Notices of the American Mathematical Society ISSN 0002-9920 ABCD springer.com New and Noteworthy from Springer Touching Soap Applied Delay Diff erential Second Edition – Films DVD Equations now in two volumes of the American Mathematical Society A. Arnez , Schönaich, T. Erneux , Université Libre de Bruxelles, Germany; K. Polthier , Belgium Classical Fourier Analysis November 2008 Volume 55, Number 10 Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; This short, expository book off ers a L. Grafakos , University of Missouri, M. Steff ens , C. Teitzel , Unterföhring, collection of examples of delay Columbia, MO, USA Germany diff erential equations which are in use From the reviews of the VHS version as models for a variety of phenomena in 2nd ed. 2008. Approx. 510 p. 10 illus. ... It is recommended to every math- the life sciences, physics and tech- (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Möbius ematics club and public library, and can nology, chemistry and economics. Volume 249) Hardcover also be used as a source of informa- Avoiding mathematical proofs but ISBN 978-0-387-09431-1 $69.95 Transformations off ering more than 100 illustrations, this tion for university courses in geometry Revealed or calculus of variations. Some topics book illustrates how bifurcation and Modern Fourier Analysis such as building tunnels into minimal asymptotic techniques can be used to L. Grafakos , University of Missouri, page 1226 surfaces are under current mathematical extract analytical information of Columbia, MO, USA research, which makes the tape also physical interest. Written to a multi- worth watching by experts in this eld. disciplinary audience, it sets each area 2nd ed. 2008. Approx. 520 p. 27 illus. Cross-Cultural Reviewed by Hong You Wu, of science in his historical context and Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2001d then guides the reader towards (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Analysis of questions of current interest. Volume 250) Hardcover 2008. DVD. Springer VideoMATH ISBN 978-0-387-09433-5 Students with ISBN 978-3-540-24041-9 $49.95 2009. X, 202 p. (Surveys and Tutorials in approx. $69.95 Exceptional Talent the Applied Mathematical Sciences, The primary goal of these two volumes Volume 3) Softcover in Mathematical Variational Methods in is to present the theoretical foundation ISBN 978-0-387-74371-4 Imaging of the fi eld of Euclidean Harmonic Problem Solving approx. $39.95 O. Scherzer , M. Grasmair , H. Grossauer , analysis. The original edition was M. Haltmeier , F. Lenzen , University of published as a single volume, but due to page 1248 Stochastic Calculus for Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria its size, scope, and the addition of new Fractional Brownian material, the second edition consists of This book focuses on variational two volumes. The present edition methods in imaging. The presentation is Motion and Applications contains a new chapter on time- mathematically rigorous and covers a F. Biagini , LMU München, Germany; frequency analysis and the Carleson- detailed treatment of the approach Y. Hu , University of Kansas, Lawrence, Hunt theorem. The fi rst volume contains from an inverse problems point of view. KS, USA; University of Oslo, Norway; the classical topics such as Interpola- Volume 55, Number 10, Pages 1217–1360, November 2008 Many numerical examples accompany B. Øksendal , University of Oslo, Norway; tion, Fourier Series, the Fourier the theory throughout the text. It can T. Zhang , University of Manchester, UK Transform, Maximal Functions, Singular serve as a main text in courses in image The purpose of this book is to present a Integrals, and Littlewood-Paley Theory. processing or as a supplemental text for comprehensive account of the diff erent The second volume contains more courses on regularization and inverse defi nitions of stochastic integration for recent topics such as Function Spaces, problems at the graduate level. fBm, and to give applications of the Atomic Decompositions, Singular resulting theory. Particular emphasis is 2009. Approx. 