
THE PLYMOUTH MAIL ■THE HOME NEWSPAPER’ PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1930 SIXTEEN PAGES* FIVE CENTS ti.so per year VOL. 42 NO. 21 ANNUAL TOWNSHIP ELECTION Union Services VILIAGE LOSES AN During Holy Week STAGE ALL SET FOR ANNUAL CALLS OUT MINORITY VOTE HONORED CITIZEN As has been the catetom of recent years, there will be unton services dur­ ing Hoh' Week, the Baptist, Presby­ EDWARD C. LEACH, PLYMOUTH’S SPRING OPENING SATURDAY terian, protestant Eplaiopal and Meth­ Proportion to Light Plym­ OLDEST CITIZEN DIED WED­ odist Episcopal ctfurchps uniting. On outh Road To Livonia HIGHT POLICE NESDAY AT THE AGE OF Monday evening the Service will be NINETY-FOUR YEARS. held in the Presbyterian church, and Town Line Again the Reverend Oscar J. F. Seitz will LOCAL MERCHANTS COOPERATE preach. The Tueaiay evening service VILLAGE OFFICERS Defeated SERVICE EXTENDED Edward C. Leach, Plymouth's oldest will be held in the*Baptist church, and resident and an honored citizen, passed the Reverend Walfer NRjhol will be the IN PROGRAM FOR LARGE EVENT away ait his home on North Main preacher. On Wednesday evening St. APPOINTED FOD Appropriations For Various OVER VILLAGE street early Wednesday afternoon, at John's church wfll be the place, of the age of 94 years, five months and meeting, and the Reverend Donald Funds Made At Annual Beginning the first of April, ar­ two days. Infirmities of old age was rangements were pnt into effect to ex- Riley will bring ihe message. 'On ENSUING YEAR Sponsored by the Better Business Meeting. the cause of death. Mr. Leach had Thursday evening the;--lonr' congrega­ commit tee of the Plymouth Chamber | tend police protection to all parts of resided in Plymouth tor more than ------- ! the village during the night hours tions will unite is the Sacrament of of Commerce, local merchants will ob­ forty years, and by his sterling worth the Holy Communion at the Methodist GEORGE H. ROBINSON AGAIN Legion Post To serve the formal spring opening and The annual township election held after ?:,KI P- T,1!' P'hn as now In and character had made a large circle effect is briefly the following: Episcopal church, Dr. Lendrum presid­ NAMED VILLAGE PRESIDENT. display of spring merchandise. Satur­ Monday, only, brought out a total of of friends and acquaintances. ing, and all of the pastors participat­ Campaign For day afternoon and evening, April 12th. 328 voters. In precinct No. 1, a total Two patrolmen alternately patrol the Mr. Leach wias born in Livonia town­ uptown business district, thus assuring ing. The Good Friday service will The village commission held its The local merchants have been prepar­ of 198 votes were cast while in No. 2 ship, November 7th, 1835. His boy- also be held in the Methodist Episcopal New Members ing for tlie first event of this kind to there were 130. this section continuous police protec­ liood days were spent in the old log initial meeting for the purpose of or­ tion thAwghout the night. While one church, from 2:0(1 to 3:00 o’clock in ganizing for the ensuing year on Mon­ be held here by arranging an unusually The proposition to light the Plym­ cabin on the farm located one mile The afternoon, whai the “Seven Words flue display of the newest creations outh Hoad from the village limits to officer is engaged in patrolling the up­ day. March 24th. at which time George CONTEST WAGED -BETWEEN TWO town district, the other patrols the from the Cross” will be considered. H. Robinson was again chosen chair­ for the spring season. Coming just jthe Livonia township line was again The evening services will begin at TEAMS. before Easter, this showing will be defeated by a vote of 220 no and 100 residential area along S. Main St., man and village president, and Paul J. and along Maple Ave. Upon his re­ 7:30 o'clock, and the public is very Wiedman was appointed president pro­ doubly Interesting and attractive to yes. The vote in both precincts was cordially invited. the buying public. as follows: turn uptown, the other officer, using a tein. to act as chairman of the com­ Myron H. Beals Post of the Amer­ First precinct—Yes 79. No 117. car. cruises at low speed over the en­ mission and president of the village ican Legion is divided into two camps Tlie display windows of tlie stores Second precinct—Yes 27. No 103. tire residential area lying west of Local Merchant in the absence of the president. in a competitive endeavor to increase are already taking on a drefsed-up ap­ At one o'clock the annual town meet­ Main St. and north of Ann Arbor St., At its regular meeting last Monday its membership. The contest is now pearance for the occasion, and some ing was held in the village hall, with and the residential district to the evening, the appointments of the presi­ and will be brought to a culmin­ attractive windows will In* ready for Supervisor Charles Rathburn presid­ south, westward to Moreland Ave., Leases Northville dent were presented to the commission ation on May 28tl).