ì IJ Ī Į Ĩ Ĵ Ķ Ĺ Ľ Ļ Ŀ Ibreve Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Igrave IJ Imacron Iogonek Itilde Jcircumflex Kcommaa Lacute Lcaron Lcommaac Ldot Ł Ń Ň Ņ Ñ Ŋ Ó Ŏ Ô Ö Œ Ò Ő Ō Ø Lslash Nacute Ncaron Ncommaa Ntilde Eng Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex Odieresis OE Ograve Ohungarum Omacron Oslash Ǿ Õ Ŕ Ř Ŗ Ś Š Ş Ŝ Ș Ŧ Ť Ţ Ț Þ Oslashacute Otilde Racute Rcaron Rcommaac Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaac Tbar Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaac Thorn Ú Ŭ Û Ü Ù Ű Ū Ų Ů Ũ Ẃ Ŵ Ẅ Ẁ Ý Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Uhungarum Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Wacute Wcircumfle Wdieresis Wgrave Yacute Ŷ Ÿ Ỳ Ź Ž Ż ẞ Ð Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent Germandbls Eth GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 8 / 100 Grilli Type Lowercase Latin a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z á ă â ä p q r s t u v w x y z aacute abreve acircumflex adieresis æ ǽ à ā ą å ã ć č ç ĉ ċ ď đ é ae aeacute agrave amacron aogonek aring atilde cacute ccaron ccedilla ccircumflex cdotaccent dcaron dcroat eacute ĕ ě ê ë ė è ē ę ğ ĝ ģ ġ ħ ĥ í ebreve ecaron ecircumflex edieresis edotaccent egrave emacron eogonek gbreve gcircumflex gcommaac gdotaccent hbar hcircumflex iacute ĭ î ï i ı ì ij ī į ĩ ĵ ȷ ķ ĸ ĺ ibreve icircumflex idieresis idotaccent idotless igrave ij imacron iogonek itilde jcircumflex jdotless kcommaac kgreenland lacute ľ ļ ŀ ł ń ʼn ň ņ ñ ŋ ó ŏ ô ö œ lcaron lcommaac ldot lslash nacute napostrophe ncaron ncommaac ntilde eng oacute obreve ocircumflex odieresis oe ò ő ō ø ǿ õ ŕ ř ŗ ś š ş ŝ ș ŧ ograve ohungarum omacron oslash oslashacute otilde racute rcaron rcommaac sacute scaron scedilla scircumflex scommaac tbar ť ţ ț þ ú ŭ û ü ù ű ū ų ů ũ ẃ tcaron tcedilla tcommaac thorn uacute ubreve ucircumflex udieresis ugrave uhungarum umacron uogonek uring utilde wacute ŵ ẅ ẁ ý ŷ ÿ ỳ ź ž ż ß ð wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave yacute ycircumflex ydieresis ygrave zacute zcaron zdotaccent germandbls eth GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 9 / 100 Grilli Type Uppercase cyrillic А Б В Г Ѓ Ґ Д Е Ѐ Ё Ж З И Й Ѝ A-Cy Be-Cy Ve-Cy Ge-Cy Gje-Cy Gheupturn-Cy De-Cy Ie-Cy Iegrave-Cy Io-Cy Zhe-Cy Ze-Cy Ii-Cy Iishort-Cy Iigrave-Cy К Ќ Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ў Ф Х Ч Ka-Cy Kje-Cy El-Cy Em-Cy En-Cy O-Cy Pe-Cy Er-Cy Es-Cy Te-Cy U-Cy Ushort-Cy Ef-Cy Ha-Cy Che-Cy Ц Ш Щ Џ Ь Ъ Ы Љ Њ Ѕ Є Э І Ї Ј Tse-Cy Sha-Cy Shcha-Cy Dzhe-Cy Softsign-Cy Hardsign-Cy Yeru-Cy Lje-Cy Nje-Cy Dze-Cy E-Cy Ereversed-Cy I-Cy Yi-Cy Je-Cy Ћ Ю Я Ђ Ѣ Ѳ Ѵ Ғ Җ Ҙ Қ Ҡ Ң Ҫ Ү Tshe-Cy Iu-Cy Ia-Cy Dje-Cy Yat-Cy Fita-Cy Izhitsa- Ghestroke-Cy Zhedesc-Cy Zedesc-Cy Kadesc-Cy Kabashkir-Cy Endesc-Cy Esdesc-Cy Ustraight-Cy Ұ Ҳ Ҷ Һ Ӏ Ӂ Ӑ Ӕ Ӗ Ә Ӣ Ӧ Ө Ӯ Ӳ Ustraightst-Cy Hadesc-Cy Chedesc-Cy