335 p. 72 illus. (Applied Integrals of Nonconvolution Type, and placed on studying the relations Mathematical Sciences, Volume 167) Weighted Inequalities. between the diff erent approaches. Hardcover ISBN 978-0-387-30931-6 $79.95 2008. XII, 332 p. (Probabilty and Its Applications) Hardcover ISBN 978-1-85233-996-8 $99.00 Sign Up for New Book Alerts at springer.com Easy Ways to Order for the Americas Write: Springer Order Department, PO Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07096-2485, USA Call: (toll free) 1-800-SPRINGER Fax: 1-201-348-4505 Email: [email protected] or for outside the Americas Write: Springer Distribution Center GmbH, Haberstrasse 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany Call: +49 (0) 6221-345-4301 Fax : +49 (0) 6221-345-4229 Email: [email protected] Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices are net prices. 013883x Extraordinary phenomenon (see page 1300) Trim: 8.25" x 10.75" 144 pages on 40 lb Cougar Opaque • Spine: 5/16" • Print Cover on 9pt Carolina ,!4%8 ,!4%8 ,!4%8 U = ∂ M ∞1234 Cx x 1226 γ Notices z C of the American Mathematical Society z A November 2008 Ct B t Communications Cy 1234 WHAT IS...a Cross Ratio? y François Labourie 1243 1261 William J. LeVeque (1923–2007) James W. Maxwell 1263 Ask Professor Nescio 1266 The Last Poem of James Clerk Maxwell Daniel S. Silver 1271 2007 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences in Features the United States (Third Report) 1226 Möbius Transformations Revealed Polly Phipps, James W. Maxwell, and Colleen A. Douglas N. Arnold and Jonathan Rogness Rose The authors’ film, also titled Möbius Transformations Commentary Revealed, which presents a visualization of these complex functions, has attracted the attention of the 1221 Opinion: Infrastructures general public as well as a technical audience. Here, the and Policies for authors explain the mathematics involved, as well as Mathematicians how the video was produced. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon 1248 Cross-Cultural Analysis of 1223 Letters to the Editor Students with Exceptional Talent in 1237 Mathematics at Berkeley: Mathematical Problem Solving A History—A Book Review Reviewed by Rob Kirby Titu Andreescu, Joseph A. Gallian, Jonathan M. Kane, 1243 The Mathematician’s and Janet E. Mertz Brain—A Book Review The connection, if any, between gender (or other Reviewed by David Corfield demographic factors) and mathematical skills has been much discussed in the popular and scientific press. In this study, the authors investigate ultra-high-level mathematical ability by looking at top tier mathematics competitions and find that girls and boys do equally well. Notices Departments of the American Mathematical Society Search for an Executive Director for the American Mathematical Society . 1222 EDITOR: Andy Magid About the Cover. 1300 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mathematics People . 1284 Daniel Biss, Susanne C. Brenner, Bill Casselman (Graphics Editor), Robert J. Daverman, Susan Szemerédi Awarded Schock Prize; Maldacena, Polchinski, and Vafa Friedlander, Robion Kirby, Steven G. Krantz, Lisette de Pillis, Peter Sarnak, Mark Saul, John Awarded Dirac Medal; Rice Receives 2008 Jerome Sacks Award; Prizes Swallow, Lisa Traynor of the Canadian Mathematical Society; Bursztyn and Crainic Receive SENIOR WRITER and DEPUTY EDITOR: Lichnerowicz Prize; ONR Young Investigator Award; MAA Awards for Allyn Jackson Mathematical Modeling; 2008 International Mathematical Olympiad; MANAGING EDITOR: Sandra Frost NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships Awarded; William E. Odom, 1932–2008. CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Elaine Kehoe Mathematics Opportunities. 1288 PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Muriel Toupin American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships, Graduate PRODUCTION: Kyle Antonevich, Stephen Moye, Erin Murphy, Lori Nero, Karen Ouellette, Donna Salter, Student Travel Grants to 2009 JMM, AMS Congressional Fellowship, Deborah Smith, Peter Sykes, Patricia Zinni NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, Research Opportunities for U.S. ADVERTISING SALES: Anne Newcomb Graduate Students in Asia and Australia, EDGE Summer Program, AAUW Educational Foundation Fellowships and Grants, NRC- SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Subscription prices Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships, DMS Opens New Institute for Volume 56 (2009) are US$488 list; US$390 insti- Competition, News from the Institut Mittag-Leffler. tutional member; US$293 individual member. (The subscription price for members is included in the For Your Information . 1292 annual dues.) 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