- when the entire your inspection next Saturday. ing and Calvin Whipple as secretary. thence eastward over Ann Arbor SL for approval and confirmation. Fol­ Post membership and their ladles will As a special attraction for the after­ The following appropriations were to Mill St. and the eastern village Clothing Store lowing are the appointments as pre­ banquet and make merry at the ex­ noon five troops of Boy Scouts from made for the ensuing year: limits, thence back uptown by way of sented, and as unanimously approved pense of the losing team. Plymouth. Newburg and Rosedale Gar­ General Fund ...................$6,000 Hamilton St. and Union St. After Irving Ulrich, proprietor of Ulrich’s by the commission: Tlie opposing teams are captained by dens will give an exhibition in Kellogg Poor Fund ......... 1.500 midnight the entire southern portion of Men's Store on Liberty street, this Assessor and treasurer—George W. Swell Ecklund and John Straub, two l*ark. commencing at 3:30 o'clock. Library Fund —-- 1,000 - the village is patrolled by car rather village, has taken a lease on the Sam Richwine ardent Legionnaires who are out to One of the features of the program Public Nurse ......... 1,200 than afoot. The portion of the vil­ Knapp block on East Main street, Attorney—Roger J. Vaughn make good on Department command­ will lie an invitational marble tourna­ Itoad Repair Fund. 50c per $1,000. lage north and east of the P. M. R. R. Northville, and will oi»en a similar Health Officer—Dr. A. E. Patterson er Kelley's promise to National ment open to any boy In Plymouth and Highway Improvement Fund, '60c per is policed nt night precisely as in the store in that village, Saturday, April Cemetery Trustee—Edward Gayde Commander Bodenhamer for an in­ vicinity, for which prize ribbons for $1,000. t past. 12th. Besides a stock of men's furn­ Board of Review—Walter W. Smith. crease of five hundred members in the first, second and third places wllf be The following is the vote for towh- The plan in effect has the advantage ishings. Mr. Ulrich will carry a com­ Frank Toucray department of Michigan before the awarded to the winners. This contest sbip officers: of complete police protection for all plete stock of shoes for men and boys. Auditing Committee—Robert O. next National convention. wil be followed by exhibitions of Scout Supervisor—Charles Rathburn, Jr. 314 parts of the village at night. Through Mr. Ulrich will continue his store In Mimm&ck. Floyd Kehrl The membership drive is In line activities by the members of the sever­ Clerk—Calvin Whipple ......... .......310 use of a car an officer can extend over Plymouth until after Easter. The manager likewise presented his with the national commander's plea for al troojH to include tent pitching by Treasurer—Lului Quartel ............. 306 a much greater area Khan he could Mr. Ulrich has many friends in appointments for the coming year, a greatly enlarged roster to strengthen Plymouth Troop No. 2. and first aid justice of Peace^-Ford Brooks..... 307 afoot, always with the expectation of Plymouth who will regret to have him which were duly confirmed by the com­ his hand in the important legislation work by Plymouth Troop No. 1. Highway Commissioner—Melburn stopping to investigate any situation leave the business circle of the village. mission. These appointments are as now, being sponsored in Congress for As a closing number the retreat Partridge................................r.....305 that may appear suspicious. Further, Orlo Owen, who has conducted a follows: the relief of the disabled veterans of ceremony in which all the troojis will Highway Overseer—Floyd Miller ... 305 the uptown and downtown business clothing store In the Penniman Allen Chief of Police—George W. Springer the World war. iwrticipate will be enacted at the flag Member Board of Review—Won. districts are receiving the continuous EDWARD C. LEACH theatre building in Northville, and Supt. Public Works—Wm. A. Redde- Comrade Straub's team Is composed staff. Petz ............................... qpo night police protection to which they formerly of Plymouth, will remove his man are entitled. To date the plan Is from Livonia Center. He attended stock to the new location and conduct Chief of Fire Dept.—Fred of Jolliffe, Springer. Richwine, Zerch- During the evening from 7 :00 to 8:00 Constables— the district school at the Center and er, Moore. Wrench. Galotsis, Coverdill, o’clock, the Plymouth High School George Springer .
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