Shha-Cy Palochka-Cy Zhebreve-Cy Abreve-Cy Aie-Cy Iebreve-Cy Schwa-Cy Imacron-Cy Odieresis-Cy Obarred-Cy Umacron-Cy Uhungar-Cy GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 10 / 100 Grilli Type Lowercase cyrillic а б в г ѓ ґ д е ѐ ё ж з и й ѝ a-cy be-cy ve-cy ge-cy gje-cy gheupturn-cy de-cy ie-cy iegrave-cy io-cy zhe-cy ze-cy ii-cy iishort-cy iigrave-cy к ќ л м н о п р с т у ў ф х ч ka-cy kje-cy el-cy em-cy en-cy o-cy pe-cy er-cy es-cy te-cy u-cy ushort-cy ef-cy ha-cy che-cy ц ш щ џ ь ъ ы љ њ ѕ є э і ї ј tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy dzhe-cy softsign-cy hardsign-cy yeru-cy lje-cy nje-cy dze-cy e-cy ereversed-cy i-cy yi-cy je-cy ћ ю я ђ ѣ ѳ ѵ ғ җ ҙ қ ҡ ң ҫ ү tshe-cy iu-cy ia-cy dje-cy yat-cy fita-cy izhitsa- ghestroke-cy zhedesc-cy zedesc-cy kadesc-cy kabashkir-cy endesc-cy esdesc-cy ustraight-cy ұ ҳ ҷ һ ӏ ӂ ӑ ӕ ӗ ә ӣ ӧ ө ӯ ӳ ustraightst-cy hadesc-cy chedesc-cy shha-cy palochka-cy zhebreve-cy abreve-cy aie-cy iebreve-cy schwa-cy imacron-cy odieresis-cy obarred-cy umacron-cy uhungar-cy GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 11 / 100 Grilli Type Greek Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω Ά Έ Ή Ί Ό Ύ Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega Alphatonos Epsilontonos Etatonos Iotatonos Omicrontonos Upsilontonos Ώ Ϊ Ϋ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ Omegatonos Iotadieresis Upsilondieresis alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu ν ξ ο π ρ ς σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ί ϊ nu xi omicron pi rho sigmafinal sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega iotatonos iotadieresis ΐ ύ ϋ ΰ ό ώ ά έ ή tonos upsilontonos upsilondieresis upsilondieresi omicrontonos omegatonos alphatonos epsilontonos etatonos GT America by Noël Leu / © 2016 Grilli Type / www.grillitype.com 12 / 100 Grilli Type Vietnamese Á Ă Â À à Ắ Ặ Ằ Ẳ Ẵ Ấ Ậ Ầ Ẩ Ẫ Aacute Abreve Acircumflex Agrave Atilde Abreveacute Abrevedotbel Abrevegrave Abrevehookab Abrevetilde Acircumflexa Acircumflexd Acircumflex Acircumflex Acircumflextil Ạ Ả Đ É Ê È Ế Ệ Ề Ể Ễ Ẹ Ẻ Ẽ Í Adotbelow Ahookabove Dcroat Eacute Ecircumflex Egrave Ecircumflex Ecircumflexdo Ecircumflexg Ecircumflexho Ecircumfle Edotbelow Ehookabove Etilde Iacute Ì Ĩ Ị Ỉ Ó Ô Ò Õ Ố Ộ Ồ Ổ Ỗ Ọ Ỏ Igrave Itilde Idotbelow Ihookabove Oacute Ocircumflex Ograve Otilde Ocircumflexac Ocircumflexd Ocircumflex Ocircumflexho Ocircumflexti Odotbelow Ohooka Ơ Ớ Ợ Ờ Ở Ỡ Ú Ù Ũ Ụ Ủ Ư Ứ Ự Ừ Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorndotbelow Ohorngrave Ohornhookabove Ohorntilde Uacute Ugrave Utilde Udotbelow Uhookabove Uhorn Uhornacute Uhorndotbelow Uhorngrave Ử Ữ Ý Ỳ Ỵ Ỷ Ỹ á ă â à ã ắ ặ ằ Uhornhookab Uhorntilde Yacute Ygrave Ydotbelow Yhookabove Ytilde aacute abreve acircumflex agrave atilde abreveacute abrevedotbe abrevegrave
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